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A Day In The Life Of An

Affiliate Marketer

Create Passive Income and Live The

Ultimate Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Chapter 1: A Day In The Life Of An Affiliate Marketer

Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that

hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is
much easier now compared to the days when people have
to make use of the telephones and other mediums of
information just to get the latest updates on the way
their program is coming along.
So with technology at hand, and assuming that the
affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her
life would sound something like this...
Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the
computer is turned on to check out new developments
in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned
there might be new things to update and statistics to
keep track on.
The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows
that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from
visitors. It can also help in the affiliate's
conversion rates.
That done, it is time to submit the affiliate program
to directories that lists affiliate programs. These
directories are means to attract people in joining
your affiliate program. A sure way of promoting the
affiliate program.
Time to track down the sales you are getting from
your affiliates fairly and accurately. There are
phone orders and mails to track down. See if they are
new clients checking the products out. Noting down
the contact information that might be a viable source
in the future.
There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads,
banners, button ads and sample recommendations to
give out because the marketer knows that this is one
way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and
accessible too.
The affiliate marketer remembered that there are
questions to answer from the visitors. This has to be
done quickly. Nothing can turn off a customer than an
unanswered email.

To prove that the affiliate is working effectively
and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more
attention on. Nobody wants to be ignored and
customers are not always the most patient of all
people. Quick answer that should appear professional
yet friendly too.
In the process of doing all the necessities, the
marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she
interacts with other affiliates and those under that
same program. This is where they can discuss things
on how to best promote their products.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous
process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of
showing support. There may be others out there
wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion
that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what
opportunities ahead.
The newsletters and ezines were updated days ago, so
it is time for the affiliate marketer to see if there
are some new things happening in the market. This
will be written about in the marketer's publication
to be distributed to the old and new customers.
These same publications are also an important tool in
keeping up to date with the newly introduced
products. The marketer has put up a sale and
promotion that customers may want to know about.
Besides, they have to keep up with the deadline of
these sales written in the publications.

It is that time to show some appreciation to those

who have helped the marketer in the promotions and
sale increase. Nothing like mentioning the persons,
their sites and the process they have done that made
everything worked.

Of course, this will be published in the newsletters.

Among the more important information that have been
written already.
The marketer still has time to write out
recommendations to those who want credible sources
for the products being promoted. There is also time
to post some comments on how to be a successful
affiliate marketer on a site where there are lots of

Two objectives done at the same time. The marketer
gets to promote the product as well as the program
they are in. Who knows, someone may be inclined to

Time flies. Missed lunch but is quite contented with

the tasks done. Bed time....

Ok, so this may not be all done in a day. But then,

this gives you an idea of how an affiliate marketer,
a dedicated one that is, spends the marketing day.
Is that success looming in the distance or what?

Chapter 2: A Tale of Two Affiliates...

I launched a new website this week and one aspect of
the launch has prompted me to write this article.
The aspect of affiliates....
My new site, Simplywholesale, has an affiliate
program and quite a few people have signed up as new
affiliates already and the way in which a couple of
people have been earning money this week is what I am
going to write about today.
To my mind, there are three main types of affiliate.
Firstly (and unfortunately this is the largest group
by far), there are those who sign up as an affiliate
and then do nothing. These people are obviously
never going to earn any money themselves or indeed,
earn the website owner anything.
The second and third types of affiliate are very
different but both are very valuable to any online
business so let's look at them a bit more closely....
Let's look firstly at what I am going to call the
'Big Hit Affiliate'. The Big Hit Affiliate will
usually have a large newsletter mailing list which
they have accumulated over a period of months or even
years. If a Big Hit Affiliate takes an interest in
your website then you ought to prepare yourself for
some serious traffic!

A Big Hit Affiliate can earn you hundreds even
thousands of dollars/pounds in a very short space of
time (I mean hours not days/weeks) and of course, as
an affiliate, they will also be earning for
themselves at the same time.

SimplyWholesale was fortunate enough to receive the

attentions of a couple of Big Hit Affiliates this
week and the traffic and sales that they can generate
are quite astounding. One of the affiliates was able
to send over 2000 unique visitors to the site in just
a couple of hours generating the affiliate sales
commission of several hundred pounds/dollars (for
sending one email!).

As a website owner, it is great when a Big Hitter

sends a promotional email to their list as traffic
and sales can go through the roof in a very short
space of time. Of course it calms down very quickly
too and usually within a week the sales will have
come to a complete stop. One of those ' very nice
while it lasted' events.
This leads me to the other type of affiliate - the
'Slow and Steady Affiliate'.
The Slow and Steady affiliate doesn't usually have a
massive mailing list. He/she may well have a website
or forum or maybe they just sell on online auctions.
Whatever, they have some form of online presence and
they act as an affiliate by placing a link or banner
somewhere on their site/forum/About me auction page
or similar. Instead of sending thousands of visitors
to your website in less time than it takes to reboot
your computer, they send a gentle trickle of visitors
each day.
But here's the difference - with a Slow and Steady
Affiliate, the traffic doesn't run out after a week,
it just keeps on coming day after day....
Now, the S&S Affiliate may only send you 50 visitors
per day and from those 50 visitors, you might only
make one sale but remember this happens everyday. 1
sale a day, 30 sales a month, 365 sales a year.....
As long as the S&S Affiliate is earning commission,
they will almost certainly continue to send you

traffic and as long as they send you traffic, they
will earn commission (and you will generate sales).

Even though SimplyWholesale is only a week old, we

already have a handful of Slow and Steady Affiliates
who are making maybe one or two sales a day. That's
potentially thirty to sixty sales per month, which on
our average sale value works out at affiliate
commission of between L266 and L533 per month. A
very nice bit of additional income whichever way you
look at it.

So which is best - the Big Hit Affiliate or the Slow

and Steady Affiliate?

To be honest, I would really struggle to choose one

over the other. The Big Hitter is great and can
provide a very nice 'bonus' pay packet but then again
the S&S provides your regular 'bread & butter' income
each week/month. I suppose the ideal situation is an
affiliate with a huge subscriber list AND a website
with heavy traffic :-)

Chapter 3: Affiliate Is Not A Dirty Word
When I first started out on my journey to become a
successful Internet marketer I used to wonder about
all the advertisements I came across that begged me
to join an affiliate program. They made huge claims
about how much money I would earn if I joined them so
I just ignored them. That is until I started to
understand more about affiliates and affiliate
An affiliate is someone who promotes other people's
products or services. When you become an affiliate
you have a money making business opportunity but you
have none of the worries or expenses of a typical
business. You'll never have the bother of dealing
with processing or shipping an order or be involved
with customer care. You will however receive money
for your promotional efforts. When someone purchases
a product or service through your efforts you receive
a commission on the sale. All you have to do is
promote and wait to receive your payment cheques.
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs
to choose from. Many of them will tell you that you
will earn thousands and thousands of dollars per
month if you join them. They will state all the
amazing benefits to you and how new and fabulous
their particular product or service is. I'm sure you
have seen these advertisements everywhere on the
Internet. If you type in affiliate programs into your
search engine you will see what I mean. You will also
just come across them as you are surfing.
It can be quite over whelming to make a choice.


There are three approaches to choosing the right
program for you.
Choose something that has a high demand
Choose something that you have a passion for
Combine the above two points so you will have a
product that is in high demand and you are passionate
about it.

I personally think a combination of these approaches
is the best.
If you choose something that is in high demand then
there will be a market for the product or service. It
is essential to have a market otherwise you will find
that no one will be interested in buying from you.
The down side here however is when there is a high
demand there is also a lot of competition.

If you choose something you are passionate about then

you'll have more fun and you'll be more passionate
about what you are promoting. When you have something
you can put your heart and soul into you will
generally do better than if you are promoting
something you don't care about or know nothing about.
Make a list of what you are passionate about. Then do
a search on the key words to see how many other
people have this same interest. You can do this by
using a key-word search. offer
free software you can download. Use this to search
for the information. Just type in the key word and
see how many results come up, i.e. how many people
searched for those word over the last month. Then use
your search engine to locate your affiliate program.
For example my personal primary interests evolve
around living a better life. This means I am
interested in health, wealth, developing better
relationships and emotional and spiritual well being.
Because I have these fundamental desires I searched
for an affiliate program that helped me to attract
more of these things into my life.
You may decide to go with just one program. The ideal
situation would be to find one program. Understand
how it works then branch out to include a few more
that connect to your primary interest. Once you've
understood what's involved in promoting your primary
program it will be only a little more effort to hook
up with other programs and start increasing your
monthly cheques! You may also find that as you go
along you will need to buy a few things for example,
web hosting and domain names. You may then see the
value of adding these services to your affiliate list
For example once I found my primary program I
realised I had to advertise in order to get

customers. I also discovered that I really did need
my own website even though I had acquired several
free ones when I joined my affiliate program. So I
learnt all about web hosts and domain names and
website design. As I went along I picked up a few
more affiliate programs. After much trial and error I
came to develop an understanding of the concept of
organic search engine optimisation. I loved the whole
concept so I added this to my list of programs too.
I have also developed a deeper understanding and
appreciation for how Internet business works.


The big thing is PROMOTION. You will need to promote
your affiliate products or services. When you join an
affiliate program you will usually be given one or
more free websites and some links and banners. When
someone clicks onto the links or banners and
purchases the product or service you will receive a
commission. This is how affiliate programs work.
Regardless of which program you are involved in,
advertising and promoting your links and banners will
become your number one priority!
If you are not prepared for this you will not be
It is that simple.
There is no way around this.
The best way to do this is by becoming educated in
the right things to do.
You have a choice of paying for advertising or not
paying for advertising.
A great place to start is with understanding how
organic search engine optimisation works and how to
get it to work for you. This method of advertising is
time consuming to get set up if you do it manually
but once your done it will provide you with an
endless source of free targeted traffic to your
website. There are soft-ware programs you can buy
that will get you set up if your short on time.

Unfortunately the truth is that 95% of Internet

entrepreneurs make no money. There are lots of
reasons for this. Some of the more serious and common
reasons are that many people just don't understand
how to promote. Many still don't even realise that
they have to have their own websites. Many spend more
money than they are comfortable with because they

head down the road of paid advertising and they
aren't in a position to afford this.

My best advise to you is that you enjoy your

affiliate programs. Get your own website. Learn about
organic search engine optimisation and spend your
money wisely.
I hope this article will help position you for great
success with you Internet marketeering

Chapter 4: Affiliate Marketing; What It Takes

Each of us has its own interest or has a hobby. Some

love all kinds of books, music, and movies while
others are into sports and traveling. There are also
people who love to grow flowers and loves pets. These
things help us to relax and forget our everyday
problems and troubles and these things are common to
people. But not everyone has a hobby that makes money
for him/her except if you love your job.

Money making hobby could let you treat your family

and friends with the extra cash or you can even quit
your current job that you almost certainly hate. That
is why many of us today go online to start a
business; their reasons are either to supplement
their income or to gradually replace their offline
income from their job. Affiliate marketing is a great
way to start in making money online.

