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roles of sleep include a means for saving

energy7, temporally separating chemically
incompatible reactions8,9, allocating metabolic
Exploring phylogeny to find the resources10 and maximizing the efficiency
of metabolic processes. Several clinical
function of sleep observations11–13 also support the notion that
sleep serves metabolic roles in humans.

Ron C. Anafi, Matthew S. Kayser and David M. Raizen Sleep across phylogeny

Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals
Abstract | During sleep, animals do not eat, reproduce or forage. Sleeping animals in mammals and birds provide surrogate
are vulnerable to predation. Yet, the persistence of sleep despite evolutionary markers for sleep states, whereby wake
pressures, and the deleterious effects of sleep deprivation, indicate that sleep is characterized by mixed-frequency
serves a function or functions that cannot easily be bypassed. Recent research low-voltage signals, and deep non-rapid eye
demonstrates sleep to be phylogenetically far more pervasive than previously movement (NREM) sleep is characterized
by low-frequency high-voltage EEG
appreciated; it is possible that the very first animals slept. Here, we give an oscillations. However, at its core, sleep is
overview of sleep across various species, with the aim of determining its original defined behaviourally: sleep is a quiescent
purpose. Sleep exists in animals without cephalized nervous systems and can be behavioural state associated with reduced
influenced by non-neuronal signals, including those associated with metabolic responsiveness to weak stimuli and rapid
rhythms. Together, these observations support the notion that sleep serves reversibility in response to strong stimuli14.
The reduced sensory responsiveness during
metabolic functions in neural and non-neural tissues.
sleep distinguishes it from immobility during
wakefulness, and the rapid reversibility of the
The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath, must redirect our focus to span the tree of quiescent state distinguishes sleep from other
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s animal life. physiological and pathophysiologic quiescent
second course, Although much work regarding the states such as torpor, hibernation, tonic
Chief nourisher in life’s feast. function of sleep has relied on studies immobility and coma (Table 1). Following
Macbeth (2.2.50–52) of the consequences of sleep deprivation, sleep curtailment, some animals sleep more
this approach has limitations (Box 1). deeply3,15, whereas others extend the duration
In three short lines, William Shakespeare The study of sleep across phylogeny provides of their sleep or sleep at inappropriate
captures the diverse spirit of contemporary an alternative approach to understanding times16,17. This behavioural response to sleep
theories regarding the function of sleep. sleep function. The phylogenetic framework deprivation, which is mediated through
The “death of each day’s life” reflects the null depends on the postulation that sleep states so-called sleep homeostasis, is another central
hypothesis that sleep serves no particular emerged early in animal evolution (Fig. 1a), element of sleep, and its presence provides
function but is simply an absence of wake. such that mechanistic insights gleaned from prima facie evidence of sleep’s importance.
The phrases “sore labour’s bath” and “Balm evolutionarily distant species are informative The invertebrate first suggested to display
of hurt minds” imply that sleep functions in regarding principles of sleep in all animals. a behavioural sleep state was the cockroach
the repair of body and brain, respectively. Specifically, examination of sleep in different Leucophaea maderae, which, when forced
“nature’s second course” suggests a more species may enable the distillation of the to continue locomotion during its resting
vital and specific role for sleep, one not core functions of sleep. time, showed an increase in subsequent
served by wake. Shakespeare ends by The goal of this article is to provide immobility2, suggesting homeostatic
suggesting that sleep is singularly essential an overview of sleep states identified in guarding of the resting behavioural state.
to wake-time functioning, describing it as different species, highlighting the fact that A follow-up study showed that immobility
the “Chief nourisher in life’s feast”. certain functional aspects are probably during the inactive period was associated
Humans were the focus of Shakespeare’s conserved from an ancestral sleep state. with a reduced level of arousal18, as would
literary observations, and most of This conservation, coupled with recent be expected for a sleep state (Table 1).
the modern scientific debate on the observations of the effects of sleep on In the honeybee (Apis mellifera), a similar
purpose of sleep has similarly centred on non-neural tissues as well as the control quiescent behavioural state with reduced
human sleep. However, researchers have of sleep by non-neural tissues, suggests that arousability was associated with decreased
identified sleep in every animal carefully sleep evolved fundamentally as a metabolic responsiveness of visual interneurons,
examined. Sleep has been described in the state of the animal and serves functions demonstrating a physiological basis to
phyla Chordata1, Arthropoda2, Nematoda3, outside the nervous system. We discuss these this behaviour19.
Mollusca4, Platyhelminths5 and Cnidaria6. metabolic roles of sleep in the context of sleep The modern era of mechanistic studies
To understand sleep and its function, we phylogeny. As previously proposed, metabolic of sleep began at the turn of this century

