Diabetes Embarazo

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Imaging Review of Obstetric Sequelae

of Maternal Diabetes Mellitus

Hassan Aboughalia, MBBCh

Priya Pathak, MD Diabetes mellitus, whether preexisting or gestational, poses signifi-
Deepashri Basavalingu, MD cant risk to both the mother and the developing fetus. A myriad
Teresa Chapman, MD, MA of potential fetal complications in the setting of diabetic pregnan-
Margarita V. Revzin, MD, MS cies include, among others, congenital anomalies, delayed fetal
Laura E. Sienas, MD lung maturity, macrosomia, and increased perinatal morbidity and
Gail H. Deutsch, MD mortality. Congenital anomalies most commonly involve the ner-
Douglas S. Katz, MD vous, cardiovascular, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal systems.
Mariam Moshiri, MD Delayed fetal lung maturity, probably secondary to hyperglycemia
suppressing surfactant secretion, is a major determinant of peri-
Abbreviations: ACOG = American College of natal morbidity and mortality. Besides the potential complications
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, DM = diabe-
tes mellitus, EFW = estimated fetal body weight, encountered during cesarean delivery in macrosomic fetuses,
FGR = fetal growth restriction, GA = gestational vaginal delivery is also associated with increased risks of shoulder
age, GDM = gestational DM, HbA1c = hemo-
globin A1c, HELLP = hemolysis, elevated liver
dystocia, clavicular and humeral fractures, and brachial plexus
function, and low platelets, MFM = maternal palsy. Maternal complications are related to the increased risk of
fetal medicine, SUA = single umbilical artery, hypertensive diseases of pregnancy and associated preeclampsia
UTD = urinary tract dilatation
and hemolysis, elevated liver function, and low platelets (HELLP)
RadioGraphics 2022; 42:302–319
syndrome, as well as complications encountered at the time of
https://doi.org/10.1148/rg.210164 delivery secondary to fetal macrosomia and cesarean delivery.
Content Codes: Additional conditions encountered in the setting of maternal dia-
From the Departments of Radiology (H.A.,
betes include polyhydramnios, placental thickening, and two-ves-
P.P., D.B., T.C.) and Laboratory Medicine and sel umbilical cord, each of which is associated with adverse fetal
Pathology (G.H.D.), University of Washington, and maternal outcomes including fetal growth restriction, preterm
1959 NE Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98195; De-
partments of Radiology (T.C.) and Laboratory labor, placental abruption, and premature rupture of membranes.
Medicine and Pathology (G.H.D.), Seattle Chil- Imaging plays a vital role in the evaluation of the mother and the
dren’s Hospital, Seattle, Wash; Department of
Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale School fetus and can provide invaluable information that can be used
of Medicine, New Haven, Conn (M.V.R.); by maternal fetal medicine to manage this patient population ef-
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(L.E.S.) and Radiology (M.M.), University of
fectively. The authors review the pathophysiologic alterations in-
Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Wash; and duced by diabetes in pregnancy, discuss the imaging spectrum of
Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Hos- diabetic embryopathy, and provide a detailed review of potential
pital–Long Island and NYU Long Island School
of Medicine, Mineola, NY (D.S.K.). Presented associated maternal complications.
as an education exhibit at the 2020 RSNA An-
nual Meeting. Received May 3, 2021; revision Online supplemental material is available for this article.
requested June 25 and received July 11; ac-
cepted July 15. For this journal-based SA-CME RSNA, 2021 • radiographics.rsna.org
activity, the authors M.V.R., G.H.D., D.S.K.,
and M.M. have provided disclosures (see end of
article); all other authors, the editor, and the re-
viewers have disclosed no relevant relationships. SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES
Address correspondence to H.A. (e-mail:
ghalia@uw.edu; ha_aboughalia@yahoo.com). After completing this journal-based SA-CME activity, participants will be able to:
RSNA, 2021 List those fetal organ systems most impacted in mothers with DM.
Describe the diabetes-specific maternal disease processes that occur during pregnancy.
Recognize specific US features of the placenta, amniotic fluid volume, and umbilical
cord that may be associated with maternal DM.
See rsna.org/learning-center-rg.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is due to impaired carbohydrate metabo-
lism secondary to defective insulin secretion or function and is one
of the most prevalent endocrine disorders worldwide. DM is classi-
cally categorized into type 1 and type 2 on the basis of epidemiology,
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  303

