CLD M90 EN - Scan

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Operating MULTIPLAY CD cDv/LD PLAYER LesserDise CLD-M90 VRS a (ee LL ‘© This player does not apply to business use, and CD- ROMICD graphic discs cannot be played with this player. ‘Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, put them away in a safe place for future reference. In some countries or regions, the shape of the power plug and power outlet may sometimes differ from that shown in the explanatory drawings. However, the method of ‘connecting and opereting the unit is the same. WARNING: To PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR ‘MOISTURE, IMPORTANT NOTICE [For U.S. and Canadian models] ‘The serial number for this equipment is located on the cear panel Prease wite this serial number on your enclosed warranty card and keep it in a secure area, This is Tor your secur. [For Canadian model] CAUTION: To PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT USE THIS (POLARIZED) PLUG WITH AN EXTENSION CORD, RECEPTACLE OR OTHER OUTLET UNLESS THE BLADES CAN BE FULLY INSERTED TO PREVENT BLADE EXPOSURE. ATTENTION: Pour PREVENIR LES CHOCS ELECTRIQUES NE PAS UTILISER CETTE FICHE POLARISEE AVEC UN PROLONGATEUR, UNE PRISE DE COURANT OU UNE AUTRE SORTIE DE COURANT, SAUF SI LES. LAMES PEUVENT ETRE INSEREES A FOND SANS EN LAISSER AUCUNE PARTIE A DECOUVERT. LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCH ‘Only mutti-voltage models are provided with this switch. U.S,, Canadian, European, U.K., and Australian models are not provided with this switch. ‘The line voltage selector switch is located on the rear pane! of this player. Before your player is shipped from the factory, the switch is set to the power requirements of the player's destination. Check that it is set properly before plugging the power cord into the outlet. If the voltage is not properly ‘set or if you move to an area where the voltage requirements differ, adjust the selector switch as follows: Use @ medium-sized (fiat blade) soreweriver. Insert the tip Of the screwdriver into the groove of the selector switch {and tum it to set the player to the power voltage of your area, Set the selector so that arrow points power voltage’ of your area [Figure shows arrow pointing to 110 volts) YQ PIONEER’ The Art of Entertainment IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2 Cc CONTENTS —— Precautions 4 To Search for a Particular TimayFrame {Time Number Features and Functions .... son 5 Search/Track Time Search/ABS Time Search) Accessories : 8 Frame Number Search)... snes 7 ‘Types of Discs that can be played with this Unit... 7 Extra Playbeck.... vn 28 Care of Discs 9 To Play Chapters/Tracks in a Randorn Order Connections — : 10 {Random Playback) penne 2B Names and Functions of Remote Control Unit Particular Functions for CD Components. : 18 (Direct CD/ADLC) on sens 29 Names and Funetions of Front Panel Components... 16 ‘To Repeatedly Play & Desired Passage. Display Switching : 18 (Repeat Playback) : sone 80 | To Play an LD, CDV or cD : rns 20 ‘To Play Only the Desired Scenes/Tracks ‘To Search for a Particular Passage (Manval Search) .. 24 (Program Playback) nner svn 32 ‘To Search for a Particular disc (Disc SeaFCH) mene 24 Programming Chapters/Tracks to be played back ‘To Search for a Particular Chapter/Track Within @ Specified Time Period (Chapter (Track) Search/Chapter (Track) Skip) 25 {Compu Program/Auto Program Edit) soos 34 To Search for a Particular Chapter/Track Troubleshooting Sonn 35 (Hi-Lite Scarvintro Scan) . 26 Specifications. — 38 INFORMATION TO USER [FOR U.S. MODEL} on chan odin yt {heave intr pay en uns whch ml CAUTION 1 Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous redation exposu © The use of optical instruments with this product wil increase eye hazard, | [For Canadian model] This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set outin the Ra- dio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. '§ This player may be used with LaserDises, Compact Dics, and Compact Dises with Video bearing the following symbols (LASERDISC SYSTEM)/(LaserVision Dise* L a { MF —_Tisis the unified symbol mark of LASERDISC (LaserVision videodisc) LesorDise players and discs which bear this symbol and use the same television system, are a mutualy compatbie. (Compact Dise) "CD VIDEO SYSTEM) {3.inch Compact Dise) aise <—_ SB Sos CDVIDEO CDVIDEO SINGLE **A Digital Sound with Multi Audio Disc (CD VIDEO LD) and a CDV (CD Video CO) are ceferted to a CD Video discs, CD Viseodises are Forde win subcodes, whch are the can auc recordings of TOC date auch a tack umes, dex hums, et. jovever, there ae some cises without these marks 3 PRECAUTIONS If it becomes necessary to transport or ship this unit in the future, be sure to first remove the disc lif present), retract the disc table to its closed position, ‘tum the power off, and, after the “OFF” indicator stops blinking on the display, disconnect the power cord. INSTALLING THE PLAYER ‘© Place the player on a stable platform next to the television and stereo system to be used with the player. ‘© When using the player with a stereo system, your ‘speakers should be placed away from your television (or TV monitor. ‘© Do not place heavy abjects such as a television or TV monitor on top of the player. © Do not place the player on top of your TV set or TV monitor. Also, keep the player away from devices such as cassette decks which are sensitive to magnetic fields. When FM or AM stations are being received, signal noise ‘may be generated if the player is turned on. Tum off the player when not in use. Also, if there Is signal noise when receiving radio stations with an indoor antenna, adjust the position or direction of the antenna. INSTALL THE PLAYER IN A WELL VENTILATED PLACE AWAY FROM HEAT AND HUMIDITY Do not install the player in a location subject to direct sunlight, oF near a stove or radiator etc. This could adversely affect the cabinet and intemal components. Also avoid installing the player in @ humid or dusty location. This could result in a malfunction or accident. Do not install near a cookstove where the player could be affected by smoke, steam, or heat. AVOID SOURCES OF HEAT Do not put the player on sources of heat, such as an ‘amplifier. When instaling with audio components on a rack, ‘avoid components that generate heat, by placing the player ‘below such components where there is adequate ventilation ‘and not much dust. Avoid placing the player on surfaces ‘such as shaggy carpets, beds, and sofas which may block ventilation under the player and cause damage. CAUTIONS FOR AUTOMATIC LOADING OPERATIONS ‘Since this player has an automatic loading construction, use the button on the player or the remote control unit for opening and closing of the disc table. To avoid damage, be careful not to apply any force to the moving disc table, 4 - STRIPE PATTERNS APPEARING ON A TV PROGRAM Stripe patterns may appear during @ TV program Ifthe player unit is turned on, depending on the quality of reception of the TV station. This is neither a malfunction of the talevision nor the player. If stripes appear while watching the TV, or when watching the TV for long periods of time, turn the player off. CONDENSATION ‘Moisture will form in the operating section of the player if the player is brought from cool surroundings into a warm room or if the temperature of the room rises suddenly. When this happens, player's performance will be impaired. To prevent this, let the player stand in its new surroundings for about an hour before switching it on, ‘or make sure that the room temperature rises gradually. ‘The same, symptoms of condensation may be caused during ‘summer, if the player is exposed to the breeze from an air conditioner. In such cases change the location of the player. POWER-CORD CAUTION Handle the power cord by the plug. Do not pull out the plug by tugging the cord and never touch the power cord when your hands are wet as this could cause a short circuit or electie shock: Do-not place the -unit,-2-piece-of furniture, ‘te.,.on the power cord, or pinch the cord. Never make a knot in the cord or tie it with other cords, The power cords ‘should be routed such that they are not likely to be stepped ‘on. A damaged power cord can cause fire or give you an electrical shock. Check the power cord once in a while. ‘When you find it damaged, ask your nearest PIONEER authorized service center or your dealer for a replacement. CLEANING CARE Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning. For stubborn dirt, soak the cloth in a weak detergent solution; wring well first and wipe. Use a dry cloth to wipe it dry. Do not use any volatile agents such as benzine or paint thinner, as it may damage the surface of the player. ‘Abnormal