Causes Impact and Control of Over Break in Underground Excavations

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Causes, impact and control of overbreak in underground excavations

Article  in  Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology · January 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2004.05.004


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Sp Singh
Laurentian University


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Tunnelling and
Underground Space
incorporating Trenchless
Technology Research
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71

Causes, impact and control of overbreak in underground excavations

a,* b
S. Paul Singh , Peter Xavier
School of Engineering, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ont., Canada P3E 2C6
Falconbridge Ltd., Falconbridge, Ont., Canada

Received 24 October 2003; received in revised form 8 May 2004; accepted 8 May 2004
Available online 23 July 2004


Drill and blast system is used in hard rock excavation due to its economics and adaptability to changing rock mass conditions.
Common question during mining and tunneling operations is Ôwhether overbreak has been caused by blasting practice or poor rock
mass qualityÕ. Critical evaluation of the factors influencing blast damage is required to address such questions.
In order to understand the mysterious nature of blast damage prediction and control, the field work involved the small scale
blasting of physical models and the assessment of blast damage during drifting operations. The damage was measured by the Half
cast factor, percentage overbreak and the Blast damage index. The influence of rock mass features, explosive characteristics and
blast design parameters on overbreak has been examined in this study. A new approach for the judicious design of perimeter hole
pattern and charge concentration has been proposed. Implications of blast damage have also been outlined in this paper.
 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Blast damage; Perimeter control; Controlled blasting; Underground excavations

1. Introduction involved the critical evaluation of the factors influencing

blast damage.
Blasting remains the most inexpensive method of The factors influencing blast damage can be broadly
hard rock fragmentation, however, the cost associated categorized in three areas:
with the blast damage in terms of safety and productiv-
ity of mines is becoming increasingly important. Rock 1. Rock mass features.
damage due to blasting is directly related to the level 2. Explosive characteristics and distribution.
of stress experienced by the rock and its pre-blasting 3. Blast design and execution.
condition. In high stress environments and under unfa-
vourable geological conditions, disturbances associated Rock mass features cannot be changed but their
with blasting may result in extensive ground control knowledge facilitates the judicious selection of the ex-
and dilution problems. To minimize these undesirable plosive characteristics and the blast design parameters
effects, perimeter control techniques are available, but to obtain optimum results.
the results of their application are often less than opti-
mal. A study was conducted to better understand the na- 1.1. Blast damage and mining operations
ture and extent of rock damage caused by blasting and
Damage is a change in the rock mass properties
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-705-675-1151; fax: +1-705-675-
which degrades its performance and behavior (Singh,
4862. 1992). From the mining point of view, it is the structural
E-mail address: (S.P. Singh). performance of the rock, which is of importance because

0886-7798/$ - see front matter  2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

64 S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71

the remaining rock has to support load in the form of

back, wall or a pillar. That is why blast damage deter-
mines an important link between the excavation process
and the structural stability of the rock mass.
During the excavation process, the redistribution of
in situ stresses and releases of seismic energy also induce
rock mass damage, which can sometimes overshadow
that caused by blasting. The distinct difference between
the two is that blast-induced damage is highly localized
around the immediate perimeter of the blasting area.
The impact of blast induced rock mass damage on min-
ing includes:

(i) Dilution of ore.

(ii) Ground control problems.
(iii) Poor fragmentation.
Fig. 1. Concrete model with joints simulated between the holes.
(iv) Restricted access to damaged ground for drilling
and charging operations.
(v) Reduction in the moduli and strengths of rocks. sive. In order to study the effect of geological features
(vi) Reduction in the maximum unsupported span and on blast damage, concrete models were prepared with
stand up time. joints simulated at different orientations (Fig. 1). The
(vii) Breakdown of the inherent interlocking of the properties of hydrostone and high strength concrete
weakness planes. are given in Table 1.
(viii) Increased cost in the installation and maintenance
of supports. 2.2. Experimental drift

