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Modified True or False.

1. False, Future False,

2. False, Unexpected
3. False, Limited
4. False, Can be
5. False, Different
Matching Type
1. Physical limit of a critical activity -Results in a set number of days being gained with no time change
possibilities in between.
2. Logical limit of a critical activity -When any given critical path has been shortened to its full capability,
no further reduction in project duration is possible
3. Logical limit of a network logic change -The maximum shortening of a given activity considered to be
4. Shortening limited by a parallel critical path -A limitation caused when one branch of parallel critical
paths is to be decreased in length, a commensurate decrease must also be made in the other branch.
5. Direct cost - It is made up ofthe expense of labor, equipment, material ang subcontracts.
6. Normal cost - is the least direct cost required to accomplish that activity, and is the cost customarily ascribed
to the work when the job is being estimated.
7. Normal duration - is the activity duration determined during the scheduling phase.
8. Normal points - it represents the activity normal times and normal direct cost discussed before.
9. Crashing - it is the expiditing of an activity
10. Crash time - the minimum time to which an activity can be realistically reduced

-Causes of delay in a project construction as discussed (5 examples)
 Changes in project scope. ...
 Poor planning. ...
 Inaccurate estimates for project requirements. ...
 Unexpected risks. ...
 Unengaged stakeholders. ...
 Inadequate or unavailable resources. ...
 Communication breakdowns

-Direct cost (5 examples)

 Direct labor.
 Direct materials.
 Manufacturing supplies.
 Wages for the production staff.
 Fuel or power consumption.

-Indirect cost (5 examples)

 Supplies
 Utilities
 office equipment rental
 disposable tools
 disposable safety equipment

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