Screening for and Diagnosis of GDM

TEACHING POINTS The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force rec-
„ The underlying pathophysiologic alteration in the majority of
patients with GDM is similar to that observed in patients with
ommends laboratory screening for GDM in
type 2 DM and involves pancreatic β-cell dysfunction, lead- all women at or beyond 24 weeks of gestation
ing to poor insulin production, and this is superimposed on a given that medical history alone is inadequate
background of insulin resistance in the muscles, liver, and fat. in identifying women with GDM (3). According
Although GDM usually resolves following pregnancy, both to the American College of Obstetricians and
the affected mother and child are at increased risk of develop-
ing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in the future.
Gynecologists (ACOG), the most commonly
used method of screening for GDM is the 50-g,
„ Routine inclusion of fetal echocardiography is recommended
only in patients with preexisting DM, according to the most
1-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
recent AIUM guidelines. Abnormal screening test results are further con-
„ Infants of women with pregestational DM have a two to five firmed by using the 100-g, 3-hour OGTT (Fig
times increased risk of congenital heart disease, the most 1) (4). In certain situations, screening for GDM
common of which is atrioventricular septal defects according can be done during the initiation of prenatal care,
to a systematic review by Simeone et al. This risk is highest in particularly in patients with high risk for GDM
women who receive insulin therapy at the time of conception
and lower in women who develop gestational diabetes later
including those with obesity, history of GDM in
in pregnancy. a prior pregnancy, family history of type 2 DM,
„ DM is associated with increased risk for preeclampsia, most and prior history of poor obstetric outcomes (4).
commonly in patients with type 1 DM, with a reported inci-
dence of 18% and a lesser incidence in pregnancies with type Pathogenesis of Diabetic
2 DM and GDM. Embryopathy
„ A thick placenta is independently associated with adverse Diabetic embryopathy refers to the spectrum
perinatal outcome including FGR and need for emergency of fetal malformations linked to DM during
cesarean delivery. DM is among the most common causes of
placental thickening, in addition to toxoplasmosis, other infec-
pregnancy. Both type 1 and 2 DM demonstrate
tions, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex (TORCH) overlapping rates of fetal malformations that
infection; triploidy; and fetal hydrops. correlate with diabetic control, with an occur-
rence risk of 5% in patients with a hemoglobin
A1c (HbA1c) level less than 8%. This risk rises
clinical presentation, and underlying metabolic to 25% in patients with HbA1c levels higher
aberration. Type 2 DM accounts for more than than 10% (5). The etiopathogenesis of diabetes-
85% of the overall cases, with type 1 diabetes induced teratogenesis is complex and is still
accounting for 5%–10% (1). Other less com- incompletely understood. Maternal hyperglyce-
mon subtypes of DM exist, including gestational mia is a major factor implicated in teratogenesis
diabetes, a distinct entity that requires special based on elevated HbA1c and glucose levels
attention as it carries significant maternal, fetal, directly correlating with increased risks of fetal
and neonatal health risks. During pregnancy, the congenital malformations. Hyperglycemia results
mother can either present with preexisting DM in increased formation of oxygen free radicals
(type 1 or 2) or can develop pregnancy-related through various metabolic pathways, including
gestational diabetes. Recognized during the sec- glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the hexose
ond or third trimester of pregnancy, gestational monophosphate shunt pathway. In addition, there
DM (GDM) is known to affect approximately is increased expression of nitric oxide synthase,
14% of pregnant patients worldwide. The under- which produces reactive nitrogen species, alter-
lying pathophysiologic alteration in the majority ing signaling pathways of arachidonic acid (an
of patients with GDM is similar to that observed ω-6 fatty acid), inositol, and prostaglandins, and
in patients with type 2 DM and involves pancre- increased intracellular concentration of advanced
atic β-cell dysfunction, leading to poor insulin glycosylation end products.
production, and this is superimposed on a back- These metabolic derangements result in gene
ground of insulin resistance in the muscles, liver, dysregulation and apoptosis. Ketone bodies,
and fat. Although GDM usually resolves fol- which are synthesized in higher amounts in ma-
lowing pregnancy, both the affected mother and ternal diabetes, are additional potential terato-
child are at increased risk of developing diabetes gens, acting in synergy with hyperglycemia. Gene
and cardiovascular diseases in the future (1,2). expression and epigenetic processes are affected
Recognized risk factors for developing GDM in diabetes as well, although no single gene that
include obesity, advanced maternal age, eth- correlates to increased risk of subsequent embry-
nic group, micronutrient deficiencies, positive opathy has been identified to our knowledge (6,7).
family history of insulin resistance, and other Higher placental growth factors produced by the
diseases of insulin resistance including polycys- diabetic environment lead to endothelial prolifera-
tic ovarian syndrome (1). tion, neovascularization, villous malformations,
304  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 1.  Chart shows the diagnostic algorithm for GDM.

Figure 2.  Chart shows that complex pathogenic mechanisms initiated by diabetes induce hyperglycemia
in pregnancy and are involved in causing diabetic embryopathy, fetopathy, and pregnancy complications.
AGE = advanced glycosylation end product, IUGR = intrauterine growth restriction.

and thickening of the basal trophoblast mem- tion of the fetal weight, diagnosis of congenital
brane, which cumulatively result in fetal hypoxia malformations, and monitoring of pregnancy in
(Fig 2). general. Since maternal diabetes is considered
The timing during which the previously de- a high-risk condition, the American Institute of
scribed sequences are initiated is highly correlated Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) recommends
with different maternal and fetal complications. performing detailed diagnostic obstetric second-
Metabolic derangements in early pregnancy, trimester anatomy US in a referral center where
typically before the 7th week of gestation, lead to personnel have expertise in obstetric US. Fetal
blastogenic malformations, spontaneous abor- structures evaluated during a detailed second-
tions, and multiorgan and syndromic malforma- trimester US examination in high-risk pregnancy
tions. On the other hand, the development of compared with those in a standard examination
such metabolic alterations later in pregnancy is are detailed in Table 1 (10). Fetal evaluation
associated with increased risk of macrosomia and should also be tailored further on the basis of any
isolated fetal anomalies (8). In addition, abnor- findings on the anatomic image. For example,
malities of organogenesis and placentation play a fetal echocardiography may be warranted if a
major role in second-trimester pregnancy loss (9). cardiac defect is suspected. Routine inclusion of
fetal echocardiography is recommended only in
Role of US patients with preexisting DM, according to the
The role of US in the management of diabetic most recent AIUM guidelines (11). Some authors
pregnancies is well established. US is routinely advocate for serial US follow-up for assessment of
used for assessment of fetal biometry and estima- fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume, especially
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  305

Table 1: Fetal Structures Evaluated at Standard and Detailed Second-Trimester US Examinations

