Foundation 9 TH Exam - 1

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1. What is the distribution of electrons in an oxygen atom?
a) 2,4
b) 2,8
c) 2,6
d) 2,10
HmIvknP³ Bä¯nse Cet{ÎmWpIfpsS {I-ao-I-c-Ww- F´mWv?
b) 2,8
c) 2,6
d) 2,10
2. The number of electrons in chlorine atom is 17. Its electronic configuration is .......
a) 2,8,7
b) 8,7,2
c) 7,2,8
d) 8,2,7
t¢mdn³ Bä¯nse Cet{ÎmWpIfpsS F®w 17 BWv. AXnsâ Cet{ÎmWnIv tIm¬^nKtdj³.............
a) 2,8,7
b) 8,7,2
c) 7,2,8
d) 8,2,7
3. M shell can have a maximum of ............. electrons.
a) 32
b) 2
c) 18
d) 8
M sjÃn\v ]camh[n ............... Cet{ÎmWpIÄ B-¡mw-
a) 32
b) 2
c) 18
d) 8
4. Isotopes of an element do not have................
a). Same number of electrons
b). Same physical properties
c). Same chemical properties
d). Same number of protons
Hcp aqeI¯nsâ sFtkmtSm¸pIÄ¡v ............... D-ïm-In-Ã-
a) Htc Cet{ÎmWpIfpsS F®w
b) Htc `uXnI khntijXIÄ
c) Htc cmk KpW§Ä
d) Htc t{]mt«mWpIfpsS F®w
5. The nucleus of the hydrogen atom is called as...............
a) Neutron
b) Electron
c) Proton
d) Nucleons
-ssl{U-P-³- B-ä-¯n-sâ \yq-¢n-b-kns\................. F-¶v hn-fn-¡p-¶p-
a) \yqt{Sm¬-
b) C-et{Îm¬-
c) t{]m-t«m¬-
d) \yq-¢ntbmWp-I-Ä-
6.The electrons present in the outermost shell are called
a) Valency electrons
b) Octate electrons
c) Duplet electrons
d) Valence electrons
G-ä-hpw- ]p-ds¯ -sjÃn-ep-Å- C-et{ÎmWp-Isf............... F-¶v hn-fn-¡p-¶p-
a) hm-e-³-kn- C-et{ÎmWp-I-Ä-
b) HtÎäv C-et{ÎmWp-I-Ä-
c)Uyps¹äv C-et{ÎmWp-I-Ä-
d)hm-e-³-kv C-et{ÎmWp-I-Ä-
7.Oxidation is the process of
a) Gain of electrons
b) Sharing of electrons
c) Oxidising agent
d) Loss of electrons
Hm-IvkntUj-³-................. {]-{In-b-bm-Wv
a) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS -t\«w-
b) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS ]-¦p-h-bv¡-Â-
c) Hm-IvknssUknw-Kv G-P-âv
d) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS \-ãw-
8.Co-ordination bond is formed :
a) By exchange of electrons.
b) By equal sharing of electrons.
c) By one way sharing of electrons.
d) None of these.
-tIm---Hm-À-Unt\j-³- -t_mïv cq-]o-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xv :
a) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS -ssIam-äw- h-gn-.
b) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS Xp-ey- ]-¦p-h-bv¡-Â- h-gn-.
c) C-et{ÎmWp-I-fpsS H-cp- h-gn- ]-¦n-S-Â-.
d) C-hsbm¶pw- C-Ã-.
9.An Ionic compound :
a) NaCl
b) H₂O
c) CO₂
d) NH3
H-cp- AtbmWn-Iv kw-bp-àw- -
a) NaCl
b) H₂O
c) CO₂
d) NH3
10. In the formation of hydrogen chloride, how many electron pairs are shared?
a) One pair
b) Two pairs
c) Three pairs
d) no electron pairs are shared

