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The interwar period

It’s only 20 years 9 months and 21 days since the last world war!

Class Information

Subject or Course Title The subject or the name of the class you are taking.

Date and Time MM/DD/YYYY

00:00-00:00 AM/PM

Teacher /Professor/ Lecturer Write the name of your teacher for this subject or the person
who led the class discussion for the day.

Lesson Title Refer to your class syllabus or main learning reference.


List learning materials referred to during the class discussion. This can be done before or
after note-taking.

Use the prescribed class format for references.

If they can be accessed online, link the resource.
Add more to this list as needed.

Related Notes
Link your class syllabus here.
If this is a continuation of a lesson from a previous meeting or a preparation for a more
complex topic, link previous notes here as well.
Add links or notes to other relevant class documents here.

Lesson Overview

Notes Remarks

Write the main point here. Use this space as a sidebar for your ideas while
listening to the class discussion.

Add supporting ideas here.

Make sure any remarks here are aligned with relevant

details on the left.

Use or create a new row once another idea is Keep track of questions that come to mind. If you ask
introduced. it during class, note the answers here.

List important keywords and what they mean Otherwise, go through your questions after class.
or any additional context. Answers could be in the actual details you noted or
Note more related ideas here.
may need further research.

You can also try using another row to take Add new or difficult words you encounter during class
succeeding notes for concepts discussed at for review.
important word - dictionary meaning or your
Follow up with details in bullet form. understanding based on context

You can also note any personal cues that will help Write action points here as they come up during the
you recall what was discussed. discussion.

Add other succeeding ideas here. Input other key takeaways you have during class or
while reviewing your notes.

Important Images
Photos or other graphics pertinent to your lesson may be presented during class. Screenshot
or take a photo as needed, and insert the most important ones here.
Title of the Photo or Image - Add details to remember. This can also be your personal take or
remarks about the image.

Action Points Checklist

Gather all action points from your notes table here.
Include an expected date for each task.
Add more action points here.

After reading all your notes, wrap up your lesson review by summarizing what you learned.
You can also use this section to track what you want to know more about or what you can
improve on for the next class meeting.

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