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eee etd Cae mc AL DE ercauy TECHNIQUES using g CASIO FX 991 ES — Romeo Q. Tolentino * Delia S. Fainsan MARK ANNAN PEED' Calculator Techniques uusive CASIO FX 991 ES PLUS (with solutions to recent Engineering Licensure Examinations) 2" ed, Setting the trend in. Engineering Licensure Exam Review For Seminars and Lectures email: Eng'r Romeo Q. Tolentino Dr. Delia S. Fainsan Phitppine Copyright 2011 Eng'r Romeo Q. Tolentino Dr, Delia S. Fainsan No part ofthis book may be reproduced, stoved in {retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by ‘electonic. mechanical or other means. now known or hereatter invented, inciuaing photocopying, and recarding or ry information storage and retrieval system without the wntten permission of he author Right RESERVED. ISBN 978.971.011.427. Publishes By Central Book Supply Ine. 927 Quezon Ave. Quezon Ciy Philippines Preface Three years ago, | became curious with my newly bought Calculator Fx 991 ES. There were about 400 keys of the Calculator but | knew how to use a few keys only. | just came from my teaching stint abroad (College Preparatory Center KSA) and | was still looking for a job. At that time, 1 had already a theory that if all the 400 keys could be used, it will be of great advantage to students and reviewees preparing for the licensure examinations. Fortunately for me, my friend and colleague, Dr. Amelia Marquez, requested me to teach Mathematics in her newly established MEGAREVIEW CENTER. This was where CACULATOR TECHNIQUES was born. | experimented with the CALCULATOR which also became my passion. | integrated calculator techniques with my review classes in Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering Economy and it produced favorable response from the students. And the rest is History. Today, CALCULATOR TECHNIQUES has evolved from a simple hobby of mi formal course that is now being offered in MEGAREVIEW and is also being copied by other review centers, But the fact will always remain that there is only one creator of CALCULATOR TECHNIQUES, and the others will just be clones of the original. | wish to thank the following for their invaluable contributions: 1. Dr. Amelia T. Marquez, for giving me the opportunity to prove myself and despite our ‘occasional differences, had not lost her belief in me; 2. Joseph Floresta, for creating a hype for MEGAREVIEW and = CALCULATOR TECHNIQUES; 3. Engineer Edison Dizon ( my former student in MegaReview and now TIP CE Professor), for creating the original manuscript and infusing @ lot of ideas in the book; 4. Engineer Erich Gonzales ( my former student in MegaReview), for designing the 5. My Siblings , Linda, Susan, Tessie, Hernalyn, Nene, Ronald and my Father Bayani for their unconditional support; 6. My friends and colleagues, Engineer Reggie Regondola (now a faculty of Civil Engineering at Ateneo De Naga University) Engineer Adolia Rocamora, (now President ‘of Abratique and Associates), Engineer Veronica Masangkay, (now Project Manager of TCG!) , who stood by me through the good times, the bad times and thank God, finally, the good times again; 7. To my co author, Dr. Della Fainsan, for her contributions many problems, particularly Electrical Engineering applications; 8. And last but ultimately to the Almighty God where all talents emanate. Romeo Q. Tolentino January 2012 In Memory of the Greatest Mother on Earth, my Mother Mrs. Herminia Q. Tolentino CONTENTS Page 1, How to perform CONVERSION and the Built in UNITS: 2. HOW TO STORE VARIABLES. 3. How to use the ENG Notation 4. How to use the FIX and SCI keys 5. HOW TO GET THE POLAR AND RECTANGULAR COORDINATE OF A POINT INTHE CARTESIAN PLANE 8. 6. HOW TO SOLVE EQUATIONS 9 7. HOW TO SOLVE EQUATION FOR A " 8. "LINEAR EQUATIONS IN 2 UNKNOWNS 13 HOW TO SOLVE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 7 10. HOW TO FACTOR A TRINOMIAL OF Tecan ON 11, HOW TO SOLVE SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN 3 UNKNOWNS. 19 12, HOW TO SOLVE A CUBIC EQUATION 20 13. HOW TO FACTOR 3” DEGREE POLYNOMIAL a 14. HOW TO EVALUATE FUNCTIONS = 21 15, HOW TO GET THE REMAINDER WHEN POLYNOMIAL EQUATION f(x) IS DIVIDED BY x-a 2 16. HOW TO DETERMINE IF X—a ISA FACTOR OF F(X) 7. 24 18. HOW TO MANIPULATE FRACTIONS ‘AND MIXED NUMBERS 25 19. HOW TO CHANGE FRACTION TO DECIMAL 26 20. HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS INVOLVING PERCENTAGES a 21 PROBLEMS 20 22. HOW TO SOLVE COMPOUND INTEREST PROBLEMS 32 23. HOW TO CONVERT BETWEEN DEGREES, RADIANS AND GRADIANS. 35 24, HOW TO GET VALUES OF ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 37 25. How to Use the HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. 40 26. How to get THE CUBE ROOT, and n** root. a 27. How to use the RANDOM. Number Keys a 28. HOW TO FIND VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS WHEN A COORDINATE OF A POINT IN THE TERMINAL SIDE IS GIVEN 42 29. HOW TO FIND THE VALUES OF ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTION WHEN ONE VALUE OF THE FUNCTION IS. GIVEN 4 HOW TO SOLVE COMBINATION "AND PERMUTATION PROBLEMS 45 31, HOW TO EVALUATE FACTORIAL, 30. NUMBERS 46 32, HOW TO FIND THE MEAN OF RAW DATA 48 34. HOW TO USE THE 5 SIGN 49 35, HOW TO COMPUTE QUANTILES: FROM GROUPED DATA 51 36. HOW TO COMPUTE STANDARD DEVIATION OF GROUPED AND UNGROUPED DATA 53 37. HOW TO GET THE MEAN, VARIANCE AND STANDARD. DEVIATION OF GROUPED DATA 54 38. HOW TO FIND AREAS under the NORMAL CURVE 55 39. HOW TO SOLVE LINEAR REGRESSION PROBLEMS, 58 40. HOW TO MANIPULATE COMPLEX NUMBERS 60 41, HOW TO GET THE COMPONENTS OF AFORCE ot 42, HOW TO GET RESULTANT OF FORCES 62 43. HOW TO COMPUTE THE DETERMINANT OF A 3X3 MATRIX 63 44, HOW TO perform ARITHMETIC OF MATRICES 64 45. HOW TO GET THE INVERSE OF “AMATRIX, 66 46. HOW TO FIND EQUATION OF 6s LINE GIVEN TWO POINTS 68 48, HOW TO GET THE DISTANCE ‘BETWEEN TWO POINTS IN THE XY PLANE USING COMPLEX NUMBERS 68 49, HOW TO GET THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IN 3D USING VECTORS. 6 50. HOW TO GET THE COMPONENTS OF A 3 DIMENSIONAL FORCE PASSING TROUGH 2 POINTS 70 51. HOW TOFIND THE CENTER ‘AND RADIUS OF THE CIRCLE GIVEN ITS EQUATION IN CARTESIAN FORM. 1 52, HOWTO LOCATE THE VERTEX OF THE PARABOLA AND COMPUTE ITS LATUS RECTUM (LENGTH). ir} 53. HOW TO GET THE EQUATION OF A PLANE PASSING THROUGH THREE (3) GIVEN POINTS USING VECTORS, 5 54, HOW TO TABULATE VALUES (OF AFUNCTION 78 55. HOW TO USE THE MULTILINE FUNCTION 7 56. HOWTO FIND LOGARITHMS = 78 ea , ‘58. HOW TO SOLVE LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS - 80 62. How to Perform Logical Operations, °°. HOW To GET THE DERIVA. “TWE ATASPEGIFIC VALUE 64. HOW TO INTEGRATE 65. How to use Tolentino's Prismatoid Technique 66. How to apply TOLENTINO'S: COSINE LAW TECHNIQUE 67. How to apply TOLENTINO'S. SINE LAW TECHNIQUE 68. How to Get the Area of a segment of a Cit 69. How to Apply the Right Triangle Technique BOARD EXAM PROBLEMS 85 86 87 90 oO 1 92 95-180 BASIC TECHNIQUES 1. How to perform CONVERSION and the Built in units (4. Convert 234 bs to kg ENTER seo Qoeee DISPLAY’ 234 kg 406.1406216 2, How many cubic feet is 100 gal of liquid? a.74.80_b. 1.337 6.13.37. 1337 ‘Note: CASIO has no direct method to compute this. Instead we wil apply this technique: Convert gallons to liters to cumeterto cubic ft (Note: 1000 liters = 1 cubic meter) ENTER: O0gal (US) > 1 + 1000 = (1m > f)3 13.36805632 BASIC TECHNIGUES. Page? 1. Convert this to °C b. and °K. Convert this to ENTER voc0800e00 DisPLay: 98.6 °F mC 3. Body temperature is 98.60 °F. | (4 Convert 55 mil Wote: + hr= 3600 sec 41m= 100m 4000 m ‘55mile> km 8.51392 '55 miles per hr = 88,51392 km per hr 88. 51392 km = 88.51392 x 1000 = 8513.92 m = 88513.92 x 100 om Then: 55 kmihr = 5551392 _ 2458 emis 3600 BASIC TECHNIQUES Pages evoeWea Sv00D8c0 DISPLAY: 100 x (1m > ft)?= 1076.391042 6. What is the value of g (acceleration due to gravity)? ENTER’ DISPLAY: 9 9.80665 (Note the unit is given in SI) 9.80665 m/s? 7. The stress of 1000 psiis how many mm of Hg? PAST ME BOARD. Technique: Conver psito KPa to Pato mmHg Note: kilo means. 1000 on Qeenu0Qe00 = irc voeooe0GQeec0 caret (A000 w+ a $000 ng cao BANC TECNIOUES Faget “Conver 245 KW to HP. on CoG Queue DISPLAY: 243kW —>hp 328.5503554 (9. What is the mass of the ENTER Guus DISPLAY: tron? me 9.10938188 x 10°" (KG) 10. What is the value of the constant G in Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation? ere Quweae DISPLAY: c 6.673 x 10" G=6.673x 10" _m' (kgs?) 11. What is the charge of the electron? ENTER: Goeeo DisPLay. 