The small-scale experiments provide a basic idea of

the factors influencing blast damage but fall short of
2. Field work predicting full scale blasting results. Therefore experi-
ments were also conducted in a drift setting. A 2.7
The Fieldwork involved small scale blasting experi- m · 2.4 m (9 0 · 8 0 ) experimental drift was driven through
ments on modeling material, drift blasting and assess- a hard rock. The characteristics of the test site are given
ment of blast damage at several operating mines. in Table 2. Several blasting rounds were taken by vary-
ing the blast design parameters. Six different explosive
2.1. Small scale blasting experiments products were used in the perimeter holes and the dam-
age was assessed by different techniques. In addition,
During normal blasting operations, it becomes diffi- blast damage was also monitored at several under-
cult to compute and predict the effects of individual fac- ground mining operations.
tors and it is best to start with small scale blasting
experiments. These tests were conducted on blocks of 2.3. Assessment of blast damage
hydrostone modeling material. Additional tests were
conducted on concrete and granite blocks. The diameter The blast damage was assessed in different situations
and length of holes were 8 and 150 mm, respectively. by utilizing the following techniques:
The number of holes varied depending upon spacing Blast damage index. This index was determined by the
and they were fired simultaneously. Different lengths minimum value of the P-wave velocity in the damaged
of low-strength detonating cord were used as an explo- material expressed as a percentage of the P-wave veloc-

Table 1
Properties of hydrostone and high strength concrete
Property Hydrostone High strength concrete
Number of tests Average value Number of tests Average value
Tensile strength (MPa) 15 3.61 10 6.1
Compressive strength (MPa) 10 29.0 10 76.9
P-wave velocity (km/s) 15 1.74 5 4.39
S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71 65

Table 2 est links in the rock mass (Scoble et al., 1996) In order to
Characteristics of the test site minimize the blast damage it is critical to understand the
Parameter Description role played by the rock mass features in producing the
Rock type Quartzite and quartz sandstone damage to the perimeter of an excavation.
Grain size Very fine grained (<0.2 mm)
to fine grained (0.2–0.6 mm)
Number of joint sets 4 3.1.1. Orientations of discontinuities
Joint spacing 0.6–2.0 m Joint orientation can have a significant effect on the
Joint aperture 0.2–0.6 mm excavation perimeter (Cunnigham and Goetzsche,
Compressive strength (MPa) 250 1996). The presence of joints affects the attenuation of
P-wave velocity (km/s) 4.8
the induced stress wave. The attenuation of the wave
transmitted through the joint depends upon the angle
ity in the intact material. The P-wave velocity at differ- of incidence of the wave on to the joint surface. The at-
ent distances from the line of blastholes was measured tenuation is minimal, when the angle of incidence is par-
after each small scale blast and the ÔBlast damage IndexÕ allel or perpendicular to the face and increases to a
was determined. maximum when the angle is between 15 and 45 (Le-
Half cast factor. This is length of the half barrels after wandowski et al., 1996). This leads to the suggestion
the blast expressed as a percentage of the initial length of that the crack proceeds with minimum attenuation when
the blast holes. The lengths of the half barrels after each the relative angle of jointing with respect to the perime-
drift round were measured and ÔHalf cast factorÕ was ter line is parallel, nearly parallel or normal. For other
computed. orientations, wave attenuation is significantly increased
Blast vibration monitoring. Each small scale blast as and hence the perimeter control is more difficult.
well as drift round was monitored with a seismograph. During small scale blasting experiments, the joints at
The blast monitoring set-up for small scale blasting different orientations were simulated between the blast-
has been shown in Fig. 1. holes. As shown in Fig. 2, the largest overbreak was ob-
Percentage overbreak. The percentage increase in vol- served in the case of samples with 45 joint orientation.
ume of the actual profile over the designed profile of Worsey et al. (1981) have concluded from similar
each round provided this parameter for blast damage as- tests and field observations that the presence of discon-
sessment. tinuities at an angle less than 60 to the designed perim-
eter line have an adverse effect on controlled blasting
outcome. If the discontinuity orientation is less than
3. Results and discussion 15, controlled blasting produces no improvement over
normal blasting.
3.1. Rock mass features
3.1.2. Aperture of discontinuities
Rock is a heterogeneous material, a fact rarely con- Worsey and Qu (1987) reported that increasing joint
sidered during blast design. In reality, the rock mass fea- surface separation severely decreases the quality of final
tures have a controlling influence on the outcome of a excavation profile as a result of increased cratering of
blast. Most of the rocks contain a variety of visible dis- joints. Open joints can also arrest or cause branching
continuities and flaws. The discontinuities are the weak- of cracks being propagated between two perimeter


% Overbreak



10 20 30 45 60 90
Joint Orienatation in Degrees

Fig. 2. Percentage overbreak for different orientation of joints.