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing partnership

between a web merchant and one or more affiliates.
The affiliate is paid a commission for referring
clicks, leads or most often sales to the merchant. An
affiliate's advantage is that he can make money in a
business where he doesn't have the upfront costs of
creating his own product, and he doesn't have to
worry about e-commerce, bookkeeping, or even customer
support for it is the merchant's responsibility.
Now, for sure you want to be an affiliate marketer
with all that benefits an affiliate could get. But,
do you have what it takes to be an affiliate
marketer? Before you begin your venture into
affiliate marketing, you need to decide first which
area interest you. What products do you know the most

and which products you could do the best job of
selling? Once you discover your specialty,
perseverance, patience, determination comes next.
These are the qualities you should possessed to be a
good affiliate marketer.

Too many online business prospectors lose out because

they become impatient. You also have to know what
your strengths are, the things in which you are good
at and your capabilities and abilities related to
your chosen streak. And the most important thing is
you have to have a strong desire to succeed in
affiliate marketing.
To be an affiliate marketer is not an easy task. You
have to learn the techniques of marketing your
product or service. You shouldn't be looking at every
chance because marketing is all about attracting you
to look at this or that particular opportunity. To be
a successful affiliate marketer, you should learn how
to listen and to be taught because in life we need to
learn skills to get by.
For an affiliate marketer, you should know how to
market your site effectively, in will enable you to
get thousands of visitors coming to your site which
transforms into more sales. This only means that the
faster you set up a website, the bigger your chances
of making money online faster. You should avoid the
same mistakes some affiliates make everyday, they are
only building a short-term business where they just
make a small sale. Make sure you do understand that
you should be building a long-term affiliate business
and not just something that makes you a few dollars
on one sale.

It is also better to have knowledge on how to upsell

your visitors for expensive services. This will in
turn make you become recognized as an expert in your
field and making money will be easier. There are some
people thinks that just by having affiliate links on
their website will bring them good profits. This can
have some truth to it, but then most successful
affiliates still believe that making use of strong
marketing campaigns for their affiliate programs is
still important. But affiliate marketers become much
more successful when they treat their customers or
online visitors as friends. Make a commitment to
establish relationships with your customers and

especially with visitors to your site. It is very
important for an affiliate marketer to have a good
business relationship with customers or visitors.

Chapter 5: Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Programs


"All Internet Businesses Are Not Created Equal!"

When building a successful Internet businesses to
promote affiliate products and services, you must
first have a solid understanding of market research
and testing skills. All Internet business
opportunities and affiliate programs aren't created
equal. Affiliate programs, associate programs,
referral programs or partnership programs are only as
good as the businesses behind them.
Make it your goal to identify the very best affiliate
programs available in your niche. Research and test
until you discover which businesses have the
products, services, and marketing systems in place to
convert the traffic you send them into profit.
Free franchise anyone? Identifying the best affiliate
programs is like finding successful small business
franchises, except they are absolutely free. The

types of business owners that are best to target will
already have designed, tested and optimized a sales &
marketing system that their affiliate sales force can
easily plug into and profit from. Affiliates can then
concentrate on referring as many qualified prospects
to the company's web site as possible.
Affiliate Program Checklist:

Here's a great list of criteria to consider when

evaluating affiliate programs to promote in your
internet business:
* Make sure the web site's tracking software works
properly. Some affiliate tracking software isn't as
accurate as you would like, so be sure that your
affiliate id is tracked accurately throughout the
system all the way to payment.
* Look for an automated follow-up system promoting
your affiliate links. Most sales conversions are made
after several e-mail follow-ups are sent. Very rarely
do customers buy on the first visit to a web site, so
you need smart auto-responders with follow-up sales
letters going out automatically to your referrals.
This may be in the form of an e-mail course, an e-
zine or a newsletter that contains sales messages
promoting your affiliate links. If you can access and
replace the links with your own tracking urls, that's
ideal. For full control have smart auto-responders
installed on your own web server and create your own
series of e-mail follow-ups.

* Affiliate Marketing tools. Look for pre-tested ads

and e-mail copy, affiliate banners, satisfied user
testimonials that you can include in your own pre-
sales copy, viral reports and e-books, etc. Wherever
possible, personalize the affiliate programs' sales &
marketing materials and add extra value to the
offers. You will want to do this because, in many
cases, you're competing with hundreds of other
affiliates for sales.
* A strong affiliate management program is needed.
This means a responsive owner or affiliate manager
who is easy to contact and provides multiple forms of
contact such as phone, an online support desk and e-
mail. The main thing is that a quick helpful response
is provided.

* Internet marketing training. If you're counting on
earning income from the sales of Affiliates that
you've referred to a program, take into consideration
that many of these people will be new to the internet
marketing business. In order to succeed, they will
need a good training package.
* An accurate visitor and sales tracking software
system you can access online. An affiliate's virtual
office where the number of visitors, sales
conversions, and statistics can be tracked to
determine what traffic & advertising sources are

* Multiple forms of payment that can be accepted on a

secure server. Some of the major payment forms are
major Credit Cards like Visa & Mastercard, Debit
Cards, eCheck, Paypal, eGold, etc. The more options
offered the better. This includes you pay and not
just customer payments
* Strong back-end products that you will profit from.
Check that the program allows you to further profit
from other products that your referral buys while at
the affiliate web site. The program should give you a
commission for every product bought not just the one
you have referred a subscriber to. One sale should
lead to another, each product creating a desire for
* Long-term credit for sales made after the first
visit. Lifetime is best, a year is good, 6 months is
a little bit too short and less than 30 days is too
risky. Since most subscribers won't buy on the first
visit, if they choose to buy it will be after
receiving about 6 or 7 follow-up messages.
* Pay structure that's fair to you and to the
company. How much will the merchant web site be
willing to pay you? There are several ways to earn
commissions such as earnings per click or payment for
a visitor who follows the lead from your site to the
merchant site. Or pay per lead, which requires a
visitor to submit details on a lead form. You find
this information by requesting it from the program
manager. You should not consider programs that are
under $.10 as they will not produce enough income.

* Quick payment schedule. Look to get paid as quickly
as possible. Most programs pay once a month although
there are several that pay bimonthly and there are
even a few where you can get paid daily.
* Low commission pay out threshold. This is the
amount of sales commission you must earn before being
paid. It should not be too high. If you don't get
paid for a month's commissions because of the
threshold, make sure that the payment gets rolled
over to the next month.

* Residual income potential. You can leverage your

time and effort by selling subscription based
services like membership programs that bill monthly
and pay residual commissions. This way you receive a
monthly income from each referral as long as they
stay members. You can also create residual income by
promoting multi-tier affiliate programs that pay you
for recruiting or referring other webmasters as
* Fast automated product fulfillment. The quicker the
customer receives a good product when they order, the
better the chances of them purchasing more products
in the future.
* Great customer service. Make sure that the merchant
web site has a good customer service program
available for your referrals should they have
comments, questions or need further assistance.
* Good reputation. Does the merchant web site have a
good reputation with both their customers and
affiliates? This is one of the most important factors
when dealing with a merchant site. To get an idea of
the reputation of the merchant company, speak to
other affiliates who are part of the program. They
will tell you whether they are happy with the
treatment they receive.
Many good programs don't fill all of these criteria.
But, the more support they do have in place the
better your chances of building a successful small
business income marketing on the Internet."

Chapter 6: 1.000.000$ With Google In 6 Months
Did you know?
That internet advertising revenues reached an
estimated new record of $4.2
billion for the third quarter of 2006 and that the
internet advertising market
has been growing more than 30% for the last 4
consecutive years.
"Google reported revenues of $3.66 billion for the
quarter ended March 31, 2007"
Google Adsense is revolutionizing the web, high
school kids are making fortunes
per month with Adsense paying their classes and
helping their fathers paying
the bills at home.
Lawyers and doctors gaved up their practices to make
millions with Google.
Thanks to Google Adsense revenues the internet is
growing faster each day, while
Google is paying the bills webmasters create more
quality websites with free
content and utilities for everyone, websites that you
look for when your cash
flow is fading. People create websites just for make
money with Adsense and
this reason is reflecting on the web contributing to
the fast growth of
thousands of websites and ideas that born every day.
When you use Adwords to
promote your products you are sponsoring and
broughting to life a new star
rising website that can be a must value to the web.

That's why Google Adsense/Adwords programs are so

great, because everybody wins,
advertisers pay per click and make sales using
Adwords, clicks and impressions
are made by the Adsense publishers that receive
compensation, it's a
rollercoster that never stops so therefore it is

It's called "revenue sharing" and it's the most
powerfull internet marketing
tool you will ever find!
Thousands of people every day discover Adsense and
start making money at home
with their websites, they share the secret with
others and when others make
money everyone makes money, that's why I had the
trouble to write and
distribute this little article, to spread the good
news and off course make my
own fortune.
If you have a website and are looking for a serious
income this is the perfect
opportunity for you to grab, Adsense is the best
money making program
circulating on the web, one of the most well paid if
not the number 1 and best
of all it is real!
Join Google Adsense free and retire from your job in
months, use Google Adwords
to rise up your business and become a millionaire in
the next year.
Let me show you the headline 1.000.000 in 6 months:
Besides the Adsense earnings and the Adwords traffic
that you can generate you
can also make big money referring others to the
Adwords and Adsense programs,
when they use the programs you get paid, well paid.
This is how the programs work, by own Google words:
"When an advertiser who signed up for Google AdWords
through your referral
spends $5.00 (in addition to the $5.00 sign-up fee)
within 90 days of sign-up,
you will be credited with $5.00. When that same
advertiser spends $100.00
within 90 days of sign-up, you will be credited with
an additional $40.00. If,
in any 180-day period, you refer 20 advertisers who
each spend more than
$100.00 within 90 days of their respective sign-ups,
you will be awarded a

$600.00 bonus."
"When a publisher who signed up for Google AdSense
through your referral earns
$5.00 within 180 days of sign-up, you will be
credited with $5.00. When that
same publisher earns $100.00 within 180 days of sign-
up and is eligible for
payout, you will be credited with an additional
$250.00. If, in any 180 day
period, you refer 25 publishers who each earn more
than $100.00 and are all
eligible for payout, you will be awarded a $2,000.00

Do I need to say anything else to convince you to

sign up? I Don't think so.
Just do the math and you will find out the potential
of your earnings, if you
already know the programs you know what im talking
about and have a better
perspective, if you don't I tell you this, you can
look but I guarantee that
does not exist nothing else like it.
And don't worry, take it easy, take your time, it
doesn't matter if you don't
understand any of this, the only matter is that you
have a website and want to
make money with it, in the process you will discover
how everything works and
how tho succeed in your goals.
That's for this and many other reasons that Google is
and will be the internet's
number 1 for many years to come!
Follow the path, become rich and make your dreams
come true forever!!