41.602176462 x 10° = 1.602176462 x 10" (coulomb) BASIC TECHNIQUES. Pages =o 2. HOWTO STORE VARIABLES 12, Store 240 Aand 23t0 Band compute 2A 58 on: See QUO Sura Oot oA once ee QED poe e®0coeTe spun Sy on SOD our ove CODED = or GOOG20DS BASIC TECHNIQUES. Pages 3. How to use the ENG Notation 13. Transform 12345 to Engineering Notation with decimal to the right. ore GOeoaal) DISPLAY tas 12.345 x 10° ever: @D DISPLAY: 12845 x 10° enter: DISPLAY: 12345000 x 10° 1a. Transform 12345 to ENGINEERING notation with decimal to the left. err oe oe exrcr QED DISPLAY: 12345 0.012345 x 10° exes DED DISPLAY: 0.000012345 x 10° exrer: QOD DISPLAY: 0.00000012 x 10" BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page? ols 4, How to use the FIX and SCI keys 15. Display 10123455 to scientific notation | with 3 significant figures. - | ENTER: eucoecssOce Deru forzaaes 1.01 x 10" 16. DISPLAY 0.367721 to scientific notation | with 3 significant figures. ENTER veveeQ00e DISPLAY: 367721 268 « 10" 47. Round off 234.567 to 2 decimal places. | GudacasQena DISPLAY: 234.567 204.57 5. HOW TO GET THE POLAR AND RECTANGULAR COORDINATE OF A POINT IN THE CARTESIAN PLANE. 18. Find the polar coordinate of the point (4, 6). PAST CE BOARD Soliion ace QoeQOU00a DISPLAY: Poll(4,-6) SASIO TECHNIQUES Pages os = 7.211102551, @ = -56,.30993247 13, Find the value of cos @ ifthe terminal side | ntains the point | Solution ore QO 8050 oon Doo DISPLAY: Pol( -3, -4) F=5, 8 =-126.8698976 1 =5 Is stored automatically toX and @ to Y. ener FOOD DISPLAY: c03(¥) 3 =a 20. Find the rectangular coordinate of a point | Whose polar coordinate is ( 3, 120°). PAST ECE [Beano O0ce00e 4.5, ¥ DISPLAY: Reo(3,120) 59807621 6, HOW TO SOLVE EQUATIONS Not: To sore near equations, wren: od BASIC TECHNIQUES, Page ® DISPLAY: 4(3-X) =5( 4X) x3, el_xe2 22.Solve 23, 4-1- ° p63" ENTER: @OOceDese0 BOGse0a00" On DISPLAY: L-R= 0 Note: To convert to fraction, enrer: @ @ DISPLAY: ‘Ans B ——$—$—$ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 10, ENTER ee a Cr (Note: You have to input an inital value after inputting the ‘equation that is near to the actual root) DISPLAY: X= 9 X= 2450053028 7. HOW TO SOLVE EQUATION FOR A SPECIFIED VARIABLE 2. Pax a D=2, andA What is the value of Y? ENTER: —s enue0o8e00s OOs8Oes8® oonue® DISPLAY: a~Beax-wy 7 ENTER: on00o00 Note: (Input the values ofA, D and X) DISPLAY: asB x2 y BASIC TECHNIGUES. Page 11 ¥ 11.75 LR 0 (Note: To display in fraction, ENTER: 2 DISPLAY: Ans o + 25. When 3 is multiplied by 5 less than a number, | the result is 9 less than 5 times the number. Find Z less than § times the number. Past ME BOARD ‘Solution: - Let ENTER: DISPLAY: 3(X-5)=5X-9 x =3 LR= 0 Note: (The value ~ 3 is stored in Ans ) —__ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 12 1, HOW TO SOLVE SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR HQUATIONS IN 2 UNKNOWNS Solve 2x+ 7y=4 x + 2yet _| ENTER: Ouesve0n sou000000 DISPLAY: Enter: © DISPLAY: ‘Therefore: The solution set is (-1/3,2/3) AGE PROBLEM 27-In 5 years, Ana’s age will be twice as the age of her friend Jun. Five years ago, she was three times as old as his friend. Find their present ages. PAST ME BOARD J ‘Solution: Let x \na’s present age = Jun's present age Z Syears | present | Syears ago ‘age | tromnow ana xs) x x+5 un | —y55 ¥ 5 Then x45 = 2(y95) x-2y= 5 => equation (1) x5 = 3{y-5) BASIC TECHNIGUES Pogo Ts equation (2) CvvooVe000 eoGooQa0c0 DISPLAY: ENTER: © DISPLAY: Y 15 Therefore: Age of Ana = 35, Age of Jun = 15 DIGIT PROBLEM | 28. The sum of the digits of a 2 digit number is | 10. When the digits are reversed, the number 1s increased by 36. Find the original number. PAST EE BOARD “Solution: Let: x = the hundred digit y= units digit Therefore: The number = t0x+ y Reversed Number= 10y+ x Then: x+y=10 => equation (1) 10y+x=10x+y +36 Rearrange equation (2) 9x + 9y = 36 (2) The equations are: => equation (2) xt y=40 => equation (1) 9x + 9y=36 SPequation (2) —-——. BASIC TEGHNTOUES Page ie Ovueconve0a Qovvvec0o DISPLAY: ENTER. Enter: © DISPLAY: 7 Answer: The number is 37. INVESTMENT PROBLEM 28, A man has 2 investments one paying 3% ‘annual interest and the other at 4% interest. The {otal income from the investinents is P 1700. I the | interest rates were interchanged, the total income would be P 1800. Find the amount of each Investment. PAST CE BOARD Solution: Let: X= first investment Y= second investment The 3% X + 4% 4% X + 9% ENTER: Ovoe8Bc000e SssecsoRescoe 1700 => equation (1) 1800 <=> equation (2) BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 15 30000 enter: DISPLAY: Y 20000 The investments are 30,000 and_ 20,000 MIXTURE PROBLEM 30, 2000 kg of steel containing 8% nickel is to be made by mixing steel containing 14% nickel with another containing 6% nickel. How much of each is needed? ‘Solution: Let: X = amount of stee! containing 14% nickel Y = amount of steo! containing 6% nickel The! X+ Y= 2000 => equation (1) 14% X + 6%Y = 8%%2000 — equation (2) ENTER: Ovoaav00e vvose08 209 G5008 g@gouvven DISPLAY: 500 exrer: DISPLAY: 1500 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 16 (32. Find the values of x in "+ 2x+ 5 ‘Answer: 500 kg (amount containing 14% nickel) 1500 kg (amount containing 6% nickel) 9. HOW TO SOLVE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Note: The Quadratic Equation has the form ax +bx+c=0 wherea*0 the quadratic equation 6x7=7x- 3 enter; DISPLAY: Xe 1 Answer: The roots are x = §/3 and x = -1/2. Solution: ENTER. Cue DISPLAY. % A421 enrer, @ BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 17 DISPLAY; X= 1-21 Answer: The roots are -1 = 21 The DISCRIMINANT ‘The discriminant of the Quadratic Equation (ad + bx to=0) is: D=b*—4ac If D> 0, the quadratic equation has 2 real roots. Hf D <0, the quadratic equation has one real root (double root) If <0, the quadratic equation has imaginary roots. 10. HOW TO FACTOR A TRINOMIAL OF THE FORM AX?+ BX+ C AND THE DISCRIMINANT 33. Find the discriminant of the equation 4x? -8x + =O and olscuse the nature of te rots, Solution’ A=4 B=-8 ances ENTER: Os0S85500 ©0@Gccn00n DISPLAY: B-4AC “8 Answer: Tho discriminant <0, the roots are smepionry, i ‘34, Factor 15x” -11x — 12 Solution ENTER. es GASIC TECHNOUES Pages Ovevn000 sQoecn DISPLAY: x ‘ enter: @ X= 3 Therefore: (x 4/9)(X + 3/5) =0 (8X Thus: 15x? -41x-12 = (3X -4)( 5X +3) 11, HOW TO SOLVE SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN 3 UNKNOWNS. 35. Find the values of x,y and z if 3 4)(5X + 3) =0 K—3y - x4 Oy + 22 =16 x= y + 62 =14 ooo Cassa aco DISPLAY: BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 19 3 enter: © + enter; 2 Solution: ENTER. DISPLAY % 2 enter: + enter @ % 3 Answer: The roots are_x= 2,1 and-3 37.Sove P41 = 0 Solutio ENTER: Ouncv00 eoQc00o BASIO TECHNIGUES Pagez0 roa E 1 enrer: @2 X= 42+ oseo2s4o30) enter: OD “v2 0.86602540381 413. HOW TO FACTOR 3°° DEGREE POLYNOMIAL (38. Factor x" 2x7—x-2 Solution: ENTER: Osa QecGe00 Dis Lay, X= + enrer @ Ke a enver: Ke 2 Answer: The factors are (x1) (x + 1) (+ 2) 44, HOW TO EVALUATE FUNCTIONS (99: Evatuate 1(6) if fe) = x"+ ax7—5xe6 Solution: ENTER: Oss0U0se5 2D BASIC TECHNIQUES DISPLAY: 3xt + 3x?-5x-6 3972 40 Evaluate (4, -3) if | Aouyle 4x'y! 43xty -2ny? + y> ‘Solution: ENTER: Ose®D0000 BostO =a + 3x2y—2xy?+ ya 2061 15, HOW TO GET THE REMAINDER WHEN A POLYNOMIAL EQUATION f(x) IS DIVIDED BY xa RemainderTheorem: If a polynomial f(x) is divided by x~a, the remainder ist (). 