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It is important to know about the Cree teachings of the medicine wheel because it has a lot
to do with the way indigenous people view the world and how they see the world of
development. The idigenous see the world as everything being connected and how
everything in life has meaning.
The stage I most relate to is the west. I relate to this stage the most because it has to
do with adulthood and emotion. The reason I relate to adulthood is because this is the year I
moved away from home and it had a lot of responsibility that came with moving out. The
responsibility of moving out was way more than I expected. Living at home definitely had its
own responsibilities but I did not realise how much more it would be living on my own. It was
definitely really hard to move 4 hours away from home and not be able to see my family
everyday like I used to for the last 18 years of my life but I know they will always be there.
The emotional part I relate to is when I lost my papa. I lost him about 6 years ago and
it was probably the most sad I have ever been. My papa was like my best friend and he was
always there when I needed him. He was truly my rock and my person and I miss him so
much every single day. When I lost my papa I went through a lot of emotions. I was sad,
mad and confused. I was mad at the fact that I didn't even get to say goodbye and I was
confused as to why this was all happening.

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