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Series eJLZ43/C SET~1 coue No. 31/3/41 eee Candidates must write the Code on the | title page of the answer-book. ue SE re = EE EE ES ES Ee SSS NOTE: I '@ Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages, Ta 7 BSS | page of the answer-book by the candidate. (ii) Please check that this question paper contains 36 qu |Giv) Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it | 15 mimute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. | ata a SCIENCE — (Time aliowed :3 how Maximum Marks: 80 y Iii) Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the tiny ions. | General Instructions Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them. (@® This question paper comprises four sections — A, B, C and D. There are 36 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Section A - Questions no. 1 to 20 — all questions or parts thereof are of one mark each. These questions comprise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Very Short Answer Type Questions (VSA) and Assertion-Reason Type Questions. Answer to these questions should be given in one word or one sentence. (iii) Section B ~ Questions no. 21 to 26 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks each, Answer to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words. (iv) Section C ~ Questions no. 27 to 33 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words. (v) Section D - Questions no. 34 to 36 are Long Answer Type Questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words. (vi) There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in some questions in each section. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. (vii) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn. (viii) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. 3V/3/1 Page 1 P.T.O. 10. i. 12. 13. SECTION A (a) What is a balanced chemical equation ? OR (b) Why is respiration considered an exothermic reaction ? Name the type of chemical reaction which takes place when quicklime is added to water. State the purpose for which litmus is used in laboratories. (a) Why is potassium kept immersed in kerosene ? OR (b) Write the name of an allotrope of carbon. Write the structural formula of an organic compound in which a heteroatom is present. (a) Why do arteries have thick el OR (b) Name the molecule of energy which is synthesized during respiration. tie walls ? Define fragmentation. Which one of the following is the correct reason for twinkling of stars ? (A) Atmospheric reflection of starlight (B) Atmospheric refraction of starlight (C) Scattering of starlight (D) Dispersion of starlight (a) Give an example where a variation will help an organism to survive in a changed environment. OR (b) _If we observe the earlobes of the students in a class, which variant are we likely to find ? Define the term ‘Heredity’. ‘The refractive index of glass is 1-50, What is the meaning of this statement ? (a) Why do two magnetic field lines not intersect each other ? oR (b) What is an electromagnet ? ‘Name the instrument used to detect the presence of a current in a circuit. 3V/3/1 Page 2 For questions number 14, 15 and 16, two statements are given — one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below. (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A). (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A). (C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. 14. Assertion (A) : Reason (R) 15. Assertion (A) In human beings, when air is taken into the body through the nostrils and passed through the throat, the air passage does not collapse. Rings of cartilage present in the throat ensure that the air passage does not collapse. 1 Sexual reproduction involves two parents of different sexes, a male and a female, which produce male and female gametes respectively. Reason (R) : ‘The male and female gametes fuse to form a zygote in sexual reproduction, which develops into a new individual. 