functioning of this unit may be caused by lightning, static electricity, or other external inter- ference. To restore normal operation, turn the power off and then on again, or unplug the AC power cord and then plug it in again. FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS LD (Laser ) Playback Functions Program Playback Up to 24 chapters can be selected from a disc and played in any desired order. Random Playback (only discs with TOC) ‘Al chapters on a disc can be played in random order. Repeat Playback Five repeat modes - 1-chapter Repest, One-side Repeat, Program Repeat, Random Repeat and Program Random Repeat - are available. (With discs having no TOC, Random Repeat cannot be carried out.) Intro Scan Playback ‘The beginning of each chapter is played for about 8 seconds, Compu Program Editing/Auto Program Editing (only dises with Toc) ‘The player automatically selects and programs the chapters ‘which can be played back within a specified time, CD (Compact Disc) Playback Functions Program Playback Up to 24 tracks can be selected from § dises and played in any desired order. Random Playback/Disc Random Playback All tracks on @ disc can be played in random order. (Random Playback) ‘The player selects disc and one track of each disc is played, (Dise Random Payback) Repeat Playback ‘Six repeat modes - Chapter/Track Repeat, One side Repeat, Alkdisc Repeat, Program Repeat, Random Repeat end Program Random Repeat - ere available, Dise Hi-Lite Scan Playback/Track Hi-Lite Scan Playback Playback starts from a point 1 minute after the beginning of the first track, and the first track of each disc is played for ‘about 8 seconds. (Disc Hite Scan) Playbackstarts from the desired minute andsecond, endeach ‘rack is played for about 8 seconds, (Track HiLite Scan) Compu Program Editing/Auto Program Editing ‘The player automaticaly selects and programs the tracks ‘hich can be played back within a specified time, Direct CD function ‘Once DIRECT CD on the front panel is pressed, time for starting play becomes shorter. In addition, since the picture Circuitdoes not function, theplayereliminatesthe interference between signals and reproduces more pure sound, ADLC (Automatic Digital Level Controller) When the difference of recording level between discs is noticeable, the volume level should be adjusted for each ds. In such cases, pressing ADLC automatically sets the output level to the proper level CDV (Compact Disc with Video) Playback functions. * ‘The video part (the section of the dise containing both video end aucio) is played frst, Video Part: ‘The same functions available for LD (CLV) playback can be used. Audio Part: ‘The same functions available for CD playback can be used, Other Features Last Memory Function ‘With this function, if you turn the power switch off during playback of an LD, @ playback position slightly ahead of the last frame to be playod is stored in memory (last memory) ‘When the power is turned back on, playback begins from the memorized position by pressing PLAY/PAUSE. Auto Loading and Automatic Dise Discrimination Functions. This unit has a builtin motor-driven auto loading mechanism which automatically opens and closes the dise table and makes disc loading easy. ‘Also, once a disc is placed on the table and the table is retracted into the player, the player automatically detects which type of disc (LD, CD, or CDV) is loaded. Zero-Cross Distortion-Free D/A Converter with Double- ‘Step Noise-Shaper Digital-to-analog conversion is smoother than ever. In particular, this converter is designed to ellminate zero-cross alitching noise and improves linearity in lower levels, with the noise shaping technology doubly applied at digital iter and digital-to-analog conversion steps, all for smoother and ‘more accurate D/A signal conversion. The result is deep, clear sound with sharp image localization, Multi Mode Dise table Up to 5 CDs or CDVs can be loaded at a time. Also, an LD ‘can be loaded and played without removing CDs or CDV. Compatibility with Many Dise Types and Sizes In addition to conventional LDs (12-inch, &-inch), CDs (5+ inch), end CDV discs (S-inch), the player can play thin-type @inch LDs and 3.inch CD singles without an adapter. 5 - ACCESSORIES supplied. ‘¢ Remote control unit © Size "AAA" (IEC ROS} dry cell battery x 2 © Audio cord {Pin plug x 2+ Pin plug x 2) Use to connect the player to a stereo amplifier ete. - When unpacking the player, first check to make sure that all of the accessories listed below are ——— @ Video cord (Pin plug —+ Pin plug) Use to connect the player to 2 color monitor ete. eS ‘© Operating instructions © Werranty card INSERTING BATTERIES INTO THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT Open the battery compartment cover on the back of the remote control unit. The cover should open easily if you press on it with your thumb while sliding itn the direction Of the arrow. {BI Take out the two accessory size "AAA" (IEC ROS) dry cell batteries, and insert them into the battery ‘compartment in accordance with the display (@), ©)) inside the compartment [Close the cover of the battery case. Incorrect use of batteries may cause leakage or rupture ‘Always bo sur to folow these guidelines: ‘A Always insert batteries into the battery compartment correctly matching the positive @) and negative © polarities, as shown by the display inside the compartment. 8, Never mix new and used batteries, . Batteries of the same size may have different voltages, depending on brand. Do not mix different brands of batteries, 6 - TYPES OF DISCS THAT CAN BE PLAYED WITH THIS UNIT ‘This unit is a CD VIDEO SYSTEM (*1) compatible player which can play CDs, CDV disos, and LDs. ‘The five disc types listed in the table below can be played with this unit. '¢ The marks shown in the left column are printed on the labels and jackets of the corresponding discs. nuit | Aaa ret [ea en gee | cDv (CD with Video. S-inch | One side. Digital (20 CLV (*3) TOC SZ] orev minutes max.) (6 minutes max) = CD VIDEO LD (*4) 124inch, | Two sides, | DigitaVanalog CAV (*5), CLV Toc * There are some discs marked with the ££ mark CDV/CD GLOSSARY There are some discs without the SBS mark. LD GLOSSARY Chapter number Chapter numbers are used to indicate the boundaries of the sections on a disc, similar to the “chapters” in a book. If chapter numbers are recorded on a disc, itis so indicated on the jacket of the disc, etc. Chapter numbers can be Used to search for desired chapters (Chapter Search), Frame number Frame numbers are the numbers assigned to each picture frame on a CAV (standard play) disc. Frame numbers can be used to search for desired frames (Frame Search) Time number ‘Time numbers indicate the time elapsed from the beginning of a CLV (extended play) disc. Time numbers can be used ‘0 search for desired scenes (Time Search) ‘Track numbers indicate the boundaries of the sections, or "racks", on a disc. Track numbers ere assigned consistently throughout the audio part and video part of @ CDV disc. Track numbers can be used to search for desired tracks (Track Search), Toc (+2) Every CD/CDVHype disc is provided with a section called ‘TOC (Table Of Contents) at the beginning of the disc. The ‘TOC section is just like the table of contents of a book, and contains information on the contents (number of tracks, playing time, etc.) of the disc. ‘© Some LD discs are also provided with @ TOC section, This player is to be used exclusively with the NTSC ‘color system. Please use NTSC LaserVision Dise or NTSC Compact Dise with Video only, PAL and SECAM system dises cannot be used with this player. 