66 S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71

holes. When the joints are tight and cemented, they have (d) Joints filled with water allow the passage of shock
no significant effect on the overbreak. waves without internal spalling. But when the rock
Tariq and Worsey (1996) observed during small scale mass is in tension, the water is mobilized, forming a
blasting experiments that joint aperture of 3 mm acts wedge, which may produce overbreak.
like a free face, thereby reflecting back the explosive en-
ergy without producing a split plane. It was further re- Water present in drill holes takes over the air as de-
vealed that as the joint opening was increased, the coupling agent. This increases the degree of coupling
angle of cratering was also increased. and results in higher levels of ground vibrations.

3.1.3. Frequency of discontinuities 3.1.7. State of stress

Close spacing of joints is an indicator of a highly frac- The direction of the principal stress with respect the
tured rock mass. During blasting in loosely jointed rock line of contour holes influences the initiation and prop-
the critical factor is whether or not the drilling pattern is agation of cracks between the blastholes. The magnitude
wider than joint spacing. lf it is, then contour problems of principal stress, influences overbreak particularly
can be expected. The frequency of joints in the range of when the stress approaches the strength of the rock. In
2–3 joint planes per spacing may produce adverse effects homogeneous massive rocks, the cracks which initiate
on perimeter control. to propagate radially from the blast holes tend to follow
the direction of the principal stress (Brady and Brown,
3.1.4. Filling in the joints
The filling material within a joint, changes its wave
3.2. Explosive characteristics and distribution
transmission characteristics. The smaller the width of
the filling material and closer the impedance of the filling
Explosive characteristics play a vital role in produc-
material to that of medium, better would be the strain
ing blast damage. Explosive products release their energy
energy transmission through the joint. With the increase
and interact with rocks in different ways due to the dif-
in the joint width, the energy loss into the joint will be
ference in their constituents and reaction characteristics.
considerable, particularly when the joint is closer to
The properties of different explosives, except tracer
face. The presence of clay material in joints, its swelling
blasting, have been given in Table 3. Tracer blasting is
potential and thickness contribute to poor rock mass
commonly used in Canadian underground mines for
quality thus resulting in excessive overbreak and under-
overbreak control. This involves placing a detonating
break. If the aperture of the joint is small with strong
cord along the wall of a blasthole before charging the
and stable filling material, the overbreak will depend
main column of ANFO (Fig. 3). Although, it is not a
upon the orientation of the joint with respect to the line
panacea for overbreak control in all mining situations,
of blastholes.
it produces good results if properly applied. The mech-
anism of tracer blasting has been described in Singh
3.1.5. Rock quality designation (1996, 1997). The effect of explosive type on the blast
This is defined as the total length of cores greater damage has been shown in Fig. 4.
than 100 mm expressed as a percentage of the total
length cored. This is an indicator of the quality of the 3.2.1. Bore hole pressure
rock mass. Rock quality designation (RQD) of less than The magnitude of the bore hole pressure determines
70% indicates that the rock mass will be more suscepti- the stress and fracturing experienced by the rock mass.
ble to blast damage (Singh, 1992). The RQD values less The effects of borehole pressure on blast damage index
than 50% would require close spacing, light loading and and the maximum depth of damage have been dis-
relief holes to produce acceptable results. played in Figs. 5 and 6. The small scale blasting of

3.1.6. Watery conditions

Hydrogeological conditions have the following effects Table 3
on the rocks and rock masses: Properties of different explosives and coupling ratio
Explosive Density Velocity of Coupling
(a) Reduction in the compressive and tensile strengths (kg/m3) detonation (m/s) ratio
of the rocks (Obert and Duvall, 1967), as the fric-
High strength 1350 5500 0.34
tion between the particles is lower. detonating cord
(b) Reduction in the shock wave attenuation and con- Semi-gelatin dynamite 1320 2800 0.59
sequently the breakage effects are enhanced. Emulsion (HS) 1170 4600 0.8
(c) Lowers the cohesion and the frictional properties of Diluted ANFO 700 2500 1.00
the joints. Emulsion (LS) 1140 5100 0.8
S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71 67

Fig. 3. ANFO traced with detonating cord in a blast hole.