1 16. (a) —_ Assertion (A) ‘A concave lens of very short focal length causes higher divergence than one with longer focal length. Reason (R) The power of a lens is directly proportional to its focal length. 1 OR (b) Assertion (A) The SI unit of power of lens is ‘dioptre’. Reason (R) : The power of a concave lens is positive and that of a convex lens is negative. 1 Questions no. 17 - 20 contains five sub-parts each. You are expected to answer any four sub-parts in each of these questions. 17. Study the following and answer any four questions from 17(i) to 17%(v) : 4xd=4 Elements are classified on the basis of similarities in their properties. At present 118 elements having different physical and chemical properties are known. Dobereiner grouped the known elements in triads and Newlands gave the Law of Octaves. When Mendeleev started his work, 63 elements were known. He examined the relationship between the atomic masses of the elements and their physical and chemical properties. He even predicted the existence of some yet to be discovered elements on the basis of some gaps in his periodic table. 17(i) Which one of the following statements is nol true? The periodic table was created to: (A) (B) © (D) 3V/3/1 make the study of elements easier. organise the information about the properties of the elements. predict the properties of the newly discovered elements, separate the naturally occurring elements from man-made ones. Page 3 P.T.O. 176i) 17Gii) 1iiv) 1m) 3V/3/1 The atomic masses of certain groups of elements are given below : GroupA | Atomic | GroupB | Atomic | GroupC | Atomic elements |__mass__| elements | mass __| elements | mass N 140 cl 35:5 Li 69 P 31-0 Br 799 Na 23-0 As 749 I 1269 K 39-0 Out of these three A, B and C, the Dobereiner’s triad is/are : (A) Aonly (B) Band (©) Conly @) AandB Which one of the following statements is not a characteristic feature of Newlands’ Law of Octaves ? (A) Elements were arranged in groups of eight. (B) Every eighth element had properties similar to that of the first. (C) Law of Octaves was applicable only up to calcium, (D) Cobalt and nickel were placed in the same column as fluorine, chlorine and bromine. In Mendeleev’s periodic table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which one of the following clements found a place in the periodic table later? (A) Germanium (B) Chlorine () Oxygen (@) Silicon, In Mendeleev's periodic table, the letter ‘R’ is used to represent any of the elements in the group. If R,O and RH are respectively the formulae for the oxides and hydrides of the Group I elements, the formulae of the oxides and hydrides of Group III elements would respectively be : (A) ROs, RHs B) 05, RHy (©) R,0s, RH; (D) Ry Op, Bgl Page 4 18. 3V/3/1 Page 5 P.T.O. Study the following and answer any four questions from 18(i) to 18(v) : 4x1=4 Visible movements only cannot be the defining characteristic of life. Molecular movements which are invisible to the naked eye are necessary for life. Viruses are said to be living as they also show molecular movements but only when they are inside a living cell. Living organisms are organised structures. They must keep repairing and maintaining their structures. Maintenance of an organism is the collection of processes like nutrition, respiration, ete. In absence of any one of these, life would be difficult. To remain alive, chemical energy is needed by the living organisms to perform vital processes. It provides energy to (a) maintain life processes, (b) produce molecules for repair of worn out cells, and (c) for the growth of the body. 18) Viruses show molecular movements when they are : (A) inerystalline form. (B) inside a dead material. (©) inair. (D) _in the body of a living organism. 18Gi) The process which involves intake of O» from outside and breaking down of nutrient molecules to produce energy is called : (A) Exeretion (B) Nutrition (©) — Respiration (D) Reproduction 18(iii) Which one of the following statements is incorrect ? Energy is needed by a living organism to : (A) maintain life processes. (B) grow. (C) repair worn out tissues of the body. (D) synthesize waste materials. 