7 - CD VIDEO SYSTEM (*1) The CD VIDEO SYSTEM is the standard name for the “optical video disc with digital audio” system that encompasses both LDs and CDV discs. ‘The following mark is the standard mark for the CD VIDEO SYSTEM and is found on all players and discs which conform. to the CD VIDEO SYSTEM format. The following systems are included in the CD VIDEO SYSTEM: CD VIDEO © CDV (CD VIDEO CDV) discs @ LaserVision Discs (CD VIDEO LDs) containing digital sound with sub-codes ‘© Compatible players which can play CDs and CDV discs ‘© Compatible players which can play CDs, CDV discs, and Us CD VIDEO LDs (+4) ‘ACD VIDEO LD is an LD with digital audio which is encoded with sub-codes (data such as TOC and track number data, ‘excluding audio and video signals) LDs (LASERDISCS) With this unit, only play LasesDiscs which bear the following mark, This mark is the standard mark for LaserDiscs. Players and discs which bear the LaserVision mark are ‘mutually compatible as long es they conform to the same television system. ‘Two types of standard LaserDisc are available — standard play (CAV) (*8) discs and extended play (CLV) (*3) discs — Which dfer with respect to their signal recording systems. CAV (*5) DISCS ‘The jackets and labels of these discs are marked with a tandard Play Disc CAV" or "Standard Play” indication. Frames are recorded on these dises ata ratio of one frame per disc revolution, and the discs are played at a fixed rotational speed (CAV = Constant Angular Velocity) of 1,800 rpm. This system is well suited to special playback modes ‘such as stil frame playback and multi-speed playback. One side of @ CAV disc can have @ playback time of up to 30 minutes (for a 12-inch disc}, which is equivalent to 54,000 frames. Esch frame — from frame 1 to frame 54,000 — Is encoded with its own frame number, * Playback time varies according to the contents of the disc, 8 cLv (+3) Discs ‘The jackets and labels of these discs are marked with a "Extended Pley Disc CLV" or "Extended Piay” indication, Signals are recorded on these discs at a constant linear velocity (CLVI, and the rotational speed during playback varies from 1,800 rpm for the innermost track to 600 pm for the outermost track. As a result, one side of a CLV disc can have a playback time of up to 60 minutes (for @ 12-inch disc}, which is twice as long as a standard play (CAV) disc. CLV diss are encoded with time numbers which correspond to the elapsed play time from the beginning of the disc. * Playback time varies according to the contents of the disc LASERVISION DISCS WITH DIGITAL AUDIO (+6) Tho jackets and labels of these discs bear the following metk oa ‘SOUND — or itl ‘These are LaserDiscs which contain digital aucio signals in ‘eddition to conventional analog audio signals. This feature aliows the high image quality of LaserDises to be enjoyed together with the superior quality of digital sound. The digital and analog audio signals are recorded on the disc using different frequency bands. LASERVISION MULTI AUDIO DISCS WITH DIGITAL AUDIO The jackets and labels of these discs bear the following mark, digital MUTTAUDIO or el2/ MUTT AUDIO ‘These are LaserDiscs in which the recorded digital and analog audio signals differ in content. This allows the user to enjoy two different audio soundtracks by switching between the digital and enalog sound. CDV (COMPACT DISC WITH VIDEO) Discs ‘These are compact discs which also contain video signals, Of the total 25-minute playback time of a CDV disc, 20, minutes is encoded with conventional CD digital audio signals {the “audio part’). The remaining 5 minutes is ‘encoded with both video and digital audio signals (the “video part”) CARE OF DISCS How to hold dises When loading or removing discs, try not to touch their playing surfaces, Cleaning Fingerprints or other dirt on the disc may affect sound and picture quality. To clean your discs, use a soft clean cloth to wipe them. If Recessary, moisten @ soft cloth with diluted neutral detergent to remove heavy dirt of fingerprints, ‘Gently wie from the Do net wipe in a ecu Inside toword the outer lection age. Discs may not be cleaned with record cleaning sprays, or static prevertion sprays, ete. Also do nat use volatile liquids such as bonzine, or thinner, et, NEVER PLAY CRACKED OR WARPED DISCS. 1m The disc revolves on the player at e high speed when it is played. Never play a cracked, scratched or warped disc. This may damage the player or cause it to ‘malfunction. Alter using dises, store them upright ‘After playing a disc, always remove it from the player and relum it to its jacket. Then store it standing upright away from heat and humidity. ‘Store discs carefully. If you store discs at an angle, or stacked on top of each other, dises may become warped ‘even when in their jackets. '® Do not leave discs in locations such as the seat of car, ‘which may become excessively hot. tan LD dise is warpe If en LD disc is warped, put the disc into its protective envelope, and then place it between two flt plates of glass. Then place heavy books on top of the plates so that ‘approximately 4 to 5 kgs (10 Ibs) is applied. Leave the dise like this for a day or so. This may correct the warp. Heavy books 45 kgs (10 Ibs) Gass pate Protedtve envslope Glace plate CAUTION WHEN USING THE DISC Allrights reserved. Unauthorized public performance, broadcasting or copying is @ violation of applicable laws. 9 CONNECTIONS USING TELEVISION WITH AUDIO AND VIDEO JACKS Player, stereo system, monitor television AV amir ogo Stereo ampli a Sree | fudoco% (GD.DECK SYNCHRO jack a) @ LUHF teleieon antenna Lec reine cut Connect the VIDEO OUT jack of the player to the video input jack of the monitor television. ‘© Connect the AUDIO OUT jacks to the stereo amplifier AUX, CD, LD, VDP or other jacks, except the PHONO input jacks. The television speakers can also be used by ‘connecting the television audio input jacks and the player AUDIO OUT jacks, however connection to a stereo amplifier is recommended to obtain superior audio playback quality for Compact Discs and LaserDiscs. Do ot change the television antenna and VCR connections, ‘© Connect the power cord to an AC wall outit ‘© Combined system control is possible when a Pioneer {television and audiajvideo stereo receiver are connected, Refer to page 13 for an explanation of the connection procedure. 10 CD-DECK synchro function If you have a Pioneer cassette deck provided with the CD- Deck synchro function, connect the CD-DECK SYNCHAO jacks of the player and cassette deck. With this function, Synchro recorting can be carried out between player and ‘© With CD as well as CDV and LD, the CD-Dack synchro recording can be carried out, ‘© For details on connections ‘and operation, refer to the instruction manual supplied with the cassette deck. USING TELEVISION WITHOUT AUDIO AND VIDEO JACKS (WITH OPTIONAL RF MODULATOR JA-RF3L) Player, regular television, stereo system ‘The numbers are explained on the next page. Make the ‘connections in this order. ‘Ausio cord al ‘Stereo amplior © To watch a TV broadcast, tum off the power of this player. ‘¢ When the power of this players turned on, LD playback ‘can be seen on the screen, FF modulator JARFOL optional (WSrand Cenadian models ony) AF antenna cabo VF television antenna ‘VHF ADAPTER Le serena UH television antenna 1, Detach the VHF antenna cable from the VHF antenna terminal of your TV set, and connect the cable to the VHF IN terminal of the RF modulator JA-RFL (optional. 2. Connect the VHF OUT terminal of the RF modulator to the \VHF antenna terminal of your TV set with the supplied AF cable. 3. Connect the socket @-pin) of the RF modulator to the VHF ADAPTER OUTPUT jacks, NoTes: (Push the plug in finmly. Ifthe plug is not propery inserted, it may result in snow on the screen or noise. When the sound from a LaserDisc or Compact Disc is output from a television speaker it becomes monaural sound. (This is the same as stereo television). No} © Stripe pattems may appear when @ LaserDise is played on @ television. Move the antenna cable away from the ower cord to avoid this. ‘¢ Be sure to tum off the power of this player when you watch a TV broadcast. ¢ With some televisions, when CD is played in Direct CD ‘mode (-» p.28), no sound will be heard. Therefore, when Using television speakers, turn off DIRECT CD. u - CONNECTING TO YOUR STEREO AMPLIFIER Connect the AUDIO OUT jacks of the player to the AUX, CD, LD or VOP input jacks of your stereo amplifier. NOTE: 1 Do not connect these jacks to your amplifier PHONO input jacks, ‘Stereo ampli PLUG THE POWER CORDS INTO AC OUTLET Plug the AC power cords of the player, stereo amplifier and TV set into an AC outlet ‘When the power cord of this unit is connected to an AC ‘outlet, power is supplied to the unit's internal memory (such as the last memory] even when the POWER switch is OFF. Therefore, be sure to connect the power cord directly to a wall cutlet. If the power cord is connected to an outlet such as @ switched outlet on an amplifier, the various memory contents will be erased whenever the ampifier's power switch is turned off. 2 1 ‘SYSTEM REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTION WHEN COMBINED WITH OPTIONAL PIONEER PROJECTION MONITOR (or COMPONENT DISPLAY) Connect the VIDEO OUT jack of the player to the video input jack of the projection monitor {or component display), and connect the AUDIO OUT jacks of the player to the audio input jecks of the projection monitor (or ‘component display) ‘System Control By connecting the CONTROL IN jack of the player to the emote jack of the projection monitor (or component cisplay), the system can be controlled by the remote control unit of the player at the remote control sensor of the projection monitor (or component display). Use a commercially avaiiable cord with mint-plugs for the connection. Please also refer to the operating instructions for the projection monitor (or component