Chapter 7: 2 Marketing Strategies to Make Money
Online with Affiliate Programs!

The first strategy to make money online is building a


This strategy is the most important step to continue

to make money long term. If you do not already have
some type of autoresponder system you need to get
one. Don't be cheap here either because your entire
business will hinge on this one piece of software.?

You can build your list many different ways. You can
buy leads from reputable list building companies and
get them into your autoresponder. Most good list
building companies will have an option to send an
email to your autoresponder so you don't have to
manually input the lead's information.?

Another effective way of building your list is from
the traffic that visits your website. This step,
which is probably the most effective, does require
you to have a website in order to implement an opt-in
list form.? Of course if your Affiliate program does
offer a list management service then you can send
traffic to the affiliate URL, but I don't recommend
it as you will usually not be able to email the
entire list with special offers.?
To make the most of your opt-in form and get the most
signups, you should place it in your sales page text.
It should be strategically located in the sales text
after you present a problem. The title of your
autoresponder email series should address the problem
by offering a solution. In the example below we will
assume that I am selling a hosting package and I want
opt-in subscribers to my email course for back-end
Example: You can use the pre-built websites or build
your own. Many people think that building a website
is hard, but I can show you how easy it really is.
Take my 10 day email course "Build a Website with
Ease"[signup form here].??

The second strategy to make money online is driving

traffic to your website.
When I say traffic, I don't just mean any old
traffic, I mean targeted traffic, people who are
motivated and ready to buy can and will make you
money. You can use programs and techniques such as
Google Adwords, blogging, article writing and linking
to drive targeted traffic to your website.
GoogleAdwords is a resource offered by Google in
which you can payfor your site to be show when
certain keywords are queried in their searchengine.?
The secret to using Adwords is not to bid high on
popular keywords. Instead, what you do is find
similar keywords that still describe your website,
but are used much less frequent. These keywords will
cost much less to bid on and will allow you to spread
your money out over many different keywords, getting
the most bang for your buck. You can use this handy
little tool to find similar


Blogging is another great way to drive targeted

traffic to your website. To get the most out of this
technique the blog should be hosted on the same
website as the sales page witch links to your
affiliate program. Once its setup all you have to do
is fill your blog with good quality content.?
I recommend writing your own content which
specifically relates to your affiliate program and or
products. Once you have some content you will need to
submit your RSS feed to the as many blog search
engines as you can. This will put your blog out there
for other webmasters to use as content feeds on their
websites. ?
This win-win situation allows webmasters to have
quality content on their website, which increases the
value of that website while driving targeted traffic
directly to you.?
This is done by the URL link that you conveniently
placed under your name after the blog was written.
That means that your link is on a blog feed that is
on thousands of websites. Not only do people click
those links but Google sees these links pointing back
to you and thinks that you're popular and you are
rewarded with a higher page rank.?
Article writing is basically the same as bloging
except the information in an article will need to
have more useful content and be peppered with
keywords that the webmasters are looking for. After
completing your article you will submit (syndicate)
it to content sites as opposed to blog search

Content sites are places where webmasters go to find

specific content to offer their readers. If you are a
good writer you may at some point build up a name for
yourself and finagle a deal with a webmaster to write
exclusives for his site. His readers get great
exclusive content and you get highly motivated
targeted traffic.
Linking is perhaps the most widely used form of
increasing traffic and page rank. However, if done

incorrectly you could end up hurting your Google page
rank and ultimately loosing potential buyers. You
will need your own website for this technique as you
will need a 'links' page to place your reciprocal
links on.?

Many people go and submit their URL links to link

farms in an attempt to trick Google into giving them
a better page rank. This does NOT work; in fact
Google has been known to penalize websites for
engaging in these activities.?

The secret to linking is to find websites in your

niche market which have a Google page rank of 4 or
above and enticing the webmaster to list your link on
their website. You may think that you would be
helping your competition, well you would be. But your
competition would be helping you as well. It's better
to send leaving traffic to a partner than just having
them close their browser window, and remember that
works both ways. ???
The strategies listed in this article do work and
they will increase you sales and residuals it done
correctly. Reciprocal linking, Blogging and Article
writing are great ways to bring massive amounts of
high quality targeted traffic to your website. Those
strategies combined with an effective sales page with
an integrated opt-in email list can make your
business soar to new heights. You can and will make
money with this system, Guaranteed!

Chapter 8: 3 Affiliate Marketing Tools

The term affiliate marketing is used to describe an

advertising agreement between a website owner and a
merchant. If you have researched Internet home
business opportunities, you know that affiliate
marketing is one of the most simple and profitable
opportunities on the web. Most affiliate marketing
programs cost nothing to join, which means that there
is no financial risk involved for you.
For the most part, getting started is easy. There is
no previous sales experience required, and as

mentioned above, there is no charge to join most of
these programs. Most programs provide all of the
marketing materials you will ever need, including
site graphics and links. You also don't have to worry
about many of the other things that come with an
online retail business, such as inventory, order
processing, and shipping.
However, these programs, like any work at home
business, requires an organized plan of action if you
want to succeed. To assist you in developing a plan,
Web Business Tools has created a list of affiliate
marketing tools that are essential for every work at
home business.

Tool Number One

Your Own Website
When it comes to affiliate marketing, your website is
not only your most important tool; it is the key to
your success. In addition to being user-friendly,
your site should also be credible and professional
looking. If you are interested in using one of these
programs as an Internet home business opportunity,
you will want to begin by building a website that
will serve your needs. To come up with ideas, search
the web and see what others are doing. Assess these
other sites to determine what you like and what you
don't like. Make notes as you go and use them to
develop an original and unique website that can stand
out among the competition.
If you are unable to build your own website, there
are many different professional web development
companies who can. They may also be able to help you
develop optimized content that will be relevant to
your Internet home business opportunity. If you are
not interested in hiring someone, there are also
software programs that can be purchased which will
teach you all about website building and website

Tool Number Two


To be successful in affiliate marketing, you must

encourage people to click on links for the products
and services that you are promoting. To help build a
clientele, create an opt-in email list, newsletter,

or e-zine. If you really want to increase the profits
of your work at home business, offer incentives, such
as free software, services, etc., that will encourage
people to subscribe to your publications. As with any
Internet home business opportunity, promotion is the
difference between success and failure.
Tool Number 3
Affiliate marketing success depends heavily upon the
traffic that comes through your website. Your search
engine ranking typically determines your traffic
level, but another factor is link popularity.

To gain link popularity, you can submit your site's

link to other websites, free newsletters, etc. The
more times you submit, the more chances you have to
become a popular destination, which in turn, provides
you with more chances to make your Internet home
business opportunity a success.
Having your own work at home business can be a
satisfying experience. If you want to make the dream
come true, give affiliate marketing a try. By taking
time to learn more about affiliate marketing
programs, affiliate marketing tools, and other
Internet home business opportunities, you can develop
a successful work at home business.

Chapter 9: 3 Easy Ways To Get Started In Affiliate
Marketing Without A Website And Money

Have you noticed yet that more and more people around
the world want to work from home and make money
Have you ever wished you could just wake up whenever
you want, have a cup of coffee, turn on your
computer, work for a couple of hours online, and then
spend your time with your family and hobbies? Indeed,
working from home gives a lot of benefits, freedom
and income.
However, many people wrongfully think that making
good money online requires a website and huge
investment. Here's a fact: you can start making
hundreds of dollars per month within weeks with no
upfront fees and even without a website.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions
for selling other people's products or services
online. As you study every word of this article you
will become amazed at how easy it will be for you to
get started earning cash on the Internet because you
can join any affiliate network at no cost.

For example, you can join Clickbank:
In order to learn more about marketing Clickbank
products, make sure to read their website, FAQs and
information in your member's area.
Then go to Clickbank's "Marketplace" and browse the
categories that interest you. When you find a product
that interests you, visit it's pitch page and read
the sales letter. I even suggest you buying the
product that interests you. You'll understand why
this will increase your affiliate earnings by the
time you finish reading this article.
When you find a product that you would like to
promote, press on the "Create Hoplink", enter your
nickname that you have entered when joining Clickbank
and create your affiliate link (hoplink) which you
will be marketing on the Internet at no cost.
In order to make money online, you'll have to promote
your affiliate link by using any of the 3 methods
that don't require a website:
1) Forum posting
2) Article writing
3) Pay-per-click (PPC) search engine marketing

But before you can start using any of the above

methods, I must warn you that each of them requires
your time and work. If you think that it's easy
money, you'd better go watch TV or keep browsing the

But let me confess something: If you are like me, and

if you are ready to put some time and effort, in the
next few minutes you're going to learn how to

transform your life and start making cash on the
Internet by marketing affiliate programs.

Marketing your affiliate link via forums

One of the easiest ways for beginners to earn
affiliate commissions is to post comments in forums
related to the product that you have chosen to
Now follow my path. All you have to do is go to your
favorite search engine and find online forums related
to the theme of your product. Create an account at
each forum. Then go to update your profile and create
a signature with your Clickbank hoplink. You can do
that later after you have done some comment posting
and see how other marketers use their links in their
Then you should browse the topics where you can
provide useful tips and answers to the questions that
people ask. If you have bought the product that you
want to promote and you are happy with it, you should
tell others about it's benefits and how it helped
Consider this that it's not enough to post a couple
of comments and expect to earn thousands in
commission. You should select several forums that
interest you and keep visiting them and posting
comments for at least a month. Try not to sell your
product but help people. When you have posted
hundreds of comments, people will treat you as an
expert and the sales will start rolling in.
After you have spent some time posting comments to
forums, you should notice that some topics and
questions are asked again and again. If you already
know how to help people, you should start writing
articles and promote your affiliate links in them.
Affiliate marketing using article distribution
In order to get started you should visit some article
directories, for example: or

Find articles that deal with the topic of your
product and read them. Notice the "Author Bio"
section at the end of most articles? It's the place
where you'll market your affiliate link too.
But before you can start marketing, you should write
your article. It's really easy. Don't say that you
cannot write. If you can post comments in forums, you
can write articles!
Simply, think about helping people, about the
problems they try to solve in forums.
Now take a sheet of paper and start writing. The
articles don't have to be long. Just describe the
problem and how it should be solved.
Then register with some article directories, write
your "Author Bio" section with your hoplink and
submit your article.
For maximum results, try to write and submit at least
one article per day for at least one month. If
readers love your articles, they'll visit your link
and buy from you. Webmasters will publish your
articles on their websites and newsletters. At the
end of the month you should see some affiliate
commission in your Clickbank account.
Pay-per-click search engine marketing
When you have received your first checks from
Clickbank, you should consider promoting your product
using pay-per-click search engines. However, notice
that this method requires payment for each click and
may be quite complicated for beginners.
Some PPC search engines may even give you a sign-up
bonus of up to $200, so it's worth doing a research
online and signing up.
In order to increase your affiliate earnings, you
should also consider learning how to mask your
affiliate links and how to track which marketing
methods provide the most revenue.
You should also try to join other affiliate networks
and promote different products and services.

