How Cloud Is Transforming Core Banking V8 280722 OJ

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How the cloud

is transforming
core banking.
Contents. Introduction.
Introduction 3

What are the main elements of a modern core banking system? 4 What is a core banking system?
What categories of core banking systems are there? 5
• Enterprise core banking Ask yourself, what key functions do you expect A core banking system, then, is the architecture
• Cloud-based core banking your bank to perform? that facilitates all this. It is the computer network
• Who uses them? that allows this information to be shared across all
You probably want to access your transaction a bank’s branches and systems, traditionally from
What makes a cloud-based core banking system different? 8 accounts, manage your loans, pay your deposits, a centralised database built on an on-premises
• How does the cloud work? and make payments. server.
• APIs are the differentiator
All these functions are called core banking, The global core banking software market was
Should you adopt a cloud-based core banking system? 10 and your bank’s main job is to create a reliable, estimated to be worth USD 10.8 billion in 2021 by
durable network that allows you to perform basic Fortune Business Insights. It also predicted the
The risks of not switching 12 transactions from ATMs, Internet banking, mobile market would grow to an astonishing USD 40.67
banking and physical branches. billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 18.3%.
Time to transform 13
To do this, your bank needs a central system This enormous growth is testament to the rapid
About Oradian 14 that enables all of its day-to-day operations: evolution of core banking technology, and at the
deposit management, loan processing, reporting, heart of that transformation is the cloud.
accounting, and so on.

Enter the cloud.

Over the last few years, digitalisation has totally the chance to finally become both profitable and
transformed how banking and financial services globally scalable.
are delivered to end users. This has created a
set of strategic challenges to incumbents, as they Oradian’s core banking system is one example
realised their fortresses were no longer robust, but of how this new technology has made financial
actually hindered their agility. This has led many systems more responsive, more flexible, and
banks and financial institutions in search of a more ultimately more useful to customers even in the
dynamic option. world’s most remote locations.

Cloud-based core banking systems alleviate But what is it that makes them so successful, and
many of the challenges posed by legacy systems. why do financial institutions choose to make the
Combined with the DevOps approach, the switch?
cloud offers an unheard of level of flexibility,
and a significant opportunity to finally attack the This paper provides a broad overview of cloud-
stubbornly high cost–income ratio. It has also based core banking systems – what they are, how
reduced the fixed operational costs, turning they work, and why it might be time to consider
everything into a pay-as-you-consume service. switching your own.
This has given structurally challenging areas of
banking such as micro lending and SME lending

2 3
Enterprise core banking Cloud-based core banking

Enterprise core banking systems, or “legacy” Cloud-based core banking systems are designed
systems, are typically based around a physical, precisely to avoid the pitfalls of their older
on-premises mainframe. They may be off-the-shelf counterparts.

Two categories
or specifically designed for a bank to perform its
core business functions. Since they’re based entirely on the cloud, they
don’t require on-premises server infrastructure,
Many have been around for decades, are and therefore no investment in an engineering
designed to perform a wide range of functions, team. There is also no need to invest in dedicated

of core banking
and are usually extremely reliable. This reliability servers (and their redundant systems) and
is business-critical: any outage is extremely costly, expensive additional software like firewalls.
both in terms of regulatory scrutiny and customer
trust. This means a budget that would otherwise be
spent on hardware, software and maintenance

As a result, these older core banking systems can be reserved for recruitment and day-to-day
are designed for reliability rather than flexibility. operations.
Their age means they may have accumulated a
significant technology debt over the years. The They’re flexible, too. The architecture of a cloud-
tech stacks upon which they are built require based system can be adapted for any bank or
maintenance skills that are becoming harder and financial institution’s particular need.
harder to find, causing systemic risks for large
Tier 1 banks. Combined with the non-stop pace They usually enable API integration, making
of regulatory change, these legacy systems have it easy to add new integrations or extend their
become increasingly expensive to maintain. services available to multiple proprietary or third-
party platforms.

1. Cash management 3. Data management and reporting

The main task of any core banking system is to A banking platform needs to store enormous

The four elements

facilitate the basic cash transactions customers amounts of data. It must gather, consolidate and
must make daily. That means deposits, analyse insights about client behaviour, business
withdrawals, and transfers, as well as bill performance, and transactions so the bank can
payments, credit card payments, remittances, and make key decisions about which financial products
online retail transactions. These can be processed to recommend or launch.

of a modern core
digitally and instantly, without any physical
interaction, making them ideal for customers in
remote or poorly served locations.

banking system.
2. Loan management system 4. Apps and third-party integration

A loan management system automates the entire More and more banking clients access their
lending lifecycle. They focus on improving the accounts primarily on mobile and tablet apps, so
quality of a lender’s loan books by providing better any modern core banking system must seamlessly
origination, risk management and decisioning offer all its functions in a digital format. These
tools. They also make collections more efficient, days, they increasingly need to integrate with third-
reducing default, eliminating human error, and party platforms using APIs to securely share data
helping with loan restructuring. between systems.