Tracer Blasting

Low Strength Emulsion

High Strength Det. Cord

High Strength Emulsion

Semi-gelatin Dynamite

Diluted ANFO

0 20 40 60 80 100
Half Cast Factor

Fig. 4. Half cast factor for different explosive types.

hydrostone models obtained these results. Considering and throw of rock. The critical value of the borehole
the manner in which these experiments were pressure depends upon the rock characteristics, size
conducted, this observation holds true only for perim- and shape of the opening and the direction and magni-
eter holes. It cannot be generalized for all holes that tude of the stress field.
reduction in the explosive charge will result in less
damage. For holes other than perimeter holes, if the 3.2.2. Velocity of detonation
charge concentration is less than optimum, the explo- The borehole pressure generated by an explosive is di-
sive energy will have difficulty in fragmenting and dis- rectly proportional to its velocity of detonation (VOD).
placing the burden rock. As the gases at high pressure But if we look through the blasting literature, it tells us
are bottled up in the blasthole for a longer period and that higher bore hole pressure produces more damage
a lesser percentage of the explosion energy is converted whereas high VOD explosives produce less damage
into kinetic energy of rock movement, higher damage (Fig. 7). It looks unbelievable but it is true due to
will result (Hagan, 1982). An explosive charge concen- the reason that generally the high VOD explosives are
tration higher than optimum will be manifested as decoupled and yield higher shock energy and less gas
noise, airblast, flyrock and increase in ground vibra- energy.
tions. It appears that due to the decoupling effect, shock en-
Maximum distance of blast damage increases with ergy is dissipated in a less harmful manner and the longer
borehole pressure up to a critical value, beyond which acting gas energy is more important from the damage
the excessive explosive energy is used in fragmentation point of view.
68 S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71


Blast damage index

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Bore hole pressure in MPa

Fig. 5. Bore hole pressure vs. blast damage index.

Max. Distance of Damage in


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Bore Hole Pressure in MPa

Fig. 6. Bore hole pressure vs. maximum depth of damage.

0.3 3.3. Blast design and execution

Overbreak in meters

3.3.1. Blast hole parameters
0.2 Generally, the large diameter holes are responsible
for higher blast damage. The longer holes also produce
considerable damage because they contain larger quan-
0.1 tities of explosives. The optimum diameter and length
0.05 of the holes depends upon the rock mass characteristics
and the purpose of the hole. The typical diameter range
0 for drift blasting ranges from 38 to 52 mm.
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
In general, an increase in hole diameter results in
Velocity of detonation in meters/sec blast damage poor fragmentation and increased loading
Fig. 7. Velocity of detonation vs. overbreak. costs. Small diameter holes provide better drift profiles
but with higher costs for drilling and charging.

3.2.3. Powder factor 3.3.2. Cut design and blasting

The powder factor is the ratio of the explosive weight Blasting in a development heading starts from a cut
and the volume of rock blasted. Generally, higher pow- because it provides a free face to which the remainder
der factor will produce overbreak and lower powder fac- of the round may break. It is the most critical part of
tor may produce may produce overbreak or underbreak. the round because the rest of the holes to fire cannot pull
But from the blast damage point of view, the Ôperimeter to the desired depth unless the cut comes out as planned.
powder factorÕ is more critical than the Ôoverall powder The events associated with the pulling of the cut are
factorÕ.The effect of Ôperimeter powder factorÕ on the so remote from the perimeter of an opening that there
blast damage has been shown in Fig. 8. is a tendency to believe that cut holes have insignificant
S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71 69


% Overbreak
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Perimeter Powder factor, Kg/cub.meter

Fig. 8. Perimeter powder factor vs. percentage overbreak.

effect on blast damage. But that is not true. If progres-

sive relief is not achieved in the cut, then later firing
charges will be over confined thus resulting in higher
damage. Minimum blast damage requires that each hole
fragments and displaces its burden with reasonable ease
(Singh, 1995).