Structures at Standard Additional Structures at Detailed

Region Second-Trimester US Second-Trimester US
Head and neck Lateral ventricles and choroid plexus, mid- Third and fourth ventricles, lateral ven-
line falx, cavum septum pellucidi, cerebel- tricular wall and integrity; cerebellar
lum, and cisterna magna lobes, vermis, and cisterna magna; cor-
pus callosum; brain parenchyma, cranial
vault, and neck
Face Upper lip Profile and nasal bones, coronal face
(nose, lips, and lens), mandible and
maxilla, orbits and ear position
Heart Cardiac activity, four-chamber view, right Situs; aortic arch, superior and inferior
and left ventricular outflow tracts vena cava view; three-vessel view, three-
vessel and trachea view; interventricular
Lungs Not mandatory Lung, ribs, and diaphragm
Abdomen Stomach, kidneys and urinary bladder, Abdominal wall integrity, bowel, solid
umbilical cord insertion and vessel organs
Spine Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine Shape, curvature, and conus medullaris;
integrity of the spine and overlying soft
tissue; integrity of the spine and overly-
ing skin
Extremities and Legs and arms, hands and feet Number and position of the extremities
external genitalia and digits
Placenta Location and relationship to internal os, Implantation site for adherent placenta,
appearance placental thickness and any masses,
accessory placenta

during the third trimester when macrosomia can Congenital Anomalies

dictate the route of delivery (12).
A major potential limitation of US is obscura- Central Nervous System Anomalies.—Caudal
tion of fetal structures and associated congenital dysgenesis is 200 times more common in infants
anomalies secondary to maternal obesity related of mothers with diabetes and is considered one
to diabetes. In this setting, there should be a low of the hallmarks of diabetic pregnancy (14). Ac-
threshold to perform follow-up US for a more cording to the Torotori classification for spinal
favorable fetal position or pursue fetal MRI if dysraphism, caudal dysgenesis is described as a
suspicion for an abnormality is high. US with closed spinal dysraphism of a complex nature
a transvaginal approach may also be preferable without an associated subcutaneous mass (15).
in this patient population. Although maternal Frequent other associated anomalies include
diabetes does not increase the risk of chromo- anorectal, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal
somal aneuploidy, maternal obesity related to malformations (16). Mutations in the MNX1
diabetes can impact aneuploidy screening. For (HLXB9) homeobox gene are implicated in
example, the nuchal translucency US examina- Currarino syndrome, characterized by sacral de-
tion in pregnant women with diabetes tends to fect, anal atresia, and anterior meningocele (17).
be longer in duration, and there is a reported Caudal dysgenesis is classified into two types.
increased frequency of nonvisualization of the Type 1 describes spinal column termination at
fetal nasal bone resulting in an increased need the level of the S1 vertebral body or above. In
for transvaginal US examination (13). this type, there is abrupt and blunted termina-
tion of the spinal cord, with the conus medul-
Fetal Abnormalities laris level higher than normal. In type 2, the
The spectrum of fetal abnormalities observed osseous termination ends at the level of the
in diabetic pregnancies includes fetal congenital S2 vertebral body or below and is frequently
anomalies, delayed lung maturity, and altered associated with cord tethering by a tight filum,
fetal weight, as well as perinatal morbidity and lipoma, lipomeningocele, and/or a terminal
mortality (Table 2). myelocystocele (18).
306  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Table 2: Spectrum of Complications Encountered in Diabetic Pregnancies

Complications Description
Fetal complications
Congenital anomalies Nervous system: NTDs, holoprosencephaly-caudal dysgenesis
Heart and great vessels: VSD, conotruncal abnormalities
Genitourinary system: renal agenesis, UTD, MCDK, duplex kidney
Skeletal system: preaxial polydactyly, syndactyly, and radial ray
Fetal lung maturity Maternal hyperglycemia interferes with corticosteroid therapy,
delaying lung maturation
Fetal growth Accelerated growth is usually apparent by the late second trimes-
ter, with a disproportionate increase in abdominal and head
circumferences; in addition, there is subcutaneous fat deposition
Miscellaneous Spontaneous abortion increases with poor glycemic control
Stillbirth is four times more common
Metabolic derangements and respiratory distress syndrome are
more frequent in infants of diabetic mothers
Maternal complications
Preeclampsia Diabetes increases the risk of preeclampsia, which correlates with
the extent of glycemic control (up to 18%); this in turn might
be associated with severe obstetric complications, including
HELLP syndrome
Placental abruption: placental detachment before delivery of the fetus
Cesarean delivery The main indication for cesarean delivery is macrosomia to avoid
shoulder dystocia
Long-term sequelae of cesarean delivery include increased risk of
abnormal placentation, as well as uterine dehiscence and rup-
ture in subsequent pregnancies
Other complications
Placental thickening Thick placenta independently associated with adverse pregnancy
and early maturation outcomes
Amniotic fluid volume Second most common cause of polyhydramnios
Oligohydramnios might be seen if there is long-standing diabetes
or associated maternal hypertension
  Umbilical cord SUA affects up to 6% of infants of diabetic mothers
Associated with increased frequency of growth retardation and
preterm delivery
Note.— MCDK = multicyclic dysplastic kidney, NTD = neural tube defect, SUA = single
umbilical artery, TA = truncus arteriosus, TGA = transposition of the great vessels, UTD =
urinary tract dilatation, VSD = ventricular septal defect.