-ssl{U-P-³- -t¢m-ssdUn-sâ cq-]o-I-c-W-¯n-Â-, F-{X- C-et{Îm¬- -tPmUn-I-Ä- ]-¦n-Sp-¶p-?
a) H-cp- -tPmUn-
b) c-ïv -tPmUn-
c) aq-¶v -tPmUn-
d) C-et{Îm¬- -tPmUn-Isfm¶pw- ]-¦n-«n-«n-Ã-
11.Write the decimal form of 9/20 is.............
a) 0.47
b) 0.45
c) 0.48
d) 0.49
9/20 bpsS Z-imw-i- cq-]w- F-gp-Xp-I-
a) 0.47
b) 0.45
c) 0.48
d) 0.49
12.The Perimeter of a circle is............ times of its radius
a) 2π
b) π
c) ½π
d) 3π
H-cp- hr-¯-¯n-sâ Np-ä-f-hv A-Xn-sâ B-c-¯n-sâ.............. a-S-§m-Wv
a) 2π
b) π
c) ½π
d) 3π
13.The coefficient of x² in 3x³ +2x²-x+1 is:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. -1
x² in 3x³ +2x²-x+1sâ Kp-W-Iw-:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. -1
14.An acute angle is:
a. More than 90 degrees
b. Less than 90 degrees
c. Equal to 90 degrees
d. Equal to 180 degrees
H-cp- \n-in-X- -tImWm-Wv:
a) 90 Un-{Kn-bn-Â- Iq-Sp-X-Â-
b) 90 Un-{Kn-bn-Â- Xmsg
c) 90 Un-{Kn-¡v Xp-eyw-
d)180 Un-{Kn-¡v Xp-eyw-
15.In the figure below, which of the following are corresponding angle pairs ?

a) <p and <q
b) <p and <w
c) <p and <x
d. <p and <z
Np-hsSbp-Å- Nn-{X-¯n-Â-, C-\n-¸-d-bp-¶-h-bn-Â- G-Xm-Wv A-\p-_-Ô- Bw-Kn-Ä- -tPmUn-I-Ä- ?
a)<p and <q
b) <p and <w
c) <p and <x
d) <p and <z
16. Which of the following represents 15cm ?
(i) 1.5m
(ii) 0.015m
(iii) 0.15m
(iv) 150m
C-\n-¸-d-bp-¶-h-bn-Â- G-Xm-Wv 15cm {]-Xn-\n-[o-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xv?
(i) 1.5 ao-
(ii) 0.015ao-
(iii) 0.15 ao-
(iv) 150ao-
17. If ABC is an equilateral triangle, then each angle equals to:
a) 90°
c) 120°
d) 60°
ABC H-cp- ka-`p-P- {XntImW-amsW¦n-Â-, Hmtcm -tImWpw-............. \v Xp-ey-am-Wv:
a) 90°
c) 120°
d) 60°
18. In ∆PQR, ZR = 2P and QR = 4 cm and PR = 5 cm. Then the length of PQ is
a) 2 cm
b) 2.5 cm
c) 4 cm
d) 5 cm
∆PQR -Â- < R = <P, QR = 4 cm, PR = 5 cm. At¸mÄ- PQ sâ \o-fw- F-{X-
a) 2 cm

b) 2.5 cm
c) 4 cm
d) 5 cm
19. Find the value of k if x² + kx+6= (x+2) (x+3) for all k.
a) 1
b) -1
c) 5
d) 3
F-Ãm- k bv¡pw- x² + kx+6= (x+2) (x+3) BsW¦n-Â- k bpsS aq-eyw- Isï¯p-I-.
a) 1
b) -1
c) 5
d) 3
20. √3×2√3 =..............
a) √2
b) √3
c) √1
d) 2
21. The longest chord of the circle is:
a) Radius
b) Arc
c) Diameter
d) Segment
hr-¯-¯n-sâ G-ä-hpw- -ssZÀ-Lytadn-b- Rm-¬- C-Xm-Wv:
a) B-cw-
b) Nm-]w-
c) hym-kw-
d) sk-sÜâv
22. 3√6 + 4√6 = ..............
a. 6 √6
b. 7√6
c. 4√12
d. 7√12
23. Decimal Form of 3/160 is equal to..........
a) 0.018
b) 0.008
c) 1.018
d) 0.1018
3/160 bpsS Zm-iw-i- cq-]w- G-Xv ?
a) 0.018
b) 0.008
c) 1.018
d) 0.1018
24. In the figure below, the angle a = 150°. The other angle in the figure which is also 150° is ...........
a). e
b). b
c). d
d). c

Np-hsSbp-Å- Nn-{X-¯n-Â-, -tIm¬- A = 150°. Nn-{X-¯nse asämcp- -tImWpw- 150° B-Wv,:
a) e
b) b
c) d
d) c