41. Find the remainder when 3x" + 2x°— 4x? + x +4 | Is divided by x +2, PAST ME BOARD ‘Solution: f(x) = 3x442x axZext4 remainder = (2) ENTER: ———$—— — ______ BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 22, Answer: Remainder = 54 42. Given f(x) = (x+3)(x-4) + 4, divided by x —k, the remainder is k. ICE BOARD a2 b.4 e648 Solution: lx) = (x43)(x-4) 4 4 A{k) = ( k#3)(k-4) + 4 = k ENTER: (x43)(x-4)+ 4 =x x 4 LR= 0 Note: We can use trial and error. ENTER: DISPLAY: BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 23 (x4 3x44) 4 6 enter: (a9 oe DISPLAY: (x43(x44)4 4 4 46, HOW TO DETERMINE IF Xa IS AFACTOR OF F(X) ‘THE FACTOR THEOREM IF (9) is divided by x—a and f(a) =O then x—a is a factor of {9 [43.15 (+3) a factor of "+ 6x" Bx6XOC? Solution: ENTER: SBGo00c08 0D BoeoSOBeD.00D o0650000T06 DISPLAY: x! + 6x! + 8x4 6x0 9x? 0 Conclusion: Since f(-3) = 0, then x+3 is a factor of 2°46. + Bx 6x" — 9x7 17, HOW TO COMPLETE THE SQUARE Of Axt+ Bx+ C. 44, Express 3x7+6x+5 as a(x)” +6 ‘Solution: B = 4 (coefficient of x) BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 24 A= 3 (coefficient of x?) ENTER: o6eu0ed OWovea DISPLAY: B >» 1 (This is stored in Ans. ) 2000850080 eeG@ae0 DISPLAY: ENTER: 3x 46x45, 2 Thus: axsere5 = 36x +1)%42 18. HOW TO MANIPULATE FRACTIONS AND MIXED NUMBERS {45, simpy Solution: ENTER: DISPLAY: BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 25 Simplify Solution: ENTER: sDseO0e0ls DisPLay, at S132 eont vote : ever, OG DISPLAY: inte 19. HOW TO CHANGE FRACTION TO DECIMAL [47 Change 9/800 to decimal Solution: jeDeDe DOD: ENTER: $$$ —$—$— BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 26 DISPLAY: ENTER: DISPLAY: 0.01125 20. HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS INVOLVING PERCENTAGES |e Change 1! % to percent form. ENTER: oisPLav ser [o.wnatis 135 of 102807 Soliton: ENTER: eGe0s0eD Sere Bre TEONOUES Tet SBoave000 10250 DISPLAY: enter: @D DISPLAY: 333.125 [50. Mr. X paid 8,500 for the monthly instaliment of his car. This is 23% of his monthly income. How much is his monthly incor Solution: Let: X = his monthly income. Then: 23%X= 8500 wT 00 ENTER GBovesDee e DispLay: 36956.52174 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 28 HOW TO SOLVE SIMPLE INTEREST PROBLEMS Mr. Y borrowed from Mr. Z 52,400 with a ple interest of 6%. How much should Mr. Y ‘after 16 months? tion 1: (Standard Solution) T= Pxrxt Where: = time in years Let X= the amount that Mr. Y will pay after 16 Months Thon: X= 52400 + 52400 x 6% x16+12 ENTER: seo voveoo easQGoncce0ea DISPLAY: 52400 + 52400x 6% x 16 +12 56592 Solution 2: (Use Linear Interpolation) Let: time Y= amount of money after X years 52400 52400 + 0.06( 52400) = 55544 X = 16/12 (16months-converted to year) Y =? ENTER: Casvcn ao a BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 23 (16+12) 9 56592 53. If a depositor wants to earn P 3280.00 in 2 years from a bank that 8 1/4%, how much should he deposit in the bank now? Solution: Let x the amount to be deposited Then: from! 3280 ENTER: Prt Xx 814% x 2 weno WO0e0 JoDeDstDow e500e DISPLAY; aamn= xx atanz2 x 19878.78788 LR ° BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 30 Thon: 348 =3500 x X% x 21/2 ENTER: eule®l 20008c<05 Os0s00 DISPLAY: X= 3.977142887 55. The bank offers an annual rate of 10 1/2% Interest for 3 1/2 years. How much will the ‘accumulated sum be if the initial deposit is P1,350.007 Let: X= accumulated sum 1 =Prt, then accumulated sum = P+l = P+ Prt 1 =1012% t= 312 P = 1350 X = 1950+ 1250% 10 172% 312 ENTER: goc000e500 @Gse00se06eD S000 BASIC TECHNIQUES men! 1350+ 1360 x 10 1% x 1846.125 depositor wants to have P 12,334.20 in 5 years. How much should he deposit now? ‘Solution: ‘56. Ifa bank offers 8 1/3 % interests and a | I=P+Prt Let: X= the amount of deposit Then: 12,340.20= P+ Px 81/3%%5 ENTER: eeooues 0005 00e.08e0s0eD eBac0We DISPLAY: 12342=x+xxal%x5 x era LR 0 22. HOW TO SOLVE COMPOUND INTEREST PROBLEMS 57. Mr. Bautista deposited P 100,000 with | Metrobank and allowed to remain for 4 years. The bank pays 4 2/3 % compounded annually. How much money did he have in the bank at the end of 4 years? BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 32 Bracers nt tion 1 fhe formula for compound interest is Fem 1+iy ate of interest present worth future worth number of interest period. F = 100,000 (1 + 4 2/3 %)* Where: hen: q > 1000000( 1+ 4 2 120014.4595, Solution 2: Note: This can be solve by fitting Y= AB. When: X=0 Y= 100000 Y= 100000 + 4 2/9% x 100000 104,666.67 x4 Y=? ENTER: oe oo ENTER: oGoco0 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 33 oer emeetrtes DISPLAY: ay 120014.4747 [58 A note with a face value of P 12,000 and | bearing an interest of 3 1/2% compounded ‘monthly which will mature in 3 years. What is its maturity valu 14iy 2000(14(3 1/2%)/12)°) OsOeD0es000 OBe0en0 DISPLAY: {4.32 +2 12000] 1+ 2% 13326.49051 59. Towe P 10,000 due at the end of 3 years without interest. What should my creditor be willing to accept if he discounts at 7% [compounded annually? ‘Solution 1: From: F=P(1+i)" Where: F = 10000; Ovevo000TO ——<—$—$$ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 34 ace ts DISPLAY: 10000 = X( 1+ 7% )° X= 8162.978769 LR ° Solution 2: When:X= 3 Y= 10000 X= 4 Y= 10000 +10000 x 7% = 10700 x=0 ¥o7 ENTER Oaeveve oO ENTER: DISPLAY: oY 8162978769 23, HOW TO CONVERT BETWEEN DEGREES, RADIANS AND GRADIANS [ 60. Convert 21°47" 12” to decimal degrees. | Solution: ENTER: CaGCecenZ0e Gee 9600 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 35 DISPLAY: 21°47? 12° 24.78666667 Gi. Convert 237.615" to DMS { Degree Min Sec Solution: ENTER: sevvv00D DISPLAY: 237.816 237° 36 54” 62. Convert 120” to radians. Solution: ENTER s GOnue08o 00 DISPLAY: 120° 63, Conv Souation: ENTER: &6' soc DISPLAY: = Ans’ 30 GASCTEINGUES Page 00 Cones or ‘Convert 75" to radians to 3 significant digits. |] pion: ENTER: ns 80ng0u59 1) DisPLay 75° 1.308996939 Answer: (75° = 1.31 rad) G5. Whatis 120° in centesimal system? PAST CE BOARD NTER GouaeeGe= = DISPLAY: 120° 400 3 24, HOW TO GET VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ([66.Find the value of ese 365°52" 4 Solution: ENTER: e0sUeus0 se%55000 DISPLAY: ssin (365° 52° 48°)“ 9.761305456 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 37 ‘Solution: ENTER: cos (11.1) * osooei201e 68, Find the value of tan == | Solution: = ENTER: e0s0Gsee060 Oo DISPLAY, tan 2414219562 (69. Find the value of cos (-4339 4 Solution: ENTER 20 oF aoven DISPLAY: c0s(-4.53) 0.996876116 BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 38 Ce cmccmrtry -52.43140797 (This is in degrees) xe QOaOIGISDS eoD8c pispuay: angi 2520062875 (i Degres) or QOan DISPLAY sin") o.4ts6007s8 72. iftan x= 1/2 and tany y= 1/3 , what the value of tan (x+y)? PAST CE BOARD Solution: tan x arctan 172 tan y y= arctan 113 fan( x+y) = tan (arc tan 1/2 + arctan 1/3 ) OO0UscDs0c0e @0GeDeRD. BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 39 DisPLay: tan(tan" t+ tan! 1 73, Evaluate arctan [2cos (arcsin)] PAST ECE BOARD one @GeQ0O0G0e ODeD0Uc Disa tan (2cos(sin-+2)) 74. If sin A= 2/5, what is the value of 41-008 A?_ PAST CE BOARD A= arcsin 215 220 O00e0e 0.08348486101 25. How to Use the HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS (75. Evaluate sinh exer Danie Des DISPLAY: sinha) 10,01787493 —————_—___. BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 40 [76.—Evaluaia tanh @) + sean] Note ech (eh = Ene OoeSo0e DISPLAY: tanh(3) + cosh(1)” 1.643109027 (77 Wianh x= 07, whatis the value of x7] Solution: tanh x=0.7 x= tanh'07 arr QoceDe DisPLaY: tanh” (.7) o.s673005277 26. How io get THE CUBE ROOT, ann root ate) ENTER: DISPLAY: wasy 569.3170494 [0. Evaluate: (Va) on GOsDs O80 ven ee BASIC TECHNIQUES Paget DISPLAY: wry 128 27. How to use the RANDOM Number Keys eran key Dies, Rani(1) will generate a fraction or a decimal number that is less than 1 Rané(2) will generate a fraction or a decimal number that Is lees than 2 Ran#(n) where n is an integer wil generate a fraction or a decimal that is less than n, ace QaOGoD a ENTER pispuay: Rani) ee) evrer: GD Dispuay 1.149 (Thisis usta possible display) The Ranint# (ae) Key (QED This key generates a random number between a and b incite {81. Acoin is tossed 5 times. Let 0=Head and | 1=Tail. Simulate the experiment. exer Oe DGD ‘hon Press B® lew ew ——_——$$____.. BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 42 ‘Simulate th ing the calculator. Thore are 6 faces in the die, bot the faces be numbered 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6. ENTER: 28. HOW TO FIND VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS WHEN A COORDINATE OF A POINT INTHE TERMINAL SIDE IS GIVEN 83, Find the values of the six trigonometric functions when the terminal side contains the int P(-3,-4). =i Poll - 125,08 Use 6 =-126.8698976 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 43 Semcon = © IS AUTOMATICALLY STORED TO X (Get the values of the other trigonometric functions.) err OOOs (Answer: : -4/5) ever, GID (Answer: . 