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Sports Writing


3. MUST constantly bear in mind that he writes for his readers and not for himself.• MUST attend
games as a reporter, not as a spectator or cheerer.• MUST observe accuracy in his articles or write-ups.

4. • MUST observe accuracy in his articles or write-ups.• MUST be fair and unbiased in reporting, even
though he has a favorite team among the competing groups.• MUST know sports well enough – its
rules, strategies, team and player records and the like.

5. MUST know the coaches and players as intimately as possible.

MUST be able to take notes quickly without losing the sequence of the play.

MUST use the specialized language of the particular sports he is reporting.

6. • MUST avoid sports slang and trite expressions; and should tell the story in plain, factual terms that
truly describe the action.• MUST not make comments without supporting them with facts on which
these are based.

7. • SPORTS WRITING is, basically, news writing, too.

8. • Observably all the elements found in news writing – timeliness or immediacy, prominence,
proximity or nearness, oddity, conflict, consequence, human interest, drama, romance or sex, numbers
and others – are also present in sports writing. All the rules present in news writing – especially those on
accuracy, brevity and clarity -- virtually apply to sports writing, too.

9. • The latter, however, has a greater freedom of STYLE.

10. • Moreover, the most defined element in sports writing is conflict as sports connotes competition,
contest, dispute, struggle or battle for supremacy by individuals or groups of individuals. Definitely,
conflict is present in sports competitions.• Opposing forces generally fight for the crown and exert all
efforts and strategies towards this much-sought triumph.

11. •ACTION, therefore, is present in sports and it is the duty of the sports writer to bring or picture this
action to the readers who were unable to directly watch the actual contest. The sports writer who can
expertly describe the sports action through words, phrases or sentences is one successful writer,
indeed!• Since action is foremost in sports, there is consequently a need for the writer to be adept at or
knowledgeable about verbs and adjectives. Verbs are action words and adjectives are words that can
aptly describe the action in the event.

12. • At present, there exists much leeway in sports writing styles. Merely reading sports stories at
present immediately proves that most sports stories are now gearing towards NOVELTY LEADS.
Nevertheless, of course, sports writers have not totally forsaken the summary lead.
13. The leads nowadays promptly describe the action through carefully selected sentences that instantly
deliver the reader to the sports scene.


15. THE LEAD ITSELF• When utilizing the summary lead (Five Ws and One H), the writer must not fail to
state specifically who won the game and against whom.• It is imperative to state the score or outcome.
Where was the contest held? When?• If the game was not completed due to weather conditions or
other incidents, say so; but tell the existing score when it was stopped.

16. THE BODYOF THE STORY• If the lead is written in a thrilling vein, the body should be given the same
treatment.• Give the play-by-play account of the contest, taking note of decisive or interesting plays or
any highlights that occurred therein.

17. Give the best scores of the day as well as the team or individual standings after the game, plus the
game’s significance, if any. Statements that are quite controversial or significant may likewise be
included in the body of the story. The weather condition may be mentioned, too, together with the
crowd’s reactions and subsequent post-game celebration scenes.

18. •USE of SLANG LANGUAGE• DISCARD: … a severe blow administered to the face and another, with
the left hand, to the region of the stomach.• PREFERRED : … a hard uppercut to the jaw and a left jab to
the belt line.• DISCARD: The left-handed pitcher threw the ball so well that his opponents were unable
to strike it.• PREFERRED: The southpaw pitched airtight ball.


20. • SAN DIEGO – The St. Louis Cardinals surrounded Reggie Sanders in the clubhouse and chanted
“MVP! MVP! MVP!” ==========• A double black-eye. With that, it’s understandable why Ateneo coach
Norman Black is feeling blue these days. ==========• FARMINGTON, Pennsylvania – Phil Mickelson.
Vijay Singh. David Thomas, Jim Furyk. With four of the top five money winners on the US PGA Tour, the
84 Luimber Classic has na better field than most of the post-major tournaments. ==========

21. • The best is yet to come from the “Beast”. “Coach told me that we have a very long tournament so I
have to pace myself,” Purefoods Chunkee import Marquin Chandler said Sunday night. ==========•
Marquin Chandler was not merely a Giant for Purefoods Chunkee last night. He was a monster.

22. • For a while, as confetti rained down on the triumphant Far Eastern U Tamaraws, it looked like
coach Bert Flores will be going through the whole euphoria without experiencing the biggest thrill of it
all – a victory ride from his players. ==========• The newest faces of Philippine tennis continued to
emerge from the horizon. ==========• LAS VEGAS – Shane Mosley was anything but sweet. He was a
winner, though, with his sights set on bigger things. ==========

23. Sports Headlines• HEADLINES are an equally important part of a sports news story. While the lead
summarizes the entire news development, the headline summarizes the lead itself.
24. ONE DECK Pacquiao wins! P’sinan is champ! Espino is victor! Patriots, Beermen clash tonite

25. TWO DECKS Mindanao beach volley champs GM Barbosa off to Vietnam La Salle gals eye second
crown in UAAP volleyball Donaire in 12th Elorde awards

