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Ayala Blvd. corner San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila

Tel. No. +632-5301-3001 | Fax No. +632-521-4063
Email: | Website:


Assignment #1

Define and discuss the following briefly:

1. What is entrepreneurship? What are the different forms of Entrepreneurship,

discuss briefly and give an example each form?

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the

risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is
known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator,
a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedure

the different forms of Entrepreneurship

1. Social entrepreneurship

Driven by a desire to give back to the community, social entrepreneurs seek to offer
solutions to important social problems

examples of social entrepreneurship include educational programs, providing

banking services in underserved areas, and helping children orphaned by
epidemic disease.

2. Scalable startup entrepreneurship

Scalable startup entrepreneurs dream big, focusing on innovative ideas that can
expand their business and generate as much profit as quickly as possible.

Twitter, Google, Facebook, Skype – are all perfect examples of scalable startups.
Scalable startups, more often than not, are always in the tech niche

3. Small business entrepreneurship

Small business entrepreneurs are focused on creating and running their own
business, either on their own or with the help of family members. This group of
entrepreneurs includes many owners of mom-and-pop shops and boutiques, as well
as trade workers and consultants. 

example of small business entrepreneurship

A single-location restaurant, one grocery shop, or a retail shop to sell your
handmade goods would all be an example of small business entrepreneurship.
These individuals usually invest their own money and succeed if their business turns
a profit, which they live off of.

4. Large company entrepreneurship 

Some businesses naturally grow over time, and large company entrepreneurship
aims to grow a large company from an existing business model

 Examples of large company entrepreneurship include Google, Microsoft, Samsung,

Ayala Blvd. corner San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila
Tel. No. +632-5301-3001 | Fax No. +632-521-4063
Email: | Website:

5. Innovation entrepreneurship

Innovation entrepreneurs create their businesses with the intent of bringing

completely new products or new ideas to market.

Examples of Innovation in Business

A. Apple – changed music and consumer electronics.
B. Uber – changing the taxi business.
C. Airbnb – changing the accommodation industry.
D. Amazon – changing retailing.


2. What are the trends/best business ideas in the Philippines? How does the Filipino
feels about being an entrepreneur or starting a new business?

The currently trending business in the Philippines are the

 Sari-Sari Store
 Cellphone Loading Business
 Baking Business
 Milk Tea Business
 Rice Retailing Business
 Beauty Product Reselling Business
 Printing Business
 Online selling

they will be happy because they know in themselves that they have the ability to start
or grow a business, they can also continue doing business because they know they
can make money from it somehow

3. If you will be given a chance to create a business what will be your type and idea of
business? Why?

If I were given a chance to create a business the type of business I want is small
business entrepreneurship and it would be a clothing line or something related to
fashion, for the reason that Whatever way you look at it, it is something that will
always exist. It is adored all over the world because it allows you to recreate yourself,
express yourself, create, and stand out from the crowd. Additionally, it boosts your
confidence since when you look good, you feel good.

Prepared by:
Ayala Blvd. corner San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila
Tel. No. +632-5301-3001 | Fax No. +632-521-4063
Email: | Website:

Rubric for Assessment


Exemplary Proficient Intermediate Marginal Novice TOTAL

(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) ( 4 points) (2 point) SCORE

Content Outstanding points were Well-developed Adequate points Marginal points Poor points were
noted. Contains detailed points were noted. were noted. were noted. noted. Contains
 Focus and analysis with high level Contains detailed Contains detailed Contains little or no
Direction of synthesis. analysis with high analysis with analysis with analysis.
 Details level of synthesis. good level of average level of
synthesis. synthesis.
Organization Excellent flow and Very good flow and Good flow and Evident flow Lacks flow and
structural composition. structural structural and structural structural
 Structure composition. composition. composition. composition.
 Transitions Transitions are well-
made and follow Transitions are Transitions are Transitions are Poor Transitions
appropriate sequence. well-made and evident and evident. are evident.
follow appropriate follow an
sequence. acceptable
Mechanics Correct spelling and Correct spelling Acceptable Acceptable Poor spelling and
grammar was evident. and grammar was spelling and spelling and grammar was
 Spelling With no errors found. evident. With few grammar was grammar was evident. With
 Grammar errors found. evident. With evident. With many major
few errors found. many errors errors found.
Breadth Commendable Average Acceptable Few No illustrations
illustrations and illustrations and illustrations and illustrations and and no abstracts
 Illustrations appropriate abstracts appropriate with abstracts with few about the
and examples about the question. abstracts about the about the abstracts about question.
 Models question. question. the question.

Reflection on Excellent output Very good output Good output Evident output Lack of output
Learning shows that the student shows that the shows that the shows that the shows that the
has reflected with student has student has student has student has
 Aligned with reflected with reflected with reflected with reflected with
substantial depth upon
course learning substantial depth substantial depth substantial lack of
how the prior learning
outcomes upon how the prior upon how the depth upon how substantial depth
experience is aligned
to the course learning learning experience prior learning the prior upon how the
outcomes for which is aligned to the experience is learning prior learning
credit is being sought course learning aligned to the experience is experience is
outcomes for which course learning aligned to the aligned to the
credit is being outcomes for course learning course learning
sought which credit is outcomes for outcomes for
being sought which credit is which credit is
being sought being sought
Overall Assessment

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