2/5) arr OOo (Answer: 4/3) ever: CVQDD! (Answer: - 5/4) (For ese) (For sec) arr OBOOGs (Answer: 3/4) 29. HOW TO FIND THE VALUES OF ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTION WHEN ONE VALUE OF THE FUNCTION IS GIVEN | 84. Find the values of the other 5 trigonometric | | functions given that @ is a IV quadrant angle and 45, Solution: Since: sin@ =y/r ; then: y=-4 and r=6 ———___—_—_ BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 44 Note: ris atways positive (+) x+y? watyr’ —y =tf5-(4y =3 line the angle les in the fourth quadrant: ronx=+3 The pont onthe tominal side i 3, 4) To find the angle: ENTER: 202800000 DISPLA\ Pol ( 3, 4) = 5, 8=+53.13010235 8 IS AUTOMATICALLY STORED TO X Find the values of the other trigonometric functions. are OOOa (Answer: 9/5) ever; CCUG! (Answer: -5/4) for csc evrer; COCIGDED! (Answer: 5/3) for sec exer COCO (Answer -3/4 ) for cot BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 45 30. HOW TO SOLVE COMBINATION AND PERMUTATION PROBLEMS 85. Evaluate permutation of 8 objects taken 3 ata "time. Solution: — ENTER: 26000 DISPLAY: ops 338 ‘86. In how many different ways can the judges ‘choose the winner and the first runner up from | among the 10 finalists in a student essay contest? jolution: There are 10 finalists taken 2 at a time. Note: order is impertant here ENTER ooGu0e DISPLAY: 02 20 7, Evaluate the combination of 0 abjeca akan Satatime. rd Solution ENTER: eo8e00 DispLaY: socs 2118760 [88. Im how many ways can a Dean choose 2 of 15 | faculty members to review a student grade | | appeal? PAST EE BOARD BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 46 : rms lution:There are 50 faculty members to be taken 2 atime Order is not important here wo80e 31. HOW TO EVALUATE FACTORIAL NUMBERS @9,Findthe value of fo) ation: ENTER: Oues0Oc DISPLAY: 101 3628800 90, How many different permutations can be rom the letters MISSISSIPPI? PAST EE BOARD Solution: Number of M=1; I's=4; P's=2; 8's 4, Number of Letters = 11, Note: The number of different permutations is: ut War212! ENTER: BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 47 Beo600000c00 Bce00c000c DISPLAY: 34650 ‘91. In how many way can 10 boys sitina | row of 5 chairs? PASTECE BOARD Solution 9876.04 The firs seat can be occupied in 10 ways, the 2" seat in 9 ways and so on. Using the multiplication principle, the number of ways they can sitinarowis 10x9x8.... 4 101 ENTER 7 oI 7 DISPLAY: 101 3628800 32. HOW TO FIND THE MEAN OF RAW DATA [ 92. Five light bulbs burned out after lasting for 867, 859, 840, 852 and 888 hrs. Find the mean ‘Solution: ENTER: ENTER: ———____. BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 48 861.2 “33, HOW TO COMPUTE THE WEIGHTED MEAN Astudent receive Subject Grade Algebra 15 English 175 Philosophy 1.25 Chemistry 25 Drawing 10 is grades as follows: units. 5 3 2 4 2 What is the students weighted average? Solution: ENTER: Oan00Uce pe gout a TeEIEICIEY ENTER: ano e Sune0 DISPLAY: 1.703125 34, HOW TO USE THE SIGN (94.Find the sum. 1+ 2 Solution #2434. BASIC TECHNIQUES +34 20 = Tix 20 Page 43 210 [95.Find the sum 17+3%+ 67+ 77....167 ‘Solution: Poste Fe 71 = Lox.) ENTER. DISPLAY: 8 Leta Hx x0= 33. Find the value of 3° x 17x52 21; Solution: ENTER: Ovvovvv000000 eouee00 ENTER: = Gvvo0n DISPLAY: BASIC TECHNIQUES, Page 50 7. Let x; Xs=8 ys ys Evaluate: arr Queoe DISPLAY: pee exter: Qapepan ew DISPLAY: x 1509 4y} BASIC TECHNIQUES: Page 51 cee | emcees Ee ee ot enter: 9 Op oleae Seee0 DISPLAY: 35x+ apy? 3259 38. HOW TO COMPUTE QUANTILES FROM GROUPED DATA 7-69 2 | ‘Solution: i. a. For Q; :50/4 = 12.5 So we are looking for_ 12.5" data. BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 52 {Use linear interpolation) 7 data corresponds to 66.5 19" data corresponds to 69.5 12.5" data corresponds to? ” CnteeaeeD OWvess000e eee ee err Gea0GQu0Ge DISPLAY: 12.59 67.875 for Peo ‘Compute 50( 60/100) = 30” data 19" data corresponds to 69.5 34” data coresponds to 72.5 30" data corresponds to? ENTER: DISPLAY: 30P m7 ‘¢. median corresponds to 50/2 = 25" data 19" data corresponds to 69.5, 34" data corresponds to 72.5 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 53 25" data corresponds to 7 ENTER esaoneaal) a vovvvve050 arr GEQnege DISPLAY: 257 ‘70.7 (MEDIAN) 36. HOW TO COMPUTE STANDARD DEVIATION OF GROUPED AND UNGROUPED DATA ‘99. The 5 tallest building in Manila are 30, 37, 3 34 and 39 stories. Find the standard deviation, ‘Solution: ENTER: Se0UVex000 euovvveven sovo00c98a so DISPLAY: 3.033150178 ————— $< BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 54 97. HOW TO GET THE MEAN, VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF GROUPED DATA 700. Given the table below: Height (in) Frequency Class Mark 61-63 2 62 64.66 5 65 67-69 12 68 70-72 5 nm 73-75 8 74 76-78 5 7 7681 3 80 | ‘a. Find the total number of data. b. Find the mean. | ©. Find the sample standard deviation d._Find the sample variance. ENTER: gaan Sececcccvsee 4. To get the number of data. exter: Qupep ap eo) DISPLAY: a 50 b. To get the mean of the data. arr Queee DISPLAY: ee BASIC TECHNIQUES Paar tems x 70.94 6. To find the sample standard deviation: exter; Quen eo ee DISPLAY: Mev 44301132068 . To find the sample variance simply square the sample standard deviation ENTER: DISPLAY: Ans= 19.26204082 38. HOW TO FIND AREAS under the NORMAL, CURVE P(a) means area from z = -cotoz R(a) mean area from z ato z= +00 Q(a) means area from 2=0 to z =a Where: 2-%X X = means = standard deviation z= standard score , X= any raw score — BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 50 emcees DISPLAY: P (1.64) 0.9495 between and the point -1.58. : 102. Find the area beneath a standard normal curv Solution ENTER: OeaVe0e BosooDe DISPLAY: Q(-1.58) 0.44295 103. Find the probability that a normal distribution fandom variable will be within z = 1 standard deviation of the mean. _ Solution: We are looking for the area from ENTER: COee8e0000D eWecee0e BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 57 110. eee Cece ites — DISPLAY: U1) + U1) 0.68268 104. Find the probability that a normally distributed random variable will lie more than 1.5, standard deviation above the mean. Solution: We are looking for the area from z= 1.510 2== ENTERS me Ova8000 weoDo DispLay: R(1.5) 0.066807 | 105. Consider the normal distribution of IQ with | mean of 100 and standard deviation of 6. What | Percentage of IQ's are | ‘a. greater than 92 b, between 92 and 120 c. less than 120 Convert first x to z where: for 92 2 Ms .0.5 16 112-100 or 120 21.25 16 a. P (x>92) = area from z= ENTER: 15 toz =o Oe2800 —_ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 58 R(-0.5) 0.69146 1b, P(92X 3 enter: C9 repay Formula.) Alls the coefficient of y* (4) and Bis the coefficient of y 6) arr: GOecne DISPLAY: 8 2A BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 72 (tts isthe ycooinate of the center) this value to ¥. fare now prepared to get the radius. Input the function 4x? + 4y! + 3x ~ Sy—25 E- soUGsso00 oan E+ av! + 3K—SY-25 217 8 {This wit represent -4R, 4's the coefficient of X or Y Jind Ris the radius. Note that i the coefficient of X or Y is A, then this value is automaticaly the negative of the square of the radius) ever: UD) eo eo eal DISPLAY a = (This the square ofthe radius, ore OS) DISPLAY (This isthe radius of the cr.) ———@—————————— BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 73 52. HOWTO LOCATE THE VERTEX OF THE PARABOLA AND COMPUTE ITS LATUS RECTUM (LENGTH) . 