display) WibED BE NOTE: When system control connections have been made, the player cannot be directly controlled by the remote control unit. To operate the player, aim the remote ‘control unit at the projection monitor (or component display). Audio cord Commercially av ord wth minplge 13 PERFORMING SYSTEM CONTROL WHEN THE PLAYER IS COMBINED WITH A PRODUCT THAT HAS THE | MARK System control can be performed when the player is combined with an optional AV control center, which can provide centralized control of Pioneer products with the i mor Connect the VIDEO OUT jack of the player to the video disc video input jack of the AV control center and connect the AUDIO OUT jacks of the player to the audio input jacks of the AV control center. Connect the CONTROL IN jack of the player to the CONTROL OUT jack of the AV control center using a commercially available cord with mini plugs. ‘© For details concerning the connection and operation methods, please refer to the operating instructions for the AV control center. ‘si cord AV contro center “ NOTE: When a connecting cord has been connected to the CONTROL IN jack, direct control of the player with the remote control unit is not possible. Operate the player with the remote control unit by aiming it at the AV control center, J commerciaty avaliable ora wah ia plage NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF REMOTE CONTROL UNIT COMPONENTS ‘A detailed description is provided on the indicated pagels). Remote control buttons with the same names or marks as buttons on the front panel of the player control the same operations. as the corresponding front panel buttons. EJECT button ... p.22 AUDIO button ... p. 23, POWER button Press to turn the power on and off D/A/CX button ... p.23 HILITE/INTRO button ... p. 26 STEP buttons ... p. 28: RANDOM button... p. 28 ‘SCAN buttons... p. 24 SKIP buttons ... p.25, 33 PAUSE button ... p. 22 PLAY/SEARCH button ... p. 21 CLEAR button Direct search/Digit buttons Usedto clear the repeat mode, program ~P.25 mode, random play mode or hitite scaryintro scan mode. This button is also for use in correcting input digits. DISP button ... p. 18 (CHP/TIME button ... p25, 27 When operating the remote control unit, point the unit's infrared signal transmitter at the remote control receiver (REMOTE SENSOR) on the front panel of the player. The emote control unit can be used within a range of about 7 ‘meters (23 feet) from the remote sensor, and within angles of up to about 30 degrees. NOTE FOR USING THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (© 179 pg is connected to the CONTROL IN terminal atthe rear (of the player, remote control operations cannot be done with the remote contol unit aimed at the player's remote control sensor. Aim the remote control unit at the AV control center or the component displays sensor insteed. If there is any obstacle between the remote contol unit and the player, orif the units held at too lage an angle relative 10 the front panel ofthe player, the signal from the remote control Unit wil fal to reach the remote sensor. IF the player is operating in the vicinity of other appliances ‘generating infrared rays, oF if other remote contol devices using infrared rays are used near the player, the player may operate improperly. Conversely, ifthe player's remote control unit is ‘operated inthe vicinity of other appliances which use an infrared remote control device, the other sppliance may operate limproperl. if this should happen, change the place ofinstalietion ‘0 that improper operation does not occur. IF the range of operation of the remote control unit becames too shor, replace the batteries. When the units not to be used fora long period of time (more ‘then one month), remove the batteries to prevent them from leaking inside the compartment. If leakage occurs, wipe up the liquid inside the compartment and replace the batteries with Do net place books or other abjects onthe remote contol unit since they might depess the buttons and ran down the batteries. If the remote control sensor window is in a position where it ‘receives strong ight such as sunlight or fuorescent ight, contr! ‘may not be possible, 15 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF FRONT PANEL COMPONENTS ‘A detailed descrintion is provided on the indicated pages) PHONES LEVEL control Tur this control in the "MAX" direction to increase the output level from the PHONES jack. Tum this control in the "MIN" direction to decrease the output lovel from the PHONES jack, Door/Dise table .. p21 @ PIONEER frcnnst coco /ia maven CLD-MIO GB F-080 B80 REMOTE SENSOR, POWER STANDBY/ON switch. Press to turn the power on and off. PHONES jack ...p. 20 | wapycny wae eee nw A-883 0888 REPEAT button ... p. 30 Display window LD/CD/CV indicator Indicates the type of disc loaded in the player. » Play indicator Lights during play. Blinks during search, HILITE/INTRO indicator Lights during Hi Lite Scan ‘or intro Scan mode, [-CHP/TRK indicator Indicates the chapter number (CHP) or track 4/1, 2/R indicator Indicates the audio output Dise number indicators [- REPEAT/SIDE/ALL indicator REPEAT: Lights during repeat play. SIDE: Lights during one side repeat play. ALL: Lights during Al-disc repeat play. [-——PROGRAM indicator Lights during program play. Lights when the player is in pause mode. DISC indicator ———! Indicates the DISC number. DIGITAL SOUND indicator Lights when the disc being played has a digital sound signal. With LD diss, this indicator lights when the digital sound signal is solocted. “RANDOM PLAY indicator Lights during random play. ALL indicator Lights Disc Hi-Lite Scan mode or Disc random mode. FRAME/TIME Incestor Indicates the FRAME number or TIME. Lights when editing is ADLC indicator Lights when ADLC is Visual calendar When a disc's loaded, all of the chapter! track numbers recorded on the dis ight up on the display. If the dise contains ‘more than 19 chapters/tracks, the indicator lights During program play, only the REMAIN/TOTAL indicator | programmed chapterjtrack numbers Indicates the REMAIN time | Tight. When a disc without a TOC (remaining play time) or | section is played,-only the selection TOTAL time {total play | number boing played lights. When a CDV disc is loaded, the track ‘numbers of the video part light folowed by the track numbers of the audio part. Alter a chapteritrack is finished playing, the corresponding number goes out 16 - DIRECT CD button....p.29 DISC NUMBER button... p. 24 DIRECT SEARCH/Digit buttons ... p. 25 RANDOM button... p. 25 HILITE INTRO SCAN button OPEN/CLOSE & button ... p. 20, 22 PLAY/PAUSE »/m button ... p.21, 22 ‘STOP mbutton ... p.22 DISPLAY button ... p. 18 COMPU PGM/AUTO PGM EDIT button peer SKIP buttons ... p. 25, 33 ‘SCAN buttons... p. 24 PGM button ... p.32 7 DISPLAY SWITCHING Information regarding the operations being carried out can be displayed on the screen of the monitor TV. When DISPLAY on the front panel or DISP on the remote control Unit is pressed the frst time, the screen is displayed, ose seen epiny | With LD dises containing a TOC o- Each tine DISP fs pressed, the disploy chenges in the folowing order: timeame mmoer (lapsed ply teams from the beginning of the dsc) =" Remain Time ALL training play tro ofthe cise) =» Total Time total play time Remote contol unit et tee eee ot ‘© With CAV discs, the Disc time ABS (elapsed play time from the beginning of the disc) is displayed after the frame number. cw Time number ma Remain Time ALL Total Time ‘Chapter NO. CLV dice with 9 TOC CLV die with a TOC 372.49 PLAY 312.0 PLAY Remain Time 7 “otal Time | beans {second cg ae st seconds te ‘scored onto dae, the tine those oercatyerar tal number of haptore owes Eee SS) Dac Time ABS (CO Romain Time TRK - pfgtasoms ical 312.48 Disot PLAY 212.49 Diso1 PLAY Dise Time Remain Time ABS 27-10 THK 425 m2) ol Other displays Lights - Flashes Funation Function OPEN. ‘Opening ofthe table Random Random play ose Closing ofthe tebe. A Rd Alkcisc random play STOP Stop mode Par. Bnd Program random play PLAY Play mode Eating eaitmode PAUSE Pause mode Normal ‘Auto program sci STILL Frozen picture Compute Compu program edit cv’ CLV play Intro Intro sean mode Video Video part search Hite HILITE scan mode Audio Audio part search ADL ‘ADLC mode Last Memory Last memory isc: Diso change mode Repest Side “A (8) One sido repost INeur Edit input mode Repest Chapter (rack) Chaptertrack repest Digital Digital signal seting Repest ALL Alkcisc repeat ‘Analog ‘Analog signal setting Repest Random encom repest play Stereo, Stereo Repest Program Program repeat we Main ausie/Lett channel Repeat Par. Rnd Program random repeat play 2h ‘Sub auclofright channe! Program Program mode exon OX noise reduction oystom ON. Step. Chapterrack program stop OFF (GX noise