4 5
Who uses core What percentage of your bank’s applications are curently in the cloud? And what

banking systems?
percentage would you like to be in the cloud in three years?


28% 27%
Major financial institutions and legacy banks will Adoption is slow, but real. A survey by Accenture 22%
usually have an old-school enterprise core banking found that, in 2021, mainstream banks only handle
system, one that has been honed over many about 12% of their total workload on the cloud,
years to reliably perform the main functions of with that number as low as 7% in growth markets
transaction banking. and 5% in Europe. 8%

For the smaller institutions – the nimble, agile Accenture found that, although banks had made 4%
fintechs, microfinance institutions and assorted good progress shifting back-office functions like 1%
disruptors – the cloud-based core banking system HR, finance, marketing, sales, operations, and IT
is the go-to, as it gives them the flexibility and to the cloud, only around 3% of consumer banking 0-10% 11-30% 31-50% 51+% Don’t know
adaptability they require to scale at speed. operations across these markets had been
Applications in the cloud today Applications in the cloud in three years
Leading global financial institutions like Goldman
Sachs and Deutsche Bank are accelerating their However, a separate survey of 250 global banking
adoption of cloud technology, demonstrating its leaders by Publicis Sapient and Google Cloud
growing appeal even to the so-called “dinosaurs” revealed big ambitions within the industry for cloud
of finance. adoption in the future.
What percentage of your bank’s data is curently in the cloud? And what percentage
would you like to be in the cloud in three years?

40% 40%




0% 1%

0-10% 11-30% 31-50% 51+% Don’t know

Data in the cloud today Data in the cloud in three years

(Source: A survey of 250 global banking leaders by Publicis Sapient and Google Cloud.)

What makes a
Public cloud: owned and operated by a third-
party provider and delivered over the internet,
with the same hardware, storage, and network
devices shared with other organisations. This

good cloud-based
option is cheap, reliable, and scalable.

Private cloud: used exclusively by one

organisation, either physically located at its own
datacentre, or hosted by a third-party provider.

core banking
This option is flexible, secure, and allows an

Service providers organisation more control over its services.

can offer one

Hybrid cloud: combines on-premises
infrastructure with a public cloud, allowing

system different?
data and apps to move between the two
of the following environments. Organisations can maintain a
private infrastructure for sensitive data while

types of cloud: taking advantage of the flexibility and scalability of

the public cloud.

Although a cloud-based core banking system infrastructure allows. Cloud architecture scales as
performs the same basic function as an enterprise
system, it is a backed by a different technological
a business scales.
APIs are the differentiator.
architecture. Data from software firm Flexera revealed in
2022 that 80% of enterprises have opted for a
Instead of an on-premises server, all a bank’s hybrid approach combining the use of a public One of the most important characteristics setting systems and new technologies, making workflows
systems and data are hosted in the cloud on a and private cloud. Among public cloud solutions, cloud-based core banking systems apart from faster and more efficient through automation.
network of secure datacentres. The only thing Amazon Web Services remains dominant, legacy systems is API connectivity. This makes it easy to personalise the user
required to access it is an Internet connection. although competitors are beginning to emerge. experience, create new usecases for existing data
APIs (Application Programming Interface) act as and aid innovation by significantly speeding up the
This means a cloud-based core banking system intermediaries between applications so they can process of new product development.
is infinitely scalable. A legacy system that relies communicate with each other. They allow one
on a physical servers can only go as far as this application to view, retrieve, input or update Some of the systems you can connect using APIs
information in the other by passing on requests and include:
returning data.

APIs enable a core banking system to connect

How does the cloud work?
to hundreds of other applications and services
quickly and securely.

Cloud service providers such as AWS (Amazon), Oradian’s core banking system is API-first,
meaning it can integrate with third-party products Accounting Compliance
Azure (Microsoft), or GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
manage the complex infrastructure behind the embedded into it, rather than added as an
afterthought. Systems like Oradian’s are designed Loan Management Business Intelligence
cloud, allowing banks to use it for a fee. Some of
the standard cloud service models include: not just for backwards compatibility, but also to
In-house / Legacy Credit scoring
connect seamlessly to applications that are yet to
Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) – Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) – provides be released. Field collections Human resources
enables everyday operations like billing and cloud-based banking software for accounting,
human resources invoicing, customer relationship management APIs make connecting applications and eWallets Payments
services simple as “plug and play” and they are
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) – delivers Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) – offers a easy for developers to use because they are Messaging Marketing
full core banking infrastructure that handles cloud-based core banking platform for app and built to common standards (such as REST and
business operations and software integrations database development. SOAP) and use a common data format (JSON). and many more
They effectively bridge the gap between legacy

8 9
Should you move
2. Flexibility 4. Cost-effective maintenance

Although traditional core banking systems are Eventually, any legacy core banking system
designed to perform a wide variety of functions will become obsolete as developers withdraw

to a cloud-based
straight out of the box, they often offer very little support for older features, or as it simply
scope for change and adaptation. becomes unable to keep up with customer
demand for new functionalities.
Cloud technology, by contrast, is designed to be
more open and flexible. It enables organisations This makes maintaining and upgrading an older

core banking
to launch new products quickly and system harder and harder as time goes on,
seamlessly, for instance by using DevOps tools requiring a bank either to replace old features
to introduce automation into app development piecemeal, or to divert precious resources into
to continuously deliver new features. hiring from a diminishing pool of experts with
the knowledge to sustain them.

