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Instructions for the English assessment pre-Grade 7

• The time recommended for each part is flexible, but you should attempt to cover each section.
• Each assessment will be made with one student at a time, but the plural “they” will be used
throughout these instructions for simplicity.

PART I [2 Minutes]
Converse with the students about where their difficulties in English may lie. Then ask them to tell you how
these difficulties may be overcome.

• Listen carefully and assess briefly their grade level of oral communication with respect to:

Range of words used
Range of words understood

Grammatical uses such as

Pronouns, verb tense, plurals

Non verbal communication

such as body language and
whether eyes are averted or
eyes make contact

Insight into their own


Oral communication
voices ideas clearly &
listens with understanding

Pre Grade 7: English 2 © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

PART II [8 Minutes]

Instructions for the silent reading part of the assessment of pre-Grade 7 English

• Ask the students to read the passage on page one of the student package [also shown below]
• The students should be told to read in silence and concentrate on the main gist of the passage.
• Tell them that you are going to ask some questions once the reading is finished.

Potato chips were invented because an angry guest at the Moon Lake Lodge
sent back his french-fries. He demanded that the staff in the kitchen make them
“thinner, saltier and crispier”.
Chef George Crum was insulted. When his second and third order of french-
fries were rejected, he grabbed a potato and cut it into slices so thin you could see
through them. Then he soaked the slices in cold water, fried them quickly and
covered them with salt. He thought that the customer would hate the overcooked,
over-salted fries.
Amazingly, the guest loved them. So did everyone else at the lodge. Soon
“George Crum’s Saratoga Chips” appeared on the menu and became incredibly
popular. Today, Canadians spend almost half a billion dollars each year on potato
chips, eating some 300,000 kg each day!

As you ask the questions below, fill in your assessment in this table.

Do the students recognize
the main idea?


Reasoning Abilities
Do the students support
their ideas with details?

Willingness to take risks

[such as allowing their imagination to
flow unencumbered by a fear of
grammar mistakes]

Question 1. Were potato chips invented after much trial and error?
[to be answered orally]

Question 2. Do Canadians eat too many potato chips? Explain your reasoning.
[to be answered orally]

Pre Grade 7: English 3 © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

PART III [8 Minutes]

Instructions for the writing part of the assessment of pre-Grade 7 English

Ask the students to choose one of the topics at the top of the student’s page two and on that same page the
students should write a paragraph on the chosen topic. Give the following instructions.

• The paragraph should be composed of approximately eight sentences.

• There should be a beginning, a middle, and an end.

As the student writes, fill in your assessment in this table.

of ideas

Variety of
sentence type

Editing and proofing

their work

Appropriate vocabulary
for their Grade level

Willingness to take risks such

as letting their imagination
guide their writing without
fear of grammatical errors.

Pre Grade 7: English 4 © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

PART IV [4 Minutes]

Instructions for the language rules part of the assessment of pre-Grade 7 English

The students should turn to page three of the student package and answer the questions shown on that page.
Tell the students that you accept oral answers.

• Make a general assessment of the students’ knowledge of language rules based on the questions and
answers shown below.
• Answers are given in italics

1) Fill in each blank below with one word. Each of the words you fill in should
contain the sound “end”. If necessary, give minimal hints.

comprehend means to understand.

Defend means to protect someone or something

Surrender means to give in to an opponent

2) We found some nickels dimes and quarters in his pocket.

• What punctuation is missing in the above and then correct it.

There must be a comma after nickels. There can be a comma after dimes
but it is not incorrect to leave the second comma out.

Either of the following sentences is correct.

We found some nickels, dimes, and quarters in his pocket.
We found some nickels, dimes and quarters in his pocket.

Assessment of
Language Rules

Pre Grade 7: English 5 © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

PART V [3 Minutes]

Instructions for the read aloud part of the assessment of pre-Grade 7 English

• Tell the students to read aloud the material on page four of their student package [also shown below].
• The students should be told to read as if they were reading to an audience.
• Tell the students that when the reading is finished you are going to ask at least one question.

As the students read and answer oral questions, fill in your assessment in this table.

Skill of reading aloud

Comprehension while
reading aloud

Strength of delivery based

on body language, etc.

There was no single person who invented television, but historians give a lot
of credit to an unemployed Scottish engineer named John Logie Baird. In 1923, Baird
began working on a way to transmit pictures in the same way radio could transmit
sounds. He used a fan motor, a tea chest, the lens from a bicycle light and a bunch of
spare radio parts to build the world’s very first TV. The following year, he transmitted
a flickering image of a cross onto a white sheet – TV was born!

Question 1. What were three items that John Logie Baird used to build his first TV?
[to be answered orally]

Question 2. What would be a good title for this story?

[to be answered orally]

The students may refer to the written passage as they answer, but should demonstrate an awareness
of where to look, showing some definite comprehension of the topic as they read.

Pre Grade 7: English 6 © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

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