22. Locate the vertex of the parabola x? + 2x + 12y +37 =0 and determine the length ofits latus rectum. Solution ens ne ison Ways xte deat ory = a2 -2h2x -3mha on FICO SOO DISPLAY =8 2A A isthe coefficient of x (1/12) and 8 isthe covficiontof x (-2/12) even: OUD ex ea eco oo co OD coca! eso DISPLAY: -8 2A <1 (This isthe x coordinate ofthe vertex. ) Store this to X. ener DED DISPLAY: Ans» X “ (Input: 8/12 -22x -37/12) BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 74 Come tes bast are DODGe00000 seODceec0e0 DISPLAY: 3 (This isthe y coordinate of the vertex.) Tho vertexis as (~1,-3) The Length of the Latus Rectum is simply the positive Teciprocal ofthe coefficient of 1 Length of Latus Rectum = 1 = 12, im NNote that 4a=12, a=3 (where ais the distance from Wertex to Focus } Since the coefficient of x is (:), the parabola opens downward, ‘The coordinate of the focus is at (-1,-9+3) = (1.9) The directixis y= 3-3 of y= -6 ‘The parabola can easily be drawn, BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 75 53. HOW TO GET THE EQUATION OF A PLANE PASSING THROUGH THREE (3) GIVEN POINTS USING VECTORS 123. Find the equation of the plane that contains the points A( 4 ‘SOLUTION: ‘The equation of the plane is AX+ BY + CZ+D where < A,B, C> is the direction number of the perpendicular tothe plane. Vector AB=< 3-1 -2+1 2-2 VectorAC=<2-1 141 4-2> Store Vector AB to VctA, arr O mae exrcr oo GD) apes eo co, enter: ‘Store Vector AC to Vet B. ore Osawa exrcr © oe oe ee ENTER To get the direction numberof the unknown plane, get the cross product of VotA and VetB. ocr QueaQ@uaa o> 2> DISPLAY: Ans [2 45] Thus A=-2 B=-4 andO=5 from AX+BY+CZ+ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 76 “ay +5Z+ D=0 (1) B solve for D, substitute a point say (1, -1,2)t0 ation 1. (1)-4(-1)+ 5(2)+ D=0 D ‘equation of the plane is be 4y + 52-12 HOW TO TABULATE VALUES OF A FUNCTION 4, Tabulate values of f(x) = x° + 2x" — DISPLAY: x FO) 3 ala oo 13 42 93 172 285 438 637 388 1197 BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 77 HOW TO USE THE MULTILINE FUNCTION the area of a triangle whose sides are Smand 12 m ‘Solution: Using Heron's Formula: A= sis ANs—BKS—O) We have 2 steps ENTER: Oo 0U00EC0 20690900609 @o0une0sd ouuoN—-oun G00=o00 DISPLAY: Bie pe BHC | [RANA BNN =O) BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 76 BASIC TECHNIQUES: 26. Find the value of the following. ‘a. log( 38) bb In (456) c. logs 766 J. toga, 344 Solution: a. log{ 36) ENTER: OoeoDo DISPLAY: too (28) ‘386302501 b. In (456) or: Oooo DISPLAY: In(4se) 6.12249281 ©, logs 766 ever: CeO) DISPLAY: logs 766 4.126398489 d. log21 344 ore QeoaeDoacge Page 73 DISPLAY: logas 344 1.918409792 57. HOW TO SOLVE TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS P 127. Solve _Stans—Wi~2tans 7 0212360 fog: x + logs (x+5) = ‘Solution: a x (29.59750769, ENTER: LR= ° CacODSD0e eD0Gs0000 eae Note: The last input can be any value from 0 to 360°. DISPLAY: og 9. Solve for x in_ x¥% ‘Stanx V3 =2tanx x 30 LR 0 Answer: X= 30" enter: @ x39" = 100x Xe 10 DISPLAY: LR= oo stanx V3 ~2tanx x 210 59. HOW TO GET THE VALUES OF INVERSE LR= ° TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 58, HOW TO SOLVE LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS 190 GOTOMODE 5 1 land INPUT THE GIVEN DATA cos cosa by sind -sina 0, Note: The negative partis oniyin sin a and all are positive. BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 01 ee [745. Ifin the above figure b= 100. 6= 30" | _and_a = 40° Find the values of x and y. solution: © es ao CD ex av co CD) eoveeQo0f0e veuouo fon; xe'7EAG nd y= see 68. How to Get the Area of a segment of a Circle Given the figure circle of diameter D, the Area of the segment (shaded figure is J(2VDX=Xax, 0, 1,0.001) and the height of the segment H = 1.2 m, compute the a of the segment of the circle. | —_——_____ BASIC TECHNIQUES Page 92 ieee) ston: oO Os0seUso play: f (VX — Xdx, 0,1.2, 0.001) 3.170764483 |, How to Apply the Right Triangle Technique ‘. Adjacent and Opposite Sides Given H48._ Find the remaining sides and angles in e figure. Solution ENTER @coe90s00 DISPLAY 4 BASIC TECHNIQUES, Page 93 Tooet a ENTER: SceO0000 DISPLAY. += 0.062257748, 0 = 60256187 deg ADVANCED CALCULATOR TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO SELECTED BOARD Therefore: c= 8.06 and @= 60.26 deg b. Hypotenuse and One Angle Given 149. Find the values of aandb. c= 40 ° EXAMINATION ame PROBLEMS GcneODe00c DISPLAY. Rec 40, 30) X=34.64101615 Y= 20 Therefore: a= 20 and b= 34.64 ———$—$—$ $$ BASIC TECHNIQUES. Page 94 PAST ECE Board Exam ECE Board Exam 4. Simplify the expression imaginary number. where lis an a2 bt a tei a tei 1-1 b. 41 +i) Solution: ce. 1+i @. (1 +i) Technique: Divide the exponents by 4 and get the remainder. err 9OD@ arr: Geeceaac DISPLAY: chnique: Rewrite as (1+i)°(1+/)? (TER: 0e00Usa INTER: Geo0000 Goo0000 (+i (+i? 4-4 4991 arr Geeogae OG) DISPLAY: DISPLAY: 4993 eer Se OBal DISPLAY: i-? 2 Past ECE Board Exam 8, Find the 30" term of the arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10 Solution: Board Exam Problems Page Ol] Board Exam Problems. ovveo DISPLAY: DISPLAY: Answer: 91 PAST CE Board Exam 4. What is the sum of the progression 4, 9, 14... up to the 20" term? Solution: ENTER: S80ccccece” DISPLAY: x Y oo 1 4 213 ENTER: Board Exam Problems com of Oterms =0 of 1 term im of 2terms=4+9= 13 data is fitted to the quadratic function ImA+BX+ Cx? get the sum of the 1* 20 terms: as ‘5, The 4" term of the GP is 216 and the 6 term is 1944. Find the 8" term, DISPLAY: a Page % |) Board Exam Problems Page 99 en eme te 17496 Answer: 17496 PAST ECE Board Exam 6. Ina Cartesian coordinates, the vertices of a triangle are defined by the following points (-2,0), (4,0) and O-bdlet (Math) (3,3). What is the area? 8 Solution: F: The area is 9 square units. Concept: The area of any triangle with vertices ST_CE Board Exam (xtyt), (X2y2) and (x3,y3) is: | Find the remainder when 4y’ + 18y? + 8y ~4is pt on divided by 2y +3. Ma 2 aan ‘Solution: | Let fly) = 4y’ + 18y°+ 8y-4 j2 0 | ‘Using the remainder theorem , remainder i; R: vedet|4 0 Ij are js 3 ENTER: Ove svooo eevee DISPLAY: ay? + 1BY? + 8-4 1 ‘Answer: The remainder is 11 Board Exam Probleme Board Exam Problems Page 101 Terma PAST ECE Board Exam 8. If the point (-2,3), (x.y) and (-3,5) lie on a straight, line, what is the equation of the line? Solution: ENTER: On vovoolJe evo0c0 LAY: DISPLAY: 8 2 boc 15 0r372 12034 2305 4 er: YaASBX yooss2x which can be rewritten as: 3X-2Y-12=0 xs 2 enrer: 2 i Equation of the line: -2x-y=1 or 2xty What are the coordinates of the center of the ‘curve x'+ y?— 2x -4y—31=0 lution: PAST ME Board Exam z 9. The equation of the line that intercepts the x axis, x=4and they axis at y=-6 is Solutio ENTER: UBooGca DISPLAY: Board Exam Problems Page 103 11, Differentiate the equation.» a Hie & 2 oy or a 2 a 2 Solution: Technique: Differentiate y at any value of x, say x=2 and compare this value to the value of the choicad when the same value of x is substituted, ENTER: oa0OG0D eBooUDea DISPLAY: af axa) 0.9888888889 Note: Compare it to the choices as the value of x is being Substituted, Board Exam Problems Page 101 carr, Substitute o.seessse889 ‘The values of the rest of the choices when xe2 are ‘summarized as follows: eS (b) OD, 3 (c.) 2X. a4 @ -4 X#Ixe 3 Answer: (a.) Boo Bam Protons Page 108 12. Find the slope of the ellipse x?+ 4y?— 10x + ‘16y + 5 =O at the point where y =-2+ 8° and mar Sowtion: 9 (2. 4 (452. 9 (592 pox 3 (x2ans)-£ (652s165)-0 gg(ts7H6+5)! 90s Using the chain rule: (22.627417 this value to B) wer ODD DISPLAY: Ans +B Solve for dy/dx arr DOOeoGa DISPLAY: “A+B -0.1767766953 (Store this value to A) ever OGD ‘Answer: -0.1768 DISPLAY: 419, Find the equation of the normal to x’ + y= 5 at the Ans —> A point (2,1) a. 2x-y=0 by+ 2x=0 ENTER: ce 3x+y=0 d4x-y=0 e@so000 Boer! Ban Rrattene Board Exam Probiems Page 107 een ogc! Sey eerie Moyes oy Q20°Gcses jac DisPLay: d LA 2 ae" b. eo?” c0 d. ONE mm get gai olution: reciprocal of the slope of the tangent. Therefore: Slope of normal line is 14 enter: © pew Input the given coordinates x oY 2 4 21 14% ENTER: © ‘The equation of the line is Y =A + BX Get the value of A. ENTER: DISPLA\ A Board Exam Problems shnique: Substitute values the left and right sides limit values of 1. Say x=0.999 and x=1.001 These values should be almost the same for the limit to exist; otherwise the limit does not exist. ‘Compute the value of the given when x equals 0.999 9G Q0nBESO GO00d0~00 Dod Board Exam Problems Page 100) 1.889479 Compute the value of the given when x equals 1.0001 Assume that the three force vectors intersect at a ENTER: single point. Fy = 4i+2j+ 5k What is the magnitude of the resultant vector R? ‘Solution: DisPLay: > Technique: Store the three vectors at VetA, VctB, and (2-x)"7 Vet6 respectively. Then get the absolute value 4.800141 ofthe sum ofthe three vectors The two values are close. ENTER: Therefore: Limi exiets | Oesbvouvscs0 Compare it to the choices DISPLAY: (a) e™ [42 5] ore: @UGeDecgea _ niin ; bispLay: =®00000ec0e00 G ‘so008t 165 DISPLAY: om Sond an overs Pose TWH Boor Exar Provan Tem CPN Caer te ENTER: 200000000 veoo DISPLAY: oo. RP =a 6 0.8Xdx ENTER “ tore this value to A: wer; OOD DISPLAY: Abs(VetA+VetB+VetC) 2 DISPLAY: Answer: 12 Ans —eA 400 PAST CE Board Exam Me siuste vy 16. The expression below are the components of the acceleration fromt=0 tot = 10 sec. a=0.8 ay=203t a,= Smis ENTER: oevnoe00D Find the velocity Vat t= 10 second! Solution. * Deseo a= 2 ten v= fair DISPLAY: 7 » 2-0.9xax Jost —»,='fe-oand and a a a 5 Bolente ere OO@ ENTER: SEE Ee eee eT ‘Board Exam Problems Page 117 [gy Board Exam Problems Page 113 DISPLAY: Ans—+B 5 Evaluate Vz ENTER: DISPLAY: [sax 0 arr ODD DISPLAY: Ans—+e 30 ENTER: CE Board Exam Find the radius ofthe circle : ty ext t2y+ 9-0 oaoDGoRDUs @0vees900 PLAY: s—+Y OveeODooD INTER ea DISPLAY: [400 5 50] ENTER: - e000e0 Answor: 64.23 mis Board Exam Problems Boi sUo poQQoua DISPLAY: XPY?