25.In the given figure, POQ is a line. The value of x is...........

a) 20
b) 25
c) 30
d) 35
X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶- Nn-{X-¯n-Â-, POQ F-¶-Xv H-cp- h-cn-bm-Wv. x sâ aq-eyw- F-{X-
a) 20
b) 25
c) 30
d) 35
26.Find fractions that are larger than √2 and less than √3
a) 3/2
b) 8/5
d) All the above
√2-t\¡m-Ä- h-ep-Xpw- √3-t\¡m-Ä- Ip-d-ª-Xp-am-b- `n-¶-kw-Jy-I-Ä- Isï¯p-I-
a) 3/2
b) 8/5
c) 17/10
d) C-hsbÃmw-
27.…… is the double-layered protective membrane of the lungs.
a) Pericardium
b) Inter membrane
d) Meninges
i-zm-k-tImi-¯nsâ kw-c-£n-X- C-c-«- ]m-fn-Isf ........ F-¶v hn-fn-¡p-¶p-
a) s]cn-Im-À-Un-bw-
b) C-â-À- -saw-{_-¬-
c) ¹q-d-
d) sa\nw-K-kv
28.Which one is excretory organ
a) Brain
b) Stomach
c) Heart
d) Lungs
Xmsg X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-h-bn-Â- hn-kÀ-Ö-\- A-h-b-hw- G-Xm-Wv
a) a-kvXn-£w-
b) B-am-i-bw-
c) lr-Z-bw-
d) i-zm-k-tImiw-
29.Food reaches the stomach by a specialised movement. It is called
a) Pericardic movement
b) Peristalsis movement
c) Peritatic movement
d) Perigastro movement
`-£-Ww- B-am-i-b-¯nse¯p-¶-Xv H-cp- {]tXyI- N-e-\-¯n-eqsSbm-Wv
a) -s]cn-Im-À-Un-Iv N-e-\w-
b) s]cn-kväm-Â-kn-kv N-e-\w-
c) s]cn-äm-än-Iv N-e-\w-
d) s]cn-Km-kv-t{Sm N-e-\w-
30. …………. regulates pH for the digestion in stomach.
a) Hydrogen peroxide
b) Sodium chloride
c) Hydrochloric acid
d) Sodium hydroxide
Z-l-\-¯n-\v B-hn-iy-am-b- B-am-i-b-¯nse pH.
a) ssl{U-P-³- -s]-tdmIvsskUv
b) tkmUn-bw- -t¢m-ssdUv
c) ssl-t{Um-t¢mdn-Iv B-kn-Uv
d) tkmUn-bw- -ssl-t{UmIvsskUv
31. Main pigment that performs photosynthesis?
a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Xanthophyll
d) Carotene
{]-Im-i-kwtÇj-W-¯n-Â- ap-Jy- ]-¦p- h-ln-¡p-¶- h-À-W-I-Ww- G-Xv ?
a) -t¢m-tdm^n-Â- F-
b) -t¢m-tdm^n-Â- _n-
c) kmt´m^n-Â-
d) Itcm«n-³-
32. What is the given picture indicates

a) RBC
b) WBC
c) Platelets
d) Blood plasma
Cu- X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv F-´nsâ Nn-{X-am-Wv
a) A-cp-W-c-àm-Wp-
b) -tizX-c-àm-Wp-
c) -t¹äv-seäv
d) ¹m-kva-
33. Products of alcohol fermentation
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Alcohol

