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GREEK BASIC COURSE volume I Lessons 1 - 8 August 1963 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER ‘PREFACE The Greek (Modern) Course, consisting of 100 lessons in 13 volunes, is one of the Defense Language Institute ie Course Series, The material was developed at the Defense Language Institute and approved for publication by the Institute's Curriculum Development Board. The course is designed to train native English lan= guage speakers to Level 3 proficiency in comprehension and speaking and Level 3 proficiency in reading and writing Modern Greek, The texts are intended for classroom use in the Defense Languase Institute's intensive programs employ- ing the audio-lingual methodology. Tapes accompany the texts. : HOW THIS COURSE IS WRITTEN HOW THIS COURSE IS WRITTEN During the first several days of your Greek Course, pay no attention to the pages of the corresponding lessons which are printed in the Greek alphabet. Use only your ear (with recordings, or the instructor's voice), the English translation, and the accompanying cartoons. The Greek alphabet. along with carefully worked out reading exertises, will be introduced to you grad- ually, you will practice a little every day, and you will have no difficulty in acquiring the ability to read Greek in a very short while. MATERIALS ISSUED TO HELP YOU LEARN THE DAILY LESSON The following are the materials issued to you in connection with the early phase of your work. a. A book containing all the printed materials you will need. A set of phonograph records and tape recordings containing the dialogues and oral drills, These recordings are the most important part of each lesson. WHAT IS IN THE BOOKS A language is first of all an infinite series of vocal noises. To understand it well, you have to learn to distinguish from all those noises the same patterns distinguished by the native, and you have to learn to do it easily without keeping your mind on it. The best way to acquire that ease and speed in hearing the sounds accurately is to learn to reproduce them accurate- ly. Your main job here is to reach the point where you can carry on a conversation in Greek in such a way that a native Greek can follow what you're saying, without being distracted by the queer way in which you say it. The primary purpose of these lessons is to give you wide and realistic practice material for learning the pronunciation of all the sounds and com- binations of sounds that occur in the Greek language. Another purpose of these lessons is to give you the most useful practice possible in Greek word patterns by providing you with these patterns and then actually making you handle them, change them, and make them work, just as if you were pushing and pull- ing and manipulating the parts of a machine. The hardest part of your Greek course is the first four weeks. If you spend enough time and effort on these lessons, if you learn everything in them thoroughly, you'll have an enormous advantage through- out the remainder of the course. II WHAT IS IN THE RECORDINGS when a dialogue is presented in class for the first time, your instructor will use objects and gestures to nelp you understand the meaning of what he is saying. Most of the time you will be able to understand immedi- ately, but should you need more clarification, you can turn to the English translation in your book. Do not get into the habit of looking at the Greek text as the lesson is introduced and drilled. If you do, it would distract you and keep you from listening to your instructor's pronunciation as carefully as you should in class and on the recordings, and it would keep you from imitating his pronunciation correctly. ‘the real language is the spoken language, and conse- quently, the recordings are the most important materials for your use. Each lesson of the first two volumes is recorded in 7 or 8 parts. The sequence is as follows: Part 1: Dialogue spoken at normal speed. Part 2: Repetition of the dialogue spoken fat normal speed, but with a pause after each utterance. During the pause, repeat the utterance in a oud voice. DON'T WHISPER OR MUMBLE. ur Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Second dialogue of the same lesson, spoken at normal speed, consisting of words and phrases of the dialogue and of preceding dialogues. Repetition of the second dialogue with pauses, as in Part 2. Prose Text. Listen to it. It is meant to familiarize you with the vocabulary of the dialogues in a slightly different context. A number of questions, spoken at normal speed, based on the dialogue or the vocabulary of the dialogue, used in different context. There is a pause after each question. During the pause you are to answer with a complete statement. Speak in a loud voice. DON'T WHISPER OR MUMBLE. A number of drill blocks--called exercises in this book--illustrat- ing the kind of manipulation of words and phrases you must practice im order to acquire fluency, These exercises are samples of the type Iv - of drill you will have in class. Part 8: Homework. Special directions will be given in each lesson how the homework is to be prepared. Nothing has been said about the hours when you should accomplish the suggested home preparation be- cause individual circumstances vary 50 widely. It is worthwhile, however, to point out that if you can do at jeast 30 minutes of your studying before dinner, you are better off. The best thing is to take @ break after your last class, then study for at least 30 minutes, then eat dinner and relax for a short time afterward, and finally go back to finish your assignment. there is no short cut to language learning. The materials and training aids given you are intended to make the process of acquiring Greek as casy and effec- tive as possible. Now it all depends on YOU. If you go your part well, follow instructions, and don't get easily discouraged, you will succeed, and before long you will be speaking Greek. Introduction Tesson 1, Dielogues; Structural Lesson 2. Dialogue Structural on 3. Dialogue Structural Lesson 4, Dialogues; Structural TABLE OF CONTENTS Greetings (Good morning. Pages; 1-12 How are you? dre you a student? Good-bye.) Features; Vast? What ts this? This is ++ Verb to be (am,are,is) Masculine nouns in -O2. : Where am 17 At school,et the office, 19-28 etc. Is he here or the: Feninine surnanes (ir .Pappas,Mrs.Pappas) Features; Neuter nouns in -I ,-MA, and -0. Verbd to be in all persons. Personal pronoun (when used) Agreement of Vorb with subject. Good morning gentlemen. Hrs.Smith, 29d this is Mr.Moles. hat langusges do you speak,Mre.Smith? Features; Verb to have (in all persons) Verbs to understand and to speak. Mesculine and feminine nouns denoting nationality (an American man,an dmerican woman,etc.) Idiom; both he and I. Preposition from . Adverb always Pardon me,Sir,Where's the library? 