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nomen tuum_____________________________________________ Kal. Oct.

Latin 101: Test Two (FINAL REVIEW)

Pars Prīma: Declensions
Decline formīca, -ae “ant,” in the lines provided on the left, and decline asinus, -ī “donkey,” in the center,
and decline praedium, -ī “farmland” lines provided on the right.

ant donkey, ass farmland


nom.___________________ ________________________ ________________________

gen. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

dat. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

acc. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

abl. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________


nom.___________________ ________________________ ________________________

gen. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

dat. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

acc. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

abl. ___________________ ________________________ ________________________

nomen tuum_____________________________________________ Kal. Oct.
Latin 101: Test Two (FINAL REVIEW)
Pars Prīma: Declensions
Decline formīca, -ae “ant,” in the lines provided on the left, and decline asinus, -ī “donkey,” in the center,
and decline praedium, -ī “farmland” lines provided on the right.

ant donkey farmland


nom._____________formīca ___________________asinus ________________praedium

gen. ____________formīcae ____________________asinī __________________praediī

dat. ____________formīcae ___________________asinō _________________praediō

acc. ___________formīcam __________________asinum ________________praedium

abl. _____________formīcā ___________________asinō _________________praediō


nom.____________formīcae ____________________asinī _________________praedia

gen. _________formīcārum ________________asinōrum ______________praediōrum

dat. _____________formīcīs ___________________asinīs _________________praediīs

acc. ____________formīcās ___________________asinōs _________________praedia

abl. _____________formīcīs ___________________asinīs _________________praediīs

Pars Secunda: Quīntus Flaccum iuuat
Translate the following three passages from OLC Chapter 2 into beautifully rendered English, revealing
your love for the characters and your appretiation of the nuance of our rich story about Horace and his
whole, incomprehensibly wonderful family.

[Chapter Two, (a), (b), and (c), passges pasted here]

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