At first-trimester US, caudal dysgenesis is sug- and amniotic fluid volume. Predelivery US is rec-
gested when small crown-rump length, increased ommended to assess fetal presentation, as malpre-
nuchal translucency, and lower spine protuber- sentations are common in caudal dysgenesis (21).
ance are detected (19). The definitive diagnosis is Infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risk
made at second-trimester US with demonstration for other central nervous system (CNS) anoma-
of abrupt termination of the spine. The fetal lower lies. In 2008, Correa et al (22) published a large
extremities may show characteristic positioning U.S.-based multicenter study with 13 030 patients
with hip abduction and knee flexion, called the that focused on analysis of the frequency of birth
cross-leg tailor position or Buddha pose. The iliac defects in diabetes (22). The authors highlighted
wings may be fused, yielding a shieldlike appear- the increased risk for congenital CNS anomalies
ance of the pelvic bones (Fig 3, Movie 1) (20). in diabetic pregnancies, particularly anencephaly,
MRI can better delineate the level of caudal dys- encephalocele, and holoprosencephaly. The odds
genesis, associated spinal cord abnormalities, and ratio was higher in mothers with pregestational
other accompanying anomalies. US follow-up is DM in comparison with those with GDM. For
recommend for evaluation of interval fetal growth example, the odds ratio for the presence of anen-
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  307

Figure 3.  Caudal dysgenesis. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale US image (sagittal orientation) shows a fetus at 23 weeks gestational age
(GA) with absence of caudal spinal elements in the lumbosacral region (arrow). (B) Transverse gray-scale US image of the same fetus
as in A shows associated abnormal approximation of the iliac bones (arrows). (C) Frontal radiograph of a different aborted fetus
shows premature truncation of the vertebral column at the L3 level (*). Note the shieldlike appearance of the pelvic bones (arrow).
(D) Sagittal T2-weighted MR image of the lumbosacral region in a different 1-day-old neonate shows premature truncation of the
spinal column with agenesis of the distal sacral elements (arrow). (E) Photograph of an aborted fetus with caudal dysgenesis shows
a foreshortened left leg with contracture of the ankle joint (arrow), highlighting the frequent association of caudal dysgenesis with
developmental abnormalities of the lower extremities. (F) Clinical photograph of a different aborted fetus with caudal dysgenesis
shows absence of an external anal opening in an imperforate anus (arrow).

cephaly in pregestational DM versus GDM was regions (Fig 6, Movie 3). On the basis of the con-
3.39 versus 1.33, and for encephalocele was 2.09 tents, a protrusion containing only meninges and
versus 1.82, respectively (22). Another large-popu- cerebrospinal fluid is called a meningocele, while
lation European study by Garne et al (23) in 2012 the presence of brain tissue in the sac content is
confirmed the increased risk of CNS anomalies known as an encephalomeningocele. Encephalo-
in the context of pregestational diabetes, with an cele outcome depends on its content and loca-
overall odds ratio of 1.23 for any CNS anomaly, tion, and cesarean delivery is often pursued to
particularly for encephalocele (odds ratio, 3.22) avoid injury of the intracranial structure at the
and anencephaly (odds ratio, 1.9). time of delivery (24,25).
Anencephaly is a lethal anomaly describing ab- Holoprosencephaly refers to a spectrum of
sent major portions of the brain, skull, and scalp brain malformations that affect the developing
above the orbits (Fig 4). Exencephaly describes prosencephalon (forebrain), characterized by
abnormally formed brain tissue without the pres- varying degrees of failed cleavage of the cerebral
ence of a calvarium and can be diagnosed with hemispheres and deep gray matter nuclei. Three
100% confidence at the time of nuchal trans- classic subtypes are described: alobar, semilobar,
lucency screening. This is considered an earlier and lobar holoprosencephaly (Fig 7, Table 3). No
stage of anencephaly, with further destruction of fetal intervention is indicated, and termination
the brain tissue due to absence of the protective can be offered given the grave sequelae of the
calvarium, eventually leading to anencephaly (Fig disease and the high mortality observed in severe
5, Movie 2) (24). cases of holoprosencephaly (26).
Encephalocele refers to protrusion of intracra-
nial structures through a defect in the skull, most Cardiac Anomalies.—Infants of women with pre-
commonly occurring in the occipital or frontal gestational DM have a two to five times increased
308  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 4.  Anencephaly. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale US image (sagittal orientation) of a fetus at 11 weeks 6 days GA shows lack
of brain development, with only a small amount of tissue above the orbits (arrow). (B) Coronal gray-scale US image of the face
of another fetus shows the characteristic “frog eye” appearance of the fetal head due to lack of brain matter development above
the orbits (arrows). (C) Clinical photograph of an aborted fetus shows total absence of the calvarium superior to the orbits with a
diminutive misshaped skull.

Figure 5.  Exencephaly. (A) Lon-

gitudinal transabdominal gray-scale
US image (sagittal orientation) of a
fetus at 12 weeks 5 days GA shows
disorganized fetal brain tissue with-
out a calvarium (arrow). (B) Sagit-
tal T2-weighted image of another
fetus at 21 weeks 4 days GA shows
absence of supratentorial brain with
abnormal exophytic neuronal tissue
in the posterior fossa and region of
the brainstem along the inferior cal-
varium (arrow).

risk of congenital heart disease, the most com- relationship is best evaluated by using the outflow
mon of which is atrioventricular septal defects tract projections, highlighting the origin and
according to a systematic review by Simeone et orientation of the great vessels. Thus, they are of
al (27). This risk is highest in women who receive great value in the assessment of the conotruncal
insulin therapy at the time of conception and anomalies (29).
lower in women who develop gestational diabetes The essential underlying abnormality in
later in pregnancy (27). The risk for conotruncal patients with tetralogy of Fallot is underdevel-
cardiac anomalies, including truncus arteriosus, opment of the pulmonary infundibulum with a
double-outlet right ventricle, transposition of the resultant constellation of abnormalities includ-
great vessels, and tetralogy of Fallot, is statisti- ing right ventricular outflow stenosis, ventricu-
cally significantly higher when compared with lar septal defect with an overriding aorta, and
that for other cardiac anomalies. The proposed later development of secondary right ventricular
theory for this difference is hyperglycemia- hypertrophy. In truncus arteriosus, there is a
induced neural crest cell death affecting the common arterial trunk instead of a separate
morphogenesis of the developing heart (28). aorta and pulmonary artery (Fig 8). On the other
Understanding the sonographic relationship hand, transposition of the great vessels describes
among the pulmonary and aortic arteries at fetal reversed relationship between the pulmonary ar-
US assessment is key to diagnose conotruncal tery and aorta with secondary ventriculo-arterial
anomalies. Normally, the main pulmonary artery discordance (Fig 9). Double-outlet right ventricle
lies to the left of the ascending aorta, and the is another anomaly in which a major portion of
right pulmonary artery courses posterior to the the aorta arises from the right ventricle, in addi-
ascending aorta and below the aortic arch. This tion to the pulmonary artery (29).
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  309

