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Aug 2nd, 2hrs

Started off in Indiana, when we moved back and realized there could be more accessible to us. I
had a whole health transition from an illness and changed my diet and wanted to keep up with
this, so where can I find it for decent prices?

Garden Maket?

“Fine, I’ll do it myself”.

Alpine Food Storage, friend company/partner and sort of a model to look up to. Often meets in
malad for exchanges, which is hard but works.

Meant to be bulk, meant to be affordable, expiration dates are an “eh”. Mixing farmer mentality
with holistic/homeopathic mentality with health and finding that nice line.

If you ever go into a partnership, make the rules clearly defined especially for when or if the
partnership ends.

Redmond natural mineral (non iodized) salt and some other seasonings

Class this Saturday, 9am free wonder oven class. In september, having some grains classes
from Chef Brad from byuTV

October class, a focus on college students and boxed foods and helping them to shift.

Animal Butchering class in the fall.

Nutritional Food storage class (Not until Jan.)

Collecting names for a possible loop route for food distribution and exchanges in communities
during events such as pandemics.
→ Calling people within a two-hour radius
→ Chobani plant is in Twin Falls, maybe even connecting wholesale accounts
→ others would be on emergency basis

Ultimately, I want to “sell” Smartfoods. Make it a program that someone else can do in their own
communities, like an e-course of how to start your own co-op.

ROI - Return on Investment to make up for things like loss leaders

Organize the excel sheet for these wholesale contacts
Aug 3rd, 2hrs
● Ask Jenna about boosting on Facebook since it costs money, as well as if she would like
me to share the post to other pages such as Rexburg Marketplace
● Ask for training on BigCommerce
● Review Clickup videos (Layla youtuber is good)
● Download Microsoft Teams and Clickup apps on cell
● Make a time sheet on Google Sheets

Ordered the book. Contacted Brandon and got all set up in Clickup. Requested Access to edit
Networking sheet. Posted to FB about Saturday’s class.

Aug 4th, 1hr

Cleaned up the networking sheet. Responded to comment question on FB about recorded class
option. Created time sheet. Read through Part of New Suppliers Networking document.
Watched a Clickup tutorial video.

● Clickup or Microsoft Team Calendars for “to-do” item #13 Figure out how to link phones
so an employee/assistant could add things to the schedule & it would show up on
everyone’s phone?
● Call Chobani or someone else to get going on networking/wholesalers! :D

Aug 6th, 4hr

Help record the Wonder Oven class. Set up and cleaned, maintained the Zoom meeting and
recordings. Gathered clips for a video.

Definitely learned that people are interested in alternatives to cooking, and that something that
might seem pricey to me is actually the cost of making it and things are more expensive that I

Also learned that there is such things as Solar Cooking with these neat solar ovens. There are
also, I think they are caled Butane stoves or something. And even though they are great, they
require a lot of fuel to cook very little so that’s where a Wonder Oven could come in. You could
preserve and ration your fuel by simply getting your water to a boil then placing it in the wonder
oven which uses insulation to cook it through, no power required! Pretty cool!

Aug 8th, 2hr

Created a Tiktok account and used Canva to create a professional tiktok profile logo picture.
Used the clips gathered from the class to create a video post, waited for approval and for the
video to upload through. This definitely took longer than expected, I’m almost due for an update,
perhaps I should consider getting a new phone.
● Ask Jenna to set up business account for Tiktok, as it needs some sort of business #
● Need her to also log into her Instragram account on Tiktok to connect them.

Aug 9th, 1hr

Finished video fixes, posted to Facebook. Entered hours from last week and updated notes,
checked on suppliers sheet. Called Chobani

Aug 10th, 3hr

Helped clean up the shop, moving palettes, stocking shelves, organizing, etc.

Start making Honey-fill Up Posts, at least one for three weeks prior.
● 1st post
● 2nd post
● 3rd post
● Day before post

Aug 12th, 1hr

Read some of The E-Myth. I really enjoyed learning about the three business personalities of
the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. I feel I would fall into the category of a
manager and not really know the rest!

Aug 15th, 2hr

Read through Ch. 6. It was interesting to see the difference between owning a job vs owning a
business as well as the stages of a business in terms of infancy and adolescence.

I need to start taking more detailed notes about the book to get the most from it.