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience


Box 1 | What can we learn from sleep deprivation experiments? possibility unlikely. For example, the
neurotransmitter dopamine suppresses sleep
the homeostatic guarding of sleep, which is observed in sleep deprivation experiments, in mice29, Drosophila30,31 and C. elegans22.
demonstrates that sleep serves an important function that cannot easily be bypassed. thus, sleep Neuropeptides defined by an amidated
deprivation experiments performed in humans77, rats138, mice115,118, fruitflies139 and roundworms49 arginine-phenylalanine carboxyl-terminus
have been used in an attempt to infer the function of sleep, with the logic that when sleep is
motif (RFamide peptides), which regulate
removed, so too will its underlying function140. Mammalian neural tissue and non-neural tissues
(including pancreatic endocrine cells, fat tissue, immune cells and skin) are all affected by sleep sleep in C. elegans32–34, also regulate sleep
deprivation12,138,141–143. total sleep deprivation for several days in rats results in a hypermetabolic in Drosophila35,36 and in the vertebrate
state (in which weight loss was observed despite increased food intake), skin breakdown, zebrafish (Danio rerio)37. Melatonin
multi-organ failure and eventual death144. promotes sleep in birds38, fish1, jellyfish6
By the above reasoning, the results of sleep deprivation experiments can be interpreted to and flatworms5. Caffeine and modafinil
indicate that sleep is required for memory formation145 and brain plasticity146, for supporting promote wake in Drosophila17,39 as well as
neuron viability147, for promoting insulin release and insulin responsiveness148, for thermo­ in vertebrates40,41. Epidermal growth factor
regulation140 and for maintaining immune149 and skin140 function. promotes sleep in Drosophila42, mammals43,44
However, observing the consequences of sleep deprivation does not necessarily reveal the and nematodes45. Finally, sleep deprivation,
normal functions of sleep. the emotional stress, elevated muscular activity and changes in
notwithstanding its limitations as a
temperature and diet associated with sleep deprivation protocols probably have independent
effects. Mechanical stimuli used to sleep-deprive fruitflies and roundworms may injure the manipulation for studying sleep function
animals25,89,139. More generally, physiological processes are often closely intertwined such that (Box 1), has been shown in all examined
their disruption can have disparate downstream consequences. species to induce cell stress, as evidenced
several lines of evidence in Drosophila support the notion that sleep deprivation engages by the activation of the endoplasmic
different mechanisms from those regulating natural sleep–wake cycles. Baseline sleep and reticulum stress response pathway in
recovery sleep are genetically distinguishable150, and the neural circuits that regulate baseline mammals46,47, birds48 and insects16, and
sleep are distinct from those that regulate sleep in response to sleep deprivation151. thus, the activation of the FOXO transcription
we speculate that the functions of these two sleep states may be distinct. factor in nematodes25,49. Thus, it is more
parsimonious to posit that sleep existed in
with the description of sleep in the fruitfly sleep can be found in an animal that has a common ancestor than to posit that sleep
Drosophila melanogaster16,17. Fruitflies show a mere 302 neurons and that lacks overt evolved convergently, each time using the
prolonged immobility during the night, circadian behavioural rhythms. same biochemical regulatory machinery.
are less responsive to stimulation during Although C. elegans does not have a Moreover, evolutionarily distant species
their quiescent period and, following forced well-defined brain, most neurons are in share common sleep functions, including
movement during the sleep period, display the front of the animal, thereby forming roles in development26, metabolism50 and
immobility during the early day, a time when a CNS of sorts. Can an animal lacking a memory consolidation51. Taken together,
they are otherwise usually active. These cephalized nervous system sleep? This the shared regulatory and functional
features are reminiscent of mammalian question was answered in a recent study of properties of sleep point to a common
sleep behaviours and responses to sleep loss. the upside-down jellyfish of the Cassiopea ancient origin and may provide a strategy
