9 - 8 - 2022 - Types of Government, Pros and Cons

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Types of Government, Pros and Cons -

● Pros and cons of democracy and authoritarianism
● Design your own governments

Objective: apply principles of different forms of government in order to

design a government yourself

● What are some pros and cons of democracy?

● What are some pros and cons of authoritarianism?
Forms of Government: DEMOCRATIC
Advantages Disadvantages
• Almost everyone has a say in • They are VERY slow to function –
government decisions especially if the government is big.

• The government is okay with • Sometimes the views of the

opposition minority opinion can be ignored
(because of majority rule)
• The government will protect
individual and civil freedoms • If citizens are uninterested in
government, the quality of the
government can suffer
• The government gives choices and
opportunities in citizen’s social and
economic lives
Forms of Government: AUTHORITARIAN
Advantages Disadvantages
• Creates order • Common people do NOT have a
• Government can react quickly to
change • Opposition to the government is
not allowed
• Very efficient (can get a lot done)
• It is difficult to contain government

• Freedom of expression is crushed

Design Your Own Government
With your table create your own government by answering the following
questions. Only one person needs to type for your table, but one person does
need to type for your table. You need to come to a consensus on these questions
as a group.
● Do you want a democratic system or an authoritarian system? What kind (republic,
oligarchy, anarchy, etc.)?
● How will the leader be chosen?
● What opportunities will the people have to participate in government?
● What powers will the government have?
● What limits on power will the government have?
● What rights will the people have?
● What rights will the people not have?

Be prepared to explain and defend your choices for these questions.

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