26. THREE DECKS Broken nose steals milestone glory from Kobe Powerade vows to win crown
Undermanned Azkals battle Icheon FC

27. FOUR DECKS M’weather: Maganto, Pacquiao ‘cheaters’ POC to raise own funds for Olympic

28. Transforming theHEADLINE Dagupan City hosts national seniors basketball tournament Dagupan
hosts national seniors basketball tourney Dagupan hosts nat’l seniors cage tourney Dagupan hosts nat’l

29. SPORTS VOC A BUL A RY(Some frequently used terms or sports lingo)

30. • BASKETBALL - quintet, zone defense, five, rebound, rally, man-to-man, keyhole area, 30- second
clock, long tom, tip-in, press, steals, 15-foot line, twinner, follow-up, lemon time, playoff slot, haul
rebounds, dish out assists, inside baskets, point guard, home

court advantage, playmaker.• BASEBALL/SOFTBALL - diamond, pitcher, short stop, southpaw, shut out,
back stop, pegged at third, swatters, pitcher’s mound, hit a homerun, fails to make the catch, deep
center, fielder, strike out, innings, a double steal of second and third bases, unearned runs, reaches first
base safely.

31. – VOLLEYBALL - booming service, net ball, spikes, change court, wallop, best attacker/receiver/
server/blocker/digger/setter, block, two out of three, blocked his kill, spiker, peppered with 12 hits.–
SOCCER FOOTBALL - goalie, fullback, corner kick, pigskin, penalty kick, centrada, corner kick– SIPA -
fancy kick, dead ball, single, ball on play, double.

32. • GOLF - hole-in-one, birdie, bogey, par, fired a 7- under-64, win by two strokes second putt, behind
the green, one- shot lead, tee-off, four-stroke lead, sprint down the fairway, hit pivotal shots, hole clutch
putts, carded a two-under par 70• TENNIS - straight sets, singles, smash cut, doubles, half volleys,
passing shots, good serving, grass court, backhand volley, double fault, lost serve• TRACK EVENTS -
breasted the tape, dashes, runs (200, 400 & 800), hurdles,burned the cinders, relay, clocked a new
record, photo finish, middle distance runner, anchor man, pass the baton, bore down on him, break the

33. – FIELD EVENTS - heaved the shotput, hurled the javelin, threw the discus, broad jump, pole vault,
hop-step-and-jump, Grecian disc, long jump.– CYCLING - wheel by wheel, remate, multi-lap, yellow
jersey, lead pack.– BOXING - round by round, slugfest, flyweight, welterweight, jab, uppercut,
heavyweight, uppercut, ring, knockout loss, landed a left body blow, lightweight, super-featherweight,
split decision, boxing stable, flurry of punches.
34. – SWIMMING - aquabelle, freestyle, tanker, breaststroke, naiad, backstroke, diving board.–
TAEKWONDO - turning side kick, jins, heavyweight, finweight, flyweight.– CHESS - grandmaster, chess
board, zugzwang, plus 47 ELO rating, nine-round tournament, blitzkrieg chess, king,

queen, board one, bishop, knight, opening move, rookor tower, pawn.– ARCHERY - bowman, drawing


it gives advance information of the coming event. The following are the expected outcomes news.

3. Historical background of the game or event. Players and coaches. Physical and mental qualities of the
athletes. Strengths and weaknesses of each player and team based on their previous competitions.
Noteworthy event that could be included in the news. Weather that could affect the game. Expected
viewers. Statement of the coaches and athletes.

4. It contains important reports like the following: Outcome. Spectacular parts of the game. Star player.
Weather. Audience/viewers. comparison of the strength and weakness of the athletes of both teams.
Significance ofthe Outcome.

5. --it summarizes the activities of the team. It also analyzes the recently concluded game like a player,
who was injured and the psychological aspects of the players, chaos on the technicality, statistics and its

6. --it is based on the data gathered from authorities or officials of the game. It could also be a summary
of the different events and almost simultaneously played in an athlete meet.

7. Know the rules of the game. Know key people—coaches, trainers, players and their weight, height,
and position in the team, experience and others. List down their names in full and check the spelling. If
possible, attend practice session. Jot down quote, anecdote and other event, which can be included in
the sport news. Interview key persons who are involved in the game.

8. Beat the venue ahead of time. Look for a good working place where you can closely witness the game.
Note interesting events before the game. Observe closely and list down the following: The most thrilling
part of the game. Unexpected event like a neophyte who performs excellently. Humorous event.
Audience’s reactions. Celebrities or prominent people who witness the game. Statement of the players,
coaches and the audience.

9. Check the accuracy of the score from the officials. Interview star player or coach of the winning team,
coach and athlete of the losing team can also be interviewed. Note audience or viewers’ reactions.
10. Must be sports enthusiast. Must know the basic rules, strategies and players or team’s records.
Ability to take note quickly without missing the important sequence of the play. Must be fair in reporting
even if he has a favorite team or player. Must observe accuracy in presenting facts. Has wide knowledge
on sports lingo.