Similar to mammals, fruitflies have a clearly genus. Cassiopea is in the phylum Cnidaria, for identifying core functions common
defined CNS with a brain, which consists a sister group to the bilaterians, which across phylogeny (Fig. 1b).
of about 100,000 neurons, and, similar to include nematodes, arthropods, molluscs, With our current scientific appreciation
mammalian sleep, Drosophila sleep occurs flatworms and chordates (Fig. 1a). In of the phylogenetic ubiquity of sleep, it
with an approximately 24-hour circadian jellyfish, the body is innervated by nerve would be more contentious to claim that
periodicity16,17. Can animals that lack nets without a centralized nervous system28. a particular animal never sleeps than
prominent circadian rhythms sleep? Must a The frequency of jellyfish pulsations is to claim that it does. Complicating the
nervous system be a certain size in order for higher during the day than during the search for a non-sleeping animal are the
an animal to sleep? night. Jellyfish responsiveness is reduced diverse manifestations of sleep across
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans at night and forced movement at night phylogeny. Even among mammals, the
has just 302 neurons. The animals develop results in reduced activity and reduced variation is profound: sleep time per day
from fertilized eggs to reproductively responsiveness during the subsequent day, ranges from 2 to 3 hours in large herbivores
mature adults in about 3 days. C. elegans consistent with a homeostatic response6. to 20 hours in brown bats52. Moreover,
sleep during the four transitions between Therefore, jellyfish show sleep behaviour, certain animals, such as cetaceans53 and
larval stages, in a period called lethargus20. demonstrating that neither a brain nor birds54,55, can greatly curtail sleep time
During lethargus, which lasts approximately a CNS is required for sleep. during particular developmental times or
2 hours21, the animals stop feeding, reduce seasons. For example, during migration,
their movement and are less responsive Evidence for an ancestral sleep state. the white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia
to weak stimuli but will still respond to Although vertebrates, arthropods, leucophrys gambelii sleeps one-third as much
strong stimuli3,22,23. Following deprivation nematodes and Cnidaria species all sleep as it does when not migrating55, and the
of body-movement quiescence during at a behavioural level, it is possible that the great frigatebird Fregata minor spends less
lethargus, the animals show deeper or phylogenetic ubiquity of sleep is the result than one-tenth of the time sleeping when
more quiescence3,24,25, demonstrating of convergent evolution; that is, sleep could flying over the ocean as when on land56.
homeostatic regulation of this behaviour. have arisen repeatedly and independently Newborn killer whales (Orcinus orca) and
Given its relationship to larval development, during evolution. However, evidence for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
sleep during lethargus has been termed conserved neurochemical regulation of are thought to be almost continuously
developmentally timed sleep3,26,27. Therefore, sleep in these diverse clades makes this active in the first month after birth53.

a e.g. Cassiopea spp.


e.g. Girardia tigrina

Platyhelminthes b Functions of sleep... somatic ...across

e.g. Aplysia californica and neural phylogeny
Common Neurons

e.g. Caenorhabditis elegans

Nematoda Centralized health, Core
nervous disease and function(s)
system development of sleep

e.g. Drosophila melanogaster


e.g. Danio rerio


Fig. 1 | comparative approach for identifying the core function of sleep. a | Phylogenetic tree highlighting the six phyla in which sleep has been
described. The tree originates (far left) from a common ancestral organism, demonstrating divergent evolution of sleep. Sleep emerged at least 600 million
years ago in the last common ancestor to Cnidaria and bilateria. Rapid eye moment (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep have been described only in the phylum
Chordata, but behavioural features of sleep are evident across phylogeny , including organisms without centralized nervous systems. b | A schematic
illustrating the logic of delimiting the core function or functions of sleep by finding functions common to sleep across phylogeny , in neural and non-neural
tissue, and during development, sickness and health.

