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Vitamin E can promote the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, sperm production and to promote

activities to increase ovarian function, follicle increased luteal cells increased and. Vitamin E
capsules to enhance the role of progesterone. Lack of fertilization is not easy when the
reproductive organs or cause damage to habitual abortion. Improve lipid metabolism, leading to
deficiency of plasma cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) increased, the formation of
atherosclerosis. Oxygen-sensitive, easily oxidized, it can protect other easily oxidized substances,
such as unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A and ATP, etc. Reduce the generation of lipid
peroxidation, protecting body cells from free radical toxicity, fully protected material specific
physiological functions. Stable part of the cell membrane and intracellular lipids, reduce red blood
cell fragility, to prevent hemolysis. Deficiency hemolytic anemia. Large doses can promote the
proliferation of capillaries and small blood vessels and improve peripheral circulation.

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