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Process of Brewing

from the Water Treatment / from Water Well

19 21 22 23 24 25
Malt Addition Hop Addition

Water Addition

Yeast Harvest
Yeast Dosing

Yeast Waste

1 3a
2 3b

4a 5
Mash Tun
Lauter Tun 4b 4c Fermentation /
Wort Pan
Whirlpool Storage Tank
Wort Cooler
Kieselguhr Filtration

Storage Tank
Bottling Station 9
Roasted 8 Dosing

17 Malt Beer CO2 Water

6c 6b 6a
Sheet Filter
11 Kieselguhr-free Separator
10b Filtration
14 Blending
PVPP Filtration 10a
Buffer Tank
Filling Station
Sigrist-Photometer AG - Process of Brewing 1
Process of Brewing
TurBiScat / TurbiGuard 1 Turbidity after Lauter Tun
TurbiGuard 2 Turbidity after Whirlpool
ColorPlus 3a Colour (EBC) of Hot Wort before Cooler
PhaseGuard C 3b Phase Separation Water / Wort
TurbiGuard 4a Yeast Propagation
TurbiGuard 4b+c Yeast Dosing (Difference value)
PhaseGuard HT 5 Phase Separation Yeast / Beer
TurbiGuard / PhaseGuard T / HT 6 Turbidity at Separator (a Inlet / b Outlet / c Bypass)
TurbiGuard / PhaseGuard T 7 Turbidity for KG Dosing
TurBiScat 8 Turbidity for Beer Filtration Monitoring
ColorPlus / TurBiScat (Color) 9 Colour after Beer Filtration
TurBiScat 10 Turbidity for KG-free filtering (a filter monitoring, b monitoring collecting pipe)
TurbiGuard 11 Turbidity for PVPP Dosing
TurBiScat 12 Turbidity after PVPP Filtration (Filtration Monitoring)
TurBiScat 13 Turbidity after Sheet Filter
ColorPlus / TurBiScat (Color) 14 Colour of Beer / on the Blending Unit (Roasted Malt Dosing)
PhaseGuard C 15 Phase Separation Beer / Water
TurBiScat 16 Turbidity and colour before bottling
LabScat 17 Turbidity in the brewing laboratory
AquaScat P 19 Turbidity in treated water
Polilyte Plus ARC 21 pH Value in treated water
Conducell 4USF ARC 22 Conductivity in treated water
Polilyte Plus ORP ARC 23 ORP in treated water
Visiferm DO ARC 24 Dissolved oxygen in treated water
AquaDMS 25 Concentration of free chlorine, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and ozone (O3) in water
Sigrist-Photometer AG - Process of Brewing 2

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