Both migrating birds56 and cetaceans57 can associated with brain-metabolic demands differences between different phases of
show electrophysiological evidence of sleep that are lower than those measured during a single sleep bout66,70. Moreover, muscle
in one side of the brain while the other side wakefulness and during REM sleep59,60. twitches, which are predominantly observed
of the brain seems to be awake. Therefore, NREM EEG activity varies depending on during REM sleep in young mammals71,
the burden of proving that an animal does sleep depth, but it is generally slower and also occur more frequently in juvenile flies
not sleep would require extensive continuous of higher amplitude than the EEG activity than in mature adults72. Therefore, whether
observations during multiple developmental observed during either wake or REM sleep62. ancestral sleep was more NREM-like or
stages and multiple seasons, in multiple REM and NREM sleep occur in mammals REM-like remains an unsettled question.
environmental conditions and possibly with and birds and may also be present in
the use of physiological recordings. Claims reptiles64, suggesting that among vertebrates it Neural requirements for sleep
of a wholly sleepless animal58 must be viewed was present at least as early as when amniotes The study of sleep has traditionally focused
with scepticism. evolved more than 300 million years ago. on animals that have brains. Hobson
Was sleep at its nascency more like famously wrote that “Sleep is of the brain,
REM and NREM sleep mammalian NREM or REM sleep? by the brain and for the brain”73. Sleep
Mammalian sleep comes in two Evidence of lower, slower neural activity regulation in vertebrates74, Drosophila75
electrophysiological and metabolic varieties. in roundworms23,65, fruitflies66,67 and and C. elegans76 is modelled in a top-down
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is crayfish68 suggests a phylogenetically manner, with specific neural centres
associated with high brain-metabolic ancient NREM-like sleep state. However, imposing sleep on the rest of the nervous
demands59,60 as well as high-frequency EEG in roundworms, behavioural sleep is system and then upon the organism at
activity61–63, nearly indistinguishable from controlled by different mechanisms large74, leading to the suggestion that
the demands and activity observed during depending on the context of sleep69 and, such neurons are fundamental to all
wakefulness. By contrast, NREM sleep is in fruitflies, there are electrophysiological sleeping animals76.