d) Both B and C
B-Â-¡tlmÄ- -s^À-atâjsâ D-Â-]-¶-§-Ä- GsXÃmw-
a) Hm-Ivkn-P-³-
b) Im-À-_-¬- -ssU Hm-IvsskUv
c) B-Â-¡tlmÄ-
d) B bpw- C bpw- i-cn-bm-Wv
34.Examples of phytoplanktons.
a) Desmids
b) Golden algae
c) Cyanobacteria
d. All the above
kky-¹-h-I-§-fpsS D-Zm-l-c-Ww- G-Xv
a) sUkvan-Uv
b) tKmÄ-U-³- B-Ä-K-
c) kbmt\m _m-Iväo-cn-b-
d) F-Ãmw- i-cn- B-Wv
35.The second phase in cellular respiration is that which occurs in the mitochondria.
a) Krebs Cycle
b) Glycolysis
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
-tImi-i-z-k\-Xn-sâ c-ïm-a-s¯ L-«w-,-ssa-täm-sImïvcn-b-bn-Â- -sh¨v \-S-¡p-¶p-
a) -s{I_vkv ]-cn-hr-¯n
b) ss¥-t¡mfn-kn-kv
c) A bpw- B bpw-
d) i-cn-bm-WvH-¶pw- i-cn-b-Ã-
36.Inflammation of kidneys due to infection or intoxication.
a) -Kidney stone
b) Uremia
c) Nephritis
d) kidney inflammation
A-Wp-_m-[tbm hn-j-_m-[tbmaq-ew- hr-¡-I-Ä-¡p-ïm-Ip-¶- ho-¡w-
a) -hr-¡-bnse I-Ãv
b) bp-do-an-b-
c) s\-ss{^än-kv
d) hr-¡- ho-¡w-
37.Two objects of different masses falling freely near the surface of the moon would
a) Have same velocities at any instant
b) Have different acceleration
c) Experience forces of same magnitude
d) Undergo a change in their inertia
hy-Xy-kvX- am-Êv D-Å- c-ïv h-kvXp-¡-Ä- N-{µ-sâ D-]-cn-X-e-¯n-\v kao-]w- \n-À-_m-[w- ]-Xn-¡pt¼mÄ- A-h-
a) F-Ãm-bnt¸mgpw- Htc -thK-X- B-bn-cn-¡pw-
b) hy-Xy-kvX- X-z-c-Ww- B-bn-cn-¡pw-
c) Htc _-e-am-bn-cn-¡pw- A-\p-`-hn-¡p-¶-Xv
d) A-h-bpsS P-U-X-zw- am-dn- -sImïn-cn-¡pw-
38.The gravitational force between two objects is F. If masses of both objects are halved without chang-
ing the distance between them, then the gravitational force would become
a) F/4

b) F/2
c) F
d) 2F
c-ïv h-kvXp-¡-Ä- X-½n-ep-Å- Kp-cp-X-zm-I-À-j-W-_-ew- F B-Wv. c-ïv h-kvXp-¡-fpsSbpw- am-Êv A-h-bv¡n-S-bn-ep-Å- Zq-cw-
amämsX ]-Ip-Xn-bm-bn- Ip-d-¨m-Â- Kp-cp-X-zm-I-À-j-W-_-e-¯n-Â- F-§s\ am-dp-¶p-.
a) F/4
b) F/2
c) F
d) 2F
39. The work done on an object does not depend upon the
a) Displacement
b) Force applied
c) Angle between force and displacement
d) Initial velocity of the object
H-cp- h-kvXp-hn-Â- \-S-¡p-¶- {]-hr-¯n- h-kvXp-hn-\p-ïm-Ip-¶- F-´ns\ B-{i-bn-¡p-¶n-Ã-
a) kvY-\m-´-cw--
b) {]tbmKn-¡p-¶- _-ew-
c) _-e-hpw- kvYm-\-N-e-\-hpw- X-½n-ep-Å- -tIm¬-
d) h-kvXp-hn-sâ {]m-cw-`- -thK-X-
40. A flying airplane possesses
a)Only potential energy
b) Only kinetic energy
c) Both potential and kinetic energy
d) None of these
N-en-¡p-¶- hn-am-\w- G-Xv Du-À-Ö- cq-]-am-Wv
a) kvYn-XntImÀ-Pw- am-{Xw-
b) K-XntImÀ-Pw- am-{Xw-
c) kvYn-XntImÀ-P-hpw- K-XntImÀ-P-hpw-
d) C-hsbm¶p-a-Ã
41. The S.I. unit of power is
a) Henry
b) coulomb
c) watt
d) watt-hour
{]-hr-¯n-bpsS F-kv sF- bq-Wn-äv
-a) sl³-dn-
-b) tImfp-¼-kv
c) hm-«v
d) hm-«v--l-h-À-
42. The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as
-a) Length
-b) Area of cross-section
c) Temperature
d) Resistivity
H-cp- Nm-e-I-¯nsâ {]-Xntcm[w- F-´n-\v hn-]-co-X-am-bn- hy-Xym-k-s¸Sp-¶p-
-a) \o-fw-
-b) tNZ-X-e-¯nsâ ]-c-¸-f-hn-\v
c) Xm-]-\n-e-
d) -sdkn-kvän-hn-än-