18(iv)_ ‘The type of nutrition found in green plants is (A) Autotrophie (B) —_Heterotrophic (©) Parasitie (D) — Holozoic 18(v) The function of the circulatory system of human beings is to transport : (A) Food (B) Oxygen (©) Waste material (a) Allofthe above 19. Study the following and answer any four questions from 19(i) to 19(v) : 4x1=4 Light seems to travel along straight line paths in a transparent medium. But when light enters obliquely from one transparent medium to another, some changes are observed. This is because different mediums have different optical densities. The extent of the change in the direction of light that takes place when it enters obliquely in a given pair of media is expressed in terms of a ‘constant’. Light travels the fastest in vacuum. Light gets refracted through a transparent prism. Several phenomena are observed due to the reflection, refraction, dispersion and scattering of light by various mediums. 19(i) Rainbow is a natural spectrum. It is produced because of (A) dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets. (B) refraction of sunlight by dust particles. (C) reflection of sunlight by plane shining surfaces. (D) scattering of sunlight by tiny water droplets. 194i) In the given diagram showing refraction of a narrow beam of a monochromatic light through a glass prism, the angles marked / 1 and 22 respectively are (A) angle of incidence and angle of refraction. (B) angle of incidence and angle of emergence. (C) angle of emergence and angle of refraction. (D) angle of emergence and angle of deviation. 19Giii) Blue colour of clear sky is due to : (A) Refraction of light (B) Reflection of light (C) Absorption of light (D) Scattering of light 19(iv) The apparent flattening of the Sun’s disc at sunrise and sunset is due to (A) Dispersion of light (B) Scattering of light (C) Atmospheric refraction of light (D) Tyndall effect 3V/3/1 Page 6 20. 3V/3/1 Page 7 P.T.O. 19(v) Consider the following statements : L Very fine particles scatter mainly blue light. I, Advance sunrise and delayed sunset are due to atmospheric refraction. IIL. Violet light bends the least while red light bends the most when a beam of white light passes through a glass prism. The correct statement(s) is/are : (A) Tonly (B) — HTonly (©) Landi (D) I and IT Study the following and answer any four questions from 20(i) to 20(v). 4xd=4 Hans Christian Oersted (1777 — 1851) observed that a compass needle suffers a deflection when placed near a metal wire carrying an electric current. This discovery gave the first evidence of a connection between electric and magnetic phenomena. Andre Ampere (1775 — 1836) grasped the significance of Oersted’s discovery. He carried out a large series of experiments to explore the relationship between current electricity and magnetism. On the basis of experiments, he hypothesised that all magnetic phenomena are due to circulated electric currents. Later on many devices such as electromagnets, electrie motors, microphones, electric generators, ete. were developed on the basis of magnetic phenomena. 200) A magnetic needle is a/an : (A) isolated north pole pivoted at its centre of mass. (B) isolated south pole pivoted at its centre of mass. (C) ordinary needle made of soft iron and pivoted at its centre of mass. (D) small bar magnet pivoted at its centre of mass. 20(ii) A freely suspended magnet always rests in geographically north and south direction because : (A) the Earth has two poles. (B) the Earth behaves as a huge magnet. (C) the magnetic north pole of the Earth’s magnet is located very close to its south pole. (D) _ the magnetic south pole of the Earth’s magnet is located very close to its south pole. 20Civ) 20(v) 3V/3/1 When a current flows through a straight conductor, a magnetic field is produced around it. Consider the following statements about this field L ‘The direction of the magnetic field of a current carrying straight conductor is determined by right-hand thumb rule. 0, A charged body placed in this field experiences a force whose direction is given by Fleming's left-hand rule. Il. The magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight conductor are in the form of concentric circles with the conductor as the centre. The correct statement(s) is/are : (A) Tonly (B) only (©) Tand II (D) Land I The strength of magnetic field of a current carrying solenoid is : (A) minimum at its ends. (B) uniform inside it at all points. (©) maximum at its centre. (D) zero at its centre. Which one of the following particles would not experience a force while moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field ? (A) Aneutron (B) — Analpha particle (©) Aneleetron (D) — Aproton Page 8 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. SECTION B Give the chemical name of the reactants as well as the products of the following chemical equation : 2 HNO, + Ca(OH), ——> Ca(NO,), + H,0, (a) Out of the two — hydrochloric acid and acetic acid, which one is considered a strong acid and why ? Write the name/molecular formula of one more strong acid. 2 OR (b) What are amphoteric oxides ? Give an example. 2 Give reason why : (a) gold and silver are used for making jewellery. (b) a few metals are used for making cooking utensils. 2 (a) “Carbon forms strong bonds with most other elements making the compounds exceptionally stable.” Give reason to justify this statement. 2 OR (b) Write the electron dot structure of methane (CH,) and ethene (C)H,). 2 (a) Label (1) and (2) in the given diagram showing sex determination in human beings (b) Ifa child inherits X-chromosome from the father what will be his/her gender ? 1+1 What is an ecosystem ? Give one example each of (i) natural, and (ii) man-made ecosystem. 2 SECTION C What is a displacement reaction ? Write balanced chemical equation for a displacement reaction in which iron is a reactant. Name one more element whose behaviour is similar to that of iron in such reactions, Why will this kind of behaviour not be shown by gold? 3 3V/3/1 Page 9 P.T.O. 28, 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. What happens when electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (called brine) ? What is this process called ? Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved. Name the gases evolved at the (i) anode, and (ii) cathode. Name the product formed when these gases combine. The atomic number of an element is 20. Write its electronic configuration. State whether this element is a metal or a non-metal. What is its valency ? Write the name and formula of the compound which this element forms with chlorine. The process of spore formation takes place in many simple multicellular organisms, Name the (i) organism using this process to reproduce, and (ii) reproductive and non-reproductive parts of such organisms. List two benefits to an organism that reproduces through spores. What is placenta ? Describe its role during pregnancy. Two lamps, one rated 100 W at 220 V and the other 60 W at 220 V, are connected in parallel to electric mains supply of 220 V. Draw a circuit diagram to show this arrangement and calculate the current drawn by the two lamps from the mains. What are consumers ? Name the four categories under which the consumers are further classified. SECTION D (a) @_— Why do the herbivores need longer small intestine as compared to that of the carnivores ? (ii) List three types of substances secreted by the gastric glands and state the role of each in the digestion of food in alimentary canal of human beings. OR (b) @_—_ Plants absorb water from the soil. Explain how it is taken up and transported from the soil. (i) “When we are injured and start bleeding, it requires the loss of blood from the system to be minimized.” What will happen if the blood loss is not stopped ? Is there anything the system would do on its own to prevent. the loss ? (a) What is a lens ? List two main categories of lenses. In which category is a double coneave lens placed ? (b) A convex lens of focal length 15 cm forms a real image at a distance of 20 em from its optical centre. Find the position of the object. Is the image formed by the lens magnified or diminished ? (a) Although electric kettle and electric toaster were used simultaneously in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family, yet the two devices could work efficiently due to ‘fuse’ used in the electric circuit. (i) What is a fuse ? Write the material used in fuse wires. How is a fuse connected in an electric circuit ? (i) State the ratings of fuse used in electric circuits. 