This Story Illustrates That Prayer Is Both An Activity On Its Own As Well As A Way of Living Out One

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This story illustrates that prayer is both an activity on its own as well as a way of living out one’s entire

life. Prayer can be formal or informal, verbal or nonverbal, active or contemplative. Prayer is
communicating with God. Just as we talk and share with our best friends what is happening in our lives,
so we talk and share with God. Just as we listen to our friends, so we listen to God.

As in human communication, our communication with God can be expressed in a variety of ways. We
communicate with God using words and songs, in imagination and silence, and ritually or spontaneously.
We can pray in church, our gardens, our cars, or while in the shower. We can also pray lying in bed, as
the first thing we do when we awake, and as the last thing we do as we drift off to sleep. One of the
characteristics of prayer we as Catholics believe is that with the right intention every moment of the day
—all our hopes, works, joys, and sufferings—can become our prayer.


 Personal everyday prayer

Lectio Divina
Sign of the Cross
Read (Gospel of today)
Reflect (What is God saying to you in this passage?)
Respond (Speak to God of your feelings and insights)
Rest (Rest in God’s love, and listen)
Our Father
Prayer of St. Guido Maria Conforti
Sign of the Cross
 Communal Prayer
Friday Online prayer

 Activities
Catechumen- Follow up Activities
New Batch of Catechumen (Easter 2023)
(Better to have a compiled set of formations for the catechumen)
Trust the Lord to Work His Miracles
“It’s not our job to convert people. That is the role of the Holy Ghost. Our role is to love God and
love our neighbors. We can show this by inviting them to come and see, come and help, and
come and belong. God will work miracles through us to bless His precious children.

When we live as God calls us to, people notice. By doing this, you can easily and creatively
share your faith every single day of your life.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” ~
Hebrews 11:1

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