43. Which of the following is true for the third law of motion?
a)Action-Reaction pair always acts on the same body.
b)They act on different bodies in opposite directions
c)Action-Reaction pairs have the same magnitudes and directions
d)Act on either body at normal to each other
aq-¶mw- N-e-\-\n-b-a-¯n-\v C-\n-¸-d-bp-¶-h-bn-Â- G-Xm-Wv i-cn-?
a) {]-h-À-¯-\-hpw- {]-Xn-{]-h-À-¯-\-hpw- Ft¸mgpw- Htc h-kvXp-hn-Â- {]-h-À-¯n-¡p-¶p-
b) A-h- hy-Xy-kvX- h-kvXp-I-fn-Â- hn-]-co-X- Zn-i-I-fn-Â- {]-h-À-¯n-¡p-¶p-
c) {]-h-À-¯-\-hpw- {]-Xn-{]-h-À-¯-\-hpw- Xp-ey-hpw- Htc Zn-i-bn-epw- A-\p-`-h-s]Sp-¶Xm-Wv
d) c-ïv h-kvXp- ]-c-kv]-cw- ew-_-am-bn- A-\p-`-h-s]Sp--¶p-
44. The inertia of an object causes the object to
a)Decrease its speed
b)Increase its speed
c)Resist any change in the state of its motion
d)Decelerate due to friction
H-cp- h-kvXp-hn-sâ P-U-X-zw-
a)A-Xn-sâ -thK-X- Ip-c-¡p-¶p-
b)A-Xn-sâ -thK-X- Iq-«p-¶p-
c)N-e-\m-h-kvY-bnse G-Xv am-äs¯bpw- X-S-bp-¶p-
d)L-À-j-Ww- Im-c-Ww- B-¡w- Ip-d-bp-¶p-
45. A body will experience maximum thrust when immersed in
a) Turpentine
b) Water
c) Glycerine
d) Mercury
Xmsg X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-h-bn-Â- G-Xn-Â- B-bn-cp-¡pt¼mgm-Wv H-cp- h-kvXp-hn-\v ]-c-am-h-[n- hym-]-I-a-À-Zw- A-\p-`-hs¸Sp-¶-Xv
a) S-Àt]-ssâ³-
b) shÅw-
c) ¥n-kdn-³-
d) saÀ-¡p-dn-
46. Find out the reason for a piece of stone experience a loss of weight within water.
a) It is because of the pressure exerted by water
b) It is because of the buoyancy exerted by water
c) It is because of the density of water greater than that of stone
d) None of the above
H-cp- I-Ãn-\p- -shÅ-¯n-\p-Ån-Â- `m-cw- Ip-d-bp-¶-Xn-sâ Im-c-Ww-
a) P-ew- -sNep-¯p-¶- a-À-±w- aq-e-am-Wv
b) C-Xv P-ew- -sNep-¯p-¶- ¹-h-£-a-_-ew- aq-e-am-Wv
c) I-Ãnt\¡m-Ä- P-e-¯n-sâ km-{µ-X- Iq-Sp-X-em-Wv
d) ap-I-fn-Â- ]-d-ª-h- H-¶p-a-Ã-
47. Complete the series
1) 26, 20, 15, 11, ?
(A) 10 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 8
-t{iWn- ap-gp-h-\m-¡p-I-
1) 26, 20, 15, 11, ?
(A) 10 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 8
48. Select the pair in which the numbers are similarly related as in the given pair.
PALE : LEAP : : POSH : ?

