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Why I should become 8th grade president by, Hade Avila

Everyone complains about their school, their teachers, or being a student. I bet almost

99.9% of kids would say yes. We complain a lot, over the smallest things and lack appreciation.

And though this pandemic recognizes our efforts, it also recognizes and pays homage to the

dedication of our parents and our teachers. We would not have been able to accomplish this

much without their help. You know, I never expected to be here writing an essay about why I

should be vice president but here I am, but I’m writing this and still can’t believe that we're back

in person instead of zoom. But thanks to Imater, it pushed me out of my comfort zone and onto

this essay on why I should be vice president. Succeeding from zoom and last year's weird

situation is no easy task, looking back it surprises me that I even made it this far. A famous

author, Theodore Roosevelt, once said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a

freight car; but if he has a college education, he may steal the whole railroad.” Even though we

have a while to become to college, we’ve made it here, to the start of 8th grade. Just like a

railroad, the train must be set on a good track, just like our education. So far for this 8th-grade

class, our tracks have been fantastic ever since we first started our journey a few weeks ago. Our

first stop was in 6th grade. Scared of what would happen to family, friends, ourselves, and

dealing with zoom. New fears emerged and I remember feeling like a fish out of the sea and

can’t see the end but soon we will see the end. That year went by, and our next stop was 7th

grade, which the teachers have. been preparing us for. But still, we had no idea what to expect

new buildings, new people, and it was a whole new environment compared to the virtual. We

came back much more confident than the year before. We looked down at the 6th graders and by

the end of 7th grade, we were on our way to 8th grade before we knew it. The year starting at a

sprint, and it seems to have many of us trying to catch our breath already, but 8th grade is also
the year were start becoming independent and learn to let go of our guardian’s hands. From the

moment we stepped foot into this building till the moment we walk out, this journey will be an

unforgettable one for all of us. On this journey, we're going to laugh, we're going to have cried,

we're going to have argued, we're going to have learned, and by the end of it, we going to enter

another mile of our journey in high school. Some of us will go one way, and others another, but

at the end of the journey we will always have the memories of here, of this school, the memories

of our Imater pride and traditions. As we say goodbye on the last day we sit together as Imater

students, were going to reflect on what’s going to happen over the past 3 years, but also look

forward to yet another journey coming up, high school. So, I Hade Avila want to help with that

journey by becoming 8th-grade vice president. Though I know it won’t be easy I would try my

hardest. If it's fundraisers, planning trips, or anything else that I would need to do. I have been

6th-grade president I didn’t do much since we were virtual. But last year I was also homeroom

representative. Every year I tried to do something for others and tried my best. But this year I

know lots of students are going to have a hard time with algebra, biology, and many other

classes. Personally, I know I might be one of those students since I have algebra, but I want to

help other students the best I can even if it means I'll show them the work. This year marks a new

beginning and end of this school year. We're going to become the oldest kids in middle school to

the youngest of high school. Even though we all know how hard it's going to be I think we will

all try our best to do well this year. Anything can change in a matter of seconds, minutes, and

hours. Last year had intensive math and look where I’m at a high school math class. So, this

proves if we put our minds to it, we can do anything we just have to try. I hope this helps you

with choosing the 8th-grade vice president.

Sincerely, Hade Avila

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