45-64 Do you speck Greek? Thank you. You're velcone. Yeatures; Feminine nouns (inanimate) ending in -— and in -4 (library, language, newspaper door). Plural of neuter nouns of the type introduced in lesson 2. Agreement of sdjectives with nouns (adjectives large, many, other and greek). Verbs to open,to close to read. ddverb when? vI Iasson 5. Tesson 7. Lesson 8, Dialogues; Where are we nov? What do you ses? 65-64 How wary pictures do you see? Where do you live? Counting from 1 - 10. Structural Features; How many? (in feminine end neuter only). agreement of adjective many vith masculine and feminine nouns. Idiom: J go by car. : How many officers are studying Greek? © 63-104 Four officers. Ybat color uniform do ‘they vear? What color is the dmerican flog? The Greek flag? (colors enumerated). How meny ledics are studying Greek? Three ladies end one HCO are studying Greek. Counting from 10 - 20 Structural Features; How many? (in the masculine) Plural ending -Q] of masculine nouns. Colors (adjectives) agreeing with masculine nouns. Bunerals one, and four agreeing with masculine, feminine and Reuter nouns. The three genders of the vord all and ite agreement with nouns. What's the day today? Days of the week. 105-126 How meny days a week do we bave classes? nat do you do on Saturday? On Sunday, etc, Counting from 20 - 100. Structural Features: Who and vhich in all three genders (the nominative case used exclusively with masculine nouns) Dialogues Dialogues; Where are you fron? I am from.... 227-145 ze you married? Is your wife from there,too? How many children do you Structural The passive case of the personal pronoun in all persons (singular and plural). VIL Fins? Issson UPQTO MAGHMA DISLOWE 1 Translation Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Smith, Good morning, Mr, Melas. How are you? Well, thank you. are you a student? Yes, I ama student. Are you an enlisted man? Yes, I am an enlisted man. re you an officer? No, I am not an officer, Is Mr, Brown an officer? Yes, Mr. Brown is an officer. So long. Good bye. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. DIALOGUE T ATAAOTOE I Kaanu€pa oas. Kadnuépa cas. KaArnalpa oa, xSpre Tule, KaAnpépa oas, x6pve Mera, Hie efore; Kad, ebyaprod, Bore yeonsfisy Nal, elpar panic. Elove otpariéms; Nal, elpar oxpatiérns. Elote Se eumare nbs “oxe, d€v elpar Gtiaperinds. Hvar atupatends 3 xbpros Mxptovv; Nal, 8 xGptos Mnpdouy elvar dkeupatinés, Xatpere. “Avtlo ons. DIALOGUE IT ‘Translation Good morning, Mr, Nelas. Good morning, Mr. Smith, How are you, Mr. Melas? T am well, thank you. Is Mr. Smith well? Yes, Mr, Smith is well, Is Mr, Smith a student? Yes, Mr. Smith is a student, Are you an enlisted man, Mr, Melas? No, I am not an enlisted man, Are you a student? Yo, I am an instructor. Is this a pencil? Yes, this is a pencil, Is this a book? Yes, this is a book. Is this a table? Yes, this is a table, Is the pencil on the table? Yes, the pencil is on the table. Is the book in the basket? No, the book isn't in the basket, Is the paper in the basket? Yes, the paper is in the basket. DIALOGUE 1 ATAAOTOE IL Kadnuépa oas, xdpre Medd, Kaanuepa ous, xdpve DyCe, Bs elore, wipte Mears; Elyos xaad, evxaprord, Eivat , wand & xOprog uld; Nal, 8 xGpros EuC® elvae word, El var wasnttis 8 x6pegs ZuC8; Nal, 8 xGprog EyC® evar padnrtic. lore otpatiéms, Opto Medd; "oye, d€v elpar otpatidens. Elore posnttiss “Ox, etuae xadnyntiic. Bl vay pordpy air Wat, aves elvar portge, Elva grprto abt6; Nat, avré evar Brpato. Blvar rpanét. avs; Nal, abt6 efvar tpanéte, Elvat 16 pod6pe ors tpankts; Nal, 6 words elvar ové tpanktr. Elvay vé pepalo ot6 xaréor; “Ox., 6 BLBACo S€v elvar ors wander, Elvat x6 xaptl ot8 nando; Nal, +6 yapt¢ elvar or8 wander, PROSE TEXT ‘KELIENO “O-nOpeos Zyl efvar otpateGens. Aév efvar Ggruparinds, El var paenric. “0 nbpos MeAds S€v elvar otpatidens. oév slvar padntis. ‘'O x6pros MeAds elvar xadnyntis. T6 prpato elvar or6 tpanéir, A€v elvar or6 wonder, 16 porspe elvar orS xpanétr. A€v el var ot mondo, TS yaptt evar or6 xardde, A€v efvar ot6 tpankte. we 2 4 % 10, We 12. Hore Elore Epau Elvay Blvae Evav Eva Bvae Elvat Etvat Elvat K6pve ‘nURSTIONS ‘EPOTHEEIE paenetis 5 atuepetexss; otparudrns; orpariérns & x6ptos MEAgs; paontfis & x6pros MEARS; x6 xaprl or nahdor; Brpato abté; 16 wanker ord sparkle; REvapatinds & xGpros Eyles Skeupatinds & xGpros Mnpfovv; x6 podOBe ord wander; ert, elore paonrtic; ib Abv6 clvar piprto, TC elvar abed; Abré clvae BiBrto. Abré evar words. TC elvar aes; Abté cl var pordpe. Abts elvar yaptl. TC efvar abrd; Absé elvae yaprl. Abr evar tpanéti, TC evar abts; Abs elvan tpanéer. Abts elvar naddor, TC elvar adté; Abvé elvar xarder. 2. Elva porspe abt; Nal, aité evar poddpe. Blvat yaprl abté; Nal, abté evar yoptl, Blvas tpanét. airs; Nal, abré elvar tpaxétr. Elva nares adr; Nal, curd efvar nordor. Elva, BLBrlo abt6; Nal, avré elvar Biprlo. Blvar abré prprlo; “Ox, alts dév evar prprlo. Elvar yordpe. Elvar adv6 pordpe; “Ox, abré bv eTvar porter. Elvar prpato, Elvay abté tpanttr; "Oxe, abré dv elvar tpanétr. Elvar yaptl. Elvai avté xaprt; “Ox, abeé b€v elvar xaptt. Elvar pordpe. Elvar abté wards; “os, adr bév elvar nardd.., Elva. tpanétr, 4 76 piprto elvar_ ors xpanft., Tod elvar +6 piprto; 76 piprto elvar ors xpanete, TS portpe elvar oté tpanélr. Hod evar +6 portpr; TS pordpe elvar otS tpanétr, T6 yaotl elvar ot6 narde. od elvar +6 xaptt; TS yapté elvar ors xaradr. 