As you can see, you can start making money online
quickly, even if you don't have any money or website.
Don't give up too soon, find and read more
information about affiliate marketing and your
success is guaranteed!

Chapter 10: 3 Essential Tools for the High Rolling

Affiliate Marketer

Are you ready to discover the solutions you have been

searching for?
What does it need to become a prosperous Affiliate
Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate
marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to
Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play
about in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to
make it big in this area.
Though affiliate marketing is touted as one of the
easiest and uttermost effective ways to create money
online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise
affiliate marketer plans every move and executes it
the best way he can. He should also increase the
potential to succeed by utilizing the right tools
appropriate for a successful Affiliate Marketing
program. We have consulted several of the most
successful affiliate marketers in the area and lower
down are the top three essential tools for a thriving
affiliate marketing business.
Crucial Advice #1: Your Own Website

The greatest important and indispensable tool in

Affiliate Marketing is your own site. The chief step
in any thriving affiliate marketing business is
creating a good, believable and professional looking
website. Your website is the jump off point of all
your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first create
an -easy-to-use website, which will appeal to your
prospects and encourage them to click on the links to
the goods and services you are promoting and
hopefully create a purchase. Consequently, you must
first focus your efforts in building a site that can
cater to what your prospects need.The most important
thing you should consider is that almost all web

users go online to search for information, not
automatically to go and buy something.
Above all else, make your website full of original,
pertinent and practical content. People love
articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind
that, in the internet, content is always key and top
quality content will not just raise your credibility,
it can also help you fulfil a higher-level search
engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful
articles, you establish yourself as a credible
authority in the field, displaying you a trustworthy
endorser of the product or service you support.
Establishing a good reputation is a good move in
building up a loyal consumer base.

Crucial Advice #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely fierce in the internet
world. You should always be one-movement in advance
of your rivals to ensure that you capture a critical
share of your target market. Therefore, you must use
every conceivable means to inspire people not solely
to visit your website but also to click and proceed
to the websites of the opportunities and services you
are promoting. Creating an opt-in email list is one
of the better ways to gather prospects. Offer a
newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives
to your prospects to inspire them to subscribe to
your newsletters. You can present free softwares,
access to unique services and other freebies that
will be helpful to your prospects.
Important Advice #3: Url Popularity

The value of driving highly targeted traffic to your

website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-
important web traffic is at the top of the list of
the most crucial entities in the internet arena.
Attracting people to your site has to be the first
action you should carry out. Do everything to achieve
a top search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one
of the factors that search engines use to establish
search engine rankings. so, to elevate your link
popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal
link action.
One of the better ways to do this, at no cost at all,
is by submitting articles, with your site's web
address in the resource box, to e-zines and free

article sites. You may not only earn exposure, you
may also have the opportunity to advertise for no
cost, just include a link pointing to your site. The
more sites you send your articles to, the better your
link popularity is. Ensure your articles are unique,
pertinent and practical so that other websites may
pick it up and post it.
These are but three of the many tools that an
affiliate marketer can use to build up earning
potential. The possibilities are endless and are
restricted only by your vision, creativity,
resourcefulness and resolution. You can always
explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which
you believe might help you become a high rolling
affiliate marketer.

Chapter 11: 3 Simple Steps To Building An Affiliate

If you have your own product or service on the

Internet today then you will know that the way to
explode your profits is to have your very own,
successful affiliate program. The problem is that
most people do not have their program set up in the
right way resulting in low traffic counts and
therefore poor sales from their affiliates.

In this article I am going to outline some tricks and

strategies that anyone with their own affiliate
program should use in order to take their online
business to the next level.
Encourage People To Sign Up
This is where most people start to go wrong. They
set up an affiliate program, stick up a link that
says "click here to sign up" and leave it at that.
You need to sell your affiliate program. After all
there is an incredible amount of competition out
Have a mini sales letter that explains the benefits
to people signing up. Tell them their commissions
and how they can earn an income without having to
worry about creating a product or having a website
but from promoting your products instead.
Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Here's another big one. Site owners get people to
sign up their affiliate program and then just leave
them to it. It's like they're saying "thanks for
signing up, now go and make me some cash". That's
ridiculous. To start earning the big bucks, you need
to do all the hard work for your affiliates. If you
don't, somebody else will.

Provide your affiliate with email promotions,

articles, press releases, pay per click ads, banner
adverts and whatever else you can create that will
enable people to promote your site to the masses with
as little work as possible.

Here's the thing. You could write an article and
submit it to article directories all over the
Internet and do very well for yourself. However if
you just had one hundred affiliates blasting that
article all over the net you've just multiplied your
marketing power by one hundred. This is the key to
making massive mounts online.
If you can't write articles etc yourself hire someone
to do so from but do provide your
affiliates with marketing materials or your just
setting yourself up for having a very mediocre
Internet business
Have An Affiliate Only Newsletter
Here's a real cracker. Have an email list of only
your affiliates. Each week send out a mini blueprint
on how they can market your products and earn a
commission. Inform them of new products you've just
launched or new marketing materials you've just added
to your affiliates area.
Another great method you can use with this is to have
a weekly completion. Each week your affiliate who
earns the most gets an extra one hundred dollars or
whatever you can afford. Mention the winner in each
week's newsletter and say things like "who thinks
they can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top
affiliate? Come on guys I know I've got some great
marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and
I'll mention you in next weeks newsletter".

This is great. Psychologically you are motivating

your affiliates to promote your products like crazy
to get recognition as being your "top gun". Often ego
trips are just as motivating as money.
Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
In this article I've been taking about what you need
to do in order to earn a serious living online
through having your own affiliate program. Done
properly this could earn you more money than you
could ever have dreamed of. The methods in this
article outline what you need to do to in order to
overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate

You need to:
Persuade people to sign up
Make it easy for them to market

Motivate them to market fast and market hard.

Do these three things and you will be able to create
a massively successful affiliate program and you will
sell buckets of your products, and build a huge list
without any real hard work or costs.
Take my word on this; if you implement these simple
strategies today then you will see a marked
improvement in both your affiliate sign ups and your
affiliates marketing efforts. Go on. Give it a go!

Chapter 12: Top 3 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate

Commissions Overnight
The ideal world of affiliate marketing does not
require having your won website, dealing with
customers, refunds, product development and
maintenance. This is one of the easiest ways of
launching into an online business and earning more

Assuming you are already into an affiliate program,

what would be the next thing you would want to do?
Double, or even triple, your commissions, right? How
do you do that?
Here are some powerful tips on how to boost your
affiliate program commissions overnight.
1. Know the best program and products to promote.
Obviously, you would want to promote a program that
will enable you to achieve the greatest profits in
the shortest possible time.
There are several factors to consider in selecting
such a program. Choose the ones that have a generous
commission structure. Have products that fit in with
your target audience. And that has a solid track
record of paying their affiliate easily and on time.

If you cannot seem to increase your investments, dump
that program and keep looking for better ones.

There are thousands of affiliate programs online

which gives you the reason to be picky. You may want
to select the best to avoid losing your advertising
Write free reports or short ebooks to distribute from
your site. There is a great possibility that you are
competing with other affiliates that are promoting
the same program. If you start writing short report
related to the product you are promoting, you will be
able to distinguish yourself from the other
In the reports, provide some valuable information for
free. If possible, add some recommendations about the
products. With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers
will see that in you and they will be enticed to try
out what you are offering.
2. Collect and save the email addresses of those who
download your free ebooks. It is a known fact that
people do not make a purchase on the first
solicitation. You may want to send out your message
more than six times to make a sale.
This is the simple reason why you should collect the
contact information of those who downloaded your
reports and ebooks. You can make follow-ups on these
contacts to remind them to make a purchase from you.

Get the contact information of a prospect before

sending them to the vendor's website. Keep in mind
that you are providing free advertisement for the
product owners. You get paid only when you make a
sale. If you send prospects directly to the vendors,
chances are they would be lost to you forever.
But when you get their names, you can always send
other marketing messages to them to be able to earn
an ongoing commission instead of a one-time sale

Publish an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always

best to recommend a product to someone you know than
to sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind
publishing your own newsletter. This also allows you

to develop a relationship based on trust with your

This strategy is a delicate balance between providing

useful information with a sales pitch. If you
continue to write informative editorials you will be
able to build a sense of reciprocity in your readers
that may lead them to support you by buying your
3. Ask for higher than normal commission from
merchants. If you are already successful with a
particular promotion, you should try and approach the
merchant and negotiate a percentage commission for
your sales.
If the merchant is smart, he or she will likely grant
your request rather than lose a valuable asset in
you. Keep in mind that you are a zero-risk investment
to your merchant; so do not be shy about requesting
for addition in your commissions. Just try to be
reasonable about it.
Write strong pay Per Click ads. PPC search engine is
the most effective means of advertising online. As an
affiliate, you can make a small income just by
managing PPC campaigns such as Google AdWords and
Overture. Then you should try and monitor them to see
which ads are more effective and which ones to
dispose of.
Try out these strategies and see the difference it
can make to your commission checks in the shortest of

Chapter 13: 4 Essential Ways To Create Instant
Affiliate Commissions
One of the easiest ways of starting an online
business and earning quick profits is through
affiliate marketing. With no website to develop, no
product development to achieve, no refunds or
customer problems to deal with, this is by far the
most effective way of developing your online

If you already have your affiliate products and

you're working at making more sales, an increase in
commissions is the obvious goal of everyone. With
more and more products hitting the online market,
it's essential to follow some simple yet crucial
steps. So what are they?
If you want your affiliate program commissions to
take off, literally overnight, these are the steps
you need to seriously consider;
1. Do your research and check out the programs you're
thinking about promoting. It's pretty obvious that
you only want to promote a product that will give you
the maximum paycheck in the shortest possible time.
The main factors to consider when doing this are
obvious when you stop and think about them, but more
often than not, are not fully considered before
putting your time and money into making your product
Check the commission structure and make sure it pays
well. Also, try to find products that match your
target audience and are already paying well to other
affiliates. You soon know when a program isn't
meeting up to it's promises - that's the time to
reconsider its worth and move on to the next.
As you're probably going to be one of many affiliates
promoting the same product, especially if it's a good
one, establish your USP - or 'Unique Selling
Position'. Set yourself up as offering that little

something extra that makes you stand out above the
Write a short article to give away as an incentive to
potential buyers. This gives you both greater
credibility and extra drawing power.

Give information that's not only free, but useful.

