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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 3: Gather and Analyze

Name: Aamori Johnson Date: 04/22/2022

Graded Assignment
PBL Project 3: Analyze Data
Research and find a real-time world map and analyze information on severe weather phenomena.

BI7-ETS1-1 Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that
account for societal needs and wants.

[AR Clarification Statement: Examples could include increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, ocean acidification, impacts on
marine populations, increased wildfire occurrence, deforestation, and overfishing.]

(2 points)


1) Describe a major global problem related to the severe weather phenomena you chose.
Answer: Waterspouts can cause water pollution. They can do this by destroying boats and ships. The pieces of these ships
will sink in the ocean which adds into the pollution that’s already there.

(6 points)


2) Qualitatively and quantitatively, describe the extent and depth of the problem and its major consequences to society
and/or the natural world.

Globally: “Clean water is a key factor for economic growth. Deteriorating water quality is stalling economic growth,
worsening health conditions, reducing food production, and exacerbating poverty in many countries.” said World Bank
Group President David Malpass.”( It takes a lot of money to measure of “how much organic pollution is in
water and a proxy measure of overall water quality.” Since these checks would have to be made often, a lot of money
would be spent.
Locally: “Water pollution causes many waterborne contagious diseases which are the results of fecal-oral route of infection.
Health risks resulted by water pollution includes different diseases like cancer, diarrheal disease, respiratory disease,
neurological disorder and cardiovascular disease.” “Contaminated water can harbor bacteria, such as those responsible for
diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A, and polio. According to the UN, every year, approximately 297,000
children under five die from diseases linked to poor sanitation, poor hygiene, or unsafe drinking water. “ (

(4 points)


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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 3: Gather and Analyze

3) Describe societal needs and wants that are relative to the problem (e.g., for controlling CO2 emissions, societal needs
include the need for cheap energy).

Answer: Social needs are cleaner water utilities, picking up trash, and using fertilizer. More needs are discarding oil in
proper places and not throwing objects and liquids down the sewage drain. Another would be getting a grasp on air
pollution as that effects the quality of the water as well. A social want is better water quality.

(6 points)


4) What are the qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for an acceptable solution to this problem? Include
data tables and graphs to support your data.
Answer: An acceptable solution for this problem would be to pick up trash and properly dispose of it. However, there is a
constraint to this. “Critics argue that public cleanups do not address the root causes of this pollution. Cleaning a beach is
not turning the tide, they say, because the tide will just come in again, depositing more plastic cups, bottles, straws, bags
and discarded fishing equipment. What we need to do, they argue, is reduce unnecessary plastic at source, design less
harmful products and develop better recycling processes.”(Environment Programme) Quantitative evidence of this can be
seen in Figure 1.
There are also certain criteria for this solution a well. is a website that gives instructions on how to dispose of
trash. They have rules on what you should for objects big to small. An example would be, If you are dropping off a bulk
item, it might not be picked up if certain tags aren’t on it. There is another set of rules that also goes along with recycling.
Quantitative evidence of this can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1 This table shows how the large

Figure 2 This graph talks about the
production of plastic effects the water quality.
recycling statistics of each of the
(Ritchie, Hannah and Roser, Max-Our World in Data) following items. Having these items
separated means that there are
criteria that put them in different
(2 points)
categories causing them to be
recycled differently.(Ritchie, Hannah-
FAQs About Plastics)

5) What sources did you use for this information?


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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 3: Gather and Analyze

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