3V/3/1 Page 10 (b) 3V/3/1 (iii) (iv) @ cH) What is the fun n of a fuse ? How does it perform its function ? A device uses 1 kW electric power when operated at 220 V. Calculate the rating of the fuse to be used. OR Draw a labelled circuit diagram of the circuit used to show the variation of potential difference across the ends of a resistor with current flowing through it. If you use this circuit, what relation would you find between the voltmeter reading, V and the ammeter reading, I? A wire of given material having length ‘7 and area of cross-section ‘A’ has a resistance of 4 9. Find the resistance of another wire of the same material having length /2 and area of cross-section 2A. Page 11 SET~1 =e 31/3/1 [ant gee eon [0 gen ata ad fa rae ah 11 EI |[@ see 4 afet ca Ft ok faq me ats TER HH or Tage H Gaye T fer | Gi) gen ata ax a fe ga werd Ho sey 21 [oO Bem se ar sae rat ge we a we, sore ner a a eee ° we weer a vg % fore to fre a era far sen @ | were ar Face yale H 10.15 39 Rey STEM | 10.15 FH 8 10.30 78 TH BE Hae WA wl Vai sik ga arafe & ee a se-gfeaa we wT [src eat I Ea fara O tr ra 3 8 ararea Feder: Acafesfeaa Fergal ah agar erarerdh & fey aie Saar aed & area Ife : wo we wea are esl H Feanfra fen rar 8 — GF, 7 sik | 38 Meda 86 Med B | aE wer sift @ | Gi) Ws anit wed/sre um, wer Hea 1 20 TH THEM see HB | 34 veal H aglaw A q-* aan sifireerr— & eat wr Bl gras pam weg 319raT as are H Re aT} TARE | (iii) WOE aA We TOT 21 426 TH AY-: Byer @, Were IT 2 TH BT | Fa ea sat HTH 30 B50 weal & where F ey ard ae | (iv) Gos (ON 27 B33 7H ey- Med B, Meda METS sa He 1 FT Fe FIT 50 8 80 weg a UReR H Re a aTee 1 (o) wos eH yea Hien 34 8.36 aa Selsey wan % MEd B, Mode METS si HIE | $4 MEA see rT 80 8 120 sacl & oe AF Re art aatee I (vi) 4 Hao BIE Fae ar te # iF at satatten Fae mee | Oat weal & seater Ua BF Parno aor ae ferfeae | (vii) wet eT orraeae a, Bree aik shia WER a ated ont Get art ATT | (viii) 3a sififiee, srravreargen, weds aus site wer & aver weirs Aa Re Te 3V/3/1 Page 12 Wg L (a) dafera carafte ate fre Hed & 7 aaat (>) ae a eet oafifseet aif AMAT sta 2? 2. va carafe sifttiear wer a am farsa at set F far gt aa at fret we at 2 | 3. srirerrensit # ferene ar seer fore sexe & fore fara sat @, seat sya Aire | 4, (a) Siefiran at fetes Hf gata sat car ara? ? aaa (b) ar & eet Ge ares ar ae ferftae | 5. fae RR arelfiee otra a dearrere a feta feral aS fae-gemry gafeam ater 6. (a) aahrat ft fifsat idl stk aie wai atch & 2 aaa (b) Saf & se ay ar are ferflae freer deere yaw | Bay ei 2 | a asa Fy afer fer | 8, Prefered #8 ata-er um aed & fenfeers apr gal aT 8? (A) at vara ar arpweetta grads (B) at vara ar argvedtta oad (©) aR verre ar we (D) ate vara ar feta 9. (a) tart soem Sf fared feet sta A fairer shaft valaer § seh setter F wera Beh | aaa cb) af ee Peet wen 4 oral At aetaferat ar Man at, ol ee fae ohadl & ae oA A wraa t wad 2? 10. ‘argefirear ug Ft afer fafa | li, ata ar eatin 1-502 | ga Hee ar aT foe g 7 12.0 (a) yerbta aa Tard wa-gat ae shared wei et ace? aaa (bh) frga-arae fra Hea 2? 13.0 3a spor a ay ferfay free saat give F fre are Al safeafa & daar & fee fea stat a 3V/3/1 Page 13 P.T.O. M¥q HEM 14, 15 sik 16 & fere, at were fey 7g & Farad vam wai atftramera (A) ToT TAP BY BRT (RK) ZRT otferer fase war & | 3a eat & argh aa Are Fee Te BIST (A), (B), (C) HR (D) Ha gran Hare | (A) firey (A) ott are (R) Sr wet & site rer (R), safrHeT (A) Ft AE SATE TAT e | (B) oiftreerd (A) sik arer (R) at wal Z, YET HR (R), sftrsert (A) FI Ae) caret FEF HUT 2 | (C) aifrwer (A) aa @, Teg HM (R) Tera z | (D) afraerr (A) Tet 2, FET FT (R) TAF | 14. ofrwerr(A): ual A oa arene are arg aR & vite cA art 2 aon abo B warhead ee 2, dt arg ant fates agi star 2 | RT (R) : he H softer sree & ser ae afatgad wea @ fe ary ani Fafa a a | 1 