-OXH12Y49 “38 ‘Compute for the length of the radius: Page 11400 Board Exam Problems "Page 115 ~ PT Ome tee E Ceomcennt ore G06 eo DISPLAY: VFAns. 6 Answer: 6 PAST CE Board Exam 18 [213 Given A=/0 -1 2) and its inverse is la 3 4| x By to to 2 42 2 Find the value of x,y and z Solution: Let the inverse of A be A? PAST ECE Board Exam | i ee 48. Find the resultant of two forces F; = 100 N at 8, = 30° Then: A'=B=1)s 10 -4 and F:=400N at 8,= 150° Sla = 2 Figure: =s 000 100K fx 8 » Then: |8 -10 -4|/= 6 at 4 2 Board Exam Problems Page 117 Board Exam Problems Page 11 TE em renee Solution: ENTER: 100.230+400.2 150 360.5551275 2 136.1021138 ‘Answer: 260.56kN $ (fio ax a Jeeto PAST ECE Board Exam Inswer: 1.485 m/s balloon receding from the observer 10 sec later? Solution: Figure: MAST ECE Board Exam H. Find the minimum distance from the point (4,2) to the parabola y’ = 8x. olution: Let: t= time the balloon has risen, Board Exam Page 119 VOD HOA 0° r= 472+ he (We will refer to this as the squeeze technique) Plot this in the table: Start = 0, END= 5 , STEP=1 ENTER: ooDUoUc: e®0c0o000e DISPLAY: fo Yle= 4 + x2) ENTER: 2 DISPLAY: Start? ENTER: o DISPLAY: End? ENTER: oo DISPLAY: Step? Board Exam Problems Note: Distance from the parabola to_point (4,2) is, (ern ) 472i 3.1122 2.8284 3.0666 3.6568 4.4386 32 on the table, minimum distance happens tween x=1 to x=3 yen: Change START = 1, END = 3, STEP = 0.1 DISPLAY: End? 3 ENTER: eo DISPLAY: Step? Ot Page 12) IN Boord Exam Problems Page 121 Tread ENTER: oooo PLAY DISPLAY: a os dt the limit of the derivative. (WAX) besoin pisruvy ~ FAX som ax Answer: Minimum distance = 2.8284 and it ha 0.499999375 when x = 2. "pens Store this to 8 evr OBO PAST ECEICE Board Exam Dieriav hoe 8 22. Find the radius of curvature of the parabola y orn GO9eOUDscce point (44) SOLUTION == The radius of curvature of y i given by B-A (yy P? 0.00001 = -0.0624997189 (Note: this is the 2" detivative when x= 4) v one Q@WGSOUDOVGS |) any one ODO 2 WAX) I. DISPLAY: dx Ans>C -_—_—— Srers Ent iehioe Page 122 I) Board Exam Problems Page 123, y are O@Ono00D80G0 seDDo0a DISPLAY. (aye c ‘Abs (VctA - VetB) 6.782329983 2236078034 Radius of Curvature =-22.36 PAST CE Board Exam Abs (VctA - VetB) 23, Points C (5, 7, 2) and D (4, 1,6) are 7.28 em apart T2eeOaGe What is the vaiue of 2? a3om b.2cm c.dom d.tom Solution: Let: Vector A= (57 2) Vector D = (4 16) Then: distance =abs(vector A — vector D )= 7.28 seeDOeee0 Dovect000e Note: Jus plug each othe choics for2 and compere tho MEDISPLAY: computed danco e720 m Abs (VetA -VetB) Guosiausar (a) 3em (4) 16m ENTER: seeDDeeceo Ocsesct00a Board exam Problems Page 125 ‘Board Exam Problems Page 121 eer omen ce DISPLAY: Abs (VctA - VetB) 7.874007874. Answer: b.2cm | Cen 1.035264924 (1.035264924 -1) (4) 14.105% nswer: rate of interest PAST CE Board Exam eT _CE Board Exam an investment double in 5 years? Solution: Note: Assume money = P ‘Compute value of x when y= 4 ENTER: DISPLAY: DISPLAY: ooQ0000 Board Exam Problems compounded quarterly , wil B._Acertain equipment has a first cost of 900,000, life of 8 years and a salvage value of 200,000. What is the book value of the equipment 5 years using straight line method? lution: When: x (time) = 0. y (book value)= 900000 x y= 200000 Compute for y when x= 5. oeeenen tts DISPLAY: ENTER: x | ¥ ‘0 | 900000 8 | 200000 1 2 ‘6055 ENTER: Page 12) J) Board Exam Problems: Page 127 Te fer meu ot a DISPLAY: 352548.046 20 enrer: OD 1 PAST CE Board Exam 9 26._Find the equation of a line normal to the curve pn of the Normal line: = 16y at (4,1). a ax-ye 8 b. 3x4 y=23 ©. ax+y=o dx 2y=7 Solution: ENTER: eU0Va %e Note: Since the slope of tangent line 1/2, therefore, Slope of the normal line is -2. enter: Olap 2 5 | 12sin®xcos*xdx Input the given data: é a b c 1 14 14 1 z 24 142 4 ——— Board Exam Problems —_—— — Page 121 fume Board Exam Problems Page 129, (or Tor om niques ER: PAST ECE Board Exam 28. Find the slope of the curve xy=8 at the point (2,2). Solution: Technique: Rewrite tho equation as y=—~and get thy derivative of y when x=2, a <(4cos(x) + sin(2x))Iy-» Sy (doosta) +sin2n)Ts -4.944476949 JST EE Board Exam 440. Radium decomposes at a rate proportional to the amount at any instant. In 100 years, 100mg of Tadium decomposes to 96 mg. How many mg wil be loft after 200 years? Solution: DISPLAY: Note: This is @ decay problem whose solution is ‘exponential. PAST EE Board Exam 29, If yedcos x + sin 2x, what is the slope of the curve when x=2 rad? Solution: Note: Everytime you are dealing with trigonometric functions, make sure you are in the radian mode ‘Board Exam Problems Page TPM Ce eam ctene Pane 1 Board Exam Proviems Page 1 INN Board Exam Problems Page 131 eee mC ted a ele ee ies DISPLAY: x{y 1] 0] 100 2| 100] 96 ENTER: {Ifthe nominal rate of interest is 3%, how much is (000 worth in ten years in continuously DISPLAY: 2009 92.16 fechnique: We have to get to points and fit the points fo Answer: 92.16 mg the curve Y=Ac! PAST ECE/EE Board Exam 31. According to Newton's Law of Cooling, the rate which a body changes its temperature Is proportional tot! difference between the temperature of the body and tt ‘surrounding medium at any time. ifthe temperature of tha air is 30°C and the body cools from 100°C to 70°C in th ‘minutes, how long will it take to cool from 100°C to 50°C} PAST EBJECE BOARD exter Ova, Input the given coordinates x Y 1 0 7% (100-30) 2 18 40 (70-30) ENTER: ©. Time to cool from 100° to 50° is (50-30) X ore: CB Owe ea ——_—_—___ Board Exam Problems Page 13) 2] 1| 51522 ENTER; a aque 80000 Board Exam Problems DISPLAY: 107 6749.294038 Answer: 6749.204 PAST ECE Board 33, If (x+yi(2-4i)=14-2, find x. Solution: 148i Note: Rewrite as xiyi= 244i ENTER: DISPLAY; 148i 24 3421 Answer: x=3 PAST CE Board Solution: Let: x=rcos® andy=rsind ‘Board Exam Probleme esGenesO0s 34. Find the slope of =sin’9 when 0=~ ‘Then: “>= wherex= sin?8 cos@ rr andy = sin?® sind joonGo®uo0 eUu00RDEoe OsOOCC®R00 ou0080°eu00 Goad DISPLAY: a Sino. & : 5 (oti yina -$.1961524234 35, Find the angle between the radius vector and the tangent he point indicated. sec 28, when @= 16 Solution: Note: The tan of the angle between the radius vector and the tangent line of a polar curve is: oo Page 11 |) Board Exam Problems Page 195 a ‘ 2 (cosy ® - 69220323, Assume that a= 1 (any value will do ) the value to B Compute for the value of r ENTER: Oud00n0e0D CALC) 6.9220323 ®ue0o 92 DISPLAY; pute forthe value of @ — 1 To express the 8 in terms of degree, change the radian Store itto A ‘made into degree mode arr OW DISPLAY, Ans —> A Tan*(A+B) 2 16.10211375 ar Compute for the value of i Answer: 16.10" PAST CE Board Exam 46. If the rate of interest is 7% per annum, compounded continuously, after how meny years will a deposit be tripled? ENTER: i\eDDae GosQce — Board Exam Problems Page 19 Board exam Problems ia ete Solution: When: Technique: Fit this to the curve ENTER: Cvvov0000a eo QDecoe0 DISPLAY: x] ¥ 1 ie - enter; 2/1/1072] Qe een oa DISPLAY: 3 15960446127 Answer: 15.7 PAST CE Board Exam 37. A closed cylindrical tank has a capacity of 576.56 ‘cu m. Find the minimum surface area of the tank. 2.4679 b. 39567 ¢.3834 d, 433.2 Board Exam Problems Page 10) olution: Let: x = radius y= height of the tank, and ‘Then: 576.56 = ='y and 576.56 The surface area is given by: Make a table ENTER: Ou o fe DISPLAY: Start? 