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To Do 32 of 190 Aa
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Lessons1 Inspect The Iroquois Longhouse

Look Examine the illustration While men sometimes built small wigwams while they
showing the outside and were away hunting, the main type of housing for the
inside of an Iroquois Iroquois was the longhouse. These large houses took time
longhouse. to build. However, they were built from strong materials so
that the Iroquois could live in permanent villages near the
Past • Describe the shape of
land they farmed. The longhouse frame was often made
the longhouse.
Work • Identify the material used
with saplings, which are strong and flexible trees that could
curve to make the roof. Large pieces of bark were used for
to make the longhouse.
the shingles that covered the walls and roof.
• Discuss with a partner
why the Iroquois would The average Iroquois longhouse was 16 feet wide,
have chosen to live 15 feet tall, and 60 feet long, but some houses could be as
in longhouses. long as 300 feet. The longhouses had different
compartments for different families. When a man married,
he moved into his wife’s longhouse to live with her
extended family. These families were known as clans. As a
My Notes clan grew, it could add compartments to its longhouse. Learning Tips

2 Find Evidence 3 Make Connections

Look Notice how the inside of the Talk Discuss with a partner the different
longhouse is organized. How would this parts of the longhouse. What problems
organization make life easier for the does each of these parts solve? Support
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

PHOTO: McGraw-Hill Education
people living there? your opinion with details from the
Examine Notice the bedding and the illustration.
hallway of the longhouse. How do you Write Describe what you like best
Student: Inquiry Journal Student: Research Companion think the structure of the longhouse
affected the people living there?
about the design of the longhouse.

40 Lesson 5 How Did the Eastern Woodlands Impact the Lives of Early People? Chapter 1 Lesson 5 41

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