15. ofrmerr(a): Gite er a fafa fat S we afafer ae — HH sit ue are, SH aH: A YM Si HTT BUH Tora HUIS | BRT (R) afte waa fae ait org gs ee aS GH TT 7 A HT cafe 4 fafaa 8 sien 2 1 1 16. (a) firmer (A): aoafie am sine aia sade aa afte ore at & aaa da A gen 9 afte avec een 2 | @RT(R) fart a fr amen sat Srna ait & oraeargarch at @ | 1 aera (b)— sifraperr (A) : aa Fr ara HT ST ars Sree’ 2 | ROR): wade da Et ae wars sit sce ce Al rar seo aA WPT HEMT B20 F yoda H ahr 7-07 1 sare) 4 Mea H ede a hee ae Ta-HIT FH 29 F | 17. Frafefad a aterm Sify oft we BET 170) 8 170) Fa Pare or eA Ge: dx Iad aed a offen sae pend F aaransit % sree eK fear sre @ | ada | aii fate sifte otk carafe qradt art 118 aa ara @ | Siege 3 aa aeat a faet F oaafeua fear am =eoge 3 tem or frre fea | wa Aeseie A ore sei ameey fea sa wae 63 Tet a 2 seh sa areal & very gear oft see ifs wl carafe yoni & dt dae ar aha fer | ae ae fe FeR art oad croft t ge fom wart & omen Tt oat & afeaca aT aga of fen ot ga ane ae are aa a | 17G) Peafefaa #8 sta-a we Her wel eT a? arrad areh sary aT Sey aT @ tals aera a ae TI (B) aed & qorenit & fewer geet a cael ee | () Fes oat & eri ar aga wr | (D) apf Are at are oat @t ara-faftia at @ gay soT | 3V/3/1 Page 14 17(ii) 17Gii) 1iiv) 1m) 3V/3/1 ar ge agg & aati & gy germ feu mee : 2 vom | om wom «| 7 © ee'y we a wr al we al N 140 cl 355 Li 69 P 310 Br 79.9 Na 23-0 As 74-9 I 126-9 K 39-0 ati agi (gti) A, Baik CHS aha siaugn fw 28? (A) Far A (B) Baik ©) Fac @) Ask B Preafefiad 9 8 aaa up sor =yeuga % ores Fa ar faire cam ae 8? (A) waist oe & agi (Gai) Baal fe eT (B) wae red wea Toe ged oe} TH aa | (C) awe ar fram haat Sifetem ae Ge Stat aT | ) Fated ath fee #1 sel een A car oer an fare sits, aeitfs sik ait a iesehe Ft anad aroft Ht, sa aeat & fore fer ca GIS ae feet arg Hats At ort ht | Preafafaa 48 at-8 aa at orad aroft # ang F eer rear ae? (A) SiR BF (©) aftr (D) — Rferarta ashe A orad aro 4, faa aa (a) & ae waa & fare ae WaT eT fear rar 2 1 af ayg 1% aca & aiaargs car eregigs & aa wT: RO sik RH, ch ayg IL aed & siizarge) atk eregiesi qa au: el (A) ROs, RHs (B) R03, RH, (C) —_R,Og, RHy (D) —_Ry0y, RH Page 15 P.T.O. 18. ‘Prerfefiad a1 sea sfifsre sit we Gem 184) a 18(v) aS fd are wed & see Gift: td=s aa fearg oF arch nfeai a sfiar & caer oftanfita sei fee a1 wad S| soften afrai, Gt ra stal & fear adi aft @, ster & fore ores & | fare at ata wer ore 2 aif wat ft anita af att 8 seg ae onfters nfs at aad goa 9 fel atta attire | afta ga % | astal A qerafera dent af 3 1 Se ah deans A qed sit waa aq aT cafea | feet asta & agen soe F diem, vaea, anf soem ames wae | ae ge wee a aig um a at, at shes wféa at orem | sia wet & fae acta @t Sa sierra & fare cara oat A aravaeen ach 2 | carats sal (a) Sa weet a arqeeror % fore, (b) frafea wifRrerraii Al nena Bq sTuaiT & Fin 3 few, aft (c) mee A aly % fre Sai era a 2 18) faery snftan afeat cute & wa a aa 2: (A) Sareea ead (B) yaya & fia ©) wget (D) afta & adhe & ahha | 184i) ae sa64 fared art @ stad car sit de asi a Sal soa HEA & fre fair pon afeafera eta &, aera et (A) seas 8 ww © wa Oo = 18Gii) Peafefiad 4 @ ata cH Her werd 8? asta a Sat A sree et & (A) Sa saat & agen & fare | (B) Wee fac (C) wae & faafea seen Ay aes & fore (D) safe verell axel & fere | 18tiv) Heat Hare aA are Ts aT VHT tae (A) eat (B) faenratfire (C) weit (D) wifes 18(v) APR & vitae da apr ard fear dares seo ten 2? (A) ata (iis) &r (B) aiedis 1 (©) sare veret ar ©) wae aia 3V/3/1 Page 16 19. fafefad a1 vere Fife sik we Fem 19) 8 19(v) HS fare are wea se Ay: dx dad fret areca area & ware aes ata val & ghee mea wea ota Bar | aT wa wer wh Uae me a aR rem F fama: va se 2, aa ge vita aaa a frerd € | waar are ae 2 fe fafa meni & warts wea firs da € 1 oa were fee me Hemi & feet grat # frame: sae ae 2, at wart & or At fee Ht aftada fee ctor (ar) aH aie 2 wa we ferte & va Fone fer ora @ | sere Ft are rata F safteas ait 2 | refi fies a weber al orvada Star @ | fafa arerii gro wena % grad, svada, faduor sie wehtela a are eH aga oh ofezemrait wr dat Het Z| L9G) FRAN wrphes Stags | | Fa TA AT ERT? 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