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Class: Foods and Nutrition Date: Dec 8, 2022
Unit: Home Cooking Basics Lesson Title: Building a Foundation Part 1
Content Standard Alignment:
7.2.1 Select appropriate fruits and vegetables for intended uses.

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)

Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar
to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students
should be able to answer.

After completing the lesson, students will be able to list five ways to best select produce and three ways to
incorporate them into a meal.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?

This lesson supports the units goals in preparing and identifying appropriate ingredients for their recipes and meal

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Laptop and Projecting Set Up for Teacher

Computer cart reservation OR computer lab reservation

Poster making materials: tape, scissors, food magazines, markers, poster paper

Lesson Instructions in sharable link for students to access credible sources to do their research, they only need Day
1 instructions for this day.

Slide Show

Methods and Instructional Strategies

(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
No matter what condition or season the produce is in, it will always be gross.
There is a limited number of ways for healthy food to be incorporated.
Produce can’t taste or look good no matter how it is incorporated.
The only way to eat produce is like a rabbit.

Concept Prerequisites:
List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of
the lesson.
“In season” – a produce’s natural ripening time of year where it is at its freshest.
Color – the hue of the produce, an indicator of ripeness.
Texture – how the produce feels to the touch, smooth, bumpy, soft, firm, etc.
Senses- How produce looks, tastes, smells, or feels can help determine its freshness.
Grading – The USDA’s established standards for fresh produce
Substitute – swap out food items with the intention of making a healthier or tastier choice.
Introduction- Teacher will make computer reservations ahead of time to ensure access. Teacher
Anticipatory Set: will have poster making materials out on the back counters (ready to distribute in
class or take with you to the computer lab depending on the reservation).

Teacher will have bell ringer (slide 2) projected on the board for students before the
students come in.
Instructional Activities: As students come into the classroom, they will discuss with their desk neighbor their
Includes questioning techniques, answers to the bell ringer
grouping strategies, pedagogical
Teacher will invite students to share their answers (3 min) and introduce the learning
goal for the day. Students and teacher will read the learning goal out loud together
as a class (2 min)

Teacher will continue onto the next slide asking “Why does it matter?” Invite
students to ponder why they think its important to select fresh produce and
incorporate it into our diets. Then, continue to the next slide to play the FDA video (5

Discuss with students that it matters why we pick fresh and safe produce to keep us
from coming in contact with foodborne illnesses and provide us with proper
nutrients to strengthen our health (3 min)

Teacher will move onto the next slide and pull up the link to the instructions page to
introduce the poster project. If students are behaving well, teacher will allow
students to pick their partner, otherwise use their popsicle sticks on my desk to draw
partners (3 min)

Students will use computers to pull up the instructions page in order to access the
available links and create their own poster listing five tips for selecting produce and
five tips for incorporating it into our diets. (20 min) Meanwhile, teacher will walk
around to offer help as needed and ask prompting questions such as “what would
you recommend to me” or “how can I make sure the berries I pick are sweet and
fresh?” or “What has surprised you the most from your research?”

Wrap Up- Students will use the remainder of class time to present their final poster to their
Synthesis/Closure: peers and teacher. Teacher will ask each pair to share what surprised them from
their findings or which tip they feel would be easiest to incorporate into their lives.
(10 min)

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.
ELL: Provide word definitions and access to an online translator – do this by having student log into a google
chrome account (whether yours temporarily or their own) and go into Settings > languages > add languages. This
will allow the student to access the resource websites in his own language. Student may also draw pictures of tips
instead of write if this makes them more comfortable.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Formative: Providing specific prompts during poster making time will allow students to think about the information
they are writing down and apply it, and allows the teacher to see how well they are making connections to the
concepts they are researching.

Summative: The poster itself will be a measurable, gradable, physical collection of what the students know and can
share about selecting produce and incorporating it into their meals.
Class: Foods and Nutrition Date: Dec 9, 2022
Unit: Home Cooking Basics Lesson Title: Building a Foundation Part 2
Content Standard Alignment:
7.3.1 Select and prepare a variety of starches, grains, and legumes for intended uses.

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)

Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar
to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students
should be able to answer.

