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Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe

“Martim Cererê”
Topic: Informe sobre el uso del Método Científico en un experimento
Name: Esteban Pinto Curso: 1ero BGU “ C ” Fecha: 7/1/2022

- What are the Areas of knowledge?

The areas of knowledge is a system that divides knowledge and categorize
it into different branches and methods of getting knowledge. Areas of
knowledge allow us to understand knowledge correctly by comparing
different areas and ways of getting knowledge.
- Which are the Areas of knowledge? (A tip. The TOK guide has changed. In the
past, there were 8 AOKs, now we have 5. These are the ones you need )
● History.
● Human Sciences.
● Natural Sciences.
● Arts.
● Mathematics.
- Give a brief description of what is studied in each one of the Areas.
● History: it involves looking into the past and how it may affect our perception
of new knowledge being acquired.
● Human Sciences: looks at disciplines like psychology, economics, geography,
and others.It focuses more on relationships between humans and human
● Natural Sciences: looks at biology, physics, and chemistry. It focuses on
scientific discoveries and developments.
● Arts: includes disciplines like dance, music, visual arts, theatre, and film. It
involves creations of humans that are attractive.
● Mathematics: in mathematics we study an idea that can not be changed and
is not subjective.It consists of a system that involves numbers.

Theory of Knowledge IB Guide | Part 7 | IB Blog. (2021, December 9).

Lanterna Education | Online IB Tutoring. Retrieved January 7, 2022, from

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