For Oradian, the key concept is “extensibility”,
that is, software that has been designed to A cloud-based core banking system does
allow for future growth and development of the not rely on physical server infrastructure.
platform as a whole, rather than the piecemeal With so much of its architecture on the cloud,
addition of new features for individual clients. maintaining, and upgrading a modern core
banking system no longer requires investment
This flexibility makes banks and financial in a qualified pool of engineers and experts, nor
Although your existing core banking system might be reliable, it might be time to consider institutions more agile, enabling them to in complex upgrades every time a piece of kit
switching to a modern, cloud-based system. But what might prompt such a change? respond instantly to changing market conditions becomes obsolete.
and customer demand. Unlike legacy systems,
Perhaps your older system can no longer keep up with your customers’ demand for new cloud technology is inherently scalable and
features, or maybe maintaining and upgrading it has become so complex, costly and time- “elastic”, meaning resources can be provisioned
consuming that it has become a serious problem for your bottom line. or de-provisioned according to need. 5. Customer insights

But instead of concentrating on the deficiencies of your existing system, consider some of the Without this ability, older systems can be a Customers demand an ever-increasing level
key benefits of a cloud-based core banking platform: bottleneck to change, with outdated code and of personal engagement, and they are happy
an inability to interface with third-party systems to move their accounts to any bank that meets
turning them into an evolutionary dead-end. their specific needs and demands.

With a traditional core banking system, it’s

possible to gain insights about customer
1. Efficiency 3. Security and data continuity behaviour, but a cloud-based platform can
do this quickly, seamlessly, and constantly
Today, customers all over the world demand Some people may instinctively recoil at the idea as providers can easily combine and expand
instant, real-time financial transactions. This of the cloud. Media coverage of leaks, hacks, their datasets through connections to external
is particularly important in locations without and data breaches create an impression of a systems.
physical bank branches, where some kind of leaky sieve.
digital platform is literally essential for day-to- The cloud facilitates real-time data analysis,
day life. However, cloud-based core banking systems so a bank can make accurate and timely
embed security into their architecture and predictions about customer behaviour and
Although legacy systems are fairly efficient constantly analyse it for security flaws. This develop their offering accordingly. This provides
these days, cloud-based core banking makes them less vulnerable to data tampering the scope for an unprecedented level of
platforms give banks a tangible and definite than traditional systems, with banking data customer personalisation and engagement
edge. digitally safeguarded from cybersecurity threats. based on a more complete picture than ever
The cloud allows firms to avoid inefficient data The inherent flexibility of cloud-based systems
siloes by capturing and storing enormous also makes it easier to update and reinforce This, in turn, improves customer loyalty and
amounts of customer data on a centralised security processes and create back-ups to retention, giving cloud-based banks an edge
platform. This improves operational speed and protect sensitive data from outages caused by over their more pedestrian competitors.
helps generate better data insights. natural disasters or human error, meaning there
is a much lower risk to business continuity.

10 11
The risks of not

Time to transform.
Switching to a cloud-based core banking Becoming cloud-first has become a matter of
system can be a costly procedure – even a when, not if, and the majority of leading fintechs
relatively straightforward switchover requires and digital lenders have been reliant on cloud
changes to business practices and lengthy staff services for years already.
training programmes. A successful migration
demands careful planning and a dedicated You do not have to move all your systems to
effort. the cloud from day one. It can be a complex
and costly a process, but you can start moving Financial institutions are naturally, and
Not switching however can give your less critical parts of the system to the cloud and understandably, risk averse. The flexibility and
competitors an edge. Should your competitors begin the organisational change management agility of the cloud means it’s possible to adopt
suddenly start offering a more nimble, flexible, to a cloud core banking standard. certain modern technologies in a piecemeal
secure banking platform, with all the benefits to fashion, should it suit your business needs.
customer engagement that brings, you might
find your customers start believing the grass is But the benefits of adoption are clear, and at
greener on the other side. Oradian we believe there’s no better time for
financial services organisations – from fast-
In addition, the security benefits of a cloud- growing fintechs to rural and regional banks
based system are simply too good to pass up. to the world’s biggest banks – to embrace
Customers will feel happier if they know their technological modernisation.
money and their data is less at risk from leaks,
hacks, and tampering. From higher operational speeds to rapid
business insights and improvements, your
Major corporate and commercial banks are customers will thank you for it.
already moving at least some of their banking
systems to the cloud and this trends is only set
to increase.

12 13
About Oradian
Oradian provides a cloud-based core banking
system that serves over 10 million people

Flexible and extendable, Oradian supports over

50 institutional customers across 12 countries
to scale their business, to think bigger and go

If you would like to know more about our

services or want to compare Oradian’s core
banking system with your current provider,
our expert team is on hand for a no-obligation

Contact us at or via the


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