Williamsbacatambrietta Case Study Topic 2 07december2022

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Name: Tambrietta Williams-Baca

Date: 07 December 2022

Course ID: EAD 519

Instructor: Michael Lichucki

Part 1: Case Analysis

Respond to the case study by addressing the following:
Brief summary of the case
In this case, Mrs. Lemming’s daughter is allegedly being harassed in her geometry class. The
mother emailed the teacher during the night and came in the next morning livid that she had not
received a response from the geometry teacher. She had a limited amount of time to talk, and the
principal was not available at the time. As the assistant principal, I was able to talk to the mother
about the situation and let her know I would be in touch with her later

Identify the issues to be resolved

A male student is allegedly harassing a female student
The mother is discourteous to my staff

Stakeholders involved in the issues

Geometry teacher, Mrs. Lemming’s daughter, male student in question, receptionist, and Mrs.

One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues
Nicole B. v. School District of Philadelphia, et al.

District policies that relate to the issues

Policy 1710, Policy 1720, Policy Section 4000
Possible solutions to the issues
Asking the mother to change the daughter’s cell phone number
Investigate the situation to gather all the facts
Kindly and respectfully remind Mrs. Lemming of teacher working hours, office hours, and to
treat our office staff with respect

The solutions chosen to resolve the issues

Investigate the situation
Issue ISS or OSS as needed
Suggest a phone number change
Mention working hours

Action steps (2-5) for implementing each solution, including a timeline for each step
During the geometry teacher’s planning, I would speak with them and ask if they had seen
anything happening between Mrs. Lemming’s daughter and any other student in the room. I want
to get a clearer picture of what is happening in the classroom. That morning, I would also speak
with Mrs. Lemming’s daughter to hear her side of the story. I will ask her specific questions
about who is bothering her and how often it happens. I would also ask her if there is any reason
why this person (or these people) would want to bother her. Anyone that she names specifically,
I will call individually to my office to question their behavior. Based on the responses from the
teacher and the students, I will determine whether ISS or OSS is warranted. I would also need to
be sure that the student does not already have an IEP or BIP in place. I need to also check if there
is a history of this sort of behavior. Once I have done all of my investigating and questioning, I
will punish the student(s) involved accordingly. Afterward, I would call Mrs. Lemming and
assure her that I have taken care of everything. If she would like an appointment to meet with me
or the principal, she was more than welcome to make an appointment. I’m not at liberty to
discuss the punishment of other students with other parents, but I will let her know that I will be
keeping an eye on the situation. At this point, I would also mention to the mother that it would be
wise to change the daughter’s phone number. We will do everything in our power to make sure
she has a safe learning environment in the school, but we cannot police cell phones or what
students do with their phones outside of the school. Therefore, if she changes the number and
doesn’t give it to anyone who isn’t a true friend, then it will be less likely that she will be
harassed. I would also use this time to explain to the mother that even though she may have
emailed the teacher that night, it was after contract hours. I would assure her that the teacher
would have responded promptly to her email the next morning or as soon as possible if they had
been given the chance. Our teachers work hard and have their own families to be with after
school hours have ended.
Potential moral and legal consequences of each solution
We have to be careful with bullying and harassment as these can become aggressive very
quickly. If not taken care of, something more serious could happen like in the case of Nicole B.
v. School District of Philadelphia, et al. In that case, the school did nothing, and the student
involved was raped (Education Law Center, 2019).

Part 2: Rationale
Support the case analysis with a 250-500 word rationale explaining the solutions you chose
and how each solution:
Reflects professional ethics, integrity, and fairness.
Promotes social justice and ensures that individual student needs inform all aspects of
Promotes collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.
Cite the case and any other source documents as appropriate.
I chose to investigate first because I needed to get all of the facts for the case. I do everything as
a case-by-case situation and check for patterns. I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a situation
where a girl was crying wolf because of a boy. I want to always take the victim’s side, but I need
to make sure who the victim is in the first place. I have personally had a female student who
came into the office crying and in hysterics because she said a boy threatened to rape her. After
some questioning of both parties (separately of course), it was deduced that she was lying and
had actually been bullying the boy. I do not want to falsely accuse anyone; therefore, I need to
thoroughly evaluate the situation with an open mind. I also mentioned to mother about
contractual hours because she seemed to be offended that the teacher did not respond
immediately to her email. Teachers are not obligated to respond to parents outside of contract
hours. That is their personal time, and I am a firm believer that teachers deserve their personal
time with their own families. I would calmly, but firmly remind her that teachers are human
beings too and deserve time off the clock. I would mention the phone number getting changed
because as a school, we do not have a say in what happens with cell phones outside of the
school. If the phone calls were happening during the school day, we could do something about it
by suspending the student or some other sort of punishment to make him think twice about using
it for the wrong reasons. However, because it is a cell phone and the calls are coming during the
night, we do not have jurisdiction. As a parent, she can get her daughter’s number changed and
urge her not to give it to anyone except family and a best friend or two. That is the only way I
can see the phone harassment coming to a halt.

Education Law Center. (2019). Nicole B. v. School District of Philadelphia, et al. (PA Supreme
Court 2019). Education law center. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from https://www.elc-

Wayne County Public Schools. (n.d.). Board Policy. Policy manual. Retrieved December 7,
2022, from https://boardpolicyonline.com/?b=wayne_county

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