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School: San Bartolome High School Quarter: Quarter 2

Teacher: AQUILINO VILLAR IV Week: Week 3

Learning Area English 10 Date: November 21-25, 2022
PLAN Grade Level:
MELCs Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion. (EN10WC-Ie12.2)
Performance The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing, how to resolve conflicts
Standard among individuals or groups.

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

1 Define/Differen- Fact, A. Daily Routine A. Guided Practice
tiate fact from Opinion, and 1. Prayer Activity: English Time Module
opinion or Assertion 2. Reminder of health and safety protocols Directions: Refer to the English Time module and
assertion 3. Checking of attendance answer Exercise 1 on page 21.
4. Quick “kumustahan”
Locate specific
information B. Review of the Previous Lesson
from a material Directions: Identify the language featured used
read in each arguments/claims.
1. Globally, as of 4:36pm CET, 4 November 2022,
Distinguish fact there have been 628,694,934 confirmed cases
from opinion or of COVID-19, including 6,576,088 deaths,
assertion reported to WHO. As of 1 November 2022, a
total of 12,861,382,558 vaccine doses have
been administered.
Answer: Declarative Sentence
2. In our male-dominated world, females are
frequently discriminated.
Answer: Evaluative Language
3. Do you want to be a failure for the rest of your
Answer: Rhetorical Question
4. As citizens of this country, the city should plan
an action.
Answer: Modal Verbs
5. Bowling is a sport in which the player with the
highest score wins. Conversely, the goal in golf is
to get the lowest score.
Answer: Transition Words/Phrase
6. Wouldn’t you feel happier if you could wear
what you wanted to school?
Answer: Rhetorical Questions
7. Dynon (2022) fails to account for the
contradictory results.
Answer: Evaluative Language
8. The council might possibly refute your
Answer: Modal Adverb
9. There are limits to Bailey’s (2021) application
of theory.
Answer: Evaluative Language
10. As a result, you should be a happy person.
Answer: Transition Words/Phrase
C. Schema Activation
Activity: Picture Relate!
DIRECTIONS: Examine the given pictures
provided. Share what comes into your mind
when you see it.

Guide Questions:
• What message does the illustration
• What can you say or how do you feel
about the message conveyed by the
illustration shown?


• What online platforms do you often visit?
• How much time do you spend on social
media and other online platforms?
• What are your views about online learning
Material 1: Online Delivery, Not Online Class by
Sherwin L. Fernando

Go over the text “Online Delivery, Not Online

Class and take note of statements which are
factual, opinionated or asserted.

Process Questions:
• What was the material about?
• How did the writer express his point?
• What are the statements in the material
that seem to be factual? Opinionated?

Here are statements taken from the text. Tell
whether the statement is a fact, an opinion, or
an assertion.
1. Having an online class is possible and but
it is never fair to all students especially
those studying in public schools.
2. Online classes are financially demanding
and most likely, the majority of the
learners’ families cannot cope with these
3. The majority of the students in public
schools don not have gadgets or fast
internet service connections necessary for
online classes.
4. Public schools can conduct online classes
but it would be discriminating because it
is selective.
5. The learning experiences would not be
the same for everybody and the poor will
certainly be on the losing end.

NOTE: The teacher may stop at this point and

proceed to the discussion of the DIFFERENCE
20-21 of English Time Module and ask students to
answer Exercise 1 on page 21.

C. Discussion
Refer to English Time Module pages 20-21

D. Synthesis
A fact is a verifiable statement. It can be proven
objectively by verified observations or the results
of research among others.

Opinion is a type of assertion which expresses a

judgment, viewpoint, or statement about
matters commonly considered to be subjective.
An assertion, on the other hand, is a declaration
or expression of strong belief towards a
particular topic, often without evidence.

E. Guided Practice
Directions: Refer to the English Time module and
answer Exercise 1 on page 21.
Distinguish Distinguishing A. Review of the Previous Lesson A. Guided Practice
opinion and Facts, B. Guided Practice OPTION 1
commonplace Opinions, Go over the commentary, “On Social Media To have a clearer understanding the teacher
assertion from and and Education” by Vanessa Abubo from Baguio may ask students to identify the contents of the
fact Assertion Midland Courier. Provide 5 opinions from the commentary focusing on expression of fact and
texts and provide factual basis. Complete the opinion. Furthermore, the teacher may ask
Identify chart below. students to identify how the commentary was
opinions and expressed.
assertions in a
text given OPTION 2
Teacher may refer to the commentary again
and ask students to express how the speaker
influenced their thoughts, feelings and plans for
future actions.

