G10 Q2 Health Module 1 - For Reg - L Editing

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Quarter 2 – Module 1
Health Trends, Issues, and
Concerns in the National Level

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Quarter 2 – Module 1 – Week 1: Health Trends, Issues, and Concerns in the National

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein
the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office
may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been
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The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Praises Concepcion B. Recamunda
Editors: Eva Edna Carinan, Joan S. Barallas and Rolando Espiritu 
Reviewer: Maria Teresa P. Borbor
Illustrator: Henny Ray Daet
Layout Artist: Melody P. Borbor

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Week 1 Health Trends, Issues, and Concerns

Lesson 1  in the National Level

As an adolescent, you experience numerous health issues that pertain to your well-
being. This module will help you recognize and understand how the government works with
various institutions and sectors to address issues and concerns. It is important to know these
policies because they embody your rights as a citizen of the country. Be aware. Be
knowledgeable. Practice your rights.

So, let’s get started!

Introductory Message
Dear Facilitator:

This module gives the learner and the parents/guardians/siblings an opportunity to

recognize and understand how the government works with various sectors to address
national health trends, issues and concerns in our country. The lessons require reading
(silently or aloud) to further enhance the reading and comprehension skills of the learner.
A Pre-Test is given to the Learner for a simple diagnosis about the lesson. An
Answer Key is provided on a separate sheet at the back of this module. Please make sure to
assist the learner in answering the tests and activities honestly to ensure reliability of
gathered information.
Furthermore, please remind the learners to use separate sheets in answering the
pre-test, self-check exercises, and post-test, properly labelled.

Dear Learner:

This module will let you experience learning on your own, within the standards of the
Department of Education. The activities were customized so that you will find learning still
fun and accessible even at home.
Please follow the instructions given in this module and please also listen for further
instructions from your facilitator. With a little collaboration with your family, you might also
find learning more enjoyable.
Keep on Learning and Be Safe!


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Hello, Learner.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
・discusses the existing health related laws


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - caused by human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) which usually does not have symptoms in its early stages.

Act - the formal product of a legislative body

Alternative - one of two or more things, courses, or propositions to be chosen

Consumer - one that utilizes economic goods

Hazards - a source of danger

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - either of the two retroviruses that infect and
destroy helper T cells of the immune system causing the marked reduction in their numbers
that is diagnostic of AIDS

Pillar - a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part

Reproductive health - state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters
relating to the reproductive system, at all stages of life” (Galvez Tan, et al., 2009).

Traditional - following or conforming to tradition: adhering to past practices or

established conventions

Trends - a line of general direction or movement

Welfare - aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need

Hello, Learner. Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s test if you are ready to go.

“1 Pic 1 Law”

Images below each represent a Health-related law. Identify the law represented by the
picture shown. Write only the letter of the correct answer on your activity notebook. To check
your answer, please refer to the answer key on page 12.

A. Consumer Act
B. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act

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E. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act

F. Tobacco Regulation Act
G. Cybercrime Prevention Act
H. Anti-Child Pornography Act
I. National Blood Services Act
J. Anti-Hazing Law
K. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
L. Seat Belts Use Act
M. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law

1. 2. 3.

https://danrogayan.files.w https://cdn5.vectorstock.c https://unfspinnaker.com/wp-

ordpress.com/2012/10/cy om/i/1000x1000/48/54/no content/uploads/2018/07/se
bercrime.jpg -smoking-sign-vector- atbelts-475x320.jpg

4. 5. 6.

https://www.georgianjour https://moh.bangsamoro.
nal.ge/pictures/image16/ gov.ph/images/AIDS_log
1a8a0954c78068a7b4e2 o.jpg

7. 8. 9.

https://akobicolpartylist.fil https://www.iligan.gov.ph/wp- https://www.colourbox.co

es.wordpress.com/2015/ content/uploads/2014/11/New m/preview/12392366-
11/no-frat.jpg s-11-06-20143.jpg hand-holding-plant-logo-

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10. 11.

https://hygeiabercero.files. https://classroomclipart.com/im
wordpress.com/2016/12/fa ages/gallery/Clipart/Food/Groc
milypic.jpg ery_Clipart/shopping-cart-full-

12. 13.

  https://seattledrugrehabilitation.co https://jessicacomedian.fil
m/wp-content/uploads/Blog- es.wordpress.com/2017/0
Seatle-Dangerous-Combination- 4/donate-
of-Drugs-and-Alcohol.jpg blood.png?w=1100


Republic Act No. 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines has three
objectives (Galvez Tan, et al., 2009):
1. Protect the interest of the consumer
2. Promote his/her general welfare
3. Establish standards of conduct for business and industry

To achieve the objectives, the Act aims to protect people against hazards to health
and safety, and deceptive and unfair sales acts and practices. In this light, the policy
mandates for information dissemination and education to facilitate sound choice and proper
exercise of rights by the consumer.