reduction system OFF 18 With LD dises having no TOC... Each time DISP is pressed, the display changes in the following order: timesframe number -» display off. With CDV discs... Each time DISP is pressed, tho display changes in the following order: elapsed play time of the track being played => Remain Time TRK (remaining play time of the track being played) -* Remain Time ALL (remaining play time of the Video or audio part being played) > Total Time (total play time from the beginning of the video or audio part being played) - display off. CAV Frame number Dise Time ABS Chapter NO. CAV io wth @ TOC With CD dises Each time DISP is pressed, the display changes in the following order: elapsed play time of the track being played = Disc Time ABS (elapsed play time from the beginning of the disc) -» Remain Time TRK (reining play time of the ‘rack being played) -+ Remain Time ALL (remaining play time of the disc) -* Total Time (total play time from the beginning of the disc)» display off ‘© These data are also displayed on the display window of the front panel Femain Time ALL cAvdnewin a0 + 2 wre 29a PL Die Tine Remain Tine AS ee Ag ssleonds seconde Micutes cael ‘Remain Time ALL nae Total Time Total Time 312.49 Oise 1 PLAY Remsin Time ALL3108 Tats Time 758.08 Disc mark and audio output level mater display: When DISPLAY on the front panel or DISP on the remete control unit iS pressed during playback of CD or CDV, the aise marks will be ‘splayed on the monitor scceen. When DISPLAY or DISPis presseo ‘again, the aucio output level meter willbe dspleyed, Nore: In some cases, the displayed output fevel mey dlffer from the actual output evel, but this nota maifunction. 312.49 Disc PLAY mo 6 372.49 Dlee1 PLAY 4) 3 sree CAV lige with aTOC “Total Time 1026.87 ‘Seconde otal numberof chaptrs ‘Total number of tracks Nore: Wien the Direct CD function -«p.29)is activated, the player does not asp information, 312.49 Diee7 PLAY Only for your reference 19 TO PLAY AN LD, CDV OR CD 1 2 3 Turn on the power to the Turn on the power to this Open the disc table. monitor TV and/or audio unit. system. When a stereo system is prmucioee used for audio listening: Turn on the power of the amplifier, and set its input stpem selector to the proper position Front penel <} — Frostpanot for listening to the player, such as “LD” Power exec Coy Cea] /9 —— /) ent cont it State of the dlaplay window during playback: To play and listen toa dae without connecting this unit to an audio system: — Plug headphones into the PHONES jeck on te font panel of his cl motes | LD ‘unit and acjust the volume with PHONES LEVEL. em” 9 fens (Caper surber Tie number nintaecond © rcs oan or Feme ner 2 860666 wakBS] eo wom 9 Jew 9s, lel apoed ply te of curont track Risseer nisSber (minutesiseconds) 2 Lp/epv/cD Front panel buttons and remote contrl uit buttons with the same Reme or mark have the same function, 4 played or the disc or the player may be damaged. disc table. Five surrounding dae aye: ‘inch coicoV neh CD reinch Lo Load a disc. Start playback. ‘As shown in the following diagram, place the disc on the disc table in the ‘groove corresponding to the size of the disc. Pay If the disc is not centered correctly on the dise table, the disc will not be cae Always place the disc correctly according to the required disc size on the CCDICDV: With the labeled side up thaw 5 Vi) rtp PLAYISEARCH SY moron ‘© With CDV discs, the video part is played fst ‘© When 5 discs are set on the surrounding dise trays, playback starts from the disc No. 1 ‘To avoid malfunctions, be especially cereful about the following points. ‘Do not place any object other than 8 disc on the dis table ‘Do nat move the player while a dise is playing. This will suse the disc tobe scratched, ‘© Be careful not to estch your finger in the disc table section while the disc table is being retracted into the unit, Also, be Cafeful het children do not put thee hands into the inside ofthe Lunit while the disc table is open, ‘Tis may cause injury ‘© When an LD is osded, CDs or CVs cannot be played. '® Duting CDs (or CDVs) payback or dise change mode, ifthe AC power cord is unplugged or the amplifiers power switch is ‘umed off {when the power cord ofthe player le connected to 3 ‘SWITCHED AC OUTLET of the amplifier, “1-CO" is displayed fon tho display window when the power is turned back on, In this mode, the DISC NUMBER buttons cannot be operated (Open the disc table, famave the cise from the center vay and put the disc onthe surtounding die tray Precautions concerning diss loading 1¢"An LD can be loaded and played without removing CDs or ‘CDV. However, remove the LD to play CDs or CDV, ‘© Before loading CDs or CVs, remove the LD. ‘© With this unit playback of ll types of discs is caried out without the use of adapters, Therefore, do not use any type of adapter with tis ui, ‘© When a CD o° CDV is placed on the center tray, playback is performed withthe center tay dse only. "I-CD" is displayed fn the display window and the DISC NUMBER buttons eannot be operated. Last Memory function: Ifthe power is turned off during LD playback, a playback position slighty head of the current frame is stored in the unit's memory (Last Memory). When the power is turned back on and playback begins from the memorzed position by pressing B/W or m. au - TO PLAY AN LD, CDV OR CD (Continue) ‘To pause playback temporarily a Sf Font pane! ‘The sound and/or video image disappears. Press PLAY PAUSE »/ or PAUSE m again to resume playback from the position where pause mode was entered ‘To stop playback ya Vy) once Remote control unit ‘When PLAY PAUSE B/It or PLAY/ SEARCH m is next pressed, disc playback starts again from the beginning. Playback starts from the dise No. 1 To stop playback and take out the dise Front panel evec. Cae] So Twice Remote control unit After removing the disc from the dise table, press OPEN/CLOSE & to close the table, | Disos marked with the CIE mark Discs marked (38 ae recorded with the CX noise reduction system ‘or powerful audio reproduction with ite noise (Analog audio ony) However, some discs marked are not encoded with the signals necessary to instruct tho unit to automaticaly switch on the CX ‘system. Hf sound is noisy o undulate when a diz with a O38 marks played, press DIAICK button onthe remote contrl uit. © DS "is a trademark of CBS ine. This player meets the CX EXPANDING SPECIFICATION, 2 up/epv/co To listen to only one channel of a stereo disc, or to select the eudio on a sound multiplex dise To listen to the analog audio of an LD digital audio dise: During playback Played audio During playback = Display on ‘Stereo dise | Sound multiplex dice | display window = ‘DIGITAL om iam |e wo, || SS + 7 (pam ee troy + mex [Analog | Goes of ight | Ausio 2 ign [2 C4 7 | t /) Soa Return to start ‘With @ Muti Audio disc (an LD bearing the "AIRIABO” mark), you —aaaio a canlisten tothe various audio vacks recorded on the cise by Using Dise Analog audio | Digital audio DIAICX to select between the analog and digital ausio weeks, and _ by using AUDIO to select between the left (1/L) and right (2) Triinguat | Native languge 1 Foreign language 1 channels, 2IR Foreign language 2 Examples of the various types of audio recorded on Multi [ouadiingval | 1. Natve language _ | 1/L Foreign language 2 ‘Audio dises | 2/8 Foroignianguage 1|2/R Foreign language 3 Audio| i Digital oie —~ A] anatogautio | Ba Movies, animations, ete| Audio of the main program [Soundtrack Dual music Music 1 Music 2 Various types of digital | 1/1 Karaoke (monaural) [Stereo audio kartoke 21F Assisting vocals [karaoke Stereo bilingual Native language Foreign L language 1 23 up/epv/cp Manual Search TO SEARCH FOR A PARTICULAR PASSAGE Manual Search — Search using fast forward or fast reverse free or taeteoverss >=} —— Pree forfastorar ‘operation 4) Normally Clear Scan is performed. To perform Low Scan and High Scan, press DISP on the remote control unit to display the ‘screen and then press SCAN button. For about two seconds after the button is pressed, Low Scan is performed, after that, the unit enters High Scan. Clear Sean mode : The image may not be fluctuated in this mode, ‘Low Sean mode : Scan speed becomes sbout x10 the normal playback speed. High Scan mode: Scan speed becomes about x30 the normal playback speed. ‘© With CDs oraucio part of CDVs, Clear Scan mode cannot be carried out, ‘© With video part of COV, High Scan mode cannot be carried out. '¢ In Clear Scan mode, when digital sound is selected with igital audio discs, sound is heard at low volume level ‘© With CDs or audio part of CDVs, sound is heard at low volume level while scanning ‘© Others: Sound is muted. Notes on CAV: While scanning, noise may occur on the screen. This is nota ‘malfunction. Notes on CLV: ‘© While scanning, the