12-22 Caee Board Minutes

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Board of Directors Meeting

December 16th from 1-2pm

Vision: All Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-
being of all life on our planet.
Mission: CAEE’s mission is to advance environmental education in Colorado by fostering collaboration,
mobilizing support, and driving excellence.
Values: Collaboration, Community, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Impact Oriented
Ways of Being: We are present. ~ We are imperfect. ~ We are transparent, empathetic
communicators. ~We actively engage and welcome meaningful participation. ~ We value process. ~ We
are better together.

Present: Rachel B, Katie N, Erika M, Liz H, Natalie B, Sherry N, Kathryn V

Presenter Presenter Action Time

Welcome and Introductions Erika M Discuss 15
 Check in and Board Community Building:
o Share a celebration of our work together and
any professional/personal updates.
 Review ways of being
Approval of Board Minutes from last meeting Rachel B Vote 5

-Erika moved
-Sherry second
-All thumbs up
to approve

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
New Business & Discussion Items
 2023 Budget Approval Katie N Vote 10
- Changes include 10k grant additional to EE plan budget -Sherry moves
line to support landscape analysis work -Erika second
- Sherry: individual = straight donors? Answer is yes. -All thumbs up
- Katie: 10% rate and sometimes write in admin fee (costs) to approve

 Officer Nominations Erika M Vote 10

-Erica Chair -Liz moves
-Kathy Vice -Natalie second
-Sherry Treasurer -All thumbs up
-Rachel Secretary to approve
-Michelle not renewing term
-Katie thanks 2022 officers and will set up meeting to
check-in with new appointee’s soon.
 Board Evaluation and 2023 Goal Setting Katie N Discuss 20
-So far board eval finds: Answers of note- Neutral
surrounding board composition, attendance policy
enforcement, fiscal responsibility. Maybe areas to
explore for priority setting.
-Think more towards recruiting diversity to
board/starting earlier in process.
-Erika: In Jan/Feb set expectations.
-Liz: For meetings, being in-person is valuable.
Occasional meeting not on Friday?
-Katie will send doodle poll to get dates/times feedback
on retreat and meeting in person.
-Erika: What can board offer most support of in 2023?
-Katie: Strategic Planning 18 months or so, work on
equity and inclusion- conversation around tracking and
data, merge various plans to one place.
-Natalie: What is committee involvement level?
-Katie: Handful of committed folks on each but need
more on conference planning committee. Professional
development strong.
-Natalie: Reach out to new board in Jan to assist with
this. Member engagement survey?
-Katie: 2005 audience analysis, annual membership
survey 2010-2017/18
-Katie: Anything process wise or planning for that we
should include in discussions? I.E. CAEE role in advocacy-
more proactive? Should we play a regional leadership
role with Rocky Mountain states?
-Natalie: Regional conference?
-Katie: Similar but not for this region (subjective),
Midwest/Great Lakes states have a conference,
Southeast and Northeast have had in past. Colorado has
had regional grant projects with EPA.
1536 Wynkoop St. #314
Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
*Katie thanks Natalie and Michelle for board service.

 Next Meeting: January 20th from 1-3pm Katie N Update 5

Executive Session (If Time Allows) Chris NA NA

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527

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