PBL 9.05 - Research and Simulate

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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 5: Research and Simulate

Name: Aamori Johnson Date:05/13/2022

Graded Assignment
PBL Project 5: Research and Simulate
Research and analyze a computer simulation on severe weather and how it is effected by
climate change.

BI7-ETS1-4 Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world problem with
numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems relevant to the problem.
[AR Clarification Statement: Simulations could include management of natural resources for sustainable yields, agricultural
efficiency to feed a growing world population, and urban planning to maximize green space.]

BI-ESS3-6 Use a computational representation to illustrate the relationships among Earth systems and how those
relationships are being modified due to human activity.
[AR Clarification Statement:  Examples of Earth systems to be considered are the hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere,
geosphere, and biosphere. Examples of far-reaching impacts related to human activity, include how increases in one or
more atmospheric gasses (COx, NOx, Sox), and volatile organic compounds), and particulate matter could impact other
Earth systems. For example, an increase in carbon dioxide results in an increase in photosynthetic biomass and ocean
acidification with resulting impacts on marine populations.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include running
computational representations but is limited to using the published results of scientific computational models.]

(3 points)


1) What is the real-world problem you are researching?

Answer: I am researching glaciers.

(2 points)


2) What are two of Earth’s systems that are being modeled by the computational simulation?

Answer: Two systems that were being modeled were the hydrosphere and lithosphere.

(2 points)


3) What are the boundaries of the systems being modeled?

Answer: The boundaries are ice, water/water flow, temperature, earth’s surface, and soil.

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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 5: Research and Simulate

(2 points)


4) What variables can be changed by the user to model these systems and how they interact?
Answer: The variables that can be changed are the sea-level air temperature and the average snowfall.

(2 points)


5) Identify any proposed solutions to help humans deal with the effects of this type of severe weather phenomena.
Answer: A proposed solution that can be identified is making changes to improve climate change.

(2 points)


6) How can the simulation you found be used to model a proposed solution?
Answer: It can be used as a model because it shows the possible results of what can happen to glaciers
because of climate change. It shows variables such as the sea level air temperature and snowfall amount
to show you what causes glaciers to melt or be at a standstill.

(2 points)


7) What are the reasonable inputs and outputs used in this model/simulation?
Answer: Reasonable inputs are borehole drills, snowfall, sea level air temperature, and average snowfall.
Reasonable outputs are particles put into the water by the drills, higher flows of water, reduction in sea
levels, and speed of water.

(6 points)


8) What is your hypothesis of what the simulation will show as you alter the inputs? (If, Then, Because…
Answer: If I alter then inputs, the outputs will show the outputs described in the questions above because
it is a reasonable/likely response to the inputs given.

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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 5: Research and Simulate

**Run Simulation**

(4 points)


9) Compare your simulated results to your expected results

Answer: The results were pretty accurate. The speed of water was a bit more complex than I assumed and
the outputs to snowfall were shocking, but everything else looked close to what I hypothesized.

(2 points)


10) What were the limitations of the simulation?

Answer: Limitations of the simulation were the range of sea level air temperatures and snowfall. I also
think there was a limit in tools and animals.

(2 points)


11) Identify the possible negative consequences or tradeoffs of the solution.

Answer: The possible negative consequences are it didn’t show the full range of protentional outcomes
and drawbacks. For example, it didn’t show what would happen if there was a rock blocking the waterway
or what would happen to other areas of the environment if some snow never melted.

(4 points)


12) Do the negative consequences outweigh the benefits of the solution? Explain
Answer: No ,because I still feel like the information and hypotheticals the simulation gives us is still
useful and can be taken into account.

(2 points)


6) Sources:

Answer: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/cheerpj/glaciers/latest/glaciers.html?simulation=glaciers

Your Score ___ of 35

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Graded Assignment SCI203B: Biology | Unit 9 | Lesson 5: Research and Simulate

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