Downloaded Clickup and Teams on my phone. Still need to better learn to navigate Clickup I

Worked on creating first honey fill-up post on canva. Awaiting prices and details from Jenna,
then I will need her approval and then post.

Aug 16th, 2hr

Begin with the end in mind - maturity
The entrepreneurial perspective on pg. 71
The business is the product
Make a system-dependent business, not a people-dependent one.
The Franchise Protoype gives the entrepreneur the chance to create a system of business to
pass down to franchisors to “turn the key” and run it themselves, hence why there are different
owners for different locations of the same business. (I think).

Posted the Honey Fill-up Photo, created Facebook Event

● Create events for upcoming September Classes

Aug 17th, 1hr

Read more of E-myth, forgot to take notes though!

Aug 18th, 3hr

Read more of E-myth
Continued with the Business TikTok account, but it needs more documents, not sure if it will be
worth the hassle. Responded to instagram messages. Watched more videos about Clickup
● Ask Jenna more about the purpose of Clickup for the business and how she wants us to
best utilize it
Created social media post for Chef Brad on FB,
● need to post to Insta and create official event for this ^

Aug 19th, 2hr

Read more of E-myth

Aug 22th, 2hr

Posted about Brad’s Classes on Instagram
Posted Honey Fill Up Reminders
Sent Honey Fill Up link to interested friend for her to send to her friends

LinkedIn Social Media Marketing:

Ideatiation: What do my customers care about, what are their common questions, what are their
struggles? Understand Competitor’s Content, get insight from them for current trends.

Plan: Use a content calendar, sort ideas into content pillars, determine what platforms and when
you will share. This creates a sense of purpose and direction

Creation: Make your ideas into content. Make use of good resources and tools.
Content Batching is working on alike taste in a continuous stretch of time, making content in
advance to save you time. Make an entire week or month of content, work on one type of task in
one medium at a time.
Scheduling: Automate posts so they are reading ahead of time. Stay one step ahead to leave
you time to focus on other aspects of the business.

Relevance Tools
Ubersuggest: Online keyword research tool to get ideas and see what is doing well or what is
Aittable: Content Calendar that combines databases with spreadsheets
Wordtune: AI writing tool to help you rewrite your content while keeping the same voice.
Canva: Duh.
Mojo: Video Content Tool with customizable templates
Facebook Creator Studio: Content Management Hub, you can use this to set up posts and have
them automatically post when you want it to for both Facebook and Instagram

Aug 23th, 2hr

Positive Discipline for Teachers Book recommended by Jenna.
Envision your goals, beyond “I want my kids to behave well”, what systems is this going to go
through, ask your class what they want the year to look like and steps it will take to get there. Be
consistent in your steps, make a vision board!

Find ways to recharge yourself and delegate tasks so you don’t get burnt out.

Don’t assume that people know. Communicate with each other, ask how they think we can
solve this or at the very least survive through it.

Ask yourself “What are my biggest issues?” Then address them, write about them, etc! Tackle
the problems before they start (this won’t address 100% of the problems, but will give you time
when unplanned problems arrive)

● Create fliers for Chef Brad and Honey Fill-Up → List of Classes & QR Codes
● Create post on I <3 Rexburg pages

Aug 25th, 4hr

Don't spend your time putting out fires, get organized to prevent fires in the first place

Excel, excel, excel- learn it live it love it

Something is going on, it needs to be doing all or nothing and it seems like the commerce site
isn't connecting to quick books as well. We may need to go into quickbooks and manually enter
some receipts and transactions and stuff.
Only form of payment online that we use is called Stripe (cards)

Contact stripe and ask for a report that also gives the customers name not just the order

Big Commerce Inbound Test

BC123→big commerce
Takes place in February, they are duplicates from a reconciliation that is already done. They
either need deleted or moved to Stripe account (preferred deleted by Jenna) what comes from
what we want to test

● Start working on calls– YOU GOT THIS

Aug 26th, 3hr

Started creating fliers on Canva

Updated Fliers from Pages
● Add QR Codes
● Check out the Pages Document sent to me once mac updates
● Watch a Chef Brad video to better appreciate when he comes

Aug 29th, 5hr

Harvested Honey, learned about the spinning, boy bees, etc. Got to witness the benefits of
homeschooling/experiential learning.
There is a grain called Spelt
Stocked so many beans, honey, etc. Learned the importance of reading the order pulls correctly

Sep 12th, 1hr

Watched Chef Brad to prep for the upcoming class. Black quinoa has a lot of benefits, even in
banana bread! It adds nutrition to a sweet banana bread without compromising flavor and
texture. “No matter how healthy it is, if our family won’t eat it, its a waste of our time”.