Figure 6.  Meningoencephalocele. (A) Transabdominal transverse gray-scale US image shows an ex-
tracranial complex cystic structure consisting of herniating meninges and cerebrospinal fluid commu-
nicating with the skull cavity through a calvarial defect (arrow). The complex nature of the cystic lesion
suggests the presence of brain parenchyma within the hernia sac. (B) Clinical photograph of a different
neonate shows a large skin-covered circumscribed bulge in the occipital region, compatible with an

Figure 7.  Alobar holoprosencephaly in a fetus at 23 weeks 3 days GA. (A) Transabdominal transverse gray-scale US image shows
fused thalami (arrow) and an enlarged posterior midline fluid space (*). (B) Axial T2-weighted MR image shows the enlarged pos-
terior midline fluid space (*). (C) Axial T2-weighted MR image at the level of the orbits shows thalamic fusion (arrow). Fetal hypo-
telorism is additionally noted (*).

Table 3: Subtypes of Holoprosencephaly


Subtype/Region Interhemispheric Fissure Deep Gray Matter Nuclei Ventricular System

Lobar Present anteriorly and posteriorly Almost completely separated Attempt at third ventricle
and temporal horn for-
Frontal horns present
Semilobar Absent anteriorly but present Varying degrees of separation Attempt at third ventricle
posteriorly Fused thalami and temporal horn for-
Frontal horns absent
Alobar Absent anteriorly and posteriorly Fused Large monoventricle
Absent third ventricle
310  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 8.  Truncus arteriosus in a

fetus at 26 weeks GA. (A) Transab-
dominal transverse gray-scale US
image shows cardiomegaly with
a common outflow tract (arrow)
on the three-vessel view. (B) Color
Doppler US image shows the com-
mon outflow tract (arrow).

Figure 9. Transposition of the

great arteries in a fetus at 34 weeks
GA. (A) Transabdominal transverse
gray-scale US image shows an ante-
riorly located left ventricular outflow
tract (arrow) arising from the right
ventricle (RV). (B) Note the abnor-
mal parallel configuration of the
aortic outflow tract (AO) and pulmo-
nary outflow tract (PA) on the aortic
arch view.

Finally, it is also important to highlight that (Fig 12), and duplicated collecting system (Fig
these infants are prone to develop hypertrophic 13) (36). Prenatal US plays an important role
cardiomyopathy, which is noted in up to 30% of in the assessment of fetal kidneys and collect-
infants of diabetic mothers at echocardiography. ing system dilatation. The Society for Pedi-
This condition manifests postnatally with respi- atric Urology, in consensus with the AIUM
ratory distress, and in up to 12% of cases it can and ACOG, published guidelines for a UTD
manifest as heart failure, requiring supportive classification system, which aims to unify the
therapy (30). sonographic nomenclature and classification for
UTD while standardizing imaging evaluation
Renal Anomalies.—Congenital abnormalities of and postnatal follow-up. Factors governing this
the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) account classification include anterior-posterior renal
for up to 20% of all prenatally detected birth pelvic diameter, calyceal dilatation, renal paren-
defects and 50% of pediatric chronic kidney chymal abnormalities, ureteral dilatation, and
disease cases (31,32). CAKUT are commonly bladder abnormalities (37). Based on the UTD
subdivided into three categories according to classification, fetuses with a dilated ureter in the
their embryologic origin: renal parenchymal context of collecting system dilatation are at in-
malformations, anomalies of renal embryonic creased risk for developing postnatal uropathies,
migration, and outflow abnormalities (33). The and hence the anomaly is classified as UTD
risk of CAKUT increases by 50% in diabetic A2–3. These patients require follow-up prenatal
pregnancies regardless of diabetes subtype, with imaging as well as postnatal US and consulta-
a higher risk in pregestational DM (34). It is tion by a pediatric urologist. A full discussion
suggested that the teratogenic effect of hypergly- of the UTD classifications and guidelines are
cemia on renal development mainly affects the beyond the scope of this article, and we refer the
ureteric branching during morphogenesis and reader to the review article by Nguyen et al (37).
nephrogenesis (35).
The most commonly encountered CAKUT Musculoskeletal Anomalies.—Polydactyly
in infants of diabetic mothers include renal (supernumerary digits) is an uncommon find-
agenesis (Fig 10), urinary tract dilatation ing during fetal evaluation. It can be isolated
(UTD) (Fig 11), multicystic dysplastic kidneys or syndromic, such as with Ellis-van Crev-
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  311