When you do this, if what you give away for free is
good, people naturally expect a great deal more from
the bought product. Make recommendations about the
product within the report if you can, and try to give
just enough information to make people need the
actual product.
2. When giving away free reports or ebooks, save and
collect, at the very least, the name and email
addresses of all those who download your gift. It's
now widely known that very few people make a purchase
on their first introduction to a product.
This is where an autoresponder is invaluable as you
can create a whole series of follow up messages to
send to these prospects to entice them into buying
your product. Anywhere between 6 and 10 messages are
needed to finally clinch the sale, so automate this
process and capitalize on the free report.
Once you have these prospects details, they are yours
until the person unsubscribes. This means that you
can send them information in the months ahead about
other products you're promoting, long after they've
bought the original item.

If you develop an ezine, you are in a perfect

position to send more valuable, and occasional free,
information to these prospects who now value you as a
source of knowledge and useful recommendations. You
develop a relationship with them and they may stay
with you for years to come. They begin to trust you
and your recommendations and eventually, are likely
to buy from you again.

3. Never underestimate the power of negotiation. Be

prepared to haggle with a seller whose goods you wish
to promote. Remember that all merchants need
affiliates to market and sell their goods and will be
more inclined to change their payment structure than
potentially loose business if they see you as a good
source of income.

Be bold and you could find yourself receiving a
greater slice of the pie for all your advertising
efforts. Don't be greedy but be fair and you will be
respected for it.

4. Use effective advertising techniques. 'Pay Per

Click' will give you the most immediate results if
you do your research right. Naturally, Google's
Adwords and Overture are the places to start, being
leaders in the online PPC field. But, look around and
research the smaller players who offer cheaper rates
to a smaller audience. These include; ExcelSeek,
JumpFind, LookQuick to name just three.

Ezine Top Sponsor and Solo ads can also give you a
huge and quick return on your advertising buck with
your ad being received by a responsive audience of
your chosen market.
And as with any advertising campaigns - track your
results. If you don't know who's clicking what,
you'll never know which ads are working.
Use these techniques and you'll soon see an immediate
improvement in your affiliate sales. Build on your
successes and expansion and growth will follow.

Chapter 14: 4 Must Have Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Do you know what does it takes to become a successful
Affiliate Marketer? Could you tell me the essential
ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story?
Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All
these of these questions play around in the minds of
affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this
If you are anything like I was when I started out;
excited and all set to make my fortune as an
affiliate marketer and yet not knowing where to start
you may have to say what I said, "I don't have a
clue!" If you are new to affiliate marketing can I
tell you something? There are some essentials that

you must know or you will waste an incredible amount
of time and money.

Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the

easiest and most effective ways to earn money online,
it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate
marketer plans every action and executes it the best
way he can. He should also maximize the potential to
earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a
successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have
consulted some of the most successful affiliate
marketers in the business and below are the top three
necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in
Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first
step in any successful affiliate marketing business
is building a good, credible and professional looking
website. Your website is the jump off point of all
your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a
user-friendly website, which will appeal to your
prospects and encourage them to click on the links to
the products and service you are promoting and make a
purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your
efforts in building a website that will cater to what
your prospects need.
Important Tool #2: Quality Content
One of the most powerful tools for building quality
content for your website is writing relevant and
informative articles. Consider this, almost all web
users go online to look for information, not
necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else,
make your website full of original, relevant and
useful content. People will love articles that are
appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, on the
Internet, content is still king and good quality
content will not only build your credibility, it can
also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking.
By posting relevant and useful articles, you
establish yourself as a credible expert in the field,
making you a more-trustworthy endorser of the product
or service you promote. Establishing a good
reputation on the net is a good step in building

loyal customers and articles help establish

Important Tool #3: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the Internet world.
You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to
ensure that you capture a significant share of your
target market. Therefore, you must use every possible
means to encourage people not only to visit your site
but also to click and proceed to the websites of the
products and services you are promoting. Building an
opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather
prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better
yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage
them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can
present free software, access to exclusive services
and other freebies that will be helpful to your
Important Tool #4: Link Popularity
The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to
your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-
important web traffic is at the top of the list of
the most important success vehicles in the affiliate
marketing world. Attracting people to your site
should be the first step you should carry out. Do
what is necessary to achieve a high search engine
ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that
search engines use to determine search engine
rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity,
you must have an aggressive link building campaign.
One of the best ways to do this - at no cost at all -
is by submitting articles as mentioned above, with
your website's link in the resource box. Submit to
related e-zines and free article sites. You will not
only gain exposure, you will also have the
opportunity to advertise for free, just include a
link back to your site. The more sites you submit
your articles to, the better your link popularity is.
Make your articles original, relevant and useful so
that more websites will pick them up and post them.

These are but four of the many tools that an

affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning
potential. The possibilities are endless and are
limited only by your imagination, creativity,

resourcefulness and determination. You can always
explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which
you think might help you become an affiliate
marketing success.

Chapter 15: 5 Affiliate Mistakes to Avoid that will

Increase Your Sales

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make

money from home and affiliate programs provide anyone
with internet access a chance to make a living on the
internet. Affiliate programs are usually free or very
cheap to join, easy to get started and typically pay
commissions on a regular basis, so more and more
people are turning to them as a means to start a home
based business. However, there are a few mistakes
affiliate marketers tend to make that hurts their
business tremendously.
Avoiding some of these common mistakes made by
affiliate marketers should quickly and easily improve
your chances of making sales and increase your

affiliate commissions. Here are five of the top
mistakes made by affiliate marketers:

1) Not researching the affiliate program before your

start promoting it

It really is amazing just how many affiliates grab

the first affiliate program that comes there way or
signup simply because it has a high commission rate
or promote it just because every other marketer is
promoting it. If the program does not compliment the
overall theme of your site, you will find it
difficult to convince your visitors and subscribers
to purchase the product. Why would they want it if it
does not have anything to do with the area you are
2) Not using your signature file correctly
Many affiliates add a signature file to all of their
out-going email messages and forum posts but they do
not do it correctly. Twenty lines of text full of
affiliate links to a bunch of different products is
not considered a good signature file! In fact, it can
very easily be considered spam. Try keeping your
signature file under five lines with an attention
grabbing or intriguing first line and overdo it on
the links.
3) Not writing your own ad copy
There's nothing worse than seeing the exact same
advertisement all over the internet or in email
messages from ten different marketers. How much
perceived value will your message have when it
arrives and the reader is seeing it for the tenth
time? Take the time to tweak the ad to suit your
target audience and subscribers before sending it
out. Personalize it to make the ad your own so it
doesn't even seem like an advertisement anymore.
4) Not paying for your own domain name and hosting
Even novice internet users can tell a free hosted
site when they see one. It's very unprofessional and
suggests to your visitors that you haven't made any
money online and probably don't know what you're
doing. If you haven't even taken the small step

towards setting up your business properly then how
can your visitors trust you? Less than $10 a year for
a domain name at and maybe $5 per month
for a small hosting account won't break your bank
account. In fact, it will probably help to add to
your account in the long run.
5) Not capturing your leads before you send them on
to the affiliate product site
If you spend your time and money marketing to get
someone to click on one of your affiliate links then
they leave the product site without purchasing, what
have you gained? Nothing! You have just lost the time
and money it took to get that one click-through in
the first place. Set up a squeeze page so you can
capture your lead's email address before you send
them on to the product site. That way if they don't
buy you can follow up with them later and try again
(and again and again and again). This can be
Now that you know these five affiliate mistakes to
avoid you should be able to make more sales and
increase your affiliate commissions by a significant
amount. So get out there and become the super
affiliate marketer you always knew you could be!

Chapter 16: 5 Essential Qualities You Need for

Explosive Success in Affiliate Marketing
The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to
sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people
who like to put their destiny into their own hands.
Such are the kinds of people who are destined to
excel in a home based business such as Affiliate
Marketing. Even if they don't already possess the
five "must have" traits to become hugely successful
as affiliates, they're predisposed to being able to
acquire these traits more easily than the average
In general, there are two types of people. Those who
like to take charge, who want to lead and command,
and who are willing to take responsibility for their

actions. Then, there are those who are a little more
timid, and a lot more reluctant to blaze their own
path; they're happy following the crowd.
The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to
sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people
who like to put their destiny into their own hands.
Such are the kinds of people who are destined to
excel in a home based business such as Affiliate
Marketing. Even if they don't already possess the
five "must have" traits to become hugely successful
as affiliates, they're predisposed to being able to
acquire these traits more easily than the average

They have the desire to maneuver the ship themselves,

of being able to be the ones to take it anywhere they
want to. Being aboard a ship on its way to a
particularly great destination is something each and
every one of them dreams of, and the knowledge that
they have the power to steer it themselves is what
makes them actually want to do it.
Maybe this is the reason why more and more people are
turning to one of the most popular businesses around,
affiliate marketing. It's because in this business,
there are no bosses cracking their whip to order the
employees around.
There are no deadlines to meet and no piles of work
to be finished by day's end. In order to succeed in
this fantasy-like perfect business, you need only be
armed with the necessary tools.
Just what are the things needed to be able to
in affiliate marketing?
What kind of drive must you have within yourself to
able to do well in this industry?

There is a lot of competition in affiliate marketing,

and to be able to rise above the norm and get
propelled forward, you have to be equipped with just
the 'right stuff'.

There are five essential things you can't do without
if you want to achieve glory in this business. Let's
have a look at each of them in detail.

The very first quality you must possess is the desire

to learn, along with the willingness to be trained.

Treading through unfamiliar territory is scary stuff,

if you're lacking in what I like to simply call the
proper equipment. This is a combination of the right
mindset, the appropriate attitude, mixed with a pinch
of a strong work ethic.

As a beginner, you have to be willing to keep your

eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to
learn the tricks of the trade as you go along.
One of the best ways to do this is by frequenting
Forums that specialize in Affiliate Marketing,
reading others members' posts and asking questions
yourself. Devour everything that pertains to getting
ahead in this business; the equivalent of an MBA
degree is available to you in these Forums - and, at
just the right price. There's no substitute for this
kind of hands-on-learning.
The second quality one must possess is the
willingness to invest time and effort in growing your
business, even if direct results don't seem readily
apparent. Although weeks may pass by without good
news, it's important for anyone who has his/her foot
in the business to hold on and wait.
Resist throwing in the towel prematurely. This is the
core quality that will help keep you on course
despite any discouraging setbacks you may run into.
The third quality you must possess is an unblinking
determination. If you want to conquer the affiliate
marketing world, you must have the ability to push
yourself ahead. The ability to motivate yourself into
scaling greater and greater heights will determine
the kind of future you create.

Never knowing when to quit is an attribute that each
and every beginning Affiliate Marketer needs to have
in bunches. In fact, in any endeavor, this
persistence that screams to the world "No, I won't
budge!" is what distinguishes the winners from the
The fourth quality you must have is self-discipline.
If you teach yourself to work everyday with all the
energy your heart can muster, then you're closer to
achieving whatever goals your mind can conceive.