The Consumer Act also covers the quality and safety of different products like
food, drugs, cosmetics, and devices. The policy also promotes the protection of citizens
against hazardous substances that may be in sale. Hence, proper labeling and fair
packaging shall be required for all the products being sold.

Aside from health information and products, health services also play an
important role in appraising and improving the well-being of a person. Health services, which
are also covered under the Consumer Act, are also availed by consumers. One form of
health service is complementary and alternative medicine.
In connection with the Consumer Act, Republic Act 8423 or the Traditional and
Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 (TAMA) provides for the improvement of quality and

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delivery of healthcare services in the country through the development of traditional and
alternative healthcare and its integration into the national healthcare system.

The policy also identifies medicinal plants in the country which are readily
available. These medicinal plants shall be given care by different agencies. In order to
coordinate various activities and programs in the traditional and alternative healthcare
delivery system, the Act provisions the establishment of the Philippine Institute of
Traditional and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC) to accelerate the development of the said
healthcare in the country. The TAMA of 1997 states that there are more than 2000 available
medicinal plants in the country, but only 10 are approved by the Department of Health.

Another pressing health issue that concerns you as an adolescent is reproductive

health. “Reproductive health is defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-
being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, at all stages of life” (Galvez Tan, et
al., 2009). With the sudden physical and emotional changes in your body, more and more
questions are starting to surface. Reproductive health is crucial for it paves the way for your
social and economic development. Furthermore, it has also a great influence in the health of
the next generation. The health of newborn children will be dependent on the health of the
parents, particularly the mother.

To aid the reproductive health needs of the citizens, the government mandated the
Republic Act No. 10354 or most commonly known as the Responsible Parenthood
and Reproductive Health Act.

Reproductive health also concerns problems such as sexually-transmitted

infections. According to Dr. Natividad (2013), in the Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study
of 2013 (YAFS-4), a survey of Filipino college and high school graduates, 36.2 percent and
43.5 percent respectively admitted to having engaged in premarital sex. In addition 66.7
percent and 79.6 percent did not use any protection at first premarital sex. These scenarios
are most often the causes of infections.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS is caused by human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which usually does not have symptoms in its early
stages. “Initially, people with HIV were diagnosed as having AIDS only when they
developed blood infections, the cancer known as Kaposi’s sarcoma, or any of the 21 other
indicator diseases” (Donatelle, 2006). In addition, HIV is highly infectious through unprotected
sexual intercourse, breastfeeding (of an infected mother to infant), and blood
transfusion/injecting drugs (needles used for infected patients). Currently, there are several
treatment options for HIV and AIDS, but no known cure yet.

In this light, the government also puts its efforts to eradicate these sex-related
diseases, most especially AIDS.

The Republic Act No. 8504 or the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
of 1998 was passed by the Congress on July 28, 1997. The Act promulgates “policies and
prescribing measures for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, instituting
a nationwide HIV/AIDS information and educational program, establishing a comprehensive
HIV/AIDS monitoring system, strengthening the Philippine National AIDS Council, and for
other purposes” (PNAC).

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The Act also provides for education and information dissemination in various
institutions and agencies, safe practice and procedures (testing, screening, and counseling)
in health organizations and associations, monitoring of cases with confidentiality, and
programs for anti-discriminatory acts (in the workplace, hospitals, and other public

Hello learner…
Are you ready to continue or you might want to take a short rest?
Do some stretching, take a water break or have a little snack…
And after you are recharged…
You may go back to continue with our module…
So let’s get it on!


Read the letter of complaint given and answer the questions that come after it. Write your
answers in your activity notebook. To check your answer, please refer to the answer key on
page 12.