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience


Table 1 | Behavioural properties of sleep by mechanical stimulation25 (although

evidence suggests that DAF-16 is also active
Quiescent behavioural state reduced rapid reversibility? Homeostatically in neurons to promote the homeostatic
responsiveness? regulated?
response to sleep loss24,89). The influence
Sleepa Yes Yes Yes of signals from non-neuronal tissues on
Quiet wakefulness No Yes No sleep regulation suggests that the ancestral
Torpor or hibernation Yes No No function of sleep might have resided in
non-neuronal cells.
Tonic immobility No No No
Stupor or coma Yes No No Are neurons necessary for sleep?
General anaesthesia Yes No No Most neurons signal on a timescale of
Sleep is the only state to fulfil all three behavioural criteria; therefore, these behavioural tests have been milliseconds to seconds, rapidly sensing
used to distinguish sleep from other quiescent behavioural states. and responding to a changing environment.
However, sleep and wake are behaviours
Such models of the neural regulation raises an immediate question: what is the that occur on a timescale of minutes
of sleep, coupled with observations of the smallest quantum of neurons that can to hours. Therefore, these states might
strong effect of sleep deprivation on human generate sleep-like electrical activity? be controlled by endocrine signals. For
brain function77 and the use of brain-derived Primary cultures of rodent example, the chemical melatonin, which is
EEG markers as a sleep-defining factor in cortical neurons exhibit spontaneous somnogenic in birds38, fish1, jellyfish6 and
mammals, have led to the hypothesis that electrophysiological and molecular flatworms5, is released by neurons that
sleep serves a specifically neural function78,79. markers consistent with sleep states84,85. signal via an endocrine mechanism and
However, intriguing recent experiments have The neurons show synchronized slow, not via fast synaptic transmission. In
broadened our view of sleep and challenged high-voltage oscillations similar to the slow C. elegans, RFamide neuropeptides are
our preconceptions about its uniquely neural oscillations observed during NREM sleep released from a neuron called ALA and
regulation and function. in intact animal brains84. Treatment of these signal in an endocrine fashion to regulate
Brain neurons are top-down regulators cortical cultures with wake-promoting sleep45,90. We could therefore speculate that
of sleep–wake states in mammals, but chemicals such as noradrenaline or orexin non-neuronal cells producing endocrine
emerging evidence suggests the contribution disrupts these slow oscillations and leads to signals might also be able to influence motor
of a bottom-up organization. The bottom-up transcriptional changes that are similar behaviour and reduce sensitivity to external
view of sleep posits that as electrical activity to those observed in the brain of intact stimuli, resulting in sleep behaviour.
of neurons within local neural groups animals after prolonged wakefulness84. Indeed, it is interesting to consider sleep
becomes synchronized with the activity These experiments suggest that neither in animals that lack neurons altogether,
of neurons in other local neural groups, central regulatory neurons nor an intact such as sponges and the Placozoan species
behavioural sleep emerges at the organismal organism are needed to generate sleep Trichoplax adhaerens. T. adhaerens have
level80,81. Indeed, in mammalian brains, states. In this sense, the neuronal culture gland cells that are likely to contain and
local neural networks can exhibit slow experiments provide support for a secrete neuropeptides91. Despite lacking
electrophysiological oscillations (with fewer bottom-up mechanism and potentially neurons and muscle, T. adhaerens sense and
than four cycles per second) similar to those explain how sleep could emerge in animals respond to their environment and move
observed during sleep81,82 even when the that lack a CNS, such as jellyfish. and eat via the coordinated action of their
organism is awake. These local sleep-like cilia92–94. Sponges also lack muscles and
states are more probable following increased Is sleep need driven only by neurons? neurons but carry genes encoding synaptic
local network neural activity, suggesting that Recent experiments suggest that somatic scaffold proteins95, can contract coordinately
the sleep-like electrophysiological states of signals contribute to sleep regulation. Mice with a diurnal rhythm96 and can respond to
these networks serve or reflect a recovery lacking the core circadian clock gene that their environment97. Evidence that Placozoa
function81, just as behavioural sleep does encodes brain and muscle ARNT-like factor 1 spp. or Porifera spp. have a sleep state
for the whole animal. The bottom-up view (BMAL1) exhibit not only aberrant sleep would demonstrate that sleep is not just for
posits that the local sleep-like state during timings but also increased sleep duration86. organisms with neurons and would also
wake might interfere with the role of the Restoration of Bmal1 in brain neurons fails suggest that non-neuronal cells can organize
network in normal wake behaviour and to rescue the excessive sleep phenotype sleep behaviour.
is not as effective as organismal sleep at in Bmal1-deficient animals. Surprisingly, Even more speculatively, although the
achieving global sleep functions. By contrast, Bmal1 restoration in skeletal muscle search for the simplest sleeping organism has
when local neural groups eventually become reverses the excessive sleep phenotype considered only animals, perhaps the search
coordinated, the organism shows sleep of the mutants87. Similarly, in Drosophila, should be expanded to other kingdoms
behaviour. Whereas the top-down view of the NF-κB homologue Relish, which of life. Plants too can move, respond
sleep and wake is often modelled as a binary acts in the fat body, an organ analogous to their environment and show strong
switch83, the bottom-up framework lends to the vertebrate liver, promotes sleep88. circadian rhythms98. Many plants synthesize
itself more naturally to the possibility that In C. elegans, the metabolically sensitive melatonin99, although its function in plants
sleep and wake lie on a continuum along transcription factor DAF-16 (also known is not elucidated100. Cassiopea jellyfish
which the number of local neural groups as FOXO) expressed in muscle is required species live in a symbiotic relationship with
in the sleep-like electrophysiological state for the increase in sleep amount of certain single-cell photosynthetic algae, which
determines the degree of sleepiness of the gene mutants89 and for the increase in sleep provide carbohydrate fuel to these jellyfish.
whole animal. This bottom-up view thus depth after sleep deprivation produced Do these algae also ‘sleep’ at night when