Once you start to slack off, the whole house of cards

you're building begins to shake just before it
crumbles. There's no room for 'goofing off' when
you're running a home based business.
The fifth and last quality you must possess is
optimism. Negative attitudes, whether your own or
someone else's, should never discourage an affiliate
marketer from pursuing his/herdreams in order to make
life better for himself, and for everyone else who
matters to him/her.
Your attitude toward the business should always be
proactive, because you have to realize that you're
the captain of your own ship and the master of your
The ingredients that lead to success in a business
such as affiliate marketing are diverse and manifold,
but the most important thing anyone needs to make it
big lies in yourself alone.

It's that very desire which burns in your heart

that's the fuel which will keep the engine going.

Affiliate marketing is all about putting your fate

into your own hands. The right attitude is the key to
being able to steer your ship into that part of the
ocean where serenity and smooth sailing can be found
at last.

Chapter 17: 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing An
Affiliate Program & 5 Tips To Choosing The Right
Affiliate Program

When people decide to join an affiliate program to

make extra money, or to have a full time job, they
often do so with illusions and no idea of how the
affiliate program actually works. Read the following
top 5 mistakes people make when it comes to choosing
an affiliate program and avoid these mistakes at all
costs. Then, you will be able to be more effective
and make more money for your time, so it is
definitely worthwhile to read these warnings and
avoid them.
#1 Don't Compete, Support

Too many affiliate programs compete against their
competitors which wastes money and puts affiliates
out of business. However, if you are part of an
affiliate program the more affiliates the better for
getting more information and more money. One of the
worst things to do is choose an affiliate program
that believes in competing against other affiliates.
Instead, choose an affiliate program that agrees with
supporting and growing other affiliates to have a
larger network and access to more affiliates.
#2 Little Reward
Another mistake people frequently make when choosing
affiliate programs is choosing a program that offers
little reward for the individual's hard work. Too
many affiliate programs pay too little and as a
result affiliates find it difficult to make the money
they should be making. Look for an affiliate program
that has a good pay rate for your work.
#3 Old Statistics, if Any
You want an affiliate program that offers good,
solid, real time statistics, not old statistics or
ones that are no longer valid. There are not many
affiliate programs out there that provide the kind of
statistics an affiliate manager needs, but do your
best to find an affiliate program that offers the
#4 No Support
Too often affiliates find themselves waiting days for
an answer to an e-mail and an important question for
their business. You want an affiliate program that
guarantees you support round the clock if possible or
at least within 24 hours. If not, keep looking for an
affiliate program that wants to help you help
#5 Fresh Ideas, Creative's
Many affiliate programs provide few ideas or
creative's to their affiliates and so thousands of
web pages end up with the same advertising. However,
affiliate programs would have a better success rate
if many different ads were made available so
affiliates could alternate ads and place different
ads on different sites, depending on the products

Commit these five mistakes to memory so you know
exactly what you are looking for in an affiliate
program, as well as what to avoid. You will be much
more successful and happier as well if you do not get
caught in these traps!
5 Tips To Choosing The Right Affiliate Program
Affiliate programs can be a great way to make money
online. You don't have to spend time developing your
own product, worry about taking orders, or take care
of customer service.

If you already have a high traffic website or run an

e-zine you can stand to earn a steady flow of
commissions every month without a lot of extra work
on your part.
To help you get started promoting affiliate programs,
I've provided the following 5 tips to help you choose
the affiliate programs that are right for you.
1. Choose affiliate programs that match the content
of your site. If your site targets a niche market
than choose affiliate programs that offer products to
that niche market.
2. Choose affiliate programs that pay a high
commission. For example 30%-50% on your direct sales.
3. Join affiliate programs that pay two-tier
commissions. This enables you to not only earn
commissions on your own sales but also on the sales
of people who you introduce to your affiliate
4. Join affiliate programs that offer a line of
products so that you can earn commissions when your
referrals come back and purchase other services or
5. Join affiliate programs that offer their
affiliates great marketing support. Many affiliate
programs offer their affiliates pre-written ads to
use or get ideas from, sales letters, marketing
courses, and articles to use in promoting their
Remember, the best affiliate programs will see their
affiliate program as a partnership with you and

combine high commissions with excellent support so
that you can start earning money
promoting their products as quickly as possible.

Chapter 18: 5 Simple Ways To Promote Your Affiliate

Programs - Without Spending A Fortune On Advertising!

So, you want to make money online, but you're having

trouble getting visitors to your website? If so,
you're not alone. Many people think that running an
online busy is easy - just build a website, and in no
time you'll be making money.
Well, running an online business is no different than
running any business - you need to find ways to reach
people who want and need (and are willing to pay for)
your product or service.
Affiliate marketing (selling other people's products)
is a great way to make money online.
Yet, it is still a business, and the same rules apply
to affiliate marketing - you need to find people who
need what you are selling.
The best way to be a successful affiliate is to
create your own website, provide information to get
people ready to buy, and then encourage them visit
the programs you are representing.
How do you do this, without spending a fortune on
1) Learn how to get free traffic from search engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means getting the

search engines (like Google and Yahoo) to place your
website at the top of the rankings. Getting "free
advertising" from the search engines is great.
However, it is not easy, and it does take some time.
The key is make your site the best possible site for
your theme - tricks and scams may provide you with an
instant "boost" but this rarely lasts (and sometimes
even gets you banned permanently!) Over the past few
years, I've made lots of money by having high

rankings - and I've lost money when my rankings have
fallen. It's part of the process, so you shouldn't
count only on free traffic from the search engines.
2) Create your own newsletter

By creating your own newsletter, you can contact each

person who signs up more than once, increasing your
chance for a sale. Don't have any ideas for a
newsletter? How about a free course. Or monthly tips
about the topic of your website. Sign up for a few
newsletters in your industry to get an idea of how
other websites maintain this important relationship
with their current - and future - customers!

3) Write articles
Writing articles provides you with several benefits
at the same time - by writing an article you are
positioning yourself as an expert; when your article
is published, you get a link back to your site (which
helps SEO; you can promote your newsletter so you can
contact readers more than once. You don't need to
have your article published in USA Today to get these
benefits. In fact, getting your articles listed in an
article directory (such as, can
help you get listed in more specialized websites,
newsletters, and magazines, helping you reach the
right people!
4) Place newsletter, magazine, & newspaper ads
When spending money on ads, especially for the first
time, start out small. It's very easy to spend a ton
of money, without getting any responses (a tough
lesson many advertisers learn the hard way!) Email
newsletters or ezines are a great way to start (start
with the ones in your industry that you subscribed to
in order to get ideas for your newsletter above).
Make sure you offer something valuable - like your
newsletter - to get as many people to respond as
5) Watch out for scams!

Buying 10,000 visitors for only $29.95. Submitting

your website to 150 search engines for $19.99.
Getting your site listed #1 on all the search engines
for just $50. Most of these sound very tempting,

especially when you are just starting out.
Unfortunately, most of these are great ways to drain
your bank account very quickly - and make other
people rich.
So learn from the real experts how to build your
online business: sign up for newsletters
( is a great resource), read the
forums ( and,
read articles (
Yes, you can make money online. So, get started, keep
learning and trying, and don't ever give up!

Chapter 19: 5 Things You Must Have To Succeed In
Affiliate Marketing

The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to

sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people
who like to put their destiny into their own hands.
They have the desire of maneuvering the ships
themselves, of being able to be the ones to take it
anywhere they want to. Being aboard a ship on its way
to a particularly great destination is something each
and every one of them dreams of, and the knowledge
that they have the capacity to steer it themselves is
what makes them actually want to.

Perhaps this is the reason why more and more people

are succumbing to one of the most popular businesses
around - affiliate marketing. It is because in this
business, there are no bosses to order the employees
around. There are no deadlines to meet and no clutter
of work do to. One only needs to be equipped with the
tools needed to succeed in a business such as this,
and he is bound to get what his heart ultimately
Just what are the things needed to be able to succeed
in affiliate marketing? What must one have within
himself to be able to do well in this industry? There
is a lot of competition involved in affiliate
marketing, and to be able to rise above the norm, one
must be equipped with just the right stuff necessary
to propel him forward. There are five things one must
ultimately possess if he wants to achieve the glory
he is yearning for in this business, and these five
things are a must for him to possess to be able to
stand out among the rest.
The very first quality one must possess if he wants
to try his hand in affiliate marketing is the
willingness to learn and be trained. Treading through
unfamiliar territory is scary stuff if one is not
properly equipped, and he might get lost amidst a
jungle of the unknown. Learning the tricks of the
trade is also an important aspect of the game, and
one's willingness to know it all will give him far
better advantages in the business than he could ever

The second quality one must possess is the
willingness to invest time and effort even if direct
results do not seem at all apparent. Although several
months may pass without good news, it is important
for one who has his foot in the industry to hold on
and wait. It is this quality which would save him
from giving up after investing a lot of himself in
the business.

The third quality one must possess is self-

determination. If one wants to conquer the affiliate
marketing world, he must have the ability to push
himself ahead. Never having to say die is a quality
each and every affiliate marketer should possess, and
the ability to motivate oneself into scaling greater
heights is an ability which would actually take an
affiliate marketer there.
The fourth quality one must possess is discipline. If
one knows how to teach himself to work everyday with
all the energy he can muster, then he is close to
achieving what he has set his heart to having in the
first place.
The fifth and last quality one must possess is
optimism. Negative attitudes and hearsays should not
discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing what
he has to in order to make life better for himself
and for everyone concerned. Neither should anyone
influence his attitude toward the business, because
once in it, it is a must for him to be the captain of
his ship and the master of his soul.

The ingredients to success in a business such as

affiliate marketing are diverse and manifold, but the
most important thing one needs to be able to make it
big lies in himself alone. It is he who has the
capacity to do everything to be able to realize his
prospects, and the desire which fuels his heart in
doing so is the gasoline which should keep the engine

Affiliate marketing is all about putting one's fate

into his own hands. The right attitude is the key to
being able to steer one's ship into that part of the
ocean where a certain kind of serenity can be found,
one that permeates the atmosphere as the ship sails
calmly on.

Chapter 20: 5 Tips For Affiliates Programs Newbies.
Affiliate program is the starting place for a big
majority of home entrepreneurs and beginners in
Internet Marketing, because of the small amount of
work involved. There is some elements that you must
absolutely look for before you start promoting an
affiliate product...

Tip #1. Promote a unique product to get better

Promoting a product which is already being sold by
hundreds or affiliates will not give you the same
results as if you have a unique proposition. A
different product that only some affiliates
distribute. That kind of program is a little bit
difficult to find because it is not in the interest
of the merchant to do so in the short term.
Tip #2. Powerful and effective affiliates tools.
When you are ready to promote, you may be lost if you
are new to affiliates marketing. Actually, most of
the beginners take months to make their first sale,
because the merchant doesn't help them in their hard
work. So be sure to find a powerful and clear
affiliates resource section. That will skyrocket your
chances of success. Also, a good communication with
the merchant is hard to find, but it is a must.
Try to find these resources, or some of them.
Tip #3. Example of effective resources:
* Brandable ebooks to give away or sell at a little
price with your own affiliate ID links to generate
leads... and sales.
* Sales letters provided.
* Templates of the emails to send to your list(s),
pre-writen email or even better.
* Free promotional tips provided, to make money
without spending thousands in the beginning (a must
for beginners)

* Advices and tips for paid promotional techniques
(don't loose all your money in something that don't
bring results).
* Redirect links through your own website. For
* Banners
Tip #4. Good Tracking software.