5. Elvae +6 BipAlo or xaAder; “ox, v6 BLpACo bév eTvar ord nardor, Hvar +6 worspe or6 xaréo; “Ox, t6 pwordpr bév eTvar ord narder. Eva <6 tpaméle or6 Kardon; “oxs, 18 cpanel. bv elvar ord nando, Elvar +6 xa4o. ot6 tpantt.; “Oxe, 66 xarder S€v elvar oS tpanktr, 10 ‘VOCABULARY AEETAOTIO byrlo good-bye be vupatenss, & officer airs : this Buprto, +6 dook sev) not (preceding a verb) elon Tan elas he is, she is, it ie elore you ere ebyapiotS thank you xadnyntis, & Anetructor, professor cad well nordor, 6 basket xadnulpa good morning xbpros, & Mr., master, gentleman, man xp.e Mr., Sir (form used in men penett @irect address) vat yes 8 the (masculine article) Bx 20 i xs; ous or6 oxpatiémns, & 6 . tpantte, <6 xatpere xaptl, +6 how? you, to you in the, on the, to the, at the enlisted man, soldier the (neuter article) table hello!, goodbye!, so long! paper, piece of paper SECOND LESSON QEYTEPO MAGHMA DIALOGUE ‘Translation Good morning (to you), Mr. Smith. Good morning, Mr. Melas, How are you? Well, thank you, You? Very well, thank you. are you at school, Mr. Smith? Yes, I am at school. Ie Mr. Brown at school? Yes, ‘%r, Brown is at school, too. wWeere an I? You are at school, too. Wnere are we now, you and I? We are at school. Where's the commandant? ‘The conmandant 1s at the office. Ie the commandant an officer? Yes, the commandant is an officer. Where are Mr, and Mrs, Pappas? Mr, and Mre. Pappas are at home, Where is Miss Pappas? Mise Pappas is at the office. B 12, 13, 14 15, 16, 1% 18, 19, 20. DIALOGUE I ‘GTAAOTOE I Kadnuépa oag, nbpre Dulo, KaAnpépa oag, wépre MeAt, ils el ote; ) ebyepto®, "Boets; Pa] wand, ebyeptor®, Elote ov6 gxodsto, xbpre Duld; Médvora, elpar ot6 oxoreto. 'O x. Mnpdovv, evar or oxodsTo; MéAvota, xal S x, Mnpfovv elvar oré oxodeTo. "Ey6 nod ef Kal tests clore ate até oxoAsto. oS efpaore tOpa, koets nal bys; Eiyacte ot6 oxodeto, Too efvar & brorxnrfis; “0 bounnths evar or8 ypageTo. Hyar bkvanavinds d brosnnttis; Médvora, 8 broumrfs evar &iuparinds, Dod evar 3 xbprog xal h xvpla Demet; “0 xpos ual h mupta 7 ontte, Dod evar 4 beonoives Manel; "H Seorowves Haws elvet ord ‘reageto, 14 i A ae MS aes os od ix +4, | sarons |W. Ces = mB uk, ve, web tfi | = ne x ow FY a 10. 14. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16, 17. 18, 19. 20, 2. 22, 23. 2h, DIALOGUE IT Translation What's this, Mr, Smith? This is a book. Where's the book? The book is on the table, Where's the piece of paper (paper)? ‘The piece of paper is in the basket. Is the book on the table? Yes, the book's on the table. Where's the piece of paper, on the table or in the basket? The piece of paper's in the basket. Are the pencil and the book on the table? Yes, the pencil and the book are on the table. Are Mr, and Mrs. Pappas here? No, Mr. and Mrs. Pappas are at hone, Where are you, Costas? I an here. Is Mr, Smith here, too? Tes, he is here. Is the commandant here? No, the commandant isn't here, dm I a student? No, you aren't, You are a professor. Is the office here? No, the office is there. 16 We 15. 19. 20, 23, 24, DIALOG II ATAAOTOE I TC lvar abté, x6pre Dpld; Aoré evar BLBdlo, Dod efvar 16 pipato; 7S piprto evar ors vpanéCr. Hob elvar x6 xaprl; T6 xaptl elvar or6 wander, Ever tS prprlo or6 panels; Méavora, 16 BLpACO elvar ot6 tpaxele. Hod elvar 8 yaprl, or6 tpanetr f ors warAer; TE yaprt evar ord wanton. Elvar 16 porspr ual 16 prpAto or6 yormleu Mérvora, +8 porspr nal 6 Biprto elvar orf tpanti. Elvar £86 § x6prog nal 4 xvpla Dewalt; “ox, & xbpros xat h xupla Doxa elvar or6 onlti. "ob xo slour "ByG elpar G86, Elvar nal & x6pros Tule E66; Mémora, elvar bdo, Kéota; Elvai Ebb b broumnnys; “oye, & droruntfis bv evar 856, Byae dd wadnsfics “Oxs, d€v store, Hote maényneis. Hvar &bG 6 ypugeto; “ox, +6 ypageto elvar éxct. 17 PROSE TEXT KEnENO ‘0 brounntfis ever tépa ors ypageto, Elvay Skuupatings, dév elvan paonris. “Byé eluar ot6 oxodsto. Elyat pabntis. Elyar orpariéms. stv elpar dtrapatinss. “oO xdpros xal 4 xupCa Dawat elvar oté onlts, Ady elvar at oxoreto, ‘0 xéprog Zul@ elvar pad fis. Elvar £85 tépa, Kal d xasnmeis elvar 28a hoa. T6 worspr, 6 BLBACo, +6 wanda. ual x6 tpa- ntti evar t83, ‘0 x6pros ZuCe xal éy6 sipaore or6 axoreto, 18 2 (a) (>) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (a) GRU'DIAR ANALYSIS Trapparenf, Greek nouns belong to the masculine, feninine or neuter gender, and this classification applies to animate as well ac to inanimate things. Gran— matical gender can be detected by the article which usually precedes the noun. To an experienced observer the ending of a noun can also (but not always) be a clue. But since the article is the one stable elenent indicating grammatical gender it 4s recommended that a student learn each new noun along with ite article as one unit. This is also the way to pronounce correctly because to the hearer of the lancuage the article and the noun are heard as one vord and not as tvo sevarate unite, Neuter nouns are preceded by the article 70 and Qeually end in Q, in I, or in MA, Examples: 16 peBato, x6 pope, 36 pdonus, The preposition EE (in, on, to,at) combines with the article 10 to form the conbination E10, The meaning of this combination is in the, on the, to the, at the. Feminine nouns are preceded by the article H and usually end in A or in H, occasjonally in IZ. Examples: ta, fyrboo, jf deonoives. Masculine nouns generally end in OE, in HE, or in AE, Exceptions will be taken up later. Examples: § xéptos, Swadnris, 5 narépas. ‘The conjugation of the verb to be - elpat - is given Delow. The student should note that the Grecks use the 2nd person singular of verbs very frequently the guideline being that if a person knovs someone well enough to call hin by his given name he should use 19 the singuler form of the verb in the 2nd person. All formal conversation requires the 2nd person the vlural, In the Gree sray an enlisted nan always addresses an officer in the plural while an officer talks to an enlisted nan in the of singular. 