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Scada System

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

Eng:Mohamed Bhnas
scada system
Is an abbreviation Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, which refers to industrial

control systems, a computer system for monitoring and control of operations, and the nature of

these processes change according to the regulations, prepared for them

When applied properly a SCADA system can help industries to save time and money. One

example is that with SCADA, you can eliminate the need for site visits by your personnel for

inspection, adjustments and data collection. SCADA software enables you to monitor and

control the operations in real time. It can also make modifications to the system, auto-generate

reports and trouble-shoot. Some of the major benefits of a SCADA automation system are listed


1-Safety of workers and equipment are increased through predefined processes managed by a
.SCADA system

2-Engineering costs, time and risk are reduced through easy integration with all your plant

3-Productivity is increased via analysis of processes used to improve plant and production

4-Maintenance costs are reduced through centralized control and monitoring that minimizes

5-Quality is improved because the analysis of process data can result in preventing errors
.before they occur

6-Operators are more effective using SCADA because it consolidates the various plant processes
.and provides them with a comprehensive overview of operations

7-Alarms are centrally managed which improves operational effectiveness by not overwhelming
.operators unnecessarily

8-Integrating SCADA with an historian package and other business systems will connect the
.plant floor to the boardroom by sharing real-time and historical data

9-Mobility solutions provide operators with the freedom to observe operations first hand no
matter where they are
Scada techniques:

1-Classical techniques:
Using lamps to monitoring (ON-LAMP, OFF- LAMP, ERORR LAMP, FAULT LAMP …)

Human machine interface (using touch panel has software program using it to make program
related to the system and download it into touch panel to make control on the system)

3-Scada based on computer:

Software program on computer using it to make supervisory control and data acquisition
like (movicon-indesoft)

Movicon program:

Example on scada system by movicon:

How using movicon:

Tag definition:
Is method to make connection between plc and system that drowen in scada

Tag types :

Internal tag :
Tag in scada program to can make simulation in scada

External tag:
Tag bettween plc devise and sacada program

Example 2:
‫ويوجد اشكال متحركة ايضا *‬

External tag:
With movicon some types of plc connecting with movicon directly like( semiens plc –omron plc)

Some plcs need opc server to can connecte with movicon , LG plc need opc server

How opc work:


Connecting opc with movicon:


Command type with external tag

Exit button and transfer button :

Exit :

Read data from plc :

To write date in plc :


Visable text in movicon :

Alarm system in movicon:
Then right click in alarm then choose new alarm

Alam00001 is the new alarm

Double click in Alam00001: make tag from (Alarm Variable)

Then right click in Alarm00001 and choose new threshold

Double click in threshold 00001:

Activation value =1

Alarm text is the massage that you want to appear when fault or alarm condition is
true (when fault occur)

For example (motor not work)... (High temperature) and so on….

Alarm window:

Alarm massages, time appear in this window

For example:

Additional shapes in movicon (fixed and moving shapes):

Tag moving shape:

This window appears automatically *

End of this chapter


Movicon manual

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