It is a very important part. You must be able to

monitor almost everything in your resources section:
you must be able to track your sales, how many
visitors came to your site and to the merchant site,
by which page they enter to the merchant site(here is
the importance of the redirect links).
You must be able to view your payment history, and
also how many people signed up underneath you if it
is a two tiers affiliate program.
Tip #5. Cookies plus IP addresses.
Today, it is a common practice by Internet users to
clear their cookies daily or weekly. So if you spend
money on PPC or any other paid advertising to get a
customer, you do not want to see another affiliate
get the commission you should have received. So try
to choose an affiliate program with a tracking
software which take also the IP address of your
future customer. By the way, recurring commissions
are a must.
Last but not least, try to find associate programs
with generous compensation plan, and give a
preference to the two tiers affiliates programs
because you will be paid on two levels. Good
promotion, and enjoy your affiliate life.

Chapter 21: 6 Costly Mistakes Affiliate Marketers
Make In Their Career

It's always one of those "I can't believe its true"

moments for new affiliates once they discover the
world of affiliate marketing. When they realise you
don't have to worry about product development or
shipping. They immediately jump on board, forgetting
to perform their due diligence on the company they
are joining. Then soon afterwards they expect to
start making money within weeks of starting, but
reality always strikes. They are yet to be
millionaires. Here are some mistakes and tips on how
to avoid them.

1, Lack Of Patience: Patience is a Virtue like they

say. It took years for MacDonald's to be a
successful; it took years for Microsoft and other big
companies to take off to success. Infact most
business takes up to 5years to start seeing profit.
Treating your affiliate business as a real business
is important. Super affiliates that earn $20,000 a
month took years to get to that point. Research a
program before signing up. Commit to stick it out. If
they offer guides and training take advantage of it.

Update and maintain your site with fresh contents.
Don't jump ship when the going gets tough.

2, To Many Programs: Avoid the temptation to

subscribe to too many programs. When the going gets
tough, its easy to think the grass is greener the
other side. The problem about subscribing to too
many programs at the same time is that you'll fail to
give them the attention and focus they deserve to
make you money. I recommend two or three programs at
the same time to enable you turn your hard work into

3, Wrong Choice Of Program: When it comes to choosing

affiliate programs, choose the ones that have a
generous commission structure, and that pay their
affiliates easily and on time. Have affiliate
products that fit in with your target audience.
Choosing programs that offers products that might not
interest people means no commission or money for you.
If you join a program that offers products that are
"hot" you will be competing with thousands of others
who are promoting the same product. Choose a niche
you KNOW information about! Check the profitability
of that niche.

4, Generalized Marketing: Focus on Niche Marketing:

Focus on a tiny niche, the tinier and narrower that
niche is, the better. Try improving on a single key
aspect of your business at a time. Putting your
efforts in one of two ways will help you achieve your
affiliate program goals. Try getting people to join
your list. Then keep in touch with them by sending
out valuable info.

5, Organic Traffic Only: Another mistake most

affiliates makes is the idea of generating only

organic traffic. This form of traffic that is
naturally generated by a website, is a myth. There is
no such thing! Organic traffic is the one that is
created by the website naturally. This concept is
nothing but a fairy tale story and this is not a

6, Link Exposure: Hiding your affiliate link on your

website is crucial nowadays. Most affiliate marketers
still make the mistake of making there links visible.
The truth is that internet users have become more
sophisticated and the honest truth is that most web
users won't click on an affiliate link or anything
that looks like it. You've got to learn how to hide
your affiliate links to ensure click through's. Also,
stories of people's affiliate links being changed to
divert traffic has happened and is still happening.

There are many big mistakes made by affiliates that

can be easily avoided, but these are just a few of
them. However making mistakes in business are
inevitable and important. I recommend failing and
making mistakes fast and early in your business than
learning from them. This would move you forward
towards success.

Chapter 22: 6 Essential Tactics To Maximizing Your

Affiliate Profits!

#1 - Build your own Website:

You need to build your own website to promote the

products. Make sure it has its own paid for domain
name (, not a f...

affiliate, internet marketing, work at home, work
from home, internet scams

Article Body:
Here are six essential practices to maximizing your
income as an Affiliate Marketer!
If you are like most new affiliate marketers, you
have signed up as an affiliate and posted links and
are actively promoting products but you are making
few sales. Here are things that you can do to start
making real profits:
#1 - Build your own Website:

You need to build your own website to promote the

products. Make sure it has its own paid for domain
name (, not a free site like
( If you have been using
free hosting, people looking at your site will not
take your business seriously. If you don't know how
to build a website there are many services that offer
simple website building programs for a small fee or
you can hire someone build a site for you. Check out where website designers will bid for the
opportunity to build a site for you!
#2 - Write reviews of the products you are promoting:
You need to know the products you are promoting! It
is crucial that you purchase all the products you are
promoting so that you can write honest reviews about
them. Let potential customers know that you are using
these products and why they are worth buying! You
then need to post these reviews on your website, in
your newsletters and in articles.
#3 - Get yourself a Blog:

I recommend that you get a Blog and link it to your

website. This will allow you to create discussions on
the blog about the products you are selling and list
any updates to your regular website. Blogs that are
updated and posted to regularly (I recommend every
other day) are indexed quicker by the search engines
than are new websites, and after the blog is indexed,
the pages you have linked to the blog will also get
indexed. This is a very powerful way to get your site
indexed and to get more links to your website. I
recommend posting link to your website at the end of
each post you make to your blog. This will give you
even more links to your site

#4 - Write Articles:

One of the best ways to become an expert on your

product is to write articles on the Internet and
include a link to your website in the resource box.
There are many places to submit articles and the more
you write the more exposure to your website; more
click thorough of your affiliate links and purchases
of the products you are promoting which will in turn
make you more money.

#5 - Join forums on the internet related to your


Go to google and search; forums (your affiliate

products), Join the forums you find After you join
the forums make sure you use your signature in your
posts and threads .You then need to have your website
links in your signature line. Make sure you post
regularly! It is important to post relevant and
useful information in the forums. You will find an
incredible amount of free, useful information in the
forums. They are an indispensable resource. I highly
recommend this tactic! Signature links are also
indexed by the search engines and will provide you
more links to your site thus increasing your ranking
in the search engines and driving more traffic to
your site!
#6 - Use text links not banners or buttons:
Due to the enormous use of pop-ups and flashy banners
that we see each time we visit a website, It's much
more professional looking and effective to have a
text link with a few lines about the products you are
promoting. Stay away from banners and pop ups, Most
web surfers are sick of pop ups and have pop up
blockers built into their browsers
Utilizing all of the above mentioned tactics will
help your affiliate commissions grow

Chapter 23: 6 Keys To Affiliate Marketing Success

Affiliate marketing can be a highly profitable online

business however most new affiliates fail to make any
significant income. This is largely due to
inexperience, a lack of focus and the mistaken belief
that the web traffic and money will somehow magically
appear. As with any business affiliate marketing
requires both hard work and knowledge before you will
see profits.

Here are 6 tips to get your affiliate business headed
in the right direction:

1. High Converting Product to Promote

Firstly do keyword research to ensure there is a
demand for the product without too much competition.
If there is it will be hard for you to get a slice of
the market to profit from. If there is too much
competition then it is better to move on to another
affiliate product until you find one that has a high
enough demand with less competition. It is an
essential first step to identify a good niche market
and matching product before investing any time or
money in promotions.

2. Focus on One Product

One of the main reasons that many people fail when
starting out affiliate marketing online is lack of
focus as they follow the latest get rich quick
offering from the gurus only to change to the next
one after a short time. To succeed in online
marketing of any kind it is vital to follow a plan
and maintain focus on the tasks involved in that
3. Set Yourself Apart
A good way to compete in any market against other
affiliates is to be unique by offering some type of
bonus that is relevant to the product. You may like
to do some research and write a report that gives
some added value or valuable tips that will help the
purchaser do more with the product or increase their
knowledge of the subject matter even more. Then all
you need to do is write a review of the affiliate
product discussing the things you like about it and
the benefits that the customer will get when they
purchase it and add your affiliate link for customers
to purchase and a short paragraph telling the
customer that if they purchase via your link they
will get your bonus simply by emailing their receipt
number to you.

4. Create a Squeeze Page

A good strategy is to have a squeeze page or opt-in
page to collect the email addresses of your prospects
before sending them to your affiliate page. By doing
this you can have a series of messages scheduled in
an autoresponder to follow-up with the prospective
customer giving you more chances of making a sale.

Most good affiliate products will have a series of
emails already written for you to use making this an
easy method to add to your promotions. To encourage
potential customers to opt-in to your list you simply
need to offer your bonus report free when they sign-
5. Drive Targeted Traffic
Driving traffic to your affiliate page is perhaps the
most difficult and important part of the affiliate
marketing puzzle. It is also what usually brings most
would-be affiliates undone as most fail to follow a
plan of action and persist long enough to see
results. It is also a good idea to combine a number
of traffic strategies which will combine to become
effective as a whole.
6. Copy Successful Affiliate Marketers
One of the best strategies when starting out online
is to copy one of the successful affiliate marketers.
As in any business those that are successful have
done the testing and uncovered what works and what
doesn't so copying their marketing strategies will
drastically speed up the results of your marketing
Using the above tips and focusing on promoting one
product at a time will greatly improve your chances
of becoming a successful affiliate marketer where
most new affiliates fail and go back to their day
jobs. Attention to detail, hard work, and following a
plan are the keys to success in any business and
affiliate marketing is no exception.

Chapter 24: 7 Rules To Live By When Choosing An

Affiliate Program Or Work at Home Business

So you've decided to become financially independent!

You've chosen to work at home. Congratulations! I'm
sure this is a decision that can turn your life
around and lead you to financial freedom.
But that is going to happen only if you're careful
enough to let it happen! There are a few things you
should really look out for when deciding to work at

When you set out to give the work at home business
thing a try, you'll find out that this was just the
easy part! The hard part is to discover which one is
right for you.
With all these so called "opportunities" that flood
the internet, you should be very careful in choosing
a work at home business. To help you, I have put
together a few simple rules :

Rule #1 : Try to avoid "get rich quick deals"

Now that's a golden rule! Usually, when something
sounds too good to be true then it probably is!
Oh, I know these sound appealing and of course you
would like to get paid for doing nothing (so would
the rest of us!). But don't you think that if these
people had the magic solution to making big money
they would use it instead of trying to sell it to you
for whatever price?
It's sad to know that so many people end up feeling
frustrated when they realize that they have wasted
their time and hard earned money. There are no magic
tricks! Commitment and hard work instead, can make
you rich.