color of the image may fade out or the image sometimes fluctuates. ‘© The scan speedis different between inner tracks and outer, tracks. epv/cp Disc search TO SEARCH FOR A PARTICULAR DISC OOO) Disc tray numbers 24 Select a disc using the DISC NUMBER buttons. The player ‘searches for the specified disc and playback starts from the beginning of that disc. The disc numbers correspond to the disc tray numbers. upepv/cD TO SEARCH FOR A PARTICULAR CHAPTER/TRACK Chapter (Track) Search/Chapter (Track) Skip ‘The term “chapter” refers to each section on an LD, and the ‘© Chapter Search is not possible with discs which are not term “track” refers to each section on a CD or CDV disc. divided into chapters. If chapter or track numbers are encoded on a disc, itis so indicated on the isc jacket. (Chapter (Track) Search - To search by designating the chapter/track number Exam To search for chapter or track number 10 or above: To play from the beginning of Chapter/Track 3: Use [+10] button. (Example) - up/cov/cp Hi-Lite Scan/Intro Scan TO SEARCH FOR A PARTICULAR CHAPTER/TRACK [tite Scan (60 or auto par oF oOvI Dise Hi-Lite sean When HILITE/INTRO SCAN on the front panel or HILITEY INTRO on the remote control unit is pressed during stop ‘mode, playback starts fromapoint 1 minute afterthe beginning Of the first track, ard the first track of each disc is played for about seconds. After the first tracks ofalldises are scanned, the player enters stop mode. When » is pressed during H- Lite Scan playback, normal playback starts from the current point ‘The HILITE/INTRO and ALL indicators are lit on the display during Disc HiLite Scan made. (On the sereen, “Hite” is displayed.) ‘© With CDV, the beginning of the video partis played for about 8 seconds. During top mode UTE fd ‘Track Hi-Lite sean During playback, press HILITE/INTRO SCAN or HILITE/ INTRO at the point you want to start Track HiLite Scan playback. The player memorizes the minute and second of the point and HiLite Scan playback is carried out from the ‘memorized minute and second on each track. During the desired track is played, press P/M or. The unit enters play mode. ‘The HILITE/INTRO indicator is lt on the display during Track Hi-Lite Scan mode. (On the screen, "Hille" is displayed.) During playback mode HITE TARO SCAN Intro Sean (LD or video part of CDV) When HILITENTRO SCAN on the front panel or HILITEY INTRO on the remote control unit is pressed, the beginning Of each chapter is played for about 8 seconds. The HILITEY INTRO indicator is lt during Intro Scan mode, oe inno Sea oa fd 26 During the desired chapter or track is played, press m/M or ‘The unit enters play mode. ‘© With CDY, Intro Scan starts with the video part, and then the audio part will be played with HF-Lite Scan, Shaper 2 NOTE: With discs which dose nat contain the chapter number, Intro ‘scan cannot be operated. Lp/epv/cp TO SEARCH FOR A PARTICULAR TIME/FRAME Time Number Search/Track time Search/ABS Time Search/Frame Number Search [Time Number Search Exam : To search for the scene located at time number 12 min. 34 see (CLV) 1. Press CHP/TIME. CAUTION When the display shows chapter No., press this button Hadiscdoes not contain information on the digits of seconds, again specify the time number only as far as the minute digits, 2. Enter [1], [2], [3] ana [4] with the digit buttons. If you make a mistake during entery: Press CLEAR to reset the time number to "0.00", and Press the correct digit buttons again. 3. Press orm /m. [ Track Timo Search To search fora time ona speed Wk (00/0DV) J 1. Press CHP/TIME, 2. Press SKIP Kea or pi so that the desired track ‘number appears in the front panel display window. 3. Enter the track time (elapsed time from the beginning of the specified track) with the digit buttons (0 - 9), 4. Press orm /th ABS Time Search (CD only) - To search for a point by designating the elapsed time from the beginning of the disc 11 Press CHP/TIME so that “Ab” appears in the front 3 Press ® or m/m. Playback starts from the specified Panel display window. (On the monitor screen, elapsed time. “ABS” appears.) 2 Frame Number Search (CAV discs only) ~ To search by designating the frame number Any desired frame can be searched for by specifying its frame number. 1. Press CHP/TIME. When the display shows chapter NO., press this button again. “Frame 0” is displayed. 2. Entertherequiredframenumberwiththedigitbuttons (0-9). 3. Press > or m/t1. The designated frame is played as a still frame. ores: ‘To exit search mode: (¢Time/Frame search function can be carried out during playback Press CLEAR, ¢ The #10 button does not function © Ifyou make a mistake in pressing the agit buttons, press CLEAR ‘and press the corect eit buttons 27 Loicav) EXTRA PLAYBACK ‘Still frame and Frame-by-Frame advance function Remote control unit /) Pros ether fhe buon. During playback if STEP on the remote control unit is pressed, the picture will be frozen. At this point, the dise ‘can be played one frame at a time in either the forward or reverse direction by pressing one of these buttons. The sound is muted during still frame or frame advance operation To return to normal playback operation, press LD with Toc/cp/cov Random Playback TO PLAY CHAPTERS/TRACKS IN A RANDOM ORDER During playback, press RANDOM on the front panel or remote control unit. All chapters/tracks of a disc are played ina rendom order. RANDOM /} Display during Random Pay (CO) ‘adeplay the musi calander press DSP on ‘he remote conta unt so that be ploy ‘howe tne ape. “Trackto be played (reverse depley), ‘Track ha been played (norma sepay) Trace tobe played a geccce laze Dise Random Playback (CDs or CDV discs only) ee Se eae During stop moda, press RANDOM on the front panel or Ger l- 9 ou les remote contol unt. The player select the disc and one treck of each discs played. (NOTE: ‘To enter stop mode: With Random Payback, chapter No.0 wil nt be played. Press To goto the next chepter/track during Randém Playback Random Payback with CDV discs: Prose bo (The previous chopterftrack cannot be played by pressing Ket) ‘To stop Random Playback: Press CLEAR on the remote contol unit. ‘Aftor CLEAR is pressed, playback wil. continue in the order in ‘hich the chaptersracks are recorded on the dis. 2B “Tracks in the video and aucio part are payed ina random order. Program Random Playback: ‘To play the programmed chaptersfircks in random order, press RANDOM during program playback. CD/CDV (Audio part) PARTICULAR FUNCTIONS FOR CD - Direct cb/ADLC Direct CD Since the picture circuit is deactivated and the interference between signals is eliminated with the Direct CD function, "moro pure sound can be reproduced, ‘© When the Direct CD function is activated, the player does not display information, 1 Press DIRECT CD on the front panel. DIRECT CD /) 2 Start play. ea PLAYISEARCH >a So emote conto unt To exit Direct CD mode: Press DIRECT CD again. Also, when the video part of CDVis played, Direct CD mode is canceled automatically. To play an LD: Cancelthe Direct CD mode. Otherwise, the LD cannotbe set on the dise table, NOTE During LD or CDV (video part play, the player does not enter Direct CD mode even if DIRECT CD is pressed. When playing the auaio part of CDV, you can press DIRECT co. ‘ADLC (Automatic Digital Level Controller During playback /) When the difference of recording level between discs is noticeable, the volume level should be adjusted for each disc, cespecilly during program playback orrandom playback whose tracks are selected between 2 discs or more. In such cases, pressing ADLC automatically sets the output level to the proper level. When ADLC is turned on, the ADLC indicator lights. © To tum off ADLC, press ADLC so that the ADLC indicator 02s off. ‘¢ With some selections, sound becomes unnatural In such case, turn off ADLC. ‘© ADLC can be carried out with CD or CDV only. 29 TO REPEATEDLY PLAY A DESIRED PASSAGE - Repeat Playback Chapter/Track Repeat - To repeat the current chapter or track REPEAT When the ond ofthe chaptotrak is reachod, tho ‘layer otra tothe Dogring of hoch e {rac and the chopterfvck i played back ‘epecteay ress REPEAT onthe front sonel or on ‘tho remota conte unt whe the shepterteck tbe repesteis playing ‘The REPEAT indcator hts cn tho up/epv/c> Program Repeat - To repeat a program With the program repeat function, you can repeatedly play programmed chapters or tracks in their programmed order After programmed cheptersftracks are played 16 tes, the unit enters stop mode. 1 Seo page 32 for details on programming REPEAT Cl] /} Prose REPEAT wie the pogrom is bg payed Random Repeat - To repeat a random play ‘With the random repest function, you can repeatedly play the ‘chapters or tracks in random oxder. EPEAT 4) Press REPEAT during random playbock Program Random Repeat - To repeat a program random play \With the program random repeat function, you can repeatedly play programmed chapters or vacks in random order. ‘Alter programmed chaptors/racks ae played 16 times in random ctder, the unit enters stop mode, REPEAT /) ross REPEAT dina program andor playbook, 31 - ‘Selected chapters (LD) or tracks (CDV/CD) can be played in any desired order (max. 24 chapters or tracks). 