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Mcbenedict G.

Martin 11-He Escoffier

The Old Future Me

Who Am I? Im Mcbenedict G. Martin, Im just a Simple teenager

who loves to Play online games watch anime and Netflix. I'm

the type of guy who doesn't want to be blamed for something I

didn't do. I get angry quickly when that happens. because I

have no control over myself when I'm angry.

Who Am I?This is a question we have all faced many times.

From a multitude of sources. Ever since elementary school I

remember when I was asked to write about my Dream and

myself at first I didn’t know what my dream in life was,but as

time passed, It slowly come to my mind what my dream in life


One day while I was watching my favorite anime about

cooking. That Inspired me:what if I become a chef and open a

restaurant?That why Im here in tvl he and I also love business,

so when I become a successful businessman, I want to travel

to Japan and America so I can taste all the delicious foods like

suhi,ramen,steak and etc.

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