\-Â-In-bn-cn-¡p-¶- -tPmUn-bnse¶t]m-se A-¡-§-Ä- kam-\-am-bn- _-Ôs¸«n-cn-¡p-¶- -tPmUn- Xn-csªSp-¡p-I-.
PALE : LEAP : : POSH : ?
49. Select the pair in which the numbers are similarly related as in the given pair.
11 : 121
a) 6 : 216
b) 7 : 14
c) 8 : 64
d) 9 : 3
X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶- -tPmUn-bnse¶t]m-se kw-Jy-I-Ä- kam-\-am-bn- _-Ôs¸«n-cn-¡p-¶- -tPmUn- Xn-csªSp-¡p-I-
11 : 121
a) 6 : 216
b) 7 : 14
c) 8 : 64
d) 9 : 3
50. In a certain code language TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT. How is CHILDREN written in that code ?
H-cp- {]tXyI- -tImUv `m-j-bn-Â- TEACHER F-¶-Xv VGCEJGT F-¶v F-gp-Xn-bn-cn-¡p-¶p-. CHILDREN F-¶v B- -tImUn-Â-
F-§s\bm-Wv F-gp-Xp-¶-Xv?
51. If TOWER is coded as 81, what will be the code number for POWER ?
a) 75
b) 55
c) 77
d) 18
TOWER F-¶-Xn-\v 81B-Wv -tImUv F-¦n-Â- POWER -sâ -tImUv F-{X-bm-bn-cn-¡pw-
a) 75
b) 55
c) 77
d) 18
52. If RAMAKANT is coded as 91412152 then JITENDRA will be coded as
a) 18265391
b) 782654391
c) 87265391
d) 19255491
RAMAKANT F-¶-Xnsâ -tImUv 91412152 BsW¦n-Â- JITENDRA -tâ -tImUv F-{X-bm-Ipw-
a) 18265391

b) 782654391
c) 87265391
d) 19255491
53. Fill in the blanks
K9, M16, __,Q36 ,S49
a) S24
b) N18
c) O25
d) T28
hn-«pt]mb- `m-Kw- ]q-cn-¸n-¡p-I-
K9, M16, __,Q36 ,S49
a) S24
b) N18
c) O25
d) T28
54. If M is brother of N, B is brother of N, M is brother of D, then which of the following statements is
definitely true ?
a) N is brother of B
b) N is brother of D
c) M is brother of B
d) D is brother of M
M, N--sâ k-tlmZ-c\pw-, B, N-sâ k-tlmZ-c\pw--, M, D-bpsS k-tlmZ-c\pw- BsW¦n-Â- Xmsg ]-d-bp-¶-h-bn-Â- G-Xm-Wv i-cn
a) N, BbpsS k-tlmZ-c-\m-Wv
b) N, DbpsS k-tlmZ-c-\m-Wv
c) M, BbpsS k-tlmZ-c-\m-Wv
d) D,M sâ k-tlmZ-c-\m-Wv
55. If 'A' means '–', 'B' means '÷', 'C' means '+' and 'D' means '×', then 15 B 3 C 24 A 12 D 2 = ?
a) 34
b) 5/9
c) -23(4/9)
d) 5
'A' F-¶m-Â- '-'–' , 'B' F-¶m-Â- '÷'', 'C' F-¶m-Â- '+', 'D' F-¶m-Â- '×' F-¶n-h-bmsW¦n-Â-, 15 B 3 C 24 A 12 D 2 = ?
a) 34
b) 5/9
c) -23(4/9)
d) 5
56. How many squares are there in given figure :

a) 18
b) 20
c) 16
d) 14

X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶- Nn-{X-¯n-Â- F-{X- ka-N-Xp-c-§-fp-ïv:

a) 18
b) 20
c) 16
d) 14
57. Choose the correct mirror image from
alternatives A, B, C, D of the given figure(x) .
X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶- Nn-{X-¯n-sâ (X) i-cn-bm-b- an-d-À- CtaPv Xn-csªSp-¡p-I-


58. select the one which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dot as in figure (X).
Nn-{Xw- (X) -t]m-se -tUm«v kvYm-]n-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-Å- AtX hy-h-kvY-I-Ä- ]m-en-¡p-¶- Nn-{Xw- Xn-csªSp-¡p-I-.

59. A sheet has been folded in the manner as shown in X, Y and Z respectively and punched. You have to
choose from the alternatives how it will look when unfolded.
b-Ym-{I-aw- X, Y, Z F-¶n-h-bn-Â- Im-Wn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶- co-Xn-bn-Â- H-cp- jo-äv a-S-¡n- ]-©v -sNbvXp-. Xp-d-¡pt¼mÄ- A-Xv F-§s\
Im-Ws¸Spsa¶v \n-§-Ä- Hm-]vj-\n-Â- \n-¶v Xn-csªSp-¡p-I-.

60. Find out from amongst the four alternatives as the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is
folded at the dotted line.
X-¶n-cn-¡p-¶- Nn-{X-¯n-Â-, kp-Xm-cy-am-b- jo-äv a-S-¡pt¼mÄ- F-§s\bm-Wv ]mtä¬- Zr-iy-am-Ip-¶-Xv


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