2nd person of the plural conjugated as follows: Eresent Tense 1. efpar etpacre 2. fou elore 3. elvay elvar No one ever talks to a child in the The verd tobe is (o) Greek verbs are generally used without the person al pronoun because they normally have different endings for each person in the singular and in the plural and this makes the personal pronouns as distinguishing factors unnecessary. (c) The personal pronoun is not omitted always, however, It is used with the verb to indicate contrast or euphasis. Who is Mr, Sith? Lam an enlisted man; zou are an officer. Lan Mr, Smith, "By eluar orpaccéms, toets elote bkiw watexds. Torés evar § x6piog Eye & xOpios xpdouv, "By ela 6 (a) The Greek personal pronoun is as follows: 2izral 1 3. Singular yO -1 We tod = you (thon) 2, abtés - he abcf ~ she 3 ais - it 20 Euets boets aurot es, ve you they (masc) they (fem.) they (neut. ) ? (a) 8 (a) There is an inversion of word order for all interrogative sentences in Greek. When asking a question in Greek the verb usually starts the question and the subject closes it. A state- ment,on the other hand, generally follows the sudject-verb-direct object sequence as an English statement normally does. Ex. (John has a book. 0 Tedvvng Eyes gisato). Daguestion word like who? whet? where? etc, starts a question then the verb is placed immediately after it, again the same way as at would be in English, Examples: What is this? Te elvar avré; This isa book, Abré evar BLBACo. Is John an Elva, &kvupate nds officer? 9 Tedvvns; Jobn is an 0 Pedvvng etvar officer. Revupatinds. With the exception of the verb to have which is used as an auxiliary verb in the perfect tenses (have seen, he hes written etc.) the Creek languace does not use auxiliery verbs. Therefore, when asking questions, you should be careful to invert your word order for all verbs, not only for the verb to be and the verbs cor- responding to the English auxiliary verbs. Fxamoles: Is John a student? Elva padnrfs & Tedvvns; Does John have a Eyer prprco ook? B Pedvvns; 2a 1 2 a a 5 6 8. % 10. Wn 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. Questions EPOTHEELE Tod lore tp; Evay orf oxtse f xupla Tanadl; Elyaote tépa or on(ns % orf oxodeto; Hod slvar & drocuntiis; Elvar ord ypageto 8 xadnyntic; Hvar +6 yaptl ox6 nando; Tod elvar 16 BLBArCo nal té WoASBL; Elva pasnefis & x6ptos Lula; Elvar dtuupatinss & x6prog Mxpgouv; Elore uadntfs; "Eyé tC eluar; Hvar 855 xaonyntis; TC clove, wadnris Hi xaenynrts; Tod elvar xéprog Dyula; Elvat otS oxodsto fh nvpla Haxntt; "Eoets elore or6 oyodeto. "By6 nod elpar; Dod elvar 6 xarser; 22 EXERCISES Ww ‘ox, rule elvar padnric. ‘Eocts tC clove; Kat ty6 Tuas padnrfic. "o beovuntfic eTvar oS ypageto, "Bocts x00 elote; "Byd eTpar ord oyorcto. "0 beouunstic evar &trupatixds. “Eosts +6 elore; Kal tyé eTpar agrepatinds. 76 BipACo elvar ord tpametL. Tod elvar th yorspe; Kal 18 porte. elvar or6 tpanktr. 2. ‘ou. nal 4 x, Hane elver rhpa orf ontty, Tod efvar & brountfics *O broumnntic elvar or6 ypageto. T6 piprco xal +S porsp. elvar oré tparétr. ol elvar +6 xaprl; 76 yaptl elvar or xaaddr. *Roets nal ky6 etpacte or6 oxodeTo. Do elvar f xupta Maxnt; “H xvpla Manet elvar ot6 ox(te. "auets eluaote ot8 cxodeto, "Eoets noU elore; Kal guets efpaote ord oxoreto. 23 ‘ox, nat # x, Hawn elves ord omits, ‘Buets x00 efyacre; "Euets elpacte ot oxoreto, “Om. [uC@ nal & x, Uxpfouv bév elvar thpa ot6 oxtti, Hoo evar; Elvar or6 oxodeto. "Bocts clore padnris. “EyS vo elpar; “Eoets clove xaénntfis. “0 brounnttis elvar &kiupatixds, "Zoets tf lore; *ByG yar oxpariéms. 3. TS ypaugeto evar or oxodeto, Tod elvar tS ypageto; T6 ypageto elvar até axoreTo. 16 @Lprto clvar oxS ypageto, To elvas +6 piprto; T6 BipACO evar ord ypageto. T6 pordp. elvar oré cpanéle, oO evar +6 porssr; T6 ports. elvac ové spanktr, “ox, DuCe elvar nard, Die elvar dx. Eyl “on. ule evar nant, “ou, nat fm. Doxa elvar wand, UB elvar ox. nel § Daxsf; "Ox, nal fx. Domed elvar nord, 24 "Ructs nig etpaore; Kat tyets efyaore xadd. to maonmnfis by eTvar akiupatinss, "Boers lore; udacore, by6 elper. “oye, éy6 d€v Tua. tay fy clue atiuuatinds. "0 dvovanrfig elvar; Méxvora, sTvar. 76 yapel bev elvar or6 tpanétr. 16 porspe elvar; Méavora, elvar. "Hosts ual éyd bev etpaote oré ante. "Hox, Dont el vas; MéAvota, elvac. jayne . "Bod tf elou; "ByG elpar patntfis. ‘Bot sloay waonthis. Abrés tC elvar; Kal abrés etvar padntiic. "Ruets elpacte ofS oxodete, To sl var & broumntfis; *o brounntfis elvar ord yoageto. ‘y nvpla Kanal b€v elvar orf oxodeTo, “By eTuae; Mérvora, dete eZore; ‘0 we Taxntis Ev elvar padntfis. "Eocts lore; MéAvora, by6 eTpar. 25 “Rete efuaore orf oxodeto, ol evar 5 x6prog Hanalts; ‘oO xdptos Hawntts elvar ot6 ontts, "ByG eTpar E80 cOpa, "Hosts elote; Mé\vora, xal ty6 eTpar. "ByG eTuar E86 vépa, "Eoets elote, xbpre X nal dpe Y5 Marvord, nal euets efpaore, "Boets elote tdi ropa, “By elyar;, M@Avora, ual koets elore, 5. “0 brouunmis eXver oS yougeto, Mod evar & drouxnrtic; ‘0 brountfis eXvar ot6 ypageto. “o paonris elvar ord ontr, Tod elvar & padnrics “o paennis elvar ord ontte, TS BiprCo elvar orS tpanEt., Mod elvar + piprto; T6 Biprto elvar até tométe, TS tpanéte elvar &6G, Do elvar +6 toanéle; TS tpanéte evar t86. TS warde, elvar Exet, MoO elva 16 xandoe; 76 wanton elvar ixet. 6. Hore &tiuparixds f otpatdrns, nOpre Duld; Elyay otpatiéens. 26 "Ey6 Tua otpatedms; “ox, bev elore. “Ox, Mapdouy +¢ efvat; "O x. Mupfovy elvar bg rupatixds. Blvai £65 rOpa S Svouxnttic; “oxs, b€v elvar. “noo elvan; BI vat or6 ypageto, Tod etuaote thpa tosts nal &yd; Elyaote ot6 oxoreto. ty etpacte osé oxtet; “ox, d€v etuaore, % Elva. Eo h xvpla Dennt; “oy, bv elvar. Elvar E60 8 brovenths; “oxs, b€v efvar. Tod elvar & dvorwnths; "0 brocnrfis elvar or6 ypageto. Tod evar +6 ypageto, EO fH ixet; 76 ypageto elvar éxet. Hot etvar 16 wander, 866 F knet; 76 wander evar kxet (885). 27 ‘VOCABULARY AESIAOTIO ypageto, 6 desk / office beoxoives, Mies brouxntic, & commandant, commander by : I to here Exe there toets you (2nd person plural) too you (2nd person singular) 4 the (feminine article) 4 or xadnyntis, & instructor, professor nat and / too, also wupla, A lady, Mri ons mach / very x00; vhere? conta, 36 house, hone oxorsto, +6 ‘school xt; what? xhpa now 28 n. 12. 13. we 15. 