1 Press PGM. Display with diss contaloing a TOC ser TO PLAY ONLY THE DESIRED SCENES/TRACKS — Program Playback ‘¢ You can view the state of programming an the monitor TWscreen, 2 Select the desired chapters or tracks. With LDs, enter the numberof the desired chapter with the digit buttons. Example: To program chapter 9, 7 and 1 in that order: If you make a mistake during entry Press CLEAR and enter the correct number with the digit buttons. 2] G) oe With CDs or CDV discs, first specify disc No. with the DISC NUMBER buttons and then enter the number of the desired ‘rack with the digit buttons. Example: To program CD track 9 on the disc No. 2, all tracks Con the disc No. 8 and track 18 on the dise No. 1 ‘@ When all tracks should be programmed, press mbt after specifying the disc No, Aa 4 ‘Seroen display ater programming is completed ae) on» oof a an Sereen dsply after programming is completed To Tine war oe ou Owe 3 Press PLAY/SEARCH >. PLAVISEARCH 4d ‘The chepters/tracks are played in the programmed order, When all programmed chaptersjtracks have been played, the player enters stop mode. To stop program play in the middle: ‘¢- Press aon the front panel ofthe player or EJECT wl. on the remote contol unit ‘© Press CLEAR on the remote contol unit ‘To clear the program contents: © Open the dise tabi, ‘© Press CLEAR on the remote contol unt in stop mode. Programming a paus When recording on 2 cessette tape, a programmed pause allows you to change the tape side or to record @ blank section on the tape which is useful for music search functions, tc ‘When a program isin pause mode, pressing PAUSE W resumes disc Playback, so restert recording before pressing PAUSE W. To program a pause: In step 2 of the above procedure, press PAUSE W instesd of entering a chapter or tack number. 32 ‘ ‘NOTE: (¢ A pause cannot be programmed for step 1, and it cannot be ‘Brogrammed for two consecutive steps. ‘© Appause can be programmed for the last program step, however, i wall not be effective. ‘ogrammed pause indication: On the monitor seraen = In the front pane! eisplay window ~ PA, To go to the previous or next chapter (track) in a program: Press SKIP Fé or Bm on the remote contro uni. Loyepv/co ‘To check the program contents During program playback or in stop mode, press PGM to display the program contents on the monitor screen. When PGM is pressed again, the program contents disappeer. ‘To modify the program contents ‘To erase a programmed chapter/track or pause 1. Press PGM, 2. Press SKIP te-t or mH to place the cursor (P} on the left side of the chapterftrack or peuse to be erased 3. Press CLEAR, 4. Press PGM to complete programming. Pressing m also ‘completes programming and starts program playback with the new program contents. To change a programmed chapter/track or pause to a new one 1. Press PGM. 2, Press SKIP kat or bit to place the cursor (>) on the left side of the dise No., chapterjtrack or pause to be changed. 3, Enter the new disc No. with the DISC NUMBER buttons. andor enter the new chapter/track number with the digit buttons. Press PAUSE m to enter a pause, 4, Press PGM to complete programming. Pressing & also completes programming and starts program playback with the new program contents. ‘© Programmed chapter/track being played cannot be erased (or changed. ‘© Programmed pause being engaged cannot be erased or changed, ‘To view the program contents: Program contents can be viewed in te front panel claplay window, ‘© Programmed chapterftrack numbers light up on the visual calander. 33 LD with Toc/cb/cDv PROGRAMMING CHAPTERS/TRACKS TO BE PLAYED BACK WITHIN A SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD — Compu Program/Auto Program Edit lf the total playing time of both sides of the tape is specified, Cchaptersstracks are automatically programmed for both sides Of the tape, Up to 6 programs can be created Compu Program Edit ‘Auto Program Edit The player selects the chaptors/tracks so that their total Chapters/tracks are selected within the designated time, playing time becomes the specified playing time as near as starting from the specified track. possible. 1. Press EDIT on the front panel. ‘© With LD discs, after playback is performed, press EDIT. ‘© When EDIT is prossed during playback, the player enters /) pause mode, 2. For CD or CDV, select the dise No. with the DISC NUMBER button. Display example 3. Select the first chapter/track to be programmed with SKIP 14-4 or >>, 4. Set the total playing time of both sides of the tape in minutes with Eaeo the digit buttons (0-9). Press two digit buttons rapidly. For example, to enter 48 minutes, press the @)button and [6] button sequentially. 5. Repeat step 2 through 4 to create other programs (up to 6) as desired. Compu Program Ea ‘Auto Program Eat 6. Press >/m te 6. Press EDIT again. Program Boyback star's “ 7. Press eit, Progtom pleybck stat = 2h When playback of the program for one side is completed, the player enters. pause mode. To play the program for the other sido, press m/ When all programs have been played, the player enters stop mode. ‘To clear program contents: NOTES: Press CLEAR on the remate contol unt 1 With dises contained 39 tracks or more, programming may not be correctly performed, specified time Is too short for any track to be ‘¢ With Auto Program Eolt function, te programmed total playing time is not occasionally clase to the specified time compared Programming cannot be performed. with Compu Program Eat. With LD discs, chapter No. 0 will not be programmed. '@ When chapter No. 1 is programmed, the programmed total laying tine mey slighty afer from the actual caleuaton, This ‘is not @mmatfuncton 4 ‘ TROUBLESHOOTING Incorrect operations are often for trouble and malfunctions. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, ccheck the points below. Sometimes the trouble may lie in another component. Inspect the other components and electrical appliances being used. If the trouble cannot be rectified even after exercising the checks listed below, ask your nearest PIONEER authorized service center or your dealer to carry out repair work. ‘SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY 1. Disc table ig not ejected when OPENJCLOSE is pressed. Power cord is not properly plugged inte AC wall socket. Power switch is not tuned en. Plug in power cor Turn on power switch 2. Dise table comes out Discs ay. ‘The dsc isnot propery set on the disc tebe. Moisture has condensed on parts in the player. Disc is warped. Clean dee. Set the disc property Remove disc and et player stand for t 10 2 hours untlit is dy. Try to alleviate the warp. (Refer to Symptom 7, remedy column} 3, Remote control does not work. ‘The CONTROL IN terminal on the rear panel is conncted to pioneer projection monitor or AV contol canter Batteries aro weak. ‘Thote is en obstacie between the player and the remote contol unit. Remote cantiol unit is notin a good locaton for transmission, ‘Aim the remote control unit at the Brojecion monitor or AV contro center. Replace batteries. Remove the obstacle or shift the femate control position, Operate the remote contol unt in front ofthe payer. 4. Operation of the remote contrat Unit causes the TV to operate improperly. ‘Some TV sets have remote control functions thet ‘operate improperly in response to the remate contol unt ofthe player Move the TV and the player further ‘pert, or cover the remote sensor of the TV during cise playback. ‘Abnormal functioning of this unit may be caused by lightning, static electricity, or other external interference. To restore ‘normal operation, turn the power off and then on again, or unplug the AC power cord and then plug itn again. 