Figures 10–13.  (10) Unilateral renal agenesis in a fetus at 20 weeks 4 days GA. (10A) Transabdominal transverse gray-scale US im-
age at the level of the renal fossa shows absence of the left kidney (*). (10B) Longitudinal gray-scale US image (coronal orientation)
shows again an empty renal fossa with an elongated adrenal gland (arrow). (10C) Coronal color Doppler US image shows absence
of the left renal artery (*), the expected location of the origin of the renal artery from the aorta. (11) UTD in a fetus at 33 weeks 3
days GA. Longitudinal gray-scale US image (coronal orientation) shows dilatation of the right renal pelvis (measuring up to 16 mm)
and of the central and peripheral calyces (arrow), corresponding to UTD A2–3. (12) Multicystic dysplastic kidney. (12A) Transverse
gray-scale US image of a fetus at 32 weeks 1 day GA shows bilateral enlarged cystic kidneys with an echogenic cortex, multiple small
cysts (arrows), and a dilated renal pelvis (P). (12B) Gross pathology photograph of the kidney from a different 22-week-old aborted
fetus shows a multicystic appearance with lack of corticomedullary differentiation. (13) Duplicated renal collecting system in a
fetus at 29 weeks 6 days GA. (13A) Longitudinal gray-scale US image (coronal orientation) shows left renal duplication with renal
pelvis dilatation, parenchymal thinning, and ureteral dilatation (calipers) of the upper moiety (UM), as well as dilatation of the lower
moiety (LM). (13B) Longitudinal gray-scale US image (coronal orientation) of the bladder shows an associated ureterocele (arrow).

eld syndrome or trisomy 13. Adam et al (38) anomalies and tibial hemimelia (partial or com-
evaluated 18 fetuses with diabetic embryopathy plete absence of the tibia) (38). In the literature,
and polydactyly in an attempt to establish any a radial ray spectrum of anomalies involving
association between polydactyly and diabetic the radius, radial carpal bones, or thumb is also
embryopathy and found that proximally placed described in the context of diabetic pregnancies
preaxial hallucal polydactyly (an additional digit (Fig 14, Movie 4) (39). The oculoauriculoverte-
along the radial side of the hand) is linked to bral sequence, previously known as Goldenhar
diabetic embryopathy. This relationship is stron- syndrome, defined as defects in anatomic struc-
ger if there are associated spine segmentation tures arising from the first and second branchial
312  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 14.  Radial ray

anomaly. Longitudinal
gray-scale US images
of a fetus at 19 weeks
GA show absence of
the right radius and ab-
sence of the thumb, with
a fixed severely flexed
wrist position.

arches, with variable abnormalities of the eyes, tion. This effect can be noted as early as in the
ears, and vertebral column, is also known to be second trimester of pregnancy, with a dispropor-
associated with radial ray anomalies and diabetic tionate increase in the fetal abdominal and head
embryopathy (40). circumferences, and associated subcutaneous fat
Delayed Lung Maturity Both maternal and fetal morbidity increase
Lung immaturity is a major determinant of with increasing EFW (45). According to the
perinatal morbidity and mortality. In diabetic ACOG practice bulletin summary, the risk
pregnancies, lung maturity is delayed, thought of developing a large for GA fetus is 29% in
to be linked to inhibition of surfactant secretion women with diet-controlled GDM, 30% in
by type 2 pneumocytes secondary to hypergly- women with medication-controlled GDM, and
cemia (41). Lung maturity is primarily assessed 38% in women with preexisting diabetes (44).
by measurement of the concentration of vari- Disproportionate deposition of fat around the
ous surfactant by-products, including lecithin, fetal shoulders is responsible for the higher inci-
sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylglycerol within dence of shoulder dystocia in infants of diabetic
the amniotic fluid. However, amniocentesis also mothers (46). Thus, the ACOG guidelines sug-
carries the risk of membrane rupture, direct gest offering cesarean delivery to mothers with
fetal injury, infection, and fetal loss (42). The diabetes when the estimated fetal weight is more
use of MRI has been investigated as a means than 4500 g, in comparison with mothers with-
for lung maturity assessment. Fetal lung sig- out diabetes where cesarean delivery is offered
nal intensity gradually changes over gestation when the estimated fetal weight is greater than
and is a potential marker for lung maturity. 5000 g. In addition to shoulder dystocia, fetuses
Several groups have reported on the validity of of diabetic women are also at increased risk for
the lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio (LLSIR), clavicular and humeral fractures and brachial
which has a linear relationship to GA in normal plexus palsy regardless of fetal weight at birth
fetuses. However, the exact LLSIRs at different (Fig 16) (47).
gestational ages are still to be validated in large Several studies have investigated the accuracy
normative studies (42,43). of various imaging modalities in fetal weight
assessment. A systematic review by Cooma-
Fetal Growth Disorders rasamy et al (48) showed that the fetal biometric
Macrosomic and large for GA fetuses are measurements such as abdominal circumference
frequently encountered in diabetic pregnan- and EFW obtained at two-dimensional US are
cies. Fetal macrosomia is diagnosed when the not adequate predictors for increased postna-
estimated fetal body weight (EFW) is more tal weight. Other literature suggests a relatively
than 4000 g (Fig 15). On the other hand, large higher sensitivity of MRI for predicting large
for GA generally implies a birth weight greater fetal weight at birth compared with that of US
than or equal to the 90th percentile for a given (49), although the ACOG recommends further
GA according to the ACOG practice bulletin on research to justify performing MRI in this set-
macrosomia (44). Uncontrolled diabetes during ting (44).
pregnancy resulting in maternal hyperglycemia Diabetic pregnancy can be also associated
causes fetal hyperglycemia and stimulates fetal with fetal growth restriction (FGR), where EFW
insulin release and increases fetal fat deposi- is lower than the 10th percentile for GA, and is
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  313

Figure 15.  Large for GA fetus at 31 weeks GA. (A) Transverse gray-scale US image shows increased
abdominal circumference and EFW, with an EFW of 2413 g. (B) Graphs show that both abdominal cir-
cumference (left) and EFW (right) are greater than the 99th percentile for GA.