photosynthetic activity is absent? Mammals cyanobacteria evolved to prevent nitrogen coordination model of sleep predicts not
are colonized with intestinal microbiota, the fixation and photosynthesis from occurring only shared metabolic changes that occur
composition of which changes with sleep simultaneously is to express the nitrogenase during sleep in different species but also
deprivation101. Should these microorganisms gene only at night, when photosynthesis does the emergence of numerous tissue-specific
be considered to be sleepers? If, at its core, not occur. Remarkably, the transcription of and organism-specific molecular changes
sleep were serving a metabolic function all Synechococcus genes varies in a circadian during both sleep and wake. The molecular
(see below), it is not inconceivable that fashion111, providing an extreme example changes observed during sleep in various
plants, algae and single-cell prokaryotes will of temporal compartmentalization of organisms and tissues support this
also ultimately be considered to sleep. biochemical reactions. hypothesis. In mammals, the transcriptional
Temporal compartmentalization of response to sleep in the liver, heart and
Sleep and metabolism metabolism extends beyond circadian lungs is similar to the transcriptional
Sleep during development and sickness. rhythms. Budding yeast cells (Saccharomyces response in the brain115–118 and suggests
In many animals, including humans, there cerevisiae) do not display overt circadian that sleep is a time for anabolic activity
are large changes in sleep amounts and rhythms in metabolism but do show highly and the building of macromolecules in all
sleep types (REM versus non-REM) during periodic metabolic and transcriptional cell types. Nevertheless, specific molecular
development26. In the nematode, sleep is rhythms112. In yeast, DNA replication is changes also vary greatly across tissues and
observed during development and coincides restricted to the reductive phase of an cells. For example, even within the brain,
with the animal’s moult3, a time of high approximately 4-hour metabolic cycle, when different regions and cell types show unique
metabolic demand in the epidermis, which non-respiratory modes of metabolism are patterns of sleep-modulated transcription119.
secretes and assembles a new cuticle20. activated, presumably to protect the genome Moreover, tissue-specific molecular changes
In Drosophila, sleep occurs during larval from oxidative damage that could occur that are associated with circadian cycles
stages102, and sleep quantity and depth are during aerobic respiration113. occur in temporal coordination with sleep
increased in young adult flies compared With regard to sleep, metabolic temporal and other entrained behaviours such
with mature adult flies16,103. In humans and compartmentalization may serve not only to as feeding117,120. Indeed, sleep-induced
other terrestrial mammals that are born separate chemically incompatible reactions temperature and hormonal changes
in an underdeveloped state, sleep need is but also to divert energetic resources used in probably play a part in synchronizing these
greatest during development104. In all neural processing to other uses, whether cycles across the body121–124. The connection
these cases, increased sleep is apparently in the brain or in the body10. In addition, between sleep and the temporal organization
coupled to somatic and neural growth the restriction of certain metabolic tasks of metabolism is further strengthened by
and development. to the sleep state may facilitate processes the observations that genes such as Bmal1
Mammals, arthropods and nematodes with nonlinear energetic demands, as and Dec2, which were originally identified