Agave sweetener, great for diabetics and sugar substitute. Leaving butter in chunks adds air
pockets to the bread - yummy!

Gluten cooking is best when you do a combination of three gluten free grains for your flour

Hey, he used spelt! Interesting, he mixed it with barley and brown rice to make a flour.
They make canned crab? Crab cakes don’t seem that hard or expensive to make yet seem like
such a delicacy!

Fiber is in the core of the apple, you DONT have to cut it out! Let your pasta salad chill for one
day for best flavor.

Spelt has more tolerable gluten for those who cant have it normally. You can also cook it in a
pressure cooker for around 50 min or grind it into flour

Sep 13th, 2hr

Designed scheduled post for Chef brad, learned about the changes in times due to lack of sign
Designed and posted interactive Canva Instagram story
Edited and posted harvesting honey tiktok

Sep 14th, 2hr

Reviewed the videos on how to edit the website on Bigcommerce, explored the website to
become more familiar with how the videos connected to the output.
Started using Canva to create the dried foods flier, learned about a free photo site: Unsplash.
Found a good photo and practiced photoshop skills on getting the dried foods on their own to
move around as I wanted on the flier.

Sep 15th, 2hr

Helped load up an order and carry it out to the customer’s car. Sat down with Jenna as she
showed me what new products to add to the website, which is A LOT
Got a list of people to add to the contact list on MailChimp

Sep 16th, 8hr

Chef Brad pastries class and cleanup, dinner party setup and participation

Sep 17th, 3hr

Chef Brad sourdough class and cleanup

Sep 19th, 2hr

Worked on updating “Add to Website” sheets, took note of bulk prices at Winco for comparisons
Sep 20th, 2hr
Worked more of updating the add to website sheet, also added in all the new contacts into

Sep 21th, 2 hr
Finished the add to website google sheets, waiting on Jenna for approval

Sep 22nd, 2 hr
Made and shared the Chef Brad Tiktok, this thing is so slow at loading and the app updated so it
took a while to figure it out! Posted the dried foods flyer

Sep 26th, 5 hr
Added some more of the products to Big Commerce, added all the names into EZ Text, reached
out to the winner of the honey fill up. Posted reminder about the dried foods class.

Sep 27th, 1 hr
Added some of the freeze dried foods to Big Commerce, its really hard to find creative
commons photos, also I need to learn what AD and DD mean, I know FD is freeze dried.

Sep 28th, 3 hr
Finished adding the freeze dried foods to Big Commerce, its really hard to find creative
commons photos, also I need to learn what AD and DD mean, I know FD is freeze dried.
Okay AD is air dried, and DD is drum dried. Was able to use regular pictures for the website.
Learned that glyphosate is a bad chemical linked to cancer issues heavily sprayed pesticide on

Sep 29th, 5 hr
Videoed for the freeze drying class

Sep 30th, 2 hr
Finished adding everything to the website, able to add some new websites to my
Oct 3rd-7th, 10 hr
Fixed discrepancies on website, created social media posts, attended fermenting workshop.
Kefir is kind of gross but good with sweetener, the only things you shouldn’t ferment is fruits and
grain because alcohol.

Oct 10th-14th, 10 hr
Created fliers for husbandry class and cold and flu workshop. Learned that husbandry isn’t just
butchering but also the care of the animals. Prepped and loaded for food picks up, there was a
lot of stuff! Learned that people use dried raspberry leaves in teas for nutrients, practiced food
safety while unloading produce and meats (hair tied back, washing hands after touching raw
frozen meat, etc.) Saw the power of networking as one of Jenna’s friends and essentially
partner tackled the numbers and work of the orders and the truck deliverer being very kind and
considerate with our order because he likes Jenna. Problem with rice pricing.

Oct 17th-21st, 10 hr
Worked on Tiktok postings, I spent like 30 minutes on one and then my phone panicked and I
lost all my work which bummed me out. I made a few postings and also attended the Cold and
Flu Workshop. ALso worked with Jenna on another order for me to fill in things on the website.

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