35 - TROUBLESHOOTING WHEN A LASERVISION DISC IS BEING PLAYED SYMPTOM ‘CAUSE REMEDY 5. Disc is rotating but there is no picture. ‘The TV eet fa not turned on, Wrong connections from payer to TV. Tum on TV. Make correct connections 6. Picture continuously moves vertically. ‘The TV vertical hold contol not adjusted properly. ‘Adjust vericaFhold control on TV. 7. Particular disc does not playback properly. The playback stops in the middle Of the disc program, “The playing surface of the dsc is diy ‘The diss warped, Use a soft coth and ighty wipe off the dit from the surface of the dise. If necessary, rmoisten @ cloth with diluted neutral detergent to remove heavy dit of fingerprints LD esos only Put the disc into the protective envelope, then place it ona flat desk top. Subsequently, place 2 flat board e.g. glass plate on the disc, and load it with about 4 ~ 5 kgs (about 10 Io). fit 's loft in tis state for one day, sometimes the ‘warp wil lloviated, Heavy books about #= 8 Kgs (ott) lace plate 0 EEK va ‘envelope & Sound is distorted. unnatural or (OX system is turned ON for cise which has no mark. Press DIA/CX to turn CX system OFF. 9. No sound output during playback. STILLISTEP playback is being performed Sound is eutput only during the normal ploy mode. The audio signals are not output during other playback modes. Press PLAY/SEARCH or PLAY/PAUSE to sot ‘he player to noemal pley mode. 10. During STILL playback, a part Of the screen image shakes. Even ifthe disc is a standard play disc, there ‘ey be some cases in which # fuly silimsge cannot be obtained, but this does not mean that the player or the ise is defective. 11. CHAPTER SKIP, CHAPTER PROGRAM PLAY and CHAPTER NUMBER SEARCH ‘cannot be performed. Disc in which no chapter numbers are recorded i loaded Press DISP to check if chepter number is splayed 12, Certain discs take too long to ‘search for or do nat search for. It takes time to read the recorded code, ‘depending on the disc. Press CLEAR and picture will appear. (AL this point, sighty diferent scene from that which has been searched for may sppeer) 36 ‘ TROUBLESHOOTING ‘SYMPTOM ‘CAUSE REMEDY 113. Certain discs take too long to start or do not start. ‘There are errors when the disc code is ‘wad (There is no damage to the unit ‘© Press mor M/A and stop the playback. Press| ‘the © or Pil and start the playback again, (Repeat this operation a few times.) 114, Picture other than instructed is searched in TIME NUMBER ‘SEARCH modo, ‘Method of inputting numerals in the TIME NUMBER SEARCH mods ditfers, depending on whether time number is recorded on disc in minutos or minutes end seconds, as shown below: [eg] 12-minute search Disc in which time number is recorded in minutes ‘CHPTIME O @ PLAYISEARCH “wrinutes" '# Disc in which time numbers recorded in minutes and seconds. CHPTTIME: W G&l PLAYISEARCH minutes” — "epoands” WHEN PLAYING BACK A COMPACT DISC ‘SYMPTOM ‘CAUSE ‘REMEDY 16. Disc table comes out. Discis not correcty set on the dsctable. | © Place the disc correctly in the groove Corresponding tothe size of the dis. 16.Player stops immediately after playback is started. Disc is loaded upside down (CD, CDV, conesided LD discs) ‘The paving surface ofthe dscsis diy. Discis not property set on the disc table. (© Load the disc correcty with the label side upward (© Use a soft cloth end light wipe off the crt from the surface of the disc. If necessary, moisten a coth with diluted neutral detergent 10 remove heavy dit of fngerprint © Set the dse propery 17. No sound output The stereo amplifier is not correctly connected You are not operating the stereo ampifior coreect. The connection terminals endor the plugs cof the connection cards are iry. The plugs of the connection cords are disconnected, or are not fuly pushed in ‘The player i in pause mode. ‘© Connect the amplifier corectly. '© Refer to the operating instructions for the amplifier, and operate the amplifier corecty. ‘© Clean the plugs end terminals and connect ain '@ Make sure that connections are made ‘correctly. '© Press m or mitt and restore the player to play ede, 18. Sounds distorted. ‘The aucio output jacks are connected tothe PHONO jacks. The connection terminals andlor the plugs cof the connection cords are city. The plugs of the connection cards are not fully pushed in ‘© Connect tothe AUX, CD, VDP or LD jacks. © Clean the plugs end terminals and connect aain © Push tho plug in fimly 37 SPECIFICATIONS 1. General System. LaserVision Disc system and ‘Compact Disc digital audio system Laser. .-s-Semigonductor laser wavelength 780 nm Power requirements USS. and Canadian models Multi voltage model AC 120V, 60 He AC 110V/120-127V) 220V/240V (Switchable), 60/60 Hz Power consumption oe 3a Weight 8.5 kg (20 lbs 18 o2) Dimensions 420 (WW) x 460 (D) x 142 (H) mm 16-9/16 (WM) x 17-11/16 (D) x 69/16 (H) in Operating temperature. 45°C ~ 435°C (41°F - 95°F) Operating humidity 5% ~ 90% (There should be no condensation of moisture.) 2. Disc LaserVision Dises “Maximum playing times ‘12-inch standard play dise ‘1:inch extended play dise ‘S:inch standard play disc 1 hourfboth sides hours/both sides, 28 min/both sides 14 minfone side 40 min/both sides 20 minvone side inch extended play aise Spindle motor speed ‘Standard play disc Extended play dise 1,800 ppm 1,800 rpm (inner circumference) ‘0 600 rpm (outer circumference) (Fora 12nch disc) Compact Dises DISC.......... Diameter: S:nch, inch, Thickness: 1.2 mm Rotation direction (pickup side) Counterclockwise Liner speed 12~ 1Lamisec “Maximum playing time 74min, 5inch dises 20 min. 34nch discs (For stereo playback) Compact Dises with Video Disc se Diameter: S:inch, Thickness: 1.2 mm Rotation direction (pickup side) Counterclockwise Linear speed Audio portion: 1.2 ~ 1.4m/sec Video portion: 11 ~ 12m/sec Video portion: § min. (CLV) ‘Audio portion: 20 min, (Digital “Maximum playing time * Actual playback time differs for each disc. 38 3. Video characteristics (two pairs) Format snensnseanes NTSC specifications Video output Level 1/Vpp nominal, sync. negative, terminated impedance 752 unbalanced Jack eee RCA jack 4. Audio characteristics (two pairs) Output level During analog audio output .. 200 mvrms (1 kHz, 40%) During digital audio output . 200 mvims. (1 kHz, 20 dB) Jacks: oe .» Both RCA jacks Number of channels. 2 Digital Audio Characteristics Frequency response | 4 Hz ~20 kHz (40.3 dB) (E1AJ) SN ratio 112 dB (EIA) Dynamic range 99.08 (EIA) Channel separation 105 dB (EIA) Total harmonic distortion | 0,0019% (EIA) ‘Wow and flutter Limit of measurement (IAN) 5. Other Terminals Control inputvoutput CD-DECK synchro... \VHF adapter output (Video/Audio) Both miniature jacks Miniature jack Both RCA jacks with DC jack 6. Accessories Remote control unit (CU-CLDOS1) «nro Size “AMA” (IEC R03) dry cell batteries. Video cord . ‘Audio cord... Operating instructions... Warranty card. SPECIFICATIONS 7. Functions Remote contral unit operations (CU-CLD061) Standard play | Extended play | Compsct | Compact Function Dise Disc | Disowith Dise (cay cu Video Single-sde play ves yes YES ves Bosic Functions | Pause ves YES ves yes Stop YES YES YES. YES Fast forward (forward and reverse) YES Yes yes Yes CChepter/Track skip Yes. Yes YES YES Direct chaptes/Track nurnber search YES. YES. YES YES. Search Frame number search YES NO NO NO Time number search NO YES. YES Yes. Absolute time search No | NO No YES Dise search No NO YES YES Program CChaptorTack program play ves “YES YES ves Program correction YES ves YES YES: ChopterTrack repeat ves: ves: YES Yes One-side repeat YES ves: YES Yes Allcisc repeat No NO YES YES. Repeat Program repest YES YES. YES ves. Bandom repeat Yes"! Yes"! YES. YES. Program random repeat YES yes YES. YES ‘Thick slay Salvstep ves | No No No lapsed time aispiay NO. ves: YES Yes Absolute time display yes" NO No Yes Time display Remaining track tme display NO NO ves. YES Remaining otal time diepiay yes" yes" YES YES. Total numberof selections, total time splay yes" yes" YES YES. HeLite sean NO No yes"! ves. Intro scan Yes. YES Yes" No Others X system ON/OFF yes" yest? No No AUTO DIGITALIANALOG switen YES" YEs#? NO NO ‘Auclo channel selection (Stereo, /L, 2/8) YES YES ves YES "Only dises with TOC NOTE: 112 Valid for analog sound playing a disc with the CH mark 13 Can only be used with discs with digital sound tracks, 14 Audio part only *5 Video part only PLAYER FUNCTIONS © Display, Visual Calendar Display © Intro Scan, HisLite Scan, Direct CD, ADLC, Random Playback, Disc Random Playback, Program Random Playback and Compu Program/Auto Program Edit ‘© Digital Sound for LaserVision Discs © Last Memory The specifications and design of this product are subject to change without notice, due to improvement. 39 - Se ern LaserDise. is a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation. PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION | 4-1, nleguo 1-chome, Meguo-hu, Tokyo 183, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS [USA] INC. 2265 Fast 220th Sweet, Long Beach, Caforna 90610, USA PO. BOX 1720, Long Beach, Calflora S0801, USA PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC. 505 Cochvane Drive, Maka, Ontario LSA BES, Canada PIONEER ELECTRONIC [EUROPE] NLV. Kootborgaan 1, 9120 Boveren, Belgium, TEL: 09/750.05.11 PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 178-184 Boundary Road, racsie, Vitor 3195, Austral, TEL: 03) $80-9817 Printed in Japan

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