1 enrer: a DISPLAY: end? 40 enter: OD Board Exam Proviems ewODGve eossoD0D Page 135, DISPLAY: STEP? ] 1 PARTIAL DISPLAY: x | 10) 1 | 1594 2 | 601.59 3} 440.92 4| 3eae1 5 | 387.7 6 | 418.36 Note: Locate the minimum value of y This means, the minimum valuo of S happens between x=4 andx=5 Change the value of start tox = 4, END =5, stop=01 ENTER: Seec0n0n) PARTIAL DISPLAY | x 44 45 46 te) sea71 283.48 eas This moans thatthe minimum vale of Sha between 4.5 and 4.6. cl ca Bam Probar Faye —_— Gueoscecc0ee oon JARTIAL DISPLAY: x | fe 45 | 383.48 451) 383.48 452| 383.48 Answer: 383.48 PAST CE Board Exam 28. Given the following descriptions of a 4 sided lot. LINE BEARING DISTANCE AB N3030'E 56.5 BC N75°30'.W 65.7 m co S4s'30W 857 DA _ — a. What is the length of the line DA? b. What is the bearing of the line DA? Solution: Line Bearing Angle with the x axis. AB N30'30"E 59°30” BC N75'30"W 165'30" cD $45'30"W 24°30" 0 Board Exam Problems Page 141 a. What isthe length of the line DA? ENTER: _ eos e0acvess000n0 eGecens0n0 DISPLAY: 56.5259.5+65,72165,5+85.72224.5 96.19034189.176,9821796 To compute for the actual distance and bearing, get the negative value of the result. ore Oo DISPLAY: “Ans 96.190341892-3.01782042 Answer: Length of side DA is 96.1903 bb. What is the bearing of the line DA? Answer: Its angle from the positive x axis is “3.0178 Therefore its bearing is S 86.982" E Board Exam Problems Page 182 a constant inflow of liquid into a conical vessel 15 feet deep and 7.5 ft in diameter. Water is rising at the rate of 2 fulmin when the water is 4 feet deep. What is the rate of inflow in cubic feet per minute? Solution: A(x) can be expressed as a parabolic function of the depth x dV = A(x) dx dividing both sides by dt dVidt = Ax) dxiat dxidt = 2 fY min A=? whenx=4ft enrer: © tea] Input the given data: c. ¥ oo 15 m(rsyi4 15 1(7.5)'/4 (The lines are extended below the Xaxis. ) Note: Y is the cross sectional area at any given depth. We need 3 coordinates for MODE 3_3 Board Exam Problems Page 143 (ene chniques To get Awhen orn BQu0g DISPLAY: wo 3.t6 pate oft ER: 1416 x2= 6.28 ft'lmin PAST CE Board Exam 40. Suppose that x years after founding in 1975, a certain employee association had a membership of x) = 10020 ~45x° +2645), at what time between 1975 and 1989 was the membership smallest? ee: 1983 b. 1984, 1985 d. 1986 Solution: Year 1975 corresponds to x=0 Year 1976 corresponds to x= 1 Year 1989 corresponds to x= 14 Thus, from the choices DISPLAY: a. Year 1983 corresponds to x= 8 b. Year 1984 corresponds to x: Year 1985 corresponds to x= 10 4d. Year 1986 corresponds to x= 11 Technique: Substitute the values of the choice to the derivate of f(x), until the derivative Is equal to 0: 4 (100 a0 = 45x +264))how -6000 Try ©. 1985, x=10 NTER: ns . owoWeucso Gol janco00o eoo®000e0" _ ore Board Exam Problems ere Silla 450° +2649), =0 Try a. 1983, x=8 Board Exam Probleme Page Te eo omco ites ENTER: DISPLAY: Oee00Bcves eeDGuv00Da ane -a5e 2640) -3600 Try dt. 1986, x=11 eovoo ENTER: DISPLAY: start? oue®U0Decs DISPLAY: A (vo02e 450° +2642)) 0 Answer: 0. 1986 PAST CE Board Exam DISPLAY: STEP? 41, The speed of the traffic flowing past a certain 0.25 downtown exit between the hours of 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM approximately V=t?- 10.5" + 30t + 20 mph where t = number of hours past noon. What is PARTIAL DISPLAY: x fix) the fastest speed of the traffic between 1 PM and 6 075 37.015 PM in mph? 1 40.5 Solution: 1.25 43.046 Make a table for V as a function of t 15 44.75 175 45.705 20 46 225 45.734 Board Exam Problems Page 140 HNN Board Exam Problems a Page 147 fC Core e ed The maximum velocity occurs after two ours. Therefore, the maximum veloci pd velocity is gAST EE Board Exam |. Find the principal value of In( 4+ Si) 186+ 0.901 b. 1.23-0.56i d. 1.67 + 0.451 PAST CE Board Exam 42: Atwhotintrestate compound uae, wi an investment doubles in 5 : : Solution: oe When: (time Pol (4,5) 6.403124 0 = 51.34019 These values are automatically stored to X and Y. ener: OB DOD Ge err GQODO00E ee DISPLAY: n(X)+ Yi 1.85678 + 0.89605i PAST CE Board Exam 44, Aline passing trough (5,3) has a slope of 3/2. Find the distance measured along the line, from the 5x4 = 20 (quarters) y Technique: Fit this to the curve y = ABY {and compute the value of y when x = ENTER: DISPLAY: point (5,3) to the y axis 1” 1.035264204 Solution: Answer: Interest rate is 0.035264294 x 4 = 0.141050654 Jy Get the equation of the line or 14.1% When: x DO Page 148 Page 149, Board Exam Problems ear eme a Seems DISPLAY: ENTER: Ja-B 9.013878189 Answer: 9.014 DISPLAY: PAST CE Board Exam 45. If nP5 = 6nP3, what is the value of n a7 b8 at a6 Solution: Rewrite as nP5 - 6nP3 = 0 Technique: Try all the choices ENTER: Oa ENTER: DISPLAY: 45 Store this value to Y orn: BOG DISPLAY: AroS¥ DISPLAY: a6 XP5-6XP3 1260 Compute the distance from the y-intercept to (5,3) ENTER: ee0DoOUcoD 2 XP5-6XP3 osQoc00OO ‘ao, Tryc.1 os ‘Board Exam Problems Page 150 Board Exam Problems Page 161 rome ton olution: From the figure, the area of the cross section using the ‘coordinate method is: Math Error 3 [AC]: Cancel 67 0 475 4 4 63) [>] :Goto 18 14 05 00 18 | Note: /t registered an error because the value of x must be greater than 5 eesUo soon Tya.6 col) exter, OG suse a DISPLAY: esaosun eoo XPS5.6xP3 oO Answer: 0.6 PAST CE Board Exam 46, Given the following cross section notes of an earthwork on an 8 m roadway LAY: 67 0 475 or x y ts Solution: “ °8 dee i 2| 0) os Fig 3)a73| 0 a a] og “ons 3} 4) 18 aA 6) 18 oO $| 14) 478 8] 05 4 (47505 9 oO 4 ENTER: 10 0 67 40) 7 a poss OUooeeD cceepeeeeennsineniiatimascatatinenll m Board Exam Problems Page 152 ‘Board Exam Problems: Page 153 DISPLAY: 05D 12.615 Answer: 12.615 square meters PAST CE Board Exam 47. Cost of the machine is P140,000, useful lifes8 years, salvage value=P10,000/ Determine the 4" year depreciation using the Double Declining Balance Method. Solution: Technique: Fit the following points to the curve y= AB‘ When: et ENTER: greeeen oo oo OcocUcle DispLay: x] y 1| *o| 140000 21 1 osa0s ENTER: ENTER: is aia 288000000000 DISPLAY. af —4P Board Exam Problems Page 154 ‘Answer: 4" year Depreciation . 37 - 47 PAST CE Board Exam 48. Points A, B and C on the parabola has elevations 14765.625 = 14,765.25 ‘of 30 m, 33 mand 27 m. Point B is between A and C and is 160 m horizontally from A and 90 m horizontally from C. Determine the elevation of the highest point of the parabola. Solution: Let: the coordinate of A = (0,30) Then: coordinate of B = (160,33) cnordinata of C= (250.27) Fit this points to Y= A + Bx + Ox? Techniqui ENTER: Board Exam Problems ero ouucdee00 ponea ee Note: To got the highest point, get the vertex of the parabola. The parabola has the equation +8x+CxThe highest point of the parabola is located when dy/dx = 0, or B+ 20x = 0, 20) Elevation of the highest point = -(b/2c) 7 ENTER: DISPLAY: cosXeos¥ si sinX-sinY cosX-eosY o OGocesesUco eveG88oc0n0n (B+ (2C)) yy 3s.s4seo752 DISPLAY: [PAST CE Board Exam 50. The specification for a job calls for a class “b” mix ‘with a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi at 28 days, The result of 125 compressive tests is tabulated in the following table. PAST ECE Board Exam 49, Simplify ©28A++208B | sinAs sina sinA~sinB * cos A~cosB Solution: svength (ps Technique: Substitute arbitrary values of A and Bin the 2200, 4 given. Say A = 10° and B = 20°. 3000 6 On00eG000D 00 ‘3 sHoBO000D a . Ge00800c80 2700 4 Find the standard deviation. Board Exam Problems ——_—_—_—_—$—— $$ Page 150 Board Exam Problems Page 157 Bm edie F<} fone mud a. 18533 b. 183.23 ©, 195.22 d, 189.45 CLOCK PROBLEMS - PAST CE, ECE, WE EXAM $i. At what time between 4 and 5 o'clock are the hands ENTER: a aT te clock e0Uee0uae00 Se pocatte exch other? euvvvcv000 b. coincident? ¢ at right angles? uation a Stuation b oo a DISPLAY: fF & \o X | FREQ La 3 20 vation ¢ (First time at Situation ¢ 2900 4 right angle) (2" time at right angle) Ae ee ight angle) ¢ ght angle) ed ee ‘We will model the clock using the CALCULATOR. 