16, i? 18. THIRD LESSON ‘TPITO MASHMA DIALOGUE I ‘Translation Good morning, gentlemen. Good morning, sir. What subject (lesson) are we having now? Wetre having Creek. are we having Greek at home or at school? we're having Greek at school. Does Mr, Smith have Greek. too? (Has Creek and Mr, Smith?) Yes, Mr. Smith has Greek, too, (Yes, and Mr. smith has Greek). Is Mr, Sith a Greek? (Is Greek Mr. Smith?) No, Mr. Smith is an American. (ir, Smith is american). dz Ian american? (1, am I american?) No, you are Greek. Do you speak Creek, Mr. Smith? Yee, I speak Greek. Do Mr, and Mrs, Pappas speak Creek? (Do they speak Creek Mr. and Mrs. Pappas?) Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Pappas speak Creek. What language do you epeak at home, Mr. Brown? 1 speak English at hone, 29 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 7% 18. DIALOGUE T ATAAOTOE I KaAnpépa ous, xdpror. KaAnu€pa ous, x6pre., TC pdénya Exons tépa; Foon baageeed, “Bone EAnvend or6 oxlts fi or6 oxodeto; “Exoue Bnvexd otd oyoreto. “Eyer EAqvend nal & xBpros Fuld; Médvova, nal 8 x. Bylo Exer Ednvend, El var TEAnvias) § x. Dule; “Oxe, 8 x. Zul elvar "Apeprxavés, "By6 lume “Auepinavés; “Oxi, doets elote “EAnv(as). Miaate EdAnvend, x6pre Dy68; M@Avota, iA EAnvind, Midive banvexd Ox. wah x. Donal; M@Avota, O x, xal h 7) x. Down piddve SAAnvind, TC yhboou pire ord oti, ubpie Mnpdouv; Mead dyyrund ot6 ontee. 30 ny, 1 13. we 15. 16, 17, 18, DIALOGUE IT ‘Translation Good evening, Mr. Melat Good evening, Mr. Smith. Mr, Melas, this 1s Mre, Smith, (Mr, Melas, here Mrs, Smith). Glad to meet you, Mre, Smith, (I rejoice much, wre, Smith), Tam very glad, too, (andIaleo), are you Greek, Mr. Nelas? Yes, are you an American? (You, are you American lady?) Yes, I am from Chicago, Do you speak Greek, Mra, Smith? No, but I speak English and French. ‘Does Mr, Smith speak French, too? No, he doesn't speak French, Do yout (You, do you speak?) I understand French, but I don't speak. speak French? Yes, she speaks very voll. What language do you speak at home? We speak Greek at home. (at home ve speak Greek). Do you alvays speak Greek at school? Tes, alvays, 32 DIALOGUE II aqAaoror IT Kednonfpa ous, Opie Medd. KeAnonépa ong, ubpre Luc KOpve MeAM, £66 4 xupla Myle, Katpw 0X6, nupla ud, Kat kyG tnfons. Elovre “EAanvies), x6pve MeAg; Mé@Avova, ‘Eoets elote ‘Apepimavlda; Nat, elyar &xé +6 Zixéyo. Murtire EXqvind, xuple 2u60; “oxe, Buus wad byyAind wel yaddend, Muat’nal 8 x, DyCO yorruxd; “ox, bE pad yadund, "Eoets wcAtite; Karahapatve yarainé, Syus 6 WAS, MiAM yoXALxd A xvpla MeAH; Nal, Lad mod xara, TC yaboou wiatise otS ontsu; Ex6 on(s. piAtpe EAnvixde Matte ndvra EXrnvind ot6 oxodeto; Méxvora, xévea, 33 FROSE TEXT KEDMENO “om, ruc elvar “Apepixavés, 'H xupla Tule evar "Aepimavéba, = MeNive ayyAuxd, “On. EuC® wad Edaqvexd or6 oxodeTo, Buus Head dyyrund ot6 ontre, “Ox. Marts elven “EAnviac) nal i xupla Meat e%var “Danvlsa, Ox, Meat elvar xadnynris. Mead dxanve- nd nal ord onfts nar ot6 oxodeto. “O brouuntiis elvar Aucpixavés, 6 pia SAAnvind. “Ox, Mapdouv elvar padntic. MiA® EXnvend ord denna, Sug SE Ad EAAnvixd oF6 onre. "Ox, Mxpdouv xal 6 x, DpC@ wavadapatvouy sAAnvind, Suus bE pLAdve nord naard. H nupla MeAM xavarapetver dyyiend, Buus OE wel wend, MAM wOAG nord yerend, Meatue ndvra EMAnvend or6 pdénua, 34 9 (a) (b) (ce) (a) 10 (a) GRAMUR ANALYSIS PAMMATIKH Normally all proper nouns are preceded by the article in Greek. The only notable exception fe when we call someone directly by name or title. Then the article is omitted, If the person we ddrese 12 man and his name ends in OF (n6ptos, ‘uepinevés, etc.), the ending changes into E and the article is omitted. Hence, xéous Tate, xOpte Mxpdovv, for Mr, Soith, Mr. Brown (addres ‘sing them directly), or plain wpe, Sir when you don't include their name. A11 other masculine nouns drop the final £ of their ending in the case of direct address hich happene to de called the vocative case by eramnar dooks, Note: 10 x6pros Herts BOT w6pve MXM! ao xbptog Daxnlls 7 Opes Danni ! 0 Tedvvns " Tedvvn ! Feninine nouns undergo no change at all in the Vocative case. They only drop the article. ors: ‘H wupla Mead BUT wvpla Meat! {H mupta Downe xvpa Daxnd! H Maple MapCa! Jeninine endings of nationality end in (ba, ‘Auspinaviba, "EArnvtba, etc. The indefinite article a, an is usually omitted in Greek unless qualifying the subject of a sentenc Tn that case we use the numeral one (va), Thus, in Greek ve don't say: "I have a book". We say: "I have book", However, if the word book is the abject of the sentence then we say: "Gne book ison 35 ni (a) the table" meaning "a book is on the table.” Please NOTE I have a class. “Exw paenua. Do you have a book? "Bxere BLpAlo; Ts Mr, Smith an Elvay "Auepenavés & ‘American? wbprog Tplo; Mre, Melas is a ‘H xupCa Meat eves Greek (wonan), “Danvesa, I have a class in “Exe pdoqpa ox8 cxo~ school, dato. me A pencil is on the “Bva porspr etvar or6 tadle. spent. A school has an “Eva oyoreto Exer office, ‘yeageto, All Greek verbs, nouns, and some other parte of speech have a stem (which carries the basic meaning of the word) and endings which change to indicate changes in the basic meaning, Thus, all Greek verbs change endings from person to person and from tense to tense to indicate these variations in the basic meaning of the verb. The verb to have (Ex) can serve aa a pattern for the conjugation of all active verbs in the pre: «The verb xavahapatvy Introduced in thie le jon, will be conjugated the sane way. To tell which part of a verb is the stem and vhich fs the ending the student should cross out the ending w from the firet person singular of the present tense of a Greek active verb. So the ater of the verb Eyw is &; ‘The stem of the verb xera- Aabacwe Se navahapate, The verd Eye te conjugated as follows in the present tense, 36 () (e) ‘Singular Eure) 1 Ew Exous 2, Eyers Exeve 3. Exee Fou The vert puAB is conjugated in a slightly dif- ferent way because the stress falls on the last syllable while for Eyw the stress falls on the syllable before the last, The conjugation of the verb uA is given below, Su Plural 2. AB (wade) peatpe 2. peas weAgre 3. weAd (uiAfer) pLAtivE In Greek there 1s only one present tense. So you have no choice but to use this only present tense whether you vant to say Ihave or Lam heving, Isveak or ae Lea or Tam being, viz. Ey, wedd respective~ ot 37 a a. 5. 6. 8. % 10. nM 12. 