3.3.3. Drill hole deviation

The drilling error may be caused by collaring, align-
ment and trajectory deviation. The ultimate error may
be due to one ore more of these deviations (Singh,
1998). The blast hole deviation changes the burden,
spacing and plane of the holes, which is particularly crit-
ical for the contour holes. This results in overbreak and
underbreak at the perimeter of the opening.
Before drilling, the holes should be properly marked
as shown in Fig. 9. A driller should be commended for
the accuracy of drilling and not the footage per shift
(Koehler and Carey, 2002). During drift and tunnel
blasting, the intentional deviation (look out) of the
contour holes is needed to allow space for drilling. Fig. 9. Typical mark up of the face before drilling.

Fig. 10. The contour of the excavation by firing upto baby arch holes.
70 S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71

Table 4 ing and minimizes damage due to the explosive load in

Recommended burdens for perimeter holes the first-row-in holes. The optimum spacing between pe-
Diameter of holes Explosive in baby Burden for rimeter holes depends upon the rock type and the drill-
(mm) arch holes perimeter holes (m) hole diameter. Based upon the field tests and
32 ANFO 0.55–0.65 observations in operating mines, following approach in-
38 ANFO 0.65–0.75 volving two steps is proposed:
45 ANFO 0.75–0.90
(A) Classification of rock type
Variations in the Ôlook out angleÕ also contribute to (B) Determination of
overbreak and underbreak.
(1) Explosive charge per meter of charge length
3.3.4. Baby arch holes (2) Spacing of perimeter holes
These holes are also called first-row-in holes and are (3) Burden of perimeter holes
adjacent to the perimeter holes. The care in drilling and
charging of these holes is important but often over- The rock type for the site can be classified according
looked. Positioning them too close to the back and over- to Table 5. Explosive charge (Q) can be determined as
charging results in damage to the perimeter of the follows:
opening. Ideally the damage pattern from the baby arch Q ¼ Qf  d 2 ; ð1Þ
holes should not exceed the damage zone from the back
where Qf is the explosive charge factor; Q the explosive
holes. These holes should be drilled parallel to the pe-
charge (kg/m); d is the diameter of the hole (m).
rimeter holes and their burden, spacing and charging
Spacing and burden for the perimeter holes can be de-
should be 0.6–0.75 times the stoping holes.
termined, respectively, using the following equations:
In one of the blasts, all holes except the back holes
were fired. As shown in Fig. 10, if the baby arch holes S ¼ S f  d; ð2Þ
are charged and spaced properly then the damage to
the back can be minimized. The contour of the top por- B ¼ Bf  S; ð3Þ
tion of the excavation after blasting is pretty close to the where S is the spacing between perimeter holes (m); Sf
designed contour. The baby arch holes were charged the spacing factor; B the burden for perimeter holes
with ANFO but the spacing, alignment and their dis- (m); Bf is the burden factor.
tance from the back was properly controlled.
On the basis of the blast vibration model developed 3.3.6. Delay time and sequencing of holes
for the site and the blasting experience, the burden for It has been observed that the desirable formation of
the perimeter holes is recommended in Table 4. the cracks along the row of back holes is obtained by
the simultaneous firing of these holes. To achieve this ef-
3.3.5. Perimeter hole pattern and charge concentration fect, the back holes during drift blasting were initiated
The spacing and burden of perimeter holes have a sig- differently as follows:
nificant influence on the shape and precision of an exca-
vation. Higher spacing results in underbreak between (a) All back holes initiated simultaneously by a deto-
the blastholes whereas too close spacing cause over- nating cord.
break. It was observed that burden to spacing ratio of (b) Using delay caps of the same number for each hole.
1.20 for perimeter holes facilitates the timely joining of (c) Back holes were blasted separately using instanta-
the cracks between the holes along the arch of an open- neous electric caps

Table 5
Rock type and perimeter hole pattern design factors
Rock type Class Exposive charge Spacing Burden
factor (Qf) factor (Sf) factor (Bf)
Hard rock; strong joints; specific I 100 16 1.20
gravity (SG) > 2.7; compressive
strength: >220 MPa
Medium hard rock; no weak II 90 15 1.20
joints; SG > 2.5; compressive
strength: 95–135 MPa
Soft rock; Weak joints; SG > 2.3; III 80 14 1.20
compressive strength: <70 MPa
S.P. Singh, P. Xavier / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 63–71 71

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ter in the delay caps of the higher number, which are damage, optimum productivity and safer working en-
commonly used for the perimeter holes. This problem vironment.
can be avoided by using electronic caps. In option (c),
the results were good but it was more time consuming.
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