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Do you know what actuarial science is? Did you learn something new?

No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No No
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes

No Yes
No Yes
Yes Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes

No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Total # of Total # of People
People Who Who Didn't Learn
Said No: 21 Anything: 1
Total Total
Participants: 22 Participants: 20
95.45% 5.00%

Total # of Total # of People

People Who Who Learned
Said Yes: 2 Something: 15
Total Total
Participants: 22 Participants: 20
9.09% 75.00%

Percent Increase: 65.91%

There was a 65.91% increase in the number of people who knew about actuarial science.
Digital Booklet
Do you know what actuarial science is? Did you learn something new?
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Yes Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes

No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Yes Yes
Total # of People Total # of People Who
Who Said Yes: 2 Learned Somthing: 15
Total Participants: 16 Total Participants: 15
12.50% 100.00%
Percent Increase: 87.50%
There were 87.50% more people who knew about actuarial science through the use of the digital booklet.
Do you know what actuarial science is? Did you learn something new?
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No No
Total # of People Who
Total # of People Who Said Yes:
0 Learned Somthing: 4
Total Participants: 7 Total Participants: 5
0.00% 80.00%
Percent Increase: 80.00%
There were 80% more people who knew about actuarial science though the use of a presentation.

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