ADS452 - Assignment Guidelines - 102022

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1. Students are required to form a group of 3-5 members. Choose your group members from
your own class/section only. Group assignment consists of one component:
Components Marks
Written assignment 20%

Video Presentation 15%


A. Guideline for written assignment – Digital platform (20%)

• For the written assignment, each group is required to choose one topic (see appendix
I) and create digital platform based on the chosen topic.

• Students may find any suitable digital platform such as blog, e-magazine, and website
via Google Sites / Wix Site or Facebook page for publication.

• The structure for the digital platform (e-magazine, blog, Facebook page etc)
1. Title of the digital platform (ex: Accountability)
2. List of authors (group members name - full name)
3. Design of the digital platform – based on your creativity
4. Content / sections – English
▪ Introduction
▪ Objective
▪ Content – (see appendix I). Citation (APA format).
▪ Conclusion
▪ Appendix (optional)
▪ List of references
5. Comments from viewers / readers (optional)
6. Avoid from write & discussing any sensitive issue / fake news / fake fact – check
the validity of info or fact before publish. Each group is responsible for their own
published content on digital platform.
7. Students may include pictures, statistics, infographic or any additional
info/material in your essay and it must be explained in the content.
8. Kindly avoid any form of plagiarism (ex: copy paste) and include citation by using
APA format of citation. Zero (0) mark and disciplinary action will be taken if
student is founded guilty committing plagiarism.

• The dateline for this task is on Seminar 4 and deduction 5 marks for ONE (1) day late
submission. If there is anything which is not clear to you, please email

• Please see the rubric below for the evaluation process.

• You may refer to the following topic for sample of the digital platform.


B. Guideline for video assignment (15%)

1. In the same group of written assignment, you are required to produce the video.
2. Use the same topic for written assignment.
3. The duration for the video is 3 – 6 minutes (content). The length of the video must not
exceed six minutes.
4. Any rude and obscene words are prohibited.
5. Video should be in MPEG OR RealPlayer format (or any other relevant software).
6. Mode of video: animation, documentary, advertisement etc. The video should not be
converted from power point slides or contain written slides / mode.
7. Structure of the video:
a. The video must start with introduction and ends with conclusion and credits.
b. Creativity is very important to make the video more interesting and
entertaining. Students may use a lot of pictures, songs and various appropriate
c. Provide practical/relevant examples
d. Outline of the content: name of campaign, the background, objective,
strategies & evaluation (success or fail).
e. Students must use English language in the video. Malay language (if
necessary). English Subtitle is compulsory throughout the video.
f. Include the details of the group at the end of the video
g. (e.g.: Course Title, Course Code, Program, Name of Lecturer, Name of
Members, Students’ ID., etc.)
h. Any relevant / related extra information
8. Mode of submission: upload and placed your video in the chosen digital platform.
9. The due date for video assignment is on Seminar 4. 5 marks deduction from the total
grade received for ONE (1) day late of submission.
10. If there is anything which is not clear to you, please email me or ask via WhatsApp.
Appendix I
List of topics

No Topic
1 Topic 1: Ethics in Public Administration in Malaysia
Explain the need for National Integrity Plan of Malaysia.
Describe implication of Government Transformation Program on public service
Discuss various challenges faced by Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission in
fighting against corruption.
Identify effective mechanism in instilling integrity in Malaysia public service
2 Topic 2: Ethical Decision-Making Process in Public Sector
Compare ethical decision-making models in public sector.
State elements of good decision-making process.
Discuss the importance of ethical decision making in public sector.
Summarize factors contribute to ethical decision-making process
3 Topic 3: Ethical Dilemma in Public Administration
Summarize various types of ethical dilemma.
Explain factors lead to ethical dilemma.
Compare western and Islamic approach to ethical dilemma.
Suggest ways in addressing ethical dilemma confronting the public sector
4 Topic 4: Ethics and Good Governance in Public Administration
Summarize the definition of governance and good governance.
Highlight the importance of governance in public administration.
Discuss challenges to good governance in Malaysia context.
Explain initiatives taken by Malaysia government to improve the quality of good
5 Topic 5: Ethics and Leadership
Relate personal ethics and effective leadership.
Summarize approaches to leadership.
Provide justification that leadership influence ethical behaviour.
Based on any case that you know, illustrate the implication of poor leadership on

Written Assignment (digital platform)

No. Name Student No
NO CRITERIA Poor Fair-Good Very Good-
(0 - 2 (3 - 4 points) Excellent
points) (5 – 6 points)
1. Relevancy – overall content demonstrates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
activity that is relevant or relates to sustainable
development or sustainability.

2. Organization of writing - main points of topics 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

are organized accurately, thoroughly and in a
logical way.

3. Contents – content is logically and sequentially 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

organized, and opinions / ideas and arguments
are clearly presented.

4. Documentation/ Appearance/ Layout –, neat, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

no grammar or spelling errors, and writing style
(font type/size, page numbers, spacing and
information required) is according to format.

5. Originality – Report is original (based on actual 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

events / activities) with relevant visual evidence
such as pictures, appreciation letter / remarks


Checked by:
Name: _______________________________ Signature: _______________
Rubric for video

1 2 3 4 Score
Introduction The introduction is The introduction is The introduction The introduction
compelling and clear and coherent shows some does not orient the
provides motivating and evokes interest structure but does audience to what
content that hooks the in the topic and not create a strong will follow. The
viewer from the response from sense of what is to sequencing is
beginning of the video listeners. follow. May be unclear and does
and keeps the overly detailed or not appear
audience's attention. incomplete and is interesting or
somewhat relevant to the
appealing to the audience.
Content Students create an Students create an Students create an The documentary
original, accurate and accurate accurate is not accurate and
interesting documentary that documentary but it not an appropriate
documentary that adequately covers does not cover the length.
adequately covers the the topic in an topic the issue in
topic in an appropriate appropriate length an appropriate
length of time. of time. length of time.
Technical Tone, voice, graphics, Tone, voice, Tone, voice, Tone, voice,
Production and visual images graphics, and graphics, and graphics, and
convey interest and visual images visual images visual images
enthusiasm. The frequently convey frequently convey rarely convey
presentation is clear interest and interest or interest or
and loud enough to be enthusiasm. The enthusiasm. Most enthusiasm. The
heard. Composition presentation is of the presentation presentation is
and technical clear and loud is clear and loud unclear and/or not
production enhance enough to be enough to be loud enough to be
the topic. heard. Composition heard. Composition heard. Composition
and technical and technical and technical
production usually production production absent
enhance the topic. sometimes distract or distract from the
from the topic. topic.
Structure Narrative has a clear Narrative has a Narrative is No attempt at an
organizing structure clear organizing disorganized organizing
and flows logically structure but needs structure is in place
some improvement
Creativity Project is unique, does Project is Project is nice and Project appears
not look like others. It somewhat unique, works, but is not forced, hard to
shows creativity that does not look like unique. It has follow. Has too
works, it is not just others. It shows a similar components many parts that are
weird but exciting and little creativity that as other strange and do not
fresh. The project works. The project presentations serve any purpose.
clearly shows that shows that some The project looks Tried to be creative
much effort went into effort went into it. like parts of it were but does not work.
it. Looks complete. All Looks somewhat thrown together at The project looks
the parts work as complete. Most of the last minute. as if it was put
intended. the parts work as Looks mostly done, together in a hurry.
intended. just needs some Still needs quite a
touch up here and bit of work, just
there. Some parts doesn't look done.
do not work as Full of errors, parts
intended. don't work as
Total Points Available = 20 Total Score:
Marks: Total score 20 (15%) =

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