Unit 5. Ingles 1 G

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Unit 5.

Exercise 1.
Guess an activity from the vocabulary, write the
correct form of the verb in present continuous tense.
1. You do this in the gym___ Lifting weights ___
2. You do this in a swimming pool___Swimming____
3. You play this with a ball__Playing soccer___
4. It is like running_____ Jog __________
5. You do this in the mountains___ Climbing ____
6. You do this when you are tired__Taking a break____

Exercise 2.
Complete the message. Use the present continuous
tense of the verbs given.
Hi everyone. Sharpa
Perbat__ cooking __(cook) dinner. Smells great,
Parbat! Matteo and sherpa
tensing___ checking ___(check) the ropes. And here
is Ben. It looks like
he___ writing __(write) in his daily diary. He never
misses a day. And Dan?
What___ doing _(do)? Ah, typical Dan. He_
taking_(take) a nap.
Exercise 3.
Write the names of more sports.
Play____ i'm playing volleyball with my friends______
Go_____I want to go swimming____

Exercise 4
Circle the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Skiing is expensive. It costs a lot of money.
2. I need a new soccer shirt.
3. The kids are playing in the garden at the moment.
4. I dont like team games. I prefer individual sports.

Exercise 5.
Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Ashira____ don’t like______(not like) to go
2. I__ playing ____(play) golf right now. Can I call
you back?
3. I like rock climbing but my friend_hating_ (hate)
4. Frederick cant come. He___ fixing ___(fix the car).

Real language.
Exercise 5.
Complete the sentences with me too or me neither, I
hate to be indoors all the time.
___me neither_, but it looks dangerous.
I dont want to die.
__me neither ___! That s why we use ropes.
I dont want to repeat english 1.__me neither___

I want to finish the university.____me too____

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