The teacher may ask students to go over the
chart given and accomplish it.
Opinion from the text Factual Basis

3 Recognize Categories A. Review of the Previous Lesson A. Guided Practice

different of Opinion • What is the difference between fact, OPTION 1
categories of and opinion, and assertion? Teacher may ask the students to go over their
opinion and Assertion module and answer the activity.
B. Modelling Activity: English Time Module
Distinguish When we read or view different materials, it is Directions: Refer to the English Time module and
opinion and but a common reaction to have something to answer Exercise 2 on page 23.
commonplace say about what we have read or watched.
assertion from These reactions usually focus either on the OPTION 2
fact material as a whole or on specific details that Teacher may give these sentences and ask the
form part of the material. Sometimes, it can also students to analyze and identify the type of
Analyze be about how we perceive, understand, and assertion each used.
statements of value whatever we got from reading or viewing
opinion and a given material. The most common reactions BASIC ASSERTION
assertion we can have can be an opinion or an assertion. 1. I would like to convey my feeling to her
ACTIVITY: Read the article carefully. At the end 2. Excuse me, I'd like to finish what I'm
of this text, statements of opinion and assertion saying.
are provided. Analyze the statements and 3. I wish I could have expressed this idea
explain the reason for classifying them as earlier, because now someone else has
opinion and assertion respectively. taken the credit.

1. I understand you are busy, and me too,
but it is difficult for me to finish this project
on my own. So, I want you to help me
complete this project.
2. "I know you are feeling angry and
frustrated while you wait for a response.
But, the best I can do is give you a
ballpark estimate of how long It will take.
3. I really want to finish this point before you
start yours.

1. When you speak harshly, I cannot work
Statement of Opinion: "Bating Filipino" is the best with you because I feel annoyed.
solution in preventing COVID 19 cases in the Therefore, I want you to speak nicely and
Philippines. then assign me a task.
EXPLANATION: 2. When I don’t get enough sleep, it affects
____________________________________________ my nerves and I feel irritated. Therefore, I
____________________________________________. try to go to bed earlier.
3. When you shout the effect is I am unable
Statement of Assertion: ‘Bating Filipino’ way of to work with you and I feel angry.
greeting prevents COVID-19 virus from Therefore, I would like for you to stop
spreading. shouting and tell me what you want.


Guide Questions:
• How did the writer express his point?
• What words or phrases are used by the
speaker to express his point in each if the
sentences above?
• What can you say about each sentence

D. Discussion
Refer to pages 21-22 of English Time Module. The
teacher discusses terms related to formulating
opinion and assertion statements.

F. Synthesis
An opinion is a type of assertion which expresses
a judgment, viewpoint, or statement about
matters commonly considered to be subjective.
It is a personal view; however, it is still based on
facts. In other words, it is an honest attempt to
draw a conclusion from factual evidence, and
not a mere statement of one's belief,
preference, or prejudice (e.g. The president is
the worst leader the country has ever had.)
Categories of Opinion:
Statement of Truth – It is an opinion that
something is or is not the case. For example: With
the minimal number of Covid-19 cases in the
city, Baguio City clearly has more effective
contact tracing methods than most cities in the
Statement of Value – It is an opinion statement
which claims that something does or does not
have worth. For example: Hard lockdowns of
barangays has not been effective in controlling
the spread of the coronavirus.
Statement of Policy – It claims that something
should or should not be done. For example:
Amidst the ongoing pandemic, what teachers
and students need is not academic freeze but
material, moral and instructional support from
the leaders in the education department.

Opinion-marking signals are words or phrases

used to show feelings, emotions and attitude
towards something. They are helpful clues in the
forms of words and phrases that assist us in
identifying opinion statement. They are found
mostly at the beginning of the sentences. They
introduce one’s opinion.
The following are examples of opinion-marking

In sharing your opinion about something you

have to convince others to believe your point,
So, you must include reasons to support your
opinion. You may use the guide questions and
the organizer below.
Example: What’s your Favorite Tourist Spot?

1) Choose a favorite spot. Why is it your favorite?

(Write your opinion.)
2) Next, write one reason in each box supporting
your opinion.
3) When done, reread your opinion and reasons.