13, 4, 15, 16, QUESTIONS EPOTHEELE TC yAboou weAtire orS oxoAsTo; TC yaboou watire or ones; Tod Exope péonue; TC péonpa Exone; "Exoue ndvta EdAnvexd ot6 oxodeto; Tod evar +6 oxodeTo; Ravadapatver EdAnvind & bLoLxntiis; Elvay “Apepexavéba } nupla Bylo TC elvar ¥ xvpla MeAg; "Hosts clore ‘Auspixavés, "Ey6 +6 eluar; “ané x00 elote, xdpic; “ané xo elvar 5 xGprog Uxpfovv; Muddpe xdvea EAnvind ot6 oxodeto; Katahepatvouv yaddind & x6pros nal fh xupla Dule; Te elo, Tudvvn, patnttis f xebnynrtic; "Byers piprto, Pedvyn; “Exeis worse; 38 1 Tépa Eyoue tranvixd. TL w&Snua Exoue tGpa; Tépa Exoue taanvend. "Byope navta tAAnvind ord oxoreTo; MéAcvota, Exoue névta MAnvixé o46 oxoneto. Exovv EXAnvinG or6 oxoreTo & x. Tyld nal & x. Hapbovv; MaXvora, Exouv tkanvend or6 oxoreTo. "Byouy Eaanvixé t6pa; MéAvora, Exouv EXanvixt topay “nyere EdAnvind thpa, nGpLe Lule; wédvora, Exwe TE pdonua Eyer or6 oxoreto patntic; “oO pmontic Exer Eddanviné otd oxoreTow TC ubenua Execs or6 oxodeTo, Teévon; “Exw EAnvind or8 oxodeTo. 2. *ByG natorapatve Enqvind, "EoeTs xavadapat vere; VOvora, xal byw navadapal we, ‘0 xGpios Mnpfovy -aradafatver; MéALora, xatadapatver. 39 Katanapatver 8 dtocxnrfis; “oye, & brorxnthg SEV naradaBatvers ‘Ox. Zul nal 8 xGpros Unpfovv xaradaBat vouv; Médvora, xatadaBatvouv. *ByG xaradapal ww; Mé\vora, xatarasatvere. KatahaBatvoue tAAnviné, Lots nat Eyd; Vérrora, Eoets nal byG natarapalvoue. TC naradafal voue; Katadafatvoue EXAnviné. Kavadapatvers EXAnvixé, Peévvn; Médvora, xatadagatwo, MiG Branviné o6 usonua. "Eoets werdre; MéAtora, pers. Mudd Brrnvend & bE eapatends; Méxvora, word. Muddve bAnvend b &Evupatinéds wal 8 orpateéens; MéAvota, weAdve. Muad nal 8 bLouxntis; “Oxe, bE Uert, 40 Muddre brAnvind orb onlre; “oye, ord ontee pursue dyyrind, Mints EXrnvend or6 phOnua, Peévon; VEdvora, HLA. MiAG yarrux& 4 xupla Vers; Médvora, wiAK nodG nant Middive yarrind & xdpros xal 4 xupla Duli *H wupta Eyule ude, 0 xGpros Tule bE wad. Te yrhoor urdtve ot ontts & xGpros xal f xupla Lule; Wurave dyyrund. 4 SH xvpla Eute elvar "Apepexavtta, Elote "Apepixavesa wvela Dple; Wéxvora, eTyar. Elvay ‘Apeptxavlda 4 uvpla Mere; “Ox, b€v elvar. TC eTvar h xvupla Medd; ‘H wupla Mend elvar ‘EAAnvloa. Elore ‘Apepiavés, xGpre Lute; aéavora, Tuas. 41 "ByG elyar 'Ayepexavés; “Oxs, bév elore, *0 Brounntfis el var; Mé\vora, elvar. "Bot eloat *Aueptnavés, Piévon; U@dvora, nal byé eTyar. Elvat "Auepinavés & xaenyntic; “oxt, 8 nadmyntis bv elvar "Auepinavés. ET vat “EXAnv(as). 5. Ripa widue EAnviné. TE yAbooa piAue rhea; Morgue DAnvinds Mudaue névra danvend ot ubOqua; Nal, uiAiue névea EXAqvind. TC yAbooa pursre ot6 ott; MuAaue névra &yyAuné ot6 onl ti, AE widSre yarrixd ot6 onter; “Oxt, BE weddue yarrund. TE yAdooa puddive at6 ontti 8 x. nal 4 xupla Medd; Muddve BAnvixd, 42 Muddve bAAnvind ndvea; Nal podfve EAnvind xévea, Midas yarrend, Pedvoni “oye, b weMs, 6 TByoue tAAnvind ofS oxoreto. ToD Exoue Erdnvend; “Bxoue EXrnvind ot6 oxodeTo. TC pSSnua Exoue oF8 oxoded: "Bxope bdanvind, Tod elvar t6 oxoret Elvar oré Upectvtto. “Exope n&vta trdnvend ot6 oxoreTo; Wat, Exoue. TC pédnua Eyer dx. Zple thpa; "Exe. bddnvixd. Elvat xadnyntis 8 x. Lule; “oxs, elvar padntiis. "Eyé vO elyar; *Eoetg elote xadnyntis, xOpre. "poo xt eloas, Pedvons "ByG clue padnths. 43 TOCABULARY AESIACTIO byyaund, 1h Tnglish language *auepinavesa, Anerican (woman) "auepinavés, § American (man) dnb from yarrixd, Th French language yabaoa, 4 language / tongue “ErAnv(as), Greek (man) “Ernvtsa, f Greek (wonan) Banvend, 16 Greek laneuace Extons also, too bye to have, I have xarnonépa good evening xararapat ves to understand, I understand pena, +6 lesson, class, course wea to speak, to talk vat yes Baws but / however nfivra alvays Expressions yatpo xor6 to be very glad, to be delight- ed (used when being introduced) 44 Lb. we 15. 16. Ww. 18, 19, 20. FOURTH LESSON TETAPTO MAGHMA DIALOWE 1 ‘Translation Excuse me, Sir, where's the library? The Mbrary is there. Is the library laree? Yes, It is large. Does it have many books? Tt has many books and many magazines. Does it have dictionaries also? Yes, it also has dictionaries. Does it have Creek books? Yes, It has Greek books and Greek magazines. What other (Ikinds of) booke does it have? It has Gernan, French, and other books, Do you read many books there? Yes, I read books and write letters there. Do you also read a Creek newspaper? Xo, I don't, I don't kmow Greek well. when does the library open? Tt opens in the morning and closes in the evening. Thank you very auch, Sir, You're welcome, 45 n 12, 13, 15, 16. 7 18, DIaLocus r OIAAOTOE I Fvryvdun, udpre, nod elvar 4 BupAvo@xn; “H Buprvoofan efvar exer, Elvat weyédn f Biprroofn Nal, elvar peyéan. “EXEL KOA BLPACa; “EXEL ROAAG PLBACE nal ROAM nepLobexdy “Eyer wal Aetexd; Médvora, Exer nal rekund, “Eyer EAanvind puBdCa; Méavora, Eyer Ednvexd BiBala nat tdanvund Mepiobind, TC Gada prprla Exe; “Eyer yepuavind, yadAun nal Edda piprca, Avapalere noAAG BLBACG Exet; Nal, Acapétw Biprla xal ypégw ypduuara exer, seapatere ual EXanvint Eenuep (da; “Oxt, bév buapétu, Bev Eépw xard Eddnvind, Dére kvolyes BipAvostxn; “Avolyer t6 xput xal udelver 16 Bpdéu. Bbyaproth nods, x6pre. Dapaxeas, 46 13. aw DIALOGUE IT ‘Translation Excuse me, Sir, do you speak Creek? Very little, I understand (Creek), however, Do you have a coffee shop at the Presidio? Yes, we do. (Yes, ve have), here {9 it, please? It is there. Is it the building with the largs windows? Yes, itis. (ve where's the door? It is there, Does the coffee shop open in the morning? Yes, it opens in the morning and closes in the evening, ‘Thank you very much, (Thank you much), You're welcome, 48 Mw, 12. 13. 14, DIALOGUE IT ATAAOTOE IT Luyyvdun, xpve, wersre banvex ToA’ ACyo. Kavadapatww Spus. Eyete xageveto ot6 Hpeolvtio; MéAvota, Exoue. To elvar, offs xapaxaats; Elvay énet. Hvar 16 xvlpto ué td peyGra xaphoupa; MéAvota. ‘H xOpra x00 elvar; Evay det. "avolyer 16 xput 16 xageveTo; Nat, dvotyer 16 xput nal wretver +6 Bodbv. Ebyaptor® noAd, Tapaxads, 49 PROSE TEx? KEDENO Kone ROAAG xtCpLa até Upectvtio. “Exoue Bi= PALoofixn, nageveTo xal Ara urCpra, ‘H BLprLOeAxn elvar peyGan. “Exe peyéra xapédupa, noAAs tpanéCia wal moMAG Biprta, 14 peyGAa Actixd elvar Exel. “H BuBALoefun Exe. RoAAG dpepixavind xeprodixé, “Exer Buus nal yepuavind, yadruné ual Eddnvind meprobind. Avapatope moard BiBrla EneT. Srapétw mordd Biprta xa yplgo oA yodupata Ener, TS xageveto déy elvar peyfro, Kal +8 xageveto Eyer tpanétia wal mapfdvpa, ‘Ox, MeAds xal ox, Dule elves Exet ropa. A€v Exouv péenua. 