also all sleep more in the setting of either overall metabolic costs may be reduced by for their roles in controlling the circadian
an infectious or non-infectious illness105. restricting such processes to run at high orchestration of behaviour and metabolism,
Sleep seems to be beneficial both for fighting capacity for a limited portion of the day. also have pronounced effects on sleep and
off the infection106 and for surviving the For example, sleep has been suggested to sleep pressure125.
insult107,108. In the case of sickness-induced serve in the clearance of metabolic waste A theory for sleep function that has
sleep, the organism’s energetic resources from the mouse brain114. The energetic received considerable attention in recent
are diverted from neural tasks and motor costs for convective clearance are probably years is that sleep evolved to promote
demands to those of fighting and responding insensitive to the amount of solute waste. neural changes. The strengthening126 and
to the injurious or infectious insult, However, clearance itself might benefit from weakening127 of neural connections has been
consistent with an energy reallocation an economy of scale: the more waste that has reported to occur during sleep, although
function of sleep10. been accumulated, the more that can and plasticity of neural circuits and function
will be cleared. The animal benefits from clearly also occurs during wake128. Although
Sleep–wake cycles as temporal metabolic packing metabolic clearance into a discrete such neural processing theories for sleep
compartmentalization? Nearly all sleep period. The periodic quiescence and function are often viewed as alternatives to
organisms, ranging from prokaryotes reduced responsiveness that define sleep may metabolic theories, they are not necessarily
to humans, are subjected to changes in reflect the outward manifestation of these distinct. Sleep-induced savings in neuronal
temperature and light conditions over synchronized periodic processes in neuronal energy129 and anabolic metabolism118 may
the course of the day. In line with this systems. At the molecular level, the nearest be conducive to neural plasticity. Indeed,
changing environment, the metabolic neighbours of sleep and wake may not be the metabolic advantages of sleep may be
requirements of a cell often change with other quiescent and active behavioural states particularly apparent in the nervous system,
the time of day. An extreme example of but rather cyclic metabolic processes, such which uses a disproportionate share of total
this compartmentalization is observed as circadian rhythms, the yeast metabolic body energy130.
in the photosynthetic cyanobacterium cycle and the cell cycle. Further descriptions
Synechococcus elongatus. Synechococcus spp. of the metabolic benefits of sleep are Summary and conclusions
show daily rhythms in nitrogen fixation109, summarized in Box 2. The evolutionary persistence of sleep, in
the process by which the catalytic action of Once a temporal structure to the schedule the face of apparent costs of vulnerability
nitrogenase enzyme reduces atmospheric of biochemical processes evolved in early to predation and absence of foraging
dinitrogen into ammonia110. Nitrogenase is animals, other metabolic and behavioural or reproduction, suggests that it has an
inactivated by oxygen; therefore, its activity processes may have become optimized essential function. Over the past two
is incompatible with oxygen produced for and preferentially attached to a given decades, the phylogenic approach to the
by photosynthesis. The solution that temporal phase. In this way, the temporal study of sleep has taught us much. Although

