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NSS : 202052110131 NPSN : 20554695
Jl. KH. Noer Khotib Denok – Lumajang 67351
Akte Notaris : Tutiek Setiawati, S.H. No. 98, Tanggal 26 September 2015
Terakreditasi “B”
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Nama : Nilai :
Kelas : VII (Tujuh) Paraf Orang Tua :

Look at the nouns below. Put a, an, or the or X that is suitable with the words!

a an the or X

1. an egg 21. _______ New York 41. ____ Rocky Mountains

2 the Hilton Hotel 22. _______ mechanic 42. _______milk

3. a lawyer 23. _____ strawberries 43. _______Netherlands

4. X mommy 24. _______ strawberry 44. _______ my cousin

5. _____ my dog 25._______ best movie 45. _______ New York Times

6. _____ Bella 26. _______ tallest man 46. _______ moon

7. _____ USA 27. _______work 47. _______ piano

8. _____school 28. _______ Sicily 48. _______ basketball

9. _____ Pacific Ocean 29. _______ France 49. _______ home

10. _______ dinosaurs 30. _______China 50. ________Indonesia

11. _______ Alps 31. _______ prison 51. ________ Greeks

12. _______ morning 32. _______Angelina 52. ________ our family

13. _______ vet 33. _______Brad 53. ________ 1st of June

14. _______ Fifth Avenue 34. _______water 54. ________ Africa

15. _______ Greece 35. _______salt 55. ________ Egypt

16. _______ Panayiotis 36. _______ Mrs. Smith 56. ________ Virginia

17. _______ UK 37. _______ university 57. ________ telephones

18. _______ sun 38. _______ New York 58. ________ hundred

19. _______ guitar 39. _______ Red Cross 59. ________ million

20. _______ bed 40. _______ Gobi Desert 60. ________ teddy bear
Fill in a or an

1. ______ English book 9. ______ dog

2. ___________ apple 10. ____blue notebook
3. ___________ baby 11. ____ red pencil
4. ____________ ball 12. _____ window
5. ____________book 13. _____ ruler

6. ____________door 14. _____ animal
7. ____________ egg 15. _____ dinosaur
8. ____________orange 16. _____ flower


Fill in a or an

a 1.
_______ igloo
_______ octopus
10. _________ tomato
11. _________ eye
3. _______ pencil 12. _________ ear

n 4.
_______ potato
_______ present
_______ ice cream
13. _________ big nose
14. _________ alligator
15. _________ old car
7. ________umbrella 16. _________ iguana
8. ________ fish 17. _________ box
9. _______ apple tree 18. _________ parrot

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