After completing the lesson, students will be able to identify five types of starches, grains and legumes and collect a
recipe of how to use them.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?

This lesson supports the units goals in preparing and identifying appropriate ingredients for their recipes and meal

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Laptop and Projecting Set Up for Teacher

Computer cart reservation OR computer lab reservation

Lesson Instructions in sharable link for students to access credible sources to do their research, they only need Day
2 instructions for this day.

Slide Show

Edpuzzle Video Quiz

Methods and Instructional Strategies

(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
All flour is either wheat or corn
Potatoes are not the only starch, nor is it limited to powders like corn or tapioca starch.

Concept Prerequisites:
List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of
the lesson.
Whole Grain
Ancient Grain
Bleached vs Unbleached

Introduction- Teacher will make computer reservations ahead of time to ensure access.
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher will have bell ringer (slide 2) projected on the board for students before the
students come in.
Instructional Activities: As students come into the classroom, they will discuss with their desk neighbor their
Includes questioning techniques, answers to the bell ringer.
grouping strategies, pedagogical
Teacher will invite students to share their answers (3 min) and introduce the learning
goal for the day. Students and teacher will read the learning goal out loud together
as a class. (2 min)

Teacher will continue onto the next slide introducing the concept of different types
of flour and grains using the Edpuzzle video quiz, slide 4. (5 min)

Teacher will move onto the next few slides to share a quick introduction into
legumes, grains, and starches. Teacher will invite a student to read a slide for each of
the three and open up for questions. (3 min)

Teacher will pull up the link to the instructions page to introduce the slideshow
project. (2 min)

Students will use computers to pull up the instructions page in order to access the
available links and create their own short slideshow for their chosen starch, grain, or
legume. (15 min)

Wrap Up- Students will then be put into groups of 3-4 and present their slideshow to their
Synthesis/Closure: group about what they learned, about 5 min per person. Remind them to include
two other classmates’ recipes into their slideshow. (15 min)

Students will submit their slideshow to the teacher using the submission link found
in the instruction page.
Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.
IEP: student with severe special needs who comes with a Para to class. I will assign this student a differentiated
project where she can color the different food pictures and practice identifying them by either circling her favorite
foods from the options or saying to her Para and myself what some of the food items are. Her finished colored
pages will be what she turns in.
*Differentiated assignment

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Formative: Edpuzzle video quiz

Summative: Submission of slideshow and its content.

Class: Foods and Nutrition Date: Dec 9, 2022
Unit: Home Cooking Basics Lesson Title: Building a Foundation Part 3
Content Standard Alignment:
7.1.1 Identify various spices, fresh and dried herbs for their appropriate uses.
7.1.3 Identify oils and vinegars for their appropriate uses.
Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)
Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar
to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students
should be able to answer.

After completing the lesson, students will be able to identify different spices commonly found in American kitchens
and list two differences between various types of oils.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?

This lesson supports the units goals in preparing and identifying appropriate ingredients for their recipes and meal

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Laptop and Projecting Set Up for Teacher

Computer cart reservation OR computer lab reservation

Slide show

Lesson Instructions in sharable link for students to access credible sources to do their research, they only need Day
3 instructions for this day.

Oils Video

Vinegar Video

Guess the Spices Worksheet – printed copies, 1 per student.

Spice Guide Worksheet – printed copies, 1 per student.

Spice Guide Worksheet Reference
Methods and Instructional Strategies
(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
All oils do the same thing
I feel I should be prepared to shut down any spice and herb jokes about cannabis

Concept Prerequisites:
List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of
the lesson.

Introduction- Teacher will make computer reservations ahead of time to ensure access.
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher will have the 9 spices spaced out on the counter and matched to random
numbers, having their label covered or the spice poured into a small bowl. Mark
which spice is what number on a sticky note.

Teacher will have bell ringer (slide 2) projected on the board for students before the
students come in.
Instructional Activities: As students come into the classroom, they will discuss with their desk neighbor their
Includes questioning techniques, answers to the bell ringer.
grouping strategies, pedagogical
Teacher will invite students to share their answers (3 min) and introduce the learning
goal for the day. Students and teacher will read the learning goal out loud together
as a class. (2 min)
Teacher will continue onto the next slide introducing the concept of different types
of oils and vinegars by watching the oil and vinegar videos in slides 4 and 5 (5 min).

