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SCHOOL: Jose Maria Barranco

Name: Maria del Pilar Johnson
Grade: 6 A
Topic: Brief History THANKSGIVING DAY
Teacher name: Dilicia Henry de Almanza
Delivery Day: 17 November

In this album there will be topics such as: why the United States
declares November 24 as Thanksgiving, in how many countries is it
celebrated, the brief history of Thanksgiving, some pages with
images, a brief opinion with my own words about what I believe
about Thanksgiving day and why is Thanksgiving celebrated in the
United States and who proclaimed thanksgiving as a national.

Because the United States declared November 24 as
Thanksgiving Day Roosevelt, who decreed it by
delaying the holidays a week so that people would
have more time to do Christmas shopping and thus
stimulate the country's economy. who proclaimed
thanksgiving as a national holiday thanksgiving was
officially proclaimed by president Lincoln in 1863, to
be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In
1941 Thanksgiving Day was officially declared by the
United States Congress a day to be celebrated on the
fourth Thursday of November. who proclaimed
thanksgiving as a national holiday thanksgiving was
officially proclaimed by president Lincoln in 1863, to
be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In
1941 Thanksgiving Day was officially declared by the
United States Congress a day to be celebrated on the
fourth Thursday of November. who proclaimed
thanksgiving as a national holiday thanksgiving was
officially proclaimed by president Lincoln in 1863, to
be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In
1941 Thanksgiving Day was officially declared by the
United States Congress a day to be celebrated on the
fourth Thursday of November.

How thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States:

Thanksgiving is a family holiday, even more important
than Christmas in some cases, where they prepare a
banquet. Before the meal, the most believers say a
player in gratitude to god for the food. Thanksgiving is
a national holiday in the United States. The date
recalls the first harvest obtained by the first British
pilgrims in 1621, after a harsh winter, and the
banquet they shared for three days with the
Wampanoag natives of Massachusetts, in the
northwestern United States.

Thanksgiving Day shorts story

The (pilgrims) arrived at Plymouth Rock on December 11,
1620. The first winter was very hard for them. But the
following fall, the got a good harvest from the seeds they
planted. They decided to celebrate with a big dinner,
including the Indians who helped them survive the first
year. The men went hunting, to get meat for dinner. It is not
known for sure if the region were part of the dinner, since
they used the term (turkey) for any kind of wild berries,
watercress, lobster, dried fruit, corn, clams, venison and
Thanksgiving day was not celebrated every year. It wasn’t
even until June 1676 that another Thanksgiving Day was
celebrated. Thanksgiving Day was officially proclaimed by
President Lincoln in 1863, to be celebrated on the last
Thursday of November. In 1941 Thanksgiving Day was
officially declared a public holiday by the United States

Congress, to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of



I used to believe that Thanksgiving should not be
celebrated because the pilgrims killed, enslaved and
mistreated the Indians and I stayed with that part of
the story until had to do this task and I noticed that
that was only the part bad story and what they were
really celebrating was the union of the Indians and
pilgrims to the when drinking, eating and thanking the
good and the bad that God gave them, it seems to me
if we ignore the bad part of the story, it a beautiful

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