an established risk factor for perinatal morbid- Patients with pregestational DM are at increased
ity and mortality (50). FGR is primarily seen in risk for spontaneous abortion, especially in the
mothers with long-standing pregestational dia- context of poor glycemic control evidenced by
betes and is attributed to vasculopathy resulting elevated HbA1c levels, which can also manifest
in placental dysfunction and impairment of fetal as associated fetal congenital anomalies (Figs
growth (51). FGR can also be noted as a conse- 17, 18) (54). Infants of diabetic mothers are at
quence of diabetes-associated congenital mal- increased risk of preterm delivery (either spon-
formation and/or maternal hypertensive disease taneous or medically indicated), as well as still-
(52). Thus, it is recommended to pursue US birth (relative risk [RR] = 1.34) (55,56). Given
surveillance every 3–4 weeks once a diagnosis of the increased risk of stillbirth in this population,
FGR is established. Serial EFW measurements antenatal testing with nonstress test or biophysi-
over time can provide an overall picture of cal profile is recommended in the third trimes-
growth trajectory, allowing appropriate follow- ter. This, together with hyperglycemia-induced
up and intervention. Furthermore, Doppler delayed lung maturation, contributes to surfac-
US of the umbilical artery can be performed tant deficiency disease, manifesting at neonatal
to distinguish high-risk FGR and to assess for imaging as low lung volumes and diffuse granu-
deterioration over time. A full discussion of fetal lar opacities (Fig 19) (57). Other factors that
Doppler US evaluation is beyond the scope of contribute to perinatal asphyxia include neo-
this article. However, lack or reversal of diastolic natal cardiomyopathy and nephropathy. These
flow in the umbilical artery is associated with infants are also prone to metabolic disturbances
adverse prenatal outcomes (53). including hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and
hypomagnesemia (57). Given these increased
Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality risks of complication, neonates of women with
Diabetic pregnancies are associated with in- diabetes have increased risk of neonatal inten-
creased perinatal morbidity and mortality. sive care unit admissions.
314  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 18.  Spontaneous abortion. Longitudinal transvagi-

nal gray-scale US image (sagittal orientation) in a 31-year-
old woman with vaginal bleeding and severe cramps at 8
weeks gestation shows the presence of a gestational sac
containing a fetal pole within the cervix. The fetus and ges-
tational sac were subsequently expelled.
Figure 16.  Shoulder dystocia. Frontal radiograph
in a 3-day-old neonate shows a displaced angulated
fracture of the proximal left humerus (arrow) follow-
ing delivery.

Figure 19.  Respiratory distress syndrome. Frontal chest

radiograph of a neonate a few hours after delivery shows
low lung volumes and diffuse granular ground-glass opac-
ities bilaterally. The endotracheal tube and enteric tubes
are in situ.

Figure 17.  Early failure of intrauterine pregnancy.

Transverse M-mode transvaginal US image centered
over the fetal pole obtained at 7 weeks and 3 days in patients with type 1 DM, with a reported
GA (crown-rump length, 12 mm) shows absence of incidence of 18% and a lesser incidence in
fetal heart activity. pregnancies with type 2 DM and GDM (60,61).
Preeclampsia is a spectrum of a disease com-
prising abnormal blood pressure and laboratory
Maternal Abnormalities values and can progress to eclampsia (seizures)
or hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low
Hypertensive Diseases platelets (HELLP) syndrome (62). HELLP
Based on the ACOG guidelines, hyperten- syndrome has a grave prognosis with a myriad
sive disorders of pregnancy are classified into of consequences including rupture of a hepatic
four subtypes: preeclampsia and/or eclampsia, subcapsular hematoma and hepatic necrosis (Fig
chronic hypertension, chronic hypertension 20), disseminated intravascular coagulation, and
with superimposed preeclampsia, and gesta- maternal mortality (62). HELLP syndrome is
tional hypertension. Preeclampsia is defined as diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and
elevated blood pressure during the second half laboratory markers. Imaging is reserved to help
of pregnancy in association with other physi- evaluate complications, particularity hepatic
ologic disturbances including proteinuria, new subcapsular hematoma and capsular rupture
thrombocytopenia, disturbed kidney function, (63). Also, preeclampsia is a strong predispos-
abnormal liver enzymes, or cerebral or visual ing factor for placental abruption and premature
symptoms (58,59). DM is associated with in- placenta separation, which are associated with
creased risk for preeclampsia, most commonly high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  315

Figure 20.  HELLP syndrome in a

31-year-old woman who presented
with severe abdominal pain at 37
weeks of gestation. (A) Transverse
gray-scale US image of the right
upper abdomen shows a hetero-
geneous subcapsular collection or
hematoma along the right hepatic
lobe (arrow). (B) Axial intravenous
contrast-enhanced CT image of
the abdomen obtained 4 days later
shows an evolving subcapsular he-
patic hematoma (arrow).