Teacher will move onto the next slide and explain that you can add spices to oils and
vinegars to provide additional flavor to your cooking and use as a fresh herb
preservative. This will continue into the next two slides (7 and 8) where the teacher
will share that in order to know what spices you want, you need to consider different
tastes and types of herbs and spices (3 min).

Teacher will introduce the sniff test on the next slide and pull up the link to the
instructions page. Instructions for the sniff test/guess the spice is on the handout
and should be passed out to each student. (2 min)

Students will inspect the spices set out on the counter and work to fill out the Spice
Guide on their own. Once completed by all students, teacher will share the correct
answers (12 min)

Teacher will continue with the slide show and introduce the Spice Guide Worksheet.
Each student will receive 1 copy of the worksheet and access to a computer.
Students will follow the instructions on the instructions page. For the remainder of
class, Students will use the links and what they learned from class to fill out the Spice
Guide worksheet (17 min)

Wrap Up- Students will turn in their hard copy of the Spice Guide Worksheet for points.
Synthesis/Closure: Students may take their copy home and turn it in first thing tomorrow morning if

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.
IEP: Student requires additional resources to help keep notes and stay organized, I will have a printed out copy of
the slides for him with enough space for him to write along the sides if needed.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Formative: Guess the Spice

Summative: Spice Guide Worksheet

Class: Foods and Nutrition Date: Dec 10, 2022
Unit: Home Cooking Basics Lesson Title: Building a Foundation Part 4
Content Standard Alignment:
6.1.1 Prepare creamy and vinaigrette dressings and dips.
3.5.1 Follow a standardized recipe.
3.3.1 Identify and apply front‐ and back‐of‐the‐house mise en place.
Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)
Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar
to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students
should be able to answer.
After completing the lesson, students will be able to follow a recipe for preparing both creamy and vinaigrette
dressings, one of which will be a prepared ahead of time dressing for the next lab.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?

This lesson supports the units goals in putting what they have learned over the last three days into action as well as
be prepared for a food lab tomorrow.

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Laptop and Projecting Set Up for Teacher

Lesson Instructions with Day 4 printed out for 1 copy per student.

Cooking Lab Worksheet printed out 1 copy per student.

Slide Show

Emulsions Video EdPuzzle

Food Lab Ingredients:

Olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, garlic cloves, garlic salt, onion powder, dried oregano, honey, 1/2 cup feta
cheese, coconut cream, coconut milk, maple syrup, lime juice, 1 cup yogurt, ½ cup mayonnaise, dill, parsley, thyme,
1 cup mustard
Methods and Instructional Strategies
(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
Vinegar is not oil based, its water based
Types of surfactants

Concept Prerequisites:
List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of
the lesson.
Mise en Place

Introduction- Teacher will make computer reservations ahead of time to ensure access.
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher will have food lab ingredients set out on counter.

Teacher will have bell ringer (slide 2) projected on the board for students before the
students come in.
Instructional Activities: As students come into the classroom, they will discuss with their desk neighbor their
Includes questioning techniques, answers to the bell ringer.
grouping strategies, pedagogical
Teacher will invite students to share their answers (3 min) and introduce the learning
goal for the day. Students and teacher will read the learning goal out loud together
as a class. (2 min)

Teacher will continue onto the next slide introducing the concept of emulsions using
the Edpuzzle video quiz, slide 4. (10 min)
Teacher will move onto the next few slides and present information on flavoring
foods, specifically dressings and other emulsions using the 4 S’s. On slide 7, Tips, ask
students what sweet, sour, and salty things they can come up with and have them
write it on the board. Continue to the next slide and see how the lists compare. (5

Repeat this on the next slide about building a base for your dressings, slide 9, and
again compare the lists. If no more board space is available, just discuss. (3 min)

Teacher will pull up the link to the instructions page to introduce the cooking lab. (2

Students have pre-assigned lab groups and will be assigned a dressing recipe on the
instructions page for them to prepare. Students will work in their groups to prepare
their dressings (15 min). Make sure their dressings get put into the fridge for