50 (») CRAYMAR ANALYSTS TPAMMIATIXH nouns are usually preceded ter nouns are treceded by the Im the plural the article 20 changes as stateé in 4 T Gr oy an erticle. article TO, inte TA “epter nouns chance from the singular to the plural es followe: (1° 4 the neuter noun ends in J it adés the ené- Mx. poASpe = worggia, toanéte- cwever the student should note, that this does net increase the number of syllables because I]. then becomes a semi-vowe) and causes the the ar IA to tecom @ rising dinhthone ané cronounced like ya. noun engs in Q the Q chanres . BuBACo - BeBdta, Aegend = er noun ends in MA it adée the a= pabiyara, stect'ves are words which deseribe ~~ or qualify -- | In Greek adjectives appear in all three eps and gust aeree with the noun they qualify. i tris arreenent, it should be rezenvered, the er of the noun determines the fender of the ective and not the other way round. sAiectives belong to various classes, depending on their endings, The most common class of adjec~ tives take the ending OE in the masculine, A or H 51 (e) in the feninine and Q in the plural, ‘The feai- nine endinr A or H is deterzined by the final syllable of the sten. Tf the final syllable of the sten is a vowel, the feninine ending is A. If the final sylle> of the stem is a consonant minine endine is H, The adjective yxpltoc- yap(ta ~ yxptto is an excevtion, The mascu- line and fevinine forcs are not affected by the sten ending, Ex. per@ros = weytan = peyéro MOASS = KEM = xans Upatos - dpata = dpato The endine of the noun does not ctive should have the sane kind of ending. The rule merely means that if the noun is mascus line the adjective acreeing with it should be in its masculine form, if the noun is feminine the adjective shoul4 te in its feninine form azd if the noun is neater the adjective should be in its neuter form, "ach adjective has its own set eni- ings no matter what the endings of the nouns they qualify are, © RATE 10 wards yaonniis "0 naAés d&tupatixbs SH xaaf, xupla “Ho xaaf BuBALOSAxn T6 wads mavdl = TE word worded 76 na BLBdlo - TA ward BiBrCa 16 0X8 yoduua - TM nad yoduyara 52 Me 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 10, mn 12 13, “a 15. 16, t 18. 19. QUSSTIONS EPOTHEEIE “Byer nomad meprobsxd f PLBALosnn; “zyer werdda napfdupa 16 nageveTo; Hére wreCver 16 nageveto; Tére dvolyer f BLBALoSfKN; TC neprobind bupétere; “Eyere noMMé paSfuata até oxoreTo; Beer ward EXAnvixé & naenynthc; Kararapatvere EAAnvend; Elvae 8 orparidens or6 nageveto répa; ToS elvar Svouxntis; Tigre brapdtere rG paefyata, 6 mput ff +6 Bodbu; "Bxete wordé prprla até oxoreTo; “hyere dyykund piprta; TE Enra pepdla Exere; buapacere Exrnvenfy Egnpeptoa; "Eyer nod xxCpre +6 Tpeotvt.o; Tod elvar té portpra; Bl var pexpé f wevéra t& tpanétia £65; Baxere 6 nadkéo. ot6 ypageto; Tpdger norr6 ypdupara & waonynthc; 53 EXERCISES ADKHEEIE w T6 yoageto Avotyer +6 nowl., "Avolyer 6 npwl 15 ypa- eto; Nat, &votyes. "avolyer f BLBALosfinn +S Bp&bv; “oxt, 4 BLBrrosfun Avolyer +8 xpul., 16 xageveto dvolyer 6 Bpsdu; “oxt, nal +6 xageveto Avolyer 6 npul, "avotyoue th Bu3ACa ot6 uéSqua; Nat, Avotyoue té PLpAla or6 wdonua. TC dvotyouy sépa, dx. Zule xal & x. Mnpfouv; *avotyouy 76 BiBala, *avolyere +6 napseupo thpa, x. Eule; “ox, b€v bvolyw 6 naphoupe tGpa. "Avolyw 6 BLBACo thpa; “oxe, dév dvolyere 6 BLBALO. ‘Avolyere +6 napéoupo. 54 2. “H puddvodfun wretver 26 Bodby. Krelver +6 Bobby A PLBALOoAKN; V&dvora, 4 BLBALOSfixn wAEtver 76 Boku. Kretver xal 16 nageveto +6 Bpdbu; MérLota,nal 6 nageveTo wretves 6 Boku. Knrelver xat 16 oxoreTo 6 Brady; Nat, wActver. Kretvere 1& naphdupa +6 Bp68v; Nal, xAelvoue té nap&oupa. Kretva 16 BiBALO tea; “oye, wdelvere t6 napédvpo thea. 3. "By6 tépw Envink. "Bets Eepere; wérxrora, xal Erb Epo. “on. Dule E€per dyyaund. Ox. Mnpdouv Eeper; Wéxvora, xaf 8 x. Mnpfouy Eeper. "Buets Eépoue &yyAin&. 0 xadnynehs Eéper; MéAvota, al 8 xadnyntiic Eéper. Bépere xod evar f Piprroafxn, npr Dule wéavora, EEpe. 55 BEpovy yadrind, & x. Duld al 8 x. Unphovv; WErrota, EEpouv. "Eyd EEpw; Wérvora, wat boets E€pere. ‘H xvpla Mannd pet; “oxe, bev Eeper. "Buets f€poue yepuavind. "EoeTs tEpere; “Oxi, uets b€v E€poue. SEpers thanvink, Pedévoni Tig Sépw uaré bdranvind. 4 “H BiBAvod4xn evar peySrn, Elvar xal +6 xageveto werBro; “Oxs, 16 xageveTo bév elvar peyGro. "EyG brapatu Eranvint, Egnueolda. "Eoets tl diaBGtere; "ByG biapatw duepenaving, Lgnueplda. ‘Ox. Zul biapates nat xatarapatver EArnvind. Katadafatves & x. Mepfovv; Médvota, wal 8 x. Uapfouv xatadapat ver, “Ox. nal § xupla Mer elvar or6 xageveTo, ‘Roets nod clove; "Euets eTyaote or6 phonic. 56 “Byete nok padfyata or$ oxoheTo; KGAvora, Exoue no padfpara. TC yAbooa pirate od onlts, xvpla Tanna; Widdue Exdnvind or6 ontte. "Eyer noddG duepimavind neprobind h BLBALosfixn;: MéAvora, f BLBALosfun Exer nodM buepixavind meprobiné. “Eyete pevéda napéSupa oré ontts, xupla Medd; “ox, Exoue uixpé napddupa. T6 oyoreTo Eyer peySra naphdupa. “Exes xal f BiBArodf- x7 weyara napé9upa; MéAvota, wal f BLBALOSfixn Exer peyGra naph$upa. 76 naphdupo elvar peyéro, Elvar xal f népta peysAn; Mérvora, xal 4 nbpra elvar peyéan. ‘H Egnueptda elvar Edrnvinf. Elvar nal +8 neprobrxs branvind; “oxt, 6 meprobsxé el var &yyhinb. "Exoue nodA& BipAla ors oxodeTo. “Exete nal orb onfes xo BLBALG; Wat, Exoue wat or6 ontre xodAf BiBAla. s7 “H BupAvosfixn elvar ueyGan. Elvar xal x6 yoageto neyddo; “Oxt, 6 yougeto bv elvar peyéro. Elvar wit x06. 16 dyyAtné defixé elvar peyfro, El var weyGro nal 16 EAANvEKS AeEnd; “Oxt, t6 EdAmvend AezLXS eT var wixpS. 6 “Exe noAMi tpanétca 4 BLBALodfxn; MéAvota, 4 BiBALosixn Exes noAAG tpanéCia. “Byer nodAG poddpia & wadnths Exe. oAAk poASpra. Kéavora, & wadnths Exer nodAé porsper “Exe noe apres 8 xadnrnthc; Uérvora, 8 xasnyntis Exes ROMS yaprid. BAENETE WOAME naXkora E83; “oye, bE BrEmw nord xadhOre £86, Elva +6 yaptl orS tpanéeu; Nat, +6 xaprt elvar or6 rpanécu. Tod elvar t& porspia; TG porspra elvar or6 tpanétr. 