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience


Box 2 | Metabolic advantages of sleep model is correct, metabolomics may be

the natural tool to use to study sleep132–134.
there are at least four metabolic advantages of sleep. alternating sleep–wake behavioural states It is likely that in the future, we can add
could, conserve energy, temporally segregate chemically incompatible reactions that cannot more specific biochemical or molecular
coexist in the same time and space, coordinate chemically compatible reactions that use the same parameters to our definition of sleep.
resources and enhance the efficiency of processes that benefit from economies of scale.
If sleep is at its core a metabolic
energy conservation state, then one would expect genetic
the simplest metabolic advantage of sleep is the reduction in energetically expensive wake or pharmacological manipulations of
activities, including neural processing and muscle contraction. this adaptive inactivity function of metabolism to have effects on sleep. In this
sleep, first proposed by walker and Berger7, could explain how total sleep time is influenced by the
vein, it is interesting to note that several
ecological niches that the animal inhabits. Conservation of energy may also explain the increased
sleep observed during prolonged nutrient restriction in rats152, fruitflies153 and roundworms137.
genes that affect both metabolism and
in contrast to the complete absence of nutrients, which results in more sleep, nutrient reduction sleep have been identified in mammals86,
results in an increase in time used for foraging at the expense of time used for sleep. such a Drosophila135,136 and C. elegans25,137.
trade-off between sleep and foraging is observed in cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)154, We predict that future comprehensive
Drosophila136,155 and Caenorhabditis elegans156. searches for sleep-regulating genes
Temporal segregation should identify a disproportionately high
the yeast metabolic cycle segregates oxidative reactions from reductive reactions and anabolic number of genes known to function in
reactions from catabolic ones112; a biochemical milieu that favours one set of reactions would metabolism. Such analyses should be soon
impede others. similarly, transcriptomic118 and proteomic data157,158 from asleep and awake animals forthcoming, as they are now feasible in
suggest these to be periods of relative macromolecular synthesis and degradation, respectively, powerful invertebrate model systems such as
probably requiring different chemical environments. Drosophila and C. elegans.
resource coordination The debate as to the function of sleep
energy reallocation during sleep is an example of metabolic coordination. the brain and body can continues. The growing body of data
each synthesize macromolecules, but a limited budget of energy and chemical supplies may describing sleep and sleep regulation across
preclude synthesis in all tissues simultaneously. although the total rate of energy expenditure may the tree of life, throughout neural and
remain static, sleep may shift energy utilization away from wake-related processes towards other non-neural tissues and in vitro, is forcing
areas of need, both in neural and non-neural cells10. Metabolic coordination is distinct from the us to rethink the nature of sleep. Later in
proposed ‘adaptive inactivity’ function of sleep7,159 in the sense that energetic resources are not
Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth
necessarily saved during sleep; rather, they are used for different functions during sleep than
calls sleep “the season of all natures”. It
during wake10.
may be that the essential feature in the
energetic efficiency “Chief nourisher in life’s feast” is not a
Processes with fixed metabolic costs are more efficient when active for a shorter time but at
yet-unappreciated gene or metabolite but
higher capacity. recent work on the mammalian glymphatic system, for example, suggests that
a temporal structure and organizational
sleep facilitates bulk cerebrospinal fluid transport and the clearance of toxic metabolites114.
the energetic costs of bulk convection are largely independent of metabolite concentrations; principle for coping with the energetic
thus, it is more efficient to wait for metabolic waste to ‘build up’ before engaging in an expensive and chemical demands of life, given the
new round of convective clearance. constraints of time and space.
ultimately, the emergence of distinct sleep–wake states for any of the above metabolic Ron C. Anafi1,2, Matthew S. Kayser2,3 and
advantages will influence the temporal availability of enzymes, substrates and energy sources. David M. Raizen1,2,4*
reactions that use these cellular resources may therefore become more efficient at specific times 1
Department of Medicine, Perelman School
or states. regulatory systems that enforce the cycling of these connected reactions may offer a of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
metabolic advantage. in this way, the emergence of metabolic oscillations has the potential to PA, USA.
spread, influencing global metabolic structure and conferring evolutionary stability to distinct 2
Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology and
sleep and wake states. the Program for Chronobiology, Perelman School
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
sleep has been described in just 6 of the will continue to be tested. Is the transient 3
Department of Psychiatry and Department
36 known phyla, the preponderance of absence of motor activity the sine qua non of of Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine,
evidence supports the idea that sleep sleep? Can generally sessile animals, such as University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
emerged early in animal evolution131. sponges, sleep? Must reduced responsiveness 4
Department of Neurology, Perelman School
Studies on the molecular changes associated be exhibited for some specific sensory of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
with sleep in different tissues and in vitro stimuli? If somatic cells, for example, PA, USA.
continue to provide insights into sleep demonstrate periodic and homeostatically *e-mail:
function and regulation. These data point guarded reductions in their molecular
to metabolic demands as a key driver of responsiveness to receptor activation, does Published online xx xx xxxx
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