July 17, 2020

The Manager
All is Well Store
Legazpi City

Dear Sir/Madam:


Last Friday, I went to your store to buy a box of yogurt with serial no. 14892073. I
was in a hurry so I was not able to check the product I’ve purchased from your store.
To my disappointment, I found out that it was already beyond expiration date so, I did
not consume it anymore. Hence, I would like to request that it be replaced
as soon as possible. My personal no. is 0999567890. I am looking forward to an
immediate response from you.
Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Precious Onob
Daraga, Albay

1. What is the letter sender’s dilemma?

2. What consumer’s right is the letter sender practicing?

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The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act build its foundation on four
1. Identify these pillars below by unscrambling the letters.
2. Read the provisions beside each pillar.
3. Write your answers on your activity notebook. To check your answer, please refer
to the answer key on page 12.

Pillar 1:
________ ______

As stated in the Act, effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are
ethically and medically safe, legal, accessible, and affordable, shall be given primacy to
ensure the health of the mother and child. Also, the government shall promote and provide
unbiased information and access to these services. This pillar also covers the provision for
the integration of reproductive health and sexuality education in schools, and other
educational settings.

Pillar 2:
_______ ___ ____

The Act recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law. However, mothers
identified to have aborted an unborn child will be served with post-abortive treatment and
counseling in a humane, nonjudgmental, and compassionate manner.

Pillar 3:
_____ _______

Reproductive healthcare, information, and supplies shall be made available most

especially to poor beneficiaries. However, the Act provisions also that the government must
respect the citizen’s individual preferences and choices of family planning method.

Pillar 4:
___________ __________

Couples determine their ideal family size. In addition, the government shall equip
each parent with needed information in all aspects of family life, reproductive health, and this


Write TRUE if it is according to the policy, and FALSE if it is not. Write your answers on your
activity notebook. To check your answer, please refer to the answer key on page 13.

1. A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues, or organs.

2. HIV testing is not compulsory and required.

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3. Pre- and post-test counseling sessions are given to those who

undergo HIV testing in accredited centers.
4. People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by
public hospitals because infection might spread.
5. AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and
writes reports about it.
6. A person with HIV/AIDS is treated with utmost confidentiality by
medical personnel.
7. A patient’s case is still confidential even if there is interference by a court.
8. The AIDS Prevention and Control A c t of 1998 promotes
discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS.
9. The Philippine National AIDS Council manages the HIV testing in various
accredited centers.
10. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad

Good job!
You are almost on the last part of your journey!

Identify the policy being described in each number. Choose from the box the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answers on your activity notebook. To check your answer,
please refer to the answer key on page 13.

  A. Consumer Act
B. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
  C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act

1. Provides for the regulation of products and services being sold and offered
in the country

2. Provides assistance for the prevention and control of AIDS

3. Provides for maternal and child healthcare, family planning, and responsible

4. Identifies scientifically proven herbs as medicinal plants

5. Recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law

6. Develops traditional and alternative healthcare modalities

7. Establish standards of conduct for business and industry

8. Equips each parent with needed information in all aspects of family life

9. Protects the interest of the consumer

10. Strengthens the Philippine National AIDS Council

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Read more about the Republic Acts that we tackled in this module. You can check and
watch some videos related to the topics in this module just like some video links below.

Consumer Act:

Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act:


Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act:


Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act:



PRE-TEST - “1 Pic 1 Law”

1. G. Cybercrime Prevention Act

2. F. Tobacco Regulation Act
3. I. Seat Belts Use Act 
4. M. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
5. H. Anti-Child Pornography Act
6. D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
7. J. Anti-Hazing Law
8. B. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
9. K. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
10. C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
11. A. Consumer Act
12. E. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
13. J. National Blood Services Act


1. What is the letter sender’s dilemma?

Possible Answer: The letter sender wants to return the product that she bought from
the store since the product she purchased was already expired.

2. What consumer’s right is the letter sender practicing?

Possible Answer: (Either of this two given possible answers)

● Right to redress -the right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods,
or unsatisfactory services (selling expired products)

● Right to safety - protect consumers against the marketing of goods or the provision
of services that are hazardous to health and life (consumer may have food poisoning
from consuming expired products)

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Pillar 1:

Pillar 2:

Pillar 3:

Pillar 4:




1. A. Consumer Act
2. D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
3. C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
4. B. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
5. C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
6. B. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
7. A. Consumer Act
8. C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
9. A. Consumer Act
10. D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act


Grade 10 Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material pages 232-241

Daily Lesson Log Mapeh 10 –Quarter 2


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Quarter 2 – Module 1 - Week 1
Health Trends, Issues, and
Concerns in the National Level

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

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