Wrap Up- Students will spend the remainder of class cleaning up after their lab and filling out
Synthesis/Closure: their Cooking Lab Worksheet, this will be submitted before they leave. (10 min)

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.
IEP: One of my students struggles with Dyslexia, she either needs a job not reading the recipe, not measuring, or
having measurements prepared for her at the start of the lab in case her lab partner(s) are absent.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Formative: Emulsions Video EdPuzzle

Summative: Completion of food lab and lab worksheet

Class: Foods and Nutrition Date: Dec 11, 2022
Unit: Home Cooking Basics Lesson Title: Building a Foundation Part 5
Content Standard Alignment:
3.5.2 Write a standardized recipe.
4.1.1 Interpret and incorporate basic nutrition knowledge to menu planning and modification.
7.2.4 Demonstrate a variety of cooking methods for fruits and vegetables.
7.3.2 Demonstrate a variety of cooking methods for starches, grains, and legumes
7.3.3 Use starches, grains and legumes as center of the plate items (i.e. vegetarian, ethnic cuisines).
Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)
Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar
to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students
should be able to answer.

Students will be able to create their own recipe for a nutritious base meal using fruits or vegetables, starches grains
or legumes, and a homemade dressing.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?
This lesson supports the units goals in preparing and identifying appropriate ingredients for their recipes and meal

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Laptop and Projecting Set Up for Teacher

Slide show

Lesson Instructions Printed 1 per student, they only need Day 5 instructions for this day.

Some combination or variety of: Carrots, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions,
Potatoes, Radishes, Tomato, Corn, Peas, Fresh Green Beans, Zucchini, Sweet Potatoes, apples, pears, berries

Some combination or variety of: Quinoa, White Rice, Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Black Beans, Kidney Beans,
Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Lentils, Freekeh, Farro

Dressings premade in class yesterday (in fridge)

Some combination or variety of: Oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, corn chips

lab sheet – printed 1 per student

Recipe creation sheet – printed 1 per student

Methods and Instructional Strategies

(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
I won’t need to rinse my rice or quinoa
I don’t need to watch or pay much attention to my base while it cooks
Putting consideration towards mixing dressings with veggies and bases

Concept Prerequisites:
List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals and objectives of
the lesson.
Boiling vs simmering
Minimalist vs Embellished
Honest Triangle

Introduction- Teacher will have all food ingredients spread out on counter ahead of time.
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher will have bell ringer (slide 2) projected on the board for students before the
students come in.
Instructional Activities: As students come into the classroom, they will discuss with their desk neighbor their
Includes questioning techniques, answers to the bell ringer.
grouping strategies, pedagogical
Teacher will invite students to share their answers (3 min) and introduce the learning
goal for the day. Students and teacher will read the learning goal out loud together
as a class. (2 min)

Teacher will continue onto the next slide introducing the how to cook grains video (5

Teacher will explain that We need a quick lesson on cooking grains and rice.
Essentially, boil and simmer them until they are soft, this will vary grain to bean to
rice, probably 20-30 min. As you are making yours, feel free to look it up on your
phones if available but keep checking on them until they are tender to your liking (2

Teacher will continue through the next few slides explaining the Honest Tri method
of base planning, an example of minimalist vs embellished base meals, and a
reminder of flavoring with the 4 S’s (5 min)

Teacher will introduce students to the day 5 project and pass out copies of the
instructions, lab sheet, and recipe creation sheet. Teacher will read through and
answer any questions about the instructions and release the students into their lab
groups to get started (7 min)

Students will prepare their meals and fill out worksheets as instructed (30 min)

Wrap Up- Students will spend the remainder of class cleaning up after their lab and filling out
Synthesis/Closure: their Cooking Lab Worksheet, this and the Recipe Creation sheet will be submitted
before they leave. (7 min)

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.
ELL: will have a printed out copy of the slides for him since they are mostly pictures which might help. Student is
purposefully paired with a patient and kind lab group, some of whom are in a Spanish class currently which helps a
little bit.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Formative: Participation in the slideshow discussion

Summative: Lab Sheet and Recipe Creation Sheet

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