11. s Write the story immediately after the event. Be accurate not only with score but also in all other
highlights of the game. Include human interest like the personal background of the player. Inject
humorous event when needed. Follow the inverted pyramid structure in presenting the data. Support
data with opinion. Be original. Use sports lingo but do not overdo it. Be selective and pick out only from
the multitude of details, the ones that count and can tickle the interest if the readers.

12. --it summarizes or analyzes the event by giving the significance, the winner, the hero, the scores, the
place and time or date when the event happens. It immediately answers five W’s and one H. Novelty
Lead can also be used in writing sports news, but the second paragraph should also answer the five W’s
and one H.

13. –it contains the play-by-play account of the game like the following: The most crucial part of the
game. Star player. Writer’s record of the background of athletes and coaches. Observation of the
number and reactions of the audience or viewers and the weather condition. Celebrities who witness
the game.

14. S –it usually contains quotes from players and coaches, statistics and team standing.

15. this is usually used when the best angle of the sports event is through the collective effort of all the
members of the winning team.

16. when one or two of the members of the team seem to standout of the rest of the players that
caused the team to win the game, their heroic deed is the best angle to start a sports news.

2. How do you learn about the recent political issues in our country? How are you informed about the
latest gossip in school?

3. NEWS Any new information on a current event or unusual situation that has meaning to a set of
readers and listeners.

4. Grab your dailies and share the news that caught your attention.

5. ELEMENTS of NEWS 1. Immediacy 2. Proximity 3. Prominence 4. Human Interest 5. Consequence 6.


6. 7. Conflict 8. Change or Progress 9. Drama 10. Number 11. Sex ELEMENTS of NEWS

7. Read one headline and identify which element is shown.

8. SOURCES of NEWS 1. Beats of the Beat System 2. Printed Materials 3. Tips from Teachers and

9. 4. Publicity and Press Releases 5. Future Book or Done Book 6. An Alert Corps of Reporters SOURCES

10. Writing the News Story: LEAD

11. LEAD Beginning Answers 5WsH Uses S-V-O

12. Read the lead of the news you have chosen earlier.

13. KINDS of LEAD 1. Who Lead 2. What Lead 3. When Lead A. Conventional or Summary Lead

14. KINDS of LEAD 4. Where Lead 5. Why Lead 6. How Lead A. Conventional or Summary Lead

15. KINDS of LEAD 1. Punch 2. Background Lead 3. Contrast Lead B. Unconventional or Novelty Lead.

16. KINDS of LEAD 4. Epigram Lead 5. Picture Lead 6. Descriptive Lead B. Unconventional or Novelty Lead

17. KINDS of LEAD 7. Parody Lead 8. One-Word Lead 9. Quotation Lead 10. Question Lead B.
Unconventional or Novelty Lead

18. Read the lead of the news you have chosen and identify its kind.

19. LEAD Body and details

20. QUALITIES of EFFECTIVE LEADS 1. Focus 2. Context 3. Form 4. Information 5. Voice 6. Surprise


22. STEPS… 1. Study carefully the notes you took for the story.

23. STEPS… 2. Select the essential Ws and H.

24. STEPS… 3. Arrange the facts according to their importance.

25. STEPS… 4. Eliminate all the unnecessary details.

26. STEPS… 5. Dig out the lead facts and put the best W or Ws forward.

27. STEPS… 6. Write the body or text of the story. Proof read.

28. TYPES of NEWS STORIES A. According to Sequence or Chronology 1. Advance or Anticipated 2. Spot

29. TYPES of NEWS STORIES A. According to Sequence or Chronology 3. Coverage News 4. Follow-up
30. TYPES of NEWS STORIES B. According to Structure 1. Straight News 2. News Feature

31. TYPES of NEWS STORIES C. According to Treatment 1. Fact Story 2. Action Story 3. Speech Report 4.
Quote Story

32. The NEWSWRITER must: 1. Have genuine interest in people and in events. Anton

33. The NEWSWRITER must: 2. Be able to meet and talk with all kinds of people at all times.

34. The NEWSWRITER must: 3. Have the ability to speak and write well in the native tongue and in

35. The NEWSWRITER must: 4. Be knowledgeable about what news is and what it can do.

36. The NEWSWRITER must: 5. Be willing to work with others.

37. The NEWSWRITER must: 6. Be resourceful.

38. The NEWSWRITER must: 7. Have integrity.

39. The NEWSWRITER must: 8. Give complete, impartial and accurate information.

40. The NEWSWRITER must: 9. Write clearly using simple words and in as few words as possible.

41. The NEWSWRITER must: 10. Not withhold any information relevant to the news.

42. The NEWSWRITER must: 11. Not editorialize.

43. R E M E M B E R  KISS  Average 15-20 words per sentence  50-60 words per paragraph

44. R E M E M B E R  One thought per paragraph  Use short and simple words  Use strong verbs and
active voice

45. Writeshop!!!

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