Rule #2 : Find a program that you really like and can

work with

Another rule that's essential! Say that you come

across a program that requires you to sell life
insurance. You hate insurance people, you think
they're full of hype.
So what, the compensation plan looks great! What
would you do? Would you join the program? Could you
picture yourself selling life insurance even if you
hate the very idea?
The answer is that you're never going to make any
money doing something you don't like!

The point I am trying to make here is, that you

should go on and find out everything there is to know
about the program you are interested in. Just spend
some time doing an essential reading through the

available material (company website, related articles

Try to get an overview of how the system works and if

you need more information or if you get confused , go
ahead and ask the person who referred you to the
program for help. Doing your homework always pays

Rule #3 : Make sure you know exactly what you're

getting for your money
There are just too many companies out there that
present you with sales letters as long as a book but
not even a hint as to what you are actually getting
in return!
If the product they're selling is that good and is
going to make you so much money, why hide it? Why
only mention it in the last few paragraphs?
Ok, I know, it's the way sales are closed. Still, you
would like to know exactly what you're buying. It
could save you a lot of grief!

Rule #4 : Perform a background check on the company

The longer it has been around, the better. This way
you know that you're dealing with an established
company that will not go bankrupt 4 months after you
It has been known for people to lose their online
businesses and commissions owed to them for this very
reason. Choosing a quality company is essential but
can prove critical to the survival of your work at
home business.

Rule #5 : Make sure you're going to get all the help

that you need
It's just typical for someone to join a program, pay
his membership fee or buy a product and then be left
in the dark, not sure what on earth to do next!

Again, I'm repeating myself here but this is
important, try to get an overview of how the system
works, who your upline people are and how they can
help you.
If you need more information or if you get confused,
go ahead and ask the person who referred you to the
program for help. In this way not only will you get
an idea of how the program is structured but you
would also be testing your referrer to see if he/she
will respond promptly to your need for help.
But first, you have to have an idea of how the
program works.

Rule #6 : Check out the compensation plan

Ok, so you've joined a program which ,hopefully, is
going to make you rich. Do you know how this is going
to happen?
It's not necessary that you know every detail about
the compensation plan from the first day that you
join. But still, wouldn't you like to know if you're
getting 5% or 60% commission on an average sale?
After all, it takes the same amount of effort to
generate a sale. Wouldn't you like to be paid more?

Rule #7 : Do not spend much at the beginning

A legitimate work at home business should be able to
operate at a minimum/low cost. You should not have to
invest a lot of money in any home business. At least
not in the beginning.

When you do decide to invest some money into your own

home business, this should be your own decision, not
someone else's and must arise from your understanding
that a business is what you make it.

There are more rules that I can add to these and make
a really long list but this is not my goal. My goal
is to provide a clear path, a few steps that should
be easy to follow through the minefield of schemes
and "get-rich-quick" deals to a company you can
really trust.

Using your own common sense is as important as having
these rules in mind when looking for an opportunity
or a work at home business.
Your decision to join a program should be the result
of considering facts and should not in any case come
from mere curiosity. Keep in mind that there are very
few true work at home opportunities out there and you
have to find the one that's perfect for you!

Chapter 25: 7 Surefire Steps To Succeed In Affiliate


Affiliate marketing is by far the easiest and fastest

way to make money from the Internet. If done

properly, it might even bring you huge fortune over a
short period of time.

For anyone who is keen to participate, or just

started in the affiliate marketing industry, here are
a 7-steps system to help you get started and receive
your affiliate commission in as little as 7 days.
Step #1: Finding A Profitable Affiliate Niche Market
This is the most important steps that you need to do.
The trick to locate a profitable niche market is
easy. First, compile a list of topics from your
interests, hobbies or the problems that you are
trying to solve. Next, use existing Internet
resources such as the search engine, directories,
forums, discussion groups to identify the public's
level of interest for each topic. Lastly, use keyword
research tool such as Wordtracker to determine the
profitability of the topic. A profitable affiliate
niche market should have a high level of interest
from the public with a good range of affiliate
products already exist in the market.
Step #2: Setting Up Your Affiliate Website
The next step is to set up a website to build your
mailing list and market your affiliate link. This can
be a product review site, informative content site or
just a one-page website with a redirect to the
affiliate site. Whatever you do, do not forget to
include an opt-in form to capture leads and build
your mailing list. This list will bring you income
over and over again in the future.
Step #3: Building Relationship With Your Leads
This can be achieved by setting up an autoresponder.
Write content rich email message and set it up in
your autoresponder system. The purpose here is to
automate the whole follow up system and at the same
time educate and build relationship with your leads.
Step #4: Final Checking Your Website Before Launching

The purpose of this step is to make sure that

everything runs smoothly. Test drive your website to
make sure all links are working, check for spelling
and grammar mistakes, image layout, browser

compatibility, check all your autoresponder messages
etc. The last thing that you want to do is to scare
your visitors off with bad website design and tons of
broken links.
Step #5: Generating Traffic To Your Website
There are various strategies you can use to drive
traffic to your website. The most common ones are
pay-per-click advertising, article writing, forums
posting, joint venture.

Step #6: Back End Affiliate Marketing

This is a crucial part to generate extra revenue.
Make use of opportunities to market more affiliate
products. Checkout page, thank you page and error404
page are good places for you to do back end affiliate
Step #7: Duplicating And Leveraging
The last step is to duplicate your current success
and apply it to another affiliate product. Once you
have automated the process from step 1 to 6, this
last step will become much easier.

Chapter 26: 10 Essential Steps You Need To Take To

Succeed With any Affiliate Program

After you have joined an affiliate program, there are

several crucial steps you will need to take in order
to succeed. Without taking the steps outline below,
your chances of succeeding will be limited. By simply
following these guidelines, you will be able to
increase your affiliate commissions and earn some
money you can live on.
A lot of people fail with affiliate programs because
they do not have the necessary affiliate program

Generally, the best way of succeeding with affiliate

programs in to choose a niche; create a useful and
content-rich and keyword-rich website on the specific

topic of your niche, and add in your affiliate links
and AdSense ads.

So what is the critical affiliate program information

you will need to know, and the steps you need to take
for you to succeed with your affiliate program?
1. Set your objective of how much you want to earn.
You will need a goal to work towards. How much do you
want to earn per month? It also helps to visualize
what you want to achieve with this goal. Pay off your
car? A holiday? You must start with an achievable
amount, and gradually increase this amount.
2. Find a niche that suits you and your interests.
Your business is a long term commitment, thus you
will need to get involved with an affiliate program
in a niche that interests you. The internet is full
of affiliate program information; make an effort to
do your research and find the best niche to suit your
3. Select a lucrative niche. You will need to have
affiliate program information about how profitable
any opportunity you are interested in will do. Your
goal is to make money, and you need to establish how
profitable your business will be. The internet has
information about profitable niches, and you will
need to know these before you decide the best
opportunity for you.
4. Another critical affiliate program information you
will need to have is the reputation of the affiliate
merchant. You need programs with good reputation and
high quality products or services that will be easy
to sell.
5. Create a useful, motivating, content-rich and
keyword-rich website which search engines will pick.
Offer some free tips and tools on your site; make
your visitors want to come back to your site. This is
very critical because more visitors to your site mean
more sales and more money for you.
6. Place AdSense on your site. If you have a website
with a lot of visitors, you can easily earn some
money from AdSense.

7. Get Links. This is very important affiliate
program information you will need to always remember.
Linking to other sites will help improve the ranking
of your site. One way links are more important that
reciprocal links.

8. List your website in major and niche directories.

9. Write and distribute articles. This strategy
extremely essential; and it is a cost effective way
to market your affiliate program.

10. Be Patient! It normally takes a few months of

consistent effort before you can start to see any
benefits. Do not be discouraged, do not give up. Your
efforts will start to show after about three months
as search engines will start to send traffic to your
Outlined above is crucial affiliate program
information you will need to know if you want to
succeed and make some money as an affiliate. By
simply following the recommendation above, you will
see your affiliate growing gradually.
A lot of people fail because they do not have the
important affiliate program information they need and
the guidelines on how to succeed. As a result, they
do not know how to earn any money or increase their
affiliate checks. These steps can help you increase
your earnings.

Final Chapter: Affiliate Marketing In Perspective

What is affiliate marketing on the internet? It is a

derivative of internet marketing where one is paid
for every customer or sales provided by him.
Affiliate marketing is a basic element in most of
internet marketing strategies.
Affiliate marketing involves the use of affiliate
management companies, in-house affiliate managers,
and third party vendors, who use e-mail Marketing,
Search Engine Marketing and RRS Capturing and Display
Advertising, to ensure the success of the product.
Web traffic, being critical to online marketing, can

be traced with the help of a third party or own
affiliate programs. Yes, this process requires a lot
of effort. When it first started, this method
involved a lot of spamming, false advertising,
trademark infringement, etc. With the invention of
complex algorithms and enhanced security that make it
safer for doing business online, affiliate marketing
became more popular as it offered more opportunities.
However, at the same time, affiliate marketing has
also increased the competition in marketing.
Such pressure led to the introduction of out-sourced
programs. These services are offered by companies
with expert affiliate and network program managers,
who have various affiliate program management
techniques. In addition, these affiliate networks
also have association with publishers to help them on
the advertising aspect.
When was affiliate marketing started? It was started
by that had websites related at music. A
list of music albums can be found on the website. One
is paid if he put those links in his website and a
visitor bought an album through his site. Shortly, a
woman approached Amazon with a similar marketing
strategy. The woman would sell Amazon's books on her
website and she would be paid a certain percentage in
return if she sold Amazon's books through her site.
This triggered the Amazon's associate program.
Affiliate network started to gain popularity and has
since been adopted by different businesses, such as
travel, education, telecom, retail and subscription
sites, just to name a few.
The compensation methods vary from one affiliate
program to another. Amongst the methods, we have the
Cost per Sale (CPS), Cost per action (CPA), Cost per
mile (CPM) and Cost per click (CPC). The CPS and CPA
are most commonly used today. In CPM and CPC, the
advertiser may not capture the target audience as a
click would be enough to generate commission. On the
other hand, for CPS and CPA, the visitor has to click
the link and buy something or sign up for some
services, which proves that he is among the target
audience, before the affiliate is being paid. What is
important here is to send as much targeted traffic as
possible to the advertiser in order to increase his
returns. Therefore, affiliate marketing is also known

as performance marketing because the success of the
product really depends on the performance of the
affiliate. Is there a difference between an affiliate
team and a sales team? Yes, from the nature of the
job! It is the job of an affiliate team to generate
traffic, and it is the job of the sales team to
follow on from there, to influence the visitor to buy
the product.

Affiliate marketing is very effective and many

businesses have shared and attributed their successes
to this method of marketing.


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