Other Abnormalities

Placental Thickening
A thick placenta is independently associated
with adverse perinatal outcome including FGR
and need for emergency cesarean delivery (67).
DM is among the most common causes of pla-
cental thickening, in addition to toxoplasmosis,
other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and
herpes simplex (TORCH) infection; triploidy;
and fetal hydrops. At US, placental thickness is
obtained through a perpendicular measurement
at the mid placenta, excluding the myometrium,
from the subplacental veins to the amniotic fluid
surface of the placenta (Fig 25). It is important
Figure 21.  Marginal placental abruption. Trans- to recognize that myometrial contraction and
verse gray-scale US image of the uterus in a 26-week
pregnancy shows a large heterogeneous retropla- placental abruption are important pitfalls to be
cental hemorrhage at the uterine fundus (calipers). avoided during placental thickness assessment.
FH = fetal head. The reported thresholds for a thickened pla-
centa, measured as a perpendicular line extend-
ing from the subplacental veins to the amniotic
(Fig 21). Reported maternal complications of fluid at the midportion of the placenta while
placental abruption include hemorrhage, dis- excluding the myometrium, are 33 mm for an
seminated intravascular coagulation, and renal anterior placenta and 40 mm for a posterior
failure, while fetal complications include FGR placenta (68).
and preterm delivery (64).
Complications Related to Delivery DM accounts for up to 20%–25% of pregnan-
DM is independently associated with an in- cies diagnosed with polyhydramnios, defined as
creased need for cesarean delivery. In a study by amniotic fluid index greater than 25 or a maxi-
Ehrenberg et al (65), the odds ratio of cesarean mum vertical pocket greater than 8 cm (Fig 26)
delivery is 1.8 in women with diet-controlled (69). Polyhydramnios is independently associ-
GDM, 3.2 in women with medication-con- ated with an increased risk of adverse pregnancy
trolled GDM, and 4.5 in women with preges- outcomes, including preterm labor, placental
tational DM (65). Although cesarean delivery abruption, and premature rupture of mem-
is considered a relatively safe procedure, there branes (70). In selected patients, amnioreduc-
is increased risk for the development of subse- tion might be pursued in light of amniotic fluid
quent complications, adding to the burden to index and clinical status, the details of which
any future pregnancy (Table 4, Figs 22–24). On are beyond the scope of this article. Prenatal
the other hand, attempted vaginal delivery, when normalization of hyperglycemia and symptom-
appropriate by institutional guidelines, might be atic management decrease the incidence of
complicated with cephalopelvic disproportion, polyhydramnios and can be used as a marker for
resulting in need for cesarean delivery; maternal glycemic control during pregnancy. Research by
vaginal and perineal lacerations; and fetal shoul- Dashe et al (71) has suggested that the amniotic
der dystocia (66). fluid index parallels the amniotic fluid glucose
316  January-February 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Table 4: Short- and Long-term Complications of Cesarean Delivery

Duration Type Complications

Short-term Maternal Infection, bleeding, thromboembolism, visceral injury, anesthesia
complications, maternal mortality
Neonatal Infection, psychologic, maldevelopment, allergies
Long-term Nongravid uterus Cesarean scar complications (eg, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, fistula)
Gravid uterus Placental adhesion disorder, cesarean ectopic pregnancy, uterine
dehiscence and rupture, repeat cesarean delivery

Figures 22–24.  (22) Isthmocele. Longitudinal transvaginal gray-scale US image

(sagittal orientation) in a 37-year-old woman with a history of cesarean delivery
and vaginal bleeding shows a focal deficiency containing fluid in the lower ante-
rior uterine wall at the site of the cesarean scar (arrow). (23) Cesarean scar–associ-
ated ectopic pregnancy. Longitudinal transvaginal gray-scale US image (sagittal
orientation) in a 37-year-old woman with a history of prior cesarean delivery at 8
weeks and 5 days gestation shows the presence of a gestational sac containing a
fetal pole embedded in the cesarean delivery scar. (24) Placenta accreta spectrum
in a patient with a history of multiple cesarean deliveries. (24A) Longitudinal
gray-scale US image of the placenta shows an anterior placenta (P) in the lower
uterine segment. Note the progressive thinning of the overlying myometrium
(calipers) toward the lower uterine segment, with no perceptible retroplacental
clear space just posterior to the bladder wall (arrow). (24B) Color Doppler US
image shows multiple prominent myometrial vessels (arrow) extending into the
posterior bladder wall, indicating bladder invasion. Placenta percreta was con-
firmed at pathologic analysis.

level. Less commonly, oligohydramnios in dia- tion, and adverse neonatal outcomes (73). A
betic pregnancies is multifactorial and reflects suggested cause for SUA is decreased amount
long-standing DM, fetal renal abnormality, or of Wharton jelly, a gelatinous substance within
presence of maternal hypertension. the umbilical cord that surrounds the vessels
(74). SUA can be identified at both fetal US
Abnormalities of the Umbilical Cord and MRI. A transverse US image near the fetal
GDM is a known risk factor for the develop- insertion of the cord can better demonstrate an
ment of a single umbilical artery (SUA). Other SUA since the umbilical arteries commonly fuse
implicated risk factors include advanced mater- near the placental insertion site. In addition, a
nal age, smoking, pregestational diabetes, hyper- longitudinal image at the level of the urinary
tension, preeclampsia, and epilepsy (72). The bladder shows an SUA lateral to the urinary
risk for congenital anomalies (the most common bladder (Fig 27). Doppler US can further con-
of which are genitourinary and cardiovascular) firm this finding (72). In such cases, detailed
and chromosomal abnormalities is eight and fetal anatomy evaluation is recommended. Fetal
16 times higher in fetuses with an SUA, respec- echocardiography and karyotype analysis can be
tively. In addition, an SUA is associated with an pursued in cases that display associated congeni-
increased risk for prematurity, growth restric- tal anomalies. Increased risk of growth retarda-
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 1 Aboughalia et al  317

Figure 25.  Thickened

placenta. (A) Transverse
gray-scale US image of a
gravid uterus at 28 weeks
GA shows placental thick-
ness measuring up to 5.4
cm (calipers). (B) Axial
T2-weighted MR image
in a different patient at 19
weeks GA shows a thick-
ened anterior placenta
measuring up to 5.1 cm

Figures 26–27.  (26) Polyhydramnios. (26A) Transverse transabdominal US image shows a maximum vertical pocket of the amni-
otic fluid measuring up to 10.1 cm (calipers). The amniotic fluid index measured 27.1 cm (not shown). (26B) Sagittal T2-weighted
MR image in a different patient at 34 weeks gestation shows polyhydramnios as a large amount of fluid surrounding the fetus.
(27) Two-vessel umbilical cord. Transverse color Doppler US image of a fetus at 20 weeks GA at the level of the urinary bladder
shows a two-vessel umbilical cord with an SUA (arrow) in the left perivesical region.

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