58 cA Abr6 elvar yohya. TE elvar adté Abzé evar ypéupa. Elvar badnvind yoda A dyyAuxd yoda; Elvar EdAdnvexd yeduua. Tod elvar +6 ypsipa; 76 ypGuya elvar or6 toanétr. Blvat pedro ypéuna;, Nal, elvar peyédo ypGupa. Arapater & xadnyntis +6 ypduna; Nat, & xadnynths Siapater +6 veda. "BoeTs Siapitere 6 yoduua; “Oy., by b€ brapdtw +6 yphupa. 8. Dodou noAMh yohuuata. "Eoets ypdgete nodAd ypduyera; Nat, nat by yokqu xodA& yeSuiara. Tpdgere v6 yphupata pl +6 por6Br; Nat, yofqu x4 ypSupate ye +6 podtpr. Tpdgope +6 ypéunata or6 yapst; Nal, ypdgoie +6 yphupara or6 xaprl, Tpfiger 8 paonefic Exanvix& ypGuuata; “Oxs, & wadntfis relies yvAixé ypGupata. 59 % “Exer peyéda yp&uuata f Egnueploa; Nat, 4 Eqnueplda Exet uevéra ypduuera. “nyer perGda yphuuera 6 rekLxb; “Oxe, 6 AeEixs Exer pixpk ypdupata. “Eyer peréra yphuyara 6 neprobind; “Ox, 6 neprobind dév Exer peyédra youupata. "Eyer pixp& yo@upata. Avapétere nah t& ueyGra ypéupata; Nat, diaB&tw xané +é pevéra yeuuara, duapéter 8 xasnyntis é Hixcé yedunera; Nal, & xaényntfs d.aséter t& pinpé ypduyata, Séoere th EdAnvind ypkupara; “ox, bév Eepw ré bXanvind ypduuata, 10, Téa Exope yhsma. TE Exoue tbpa; Tépa Exoue udonua. "Exoue EkAnvind uhonua; MéAvota, Exoue bAnvind péonua. “Boye panne or6 oxodeTo; Nat, Exove uGenua ot6 oxodeto. 60 *Byoue kena ot6 xageveTo; “oye, bEv Exone pénue or6 xageveto. wEyere noAAG yaSfuata orb oxoKeTo; Nat, Exoue xoAM& paSfuata ox6 oyoreTo. Katadagat vere xan +6 péEnHa; Nat, xaradBatvo xan +6 wéonua. Karanapatvere névea vé pafuara; “oy, dv xatadapatvoue névea té paefuara. 61 AESTAOTIO @ra others, other (neuter plural form of AAMOEANAH@AMAO) dpeptnavinds, avericen (thine, not person) dvotyw to open / to turn on (heat, BuBdvosfinn, 4 bookcase, Mbrary ae Babu, té evening yepuavinds =f, Sernan (thing, not verson) brapétw to read, to study Exanvends fyb creek (thing, not verson) Lonueptoa, A newszazer nageveto, <6 coffee-house, café wrelva to close, te shut xttpio, 16 building detend, <6 dictionary atro a little (adverb or adjective) pevBros,=n,-0 bie, great, larce / long pexpss,-f,-8 snall, little / young / short cE ow to know, to be acquainted with napisupo, +S window 62 mapanahis neprobin6, 76 nora xbora, xbre5 pot, 78 ouyrvden 63 please, if you please / to request / you're welcome magazine, periodical many (neuter plural form) door, gate when? morning excuse me, pardon me / I am sorry 6h os 12, 13. ws, 15. 16. 17. 18, FIFIE LESSOS TIRSTTO MAGHMA DIALOGUE ‘Translation Where are we nov, gentlenen? We are at school. What lesson are we having? Wetre having Greek. Are we talking Greek now? Yes, ve are. (We're talking). What do you see on the table, Mr. Saith? I see books, pencils, and papers. How many pens do you see? I see many pens. How many pictures do you see there? T eee five pictures. ow many doors do you see? I see two doors. 4nd how many chaire? T see nine chairs. Please, count from one to ten. Tan counting: one, two, three, four, five 12) 39 0 & 5 six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 6 7 6 9° 10 65 DIALOMIE I AIAAOTOE I Mod etpaore rhpa, x6ptor; Eluaore or6 oxedeto. TC udonua Exoue; "Exoue bXAnvixd. Medodue EAnviné tépa; Nat, wrrodue, TC BrEnete or6 rpante, x6pre Lule; Brémw BiBAla, porSpra,nal yaprig, M6oeg névec prexete; Baknw xodr€s Eves. Uboe elxbves prtxete Exe; Bato névre elxéves. TScec nbprec BrExete; Bata S60 xéprec, Kal x6ceq xapéxrec; Bhtmw évvéa xapéndes, Merpfote, offs napaxadll, &n6 6 Eva de <6 déxa, Merpi: va, 860, tpta, stocepa, steve, Eee 6 1 2 3 4 tneé, bnxG, tvvéa, déxe. 7 8 9 10 66 Oo EED=. " p= L <9 RR (iso | "a Ame | ORF 9. 10, 1. 12, 13. ah, 15. 16. 17. 18. DIALOGUE IT ‘Translation Where do you live, Melas? I live in Zarmel. Do you have a large house? No, we have 2 small house. How many rooms does it have? It has five rooms. Does it have a yard, too? (Does it have and a yard?) Yes, it has a yard, too. ' (Yes, it has and a yard). Do you have a large family? , Thave a wife and two daughters, How do you go home in the evening? (How do you go in the evening to the house?) Igo by car. (I go with the car), Do you have a car? Yes, I have. What make is it? It's a Ford. (It is Ford). Do the Fords have good engines? (Have they good engine the cars Ford?) Yes, they have very good engines. (Tes, they have very good engine). 68 15. 16. 7 18. DIALOGUE IT AIAAOTOE IT Tot uévere, x6pre Meda; Eve ot6 KappEA. “Exere perdido ontte; Toxe, Exoue wine ontee. Roa buyétia Exess “Eyer névre bupStic, "Eyer wal abrfi; M&dvora, Exer xal aba. xere peyéan olxovévera; “oxe, Ew vovatna nal 660 xépes. Tg wnyatvere v6 Bpdbv ot onlti; Mnyatvo ue t6 abroxlvnto. *zyere abroxtvnto; Nat, Exo. TC phpxa elvar; Elvar @6pvt. “Eyouy nad unyavf 6 abroxtynta C6pvts Nal, Exouy xoX6 anf unxavi. 69 FROSE TEXT KEDENO Tépa efyaote ot6 oxoreto. “Byoue EAnvixd. Etpacte o'8va peyGro bunétio we b60 xbpres, tole na- pheupa xal morrés eludvec. BAEnoue wod6fa, xaptié wat névec otS tpanéti, “Eyoue névre toanétia xal bvvéa napenres or6 suuétio, ‘0 xadmyntfig evar E6G rhpa, “0 xGptos Merde evar xadnyntfs. Méver orb Kapués. “Exec Eva ontve ue xévre Suuétia nat yey dn abaf. ‘Om, Meds Exer yuvatua xal 860 xSpes. Tnyatver or6 Kapuéd +8 Apfibv ué v6 aStoxtynto. "Evo dv Exw abtoxtynto. ME wo ot6 Movrept n. 70 Ub fad 0) 15 (a) GRAIOUR ANALYSIS TPAMMATIKH ‘be plural forn of the feminine article H is OL. Feminine nouns ending in A or H (and this is the ereat majority of feminine nouns in the Modern Spoken languaee) form their plural by changing the A oor H ending into Er, Examles: 4 Lonueptsa - ol Egnueploes 4 nvpte - ot nuptes 4 BxBALObfen - ol BipArosiines 4 xbpn - ol xSpes 4 uevdan BiBrroefxn = of perérec PuBALoBrKes The worah Seonouyts introduced in lesson 2 be- cones ol Beomovvedes in the plural. The interrorative word xboa; (how many?) almost alvays qualifies a noun and ae a result it behaves like an adjective in that it eerees in gender and in number with the noun it qualifies (case agr ments will be discussed in the appropriate le: The word x6oa; becomes xbceg; in the feminine and n8o01; in the masculine, Examples: 60a 6.Brta elvar b60 Bipsta elvar Figs bate pig beta jon). Téges_xéve: BAEnw S60 nf ves Batxete Ea; bso. T6oq_porspra "Exo xodad Teg poXtBua. Toes _ntve "Eyw xoaats heer séves. m1

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