8) 3300) 37 a enter ODD 7/as0o] 49 Input the given coordinates. iam) 2 Tt x= time between 4 and 6 o'ock wolsroo| 4 ya ample between the hr hand and minute hand. Note: If hr hand is behind minute hand, Y fs negative . and positive otherwise. arr GOuwee xy oy % 20 (dust multiply 4 by ~30) ta.226199 $20 __(Justadd 330 to -120) Answer: 183.226 ENTER: © Board Exam Problems " Page 168 ‘Board Exam Problems: Page 159 a. The hands of the clock will be opposi when Y= 180°. orn: Soa QuoaaW® DISPLAY: 40% 4°54'32.73" pehec each othor Time b. The hands of the clock will be coincident when Y 0. enter: Wal alesis eo DISPLAY. ox 4°21'49.09" sme: 4:21:49.09 c. The hands of the clock will be at right angle for tho first time when Y= -90°, ENTE! DISPLAY: 90% 4527.27 TIME: 4:05:27.27 For the 2 time, the hands of the clock will be together for the 2™ time when Y = 90°. are SaQooaa ‘Board Exam Problems Page 160 4°38'10.91 TIME: 4:38:10.91 [PAST CE BOARD EXAM | Aman wants to buy a car by paying a downpayment of 100,000 and the balance to be paid monthly for 5 years at 48%. What is the monthly payment if the cost of the car is P 600,007 ‘SOLUTION g_A 1.015)" (Note: 18% effective is 1894/12 = 1.5% monthly ) e 1 500000 = AS 546)F ere; @QGeOcec0e BouO00seDoce DISPLAY: e 1 (1.015)" 39.38026889 STORE this value to A 600,000 = Board Exam Proviems Cee mou ever QOD “The cosine of the angle between 2 vectors Is: our reanoe eta Verh Ans-rA ¢080 = Th s(VetA)abs(VctB) ‘se erases ; al arc: QeeQueQcn0 The monthly payment is 500000 + A ac SOaee se OHe DODSss9009= 00000: A 1260671371 (Monthy amertzaton) DISPLAY, VetA-VetB + (abs(VetA) abs(VetB )) [PAST WE BOARD EXAM FF o.oses nae ENTER: Ans. 9432 ——— [PAST EE BOARD EXAM 4 Evaluate the terms of aaa deg b. 78.7 deg c.81.3deg d.84.3 deg 4 “ enter: © apap Input the given data a 14126) cheer = ener Qa es ae Input the given data: 20! +20 1" whent=4 atb2 643 44 Solution: m8 6) oiseLays ENTER: © aon) +22(-107) ee cone Board Exam Problems Page 162 Board Exam Problems Page 163 eee 58. Resolve into partial fractions: (PAST ME BOARD EXAM ) Ax+3 (1+ 2)(x-3) ‘Solution: 4x43 A (x+2)(-3) "x42" x-3 4x03 AB (ey 2NK-3)" x2" x3 ENTER: GooDoeDoDes® Dea DISPLAY: 4x43 (+2)(e-3) 1 (Thisis the value of A) To solve for B: 4x43 Board Exam Problems Page 161 cmc arr Ge ODeeDoW eWeo DISPLAY: 4x+3 x42 3 (This is the value of B ) Answer: 4x+3 1 8 (x+2)(x-3) x42" x-3 56. Resolve into partial fractions: (PAST CE BOARD) Bx 4x42 (x44) SOLUTION 3Bx4+x4+2 A B c (904) (XT) OY 3x4 x42 00) = 3X+x+2 when x=-4 (xy ar: GEOOGscoUce OUeDccDOTU0a: Page 165 Board Exam Problems DISPLAY: 3x 4x42 (x-1f 46/25 (This is the value of A) Bx4K+2 A a a Bx' 4x42 x4 when x ever Da! @Wosn OovosaWen DISPLAY: Bx +x+2 («-1) 6/5 (This is the value of C) To Solve for B: O 3x°+x+2. B= X+) when x= ox xa) : enter @W@GSODI50 GeeDoDosoDD DISPLAY: Board Exam Problems Page 160 x4 29125 (This is the value of B ) Answer: Sax -x+2 _ 46/25 29125 , 6/5 a) xed OD OF '57. Resolve into partial fractions. (Past CE BOARD EXAM ) Bx! +5x? + 2x + X44 (6 + 4)0e ¥2x+5) Solution: Oxi +5 +20 4x+4 _AX+B, Cx+D (es 4 42x16) 4 +2x+5 3x1 45x 42K 4 C+D OR AY + 2x45) + 2x45 3x! 45x) +2K) + X44 when x=21 (6 + 2x45) Ax+B= ‘Board Exam Problems DISPLAY: ScLibich ein eke (42x45) = 108/17 = 214/174 Therefore: A(2i) + B = -108/17 - 214/171 B=-108/17 A= - 107/17 To Solve for C and D Bx45x +204 Kd AKYB Ox4D RARE) ad eS Solve forx in x°+ 2x + 5 ATR OBsw@ee@e DISPLAY: X1= -1+ 21 X2= 4-21 Ox pa SX FSX +20 4x44 (8 +4) when x= -14 21 exter: @ ‘Board Exam Probleme Page 108 DISPLAY: 3x! +5x' 42x 4x44 (6 +4) 199/17 + 1801171, Thus: C(-1+ 21) = -193/17 + 180/171 C= 193/17 andD = 907 Ans. Bx! 45:0 Det pnd 107 17x 108/17 , 199/ (a+ Ayo + 2x45) ed [PAST CE BOARD EXAM 158. The following data of road accident vs driv form a quadratic function Y= A+ BX + CX* ‘Age of Driver Accident Per Year 20 250 40 150 60 200 Find the values of A, B and C and the number of accidents per year for an age of 30. ‘Board Exam Problems Page 169 enter: © pw Input the given coordinates xy 1 20 280 2 4 160 3 60 200 ENTER: regan ewer, QD ooo DISPLAY: 7 a 500 roots ener Qeeaen DisPLare 8 1028 rooetc: enter, aw mana oso Q ose The unknown equation is Y= A+ BX + CX’ ‘Y= 500 - 16.25X + 0.1875X" To get the number of accidents for age 30 ore Sw Quoos DISPLAY: —_ 207 181.25 Board Exam Problems Page 170 9. The magnitude of a forcs its tail = A (0, 4m, 3m) and the coordinates of its tip = (4.5 m, 0m, 3m). Whatis the moment of the jrce about the origin? s 80 KN. The coordinates Vector AB=(4.5-0 0-4 3-0) Vector OA=(0 4 3) ‘The moment of a the Force about 0 is given by: M= toa Fas Store (0 4 3) toVet A Quees0Gcee> STORE (4.5 -4 3) toVetB ENTER: Qsceu0ees' o@. peee The moment of the force about 0 is ‘Abs( (VetA X 80VctB+abs(VotB) ) oun QU@se000905 ssQUOes00=> ‘Abs( (VetA X 80VctB+abs(VctB) ) 391.2411191 = 391.24 Nm Page 171 Board Exam Problems _—=—————————— eae = (PAST CE BOARD EXAM 60. ioe the second derivative of y = x(x+4)" when ® Solution: BASE on the definition of the 1" derivative: 8 Ax approaches zero. x AK) ¥'(x) ax OFousodscsDO oo DISPLAY: Then: y"= wen aS Ax approaches zero, a Ge OW Das 20 STORE THIS TO VARIABLE A ence QED DISPLAY: An20 enren: EDIT THE LIMIT of the derivative as shown in the display: = isla Foxx 41) ae OW De 20.0006 Board Exam Problems Page 172 ORE THIS TO VARIABLE B. ree OOD DISPLAY: B-~20,000036 7 8 The 2" derivative is 2 To00001 = nce @ OWSOUUGsO® poovce Dern SBA “oot 6.000021 Be sxc ence 28 [PASTCEBOARDEKAM G1. An equipment costing P 500,000 has a Ife expectancy of 5 years. If the salvage value of the equipment is 20,000, what is its book value after 3 years using the SOYD ( sum ofthe years digit method ) 2. 116,000 b. 130,000 ¢. 140,000 d, 160,000 Solution: enter: OGD Input the given data. x Y¥ © 500000 5 20000 6 20000 Board Exam Problems Page 173 (Note: The SOYD method of depreciation cian be fitted to the parabolic function Y= A+BX+ CX? P 500,000 20,000 ( salvage value ) x= 6, y= 20,000 ( salvage value ) ENTER: [a on @Qecoc DISPLAY: 3y 116,000 PAST CE/ME BOARD 62. A certain copier machine cost P 150,000 with a trade in value of P 15,000 after making 800,000 copies. Using the declining balance method, what is the book value when the machine had made 300,000 copies? a. P6811 b. P.62,531 c. P64,896 d. P 63,354 Solution: enter: © anes) Input the given data: x ¥ 0 150,000 800000 15,000 ENTER: © ‘Board Exam Probiome Page 174 DISPLAY. [PAST ECEIME BOARD. 3000007 (63254.47567 63. IfP 1000 accumulates to P 1500 when invested at ‘simple rate for 3 years , what is the rate of interest? a. 12.67% —b. 14.45% ©.16.67% d. 18.33% enter OD Input the ghwn data: wy o 1000 3 1500 ENTER: & 5 me tect arr: Queseocec0 DISPLAY: 8/1000 0.1686666 (Note: For Simple Interest Problems, use MODE 3 2) Interest Rate = Blpresent worth Board Exam Problems eer mma aa PAST ECE/ME BOARDICEBOARD 4. If you borrowed money from your friend with a simple interest of 12%, find the present worth of P 50,000 which is due at the end of 7 months? a. 46,728.97 b.43,213.34 c. 48,123.33 d. 48,121.12 ENTER: Oue Input the given data: x oY o 4 1 442 (Note: X is in Year) ENTER: &® ‘The present worth of P 50,000, 7 months ago is: arr Gewawe@lace e0G0000 DISPLAY: 50000 (7/12)? 4672897 PAST EE BOARD 65. Evaluate cosh (jn/4) 2025 bO com 405 Solution: coshu=(e"+ ez Board Exam Problems Page 170 DISPLAY: 12/4) 410-2 /4))/2 ‘Ans. 0.7074 sAST CEBOARD_— — EAS Gian the vector Rand Vector A= 6.71+ 8.39) B= -2.531-5.55) fa. Find the magnitude of the resultant vector. . Find the horizontal and vertical components of the resultant vector. ‘C Find the angle that the vector makes with the horizontal. Solution: 2 dimensional vectors can be represented by complex numbers. enter: O@ To find the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of vectors A and B. Board Exam Problems DISPLAY: 6.7 + 8.351 ~ 2.53 - 5.551 447+ 2.81 Horizontal Component = 4.17 Vertical Component = 2.8 ENTER: DISPLAY: 5.022837 33.08 Resultant = 5.022 and 9 = 33.99 [PAST EEBOARD EXAM 67. Find the Laplace Transform of cos 6t a. (s+ 36) b. si(s?+ 36) c 1 s?+6) d. ss?+6) Solution The Laplace Transform of ft) is Lilt) = f° F@en*tae We canroace by an arity miter soy 2 and © by 5(is enough) ce e* as t increases, ~— ‘Switch to Line Mode: ener DO ‘Board Exam Provan Page 178 ren Omio - ODeecB00000 o0000600s9 ee 1s (exe dx 0,04999292136 Verify the values of the choices by substituting s = 2 Choice a. Ms"+ 36) = 0025 b. si(s? +36) 0.05 1s? +6) 0.4 4 s(s?+6) = 02 Answer. [PAST CE BOARD EXAM — G8. Aorce AB of magnitude 30KN passes Wough the points A(3,6, 12) to B(8,1,-7). Find thex, yand z Components of the force Solution: Find the direction number of AB. DNofAB=(8-3 1-6 -7-12) (5 -5 -19) tone: ie actor ore Oswaee@a oos Board Exam Problems Page 173 ENTER: Dw Suen eouo DISPLAY: (73987-7308 -28.11] ‘The components of the 30 KN force are Fx= 74kn Fy=-7.4kN and Fz=-28.1 kN Board Exam Problems Page 180

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