An assertion, on the other hand, is a declaration

or expression of strong belief towards a
particular topic, often without evidence. It
usually includes forceful or confident and
positive statements regarding a belief or a fact.
In contrast to an opinion, an assertion, which is
usually subjective, expresses vindication, mostly
with no support or evidences. For example, the
sentence "The Philippines is the happiest country
in the world" is an assertion because it is
subjective and not founded on factual

In a larger context, assertion may be used in

both formal and informal writing and is usually
categorized into various types. The most
common types include the following:
a. Basic Assertion is a type of assertion that
directly expresses the writer's feelings and beliefs
through simple statements. This type is usually
used in standing up for personal beliefs.
b. Empathic Assertion involves expressing
empathy and expounding on how the writer
understands the feelings and emotions of the
literary author. This type may be used in both
formal and informal writing.
c. I-Language Assertion expresses the feelings
and preferences of the writer. This type is called
I-Language because the writer usually uses the
pronoun I' in asserting disagreement. This type is
often used in writing reviews, reaction or
reflection papers.
4 Distinguish Formulating A. Review of the Previous Lesson A. Mastery
opinion and Statements B. Mastery Activity: English Time Module
commonplace of Opinion Activity: Fact or Opinion Directions: Refer to the English Time module and
assertion from and Directions: Read the facts given, and then answer Exercise 4 and Assessment activity on
fact Assertion identify which of the succeeding statements are pages 24 and 25.
debatable opinions drawn from the said facts.
Formulate Put a check mark on the corresponding box.
statements of
opinion and

1. The number of children falling victim to abuse

is constantly increasing over the years.
2. The quarantine is detrimental for the children's
physical, social and mental well-being.
3. There are negligent parents and guardians in
many households in the country.
4. The cyberspace is not a safe place for
5. Several agencies are working hand-in-hand in
monitoring and addressing issues involving
5 Write an article Statements A. Review of the Previous Lesson A. Writing Activity
about your of Opinion B. Writing Activity ACTIVITY: It’s Fine to Opine!
opinion or and ACTIVITY: It’s Fine to Opine! DIRECTIONS: Write an opinion article about any
assertion based Assertion DIRECTIONS: Write an opinion article about any of the 3 current social or political issue given.
on given of the 3 current social or political issue given. Guideposts are given before, while, and after
guideposts Guideposts are given before, while, and after writing.
PRE-WRITING: 4. What is your opinion about these issues?
1. What is your opinion about these issues?
ISSUES: • Cellphone Use: Beneficial or
• Cellphone Use: Beneficial or Disastrous?
Disastrous? • Which is more important, Attitude
• Which is more important, Attitude or or Academic Achievements?
Academic Achievements? • Social Media to Students
• Social Media to Students Academic Performance: A Blessing
Academic Performance: A Blessing or Bane?
or Bane? 5. Imagine you are an editorial writer for
2. Imagine you are an editorial writer for your your school’s press. You are asked to write
school’s press. You are asked to write an an opinion about the given current issues
opinion about the given current issues students like you may encounter. Your
students like you may encounter. Your output should phrase your opinions and
output should phrase your opinions and assertions correctly, and write in no less
assertions correctly, and write in no less than 700 words. Be guided by the
than 700 words. Be guided by the following rubric.
following rubric.
3. This time you will be prompted to draft an 6. This time you will be prompted to draft
opinion article. Provide the key elements an opinion article. Provide the key
using the template below. elements using the template below.


Develop an opinion article. Be guided by the Develop an opinion article. Be guided by the
features in the template you indicated above. features in the template you indicated above.
Then, follow these steps: Then, follow these steps:

1. Write the introductory paragraph. Make 4. Write the introductory paragraph. Make
sure to include the hook, give sure to include the hook, give
background information, state your stand background information, state your stand
or your thesis statement and opinion, and or your thesis statement and opinion, and
the reasons for your opinion. the reasons for your opinion.

2. Write three paragraphs for the body. 5. Write three paragraphs for the body.
Body. Focus on one point of view in each Body. Focus on one point of view in each
paragraph of the body. Be sure to backup paragraph of the body. Be sure to
presented information with reliable backup presented information with
sources that include accurate citation. reliable sources that include accurate
Make sure that prompt is clear as to what citation. Make sure that prompt is clear as
side is taken. Add persuading element to to what side is taken. Add persuading
spice up your essay. Don’t forget to insert element to spice up your essay. Don’t
opposing reasoning; however, you have forget to insert opposing reasoning;
to put emphasis to your main points to however, you have to put emphasis to
make it stronger, powerful and your main points to make it stronger,
believable. Turn to Related Research. See powerful and believable. Turn to Related
if there is any other research on given Research. See if there is any other
subject. research on given subject.

3. Write your conclusion. Make sure to 6. Write your conclusion. Make sure to
summarize your points by restating it. Be summarize your points by restating it. Be
sure to state your final opinion to sure to state your final opinion to
persuade the readers to believe your persuade the readers to believe your
viewpoints. viewpoints.


Proofread your essay. Check your work twice for Proofread your essay. Check your work twice for
grammar, spelling, structure, citing to meet grammar, spelling, structure, citing to meet
each grading rubric points. each grading rubric points.
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Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked/Reviewed by: Noted by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher VI

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