LR Ash FST 306

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Total Ash Method

1. A shallow porcelain dish is dried in oven for 3 hours at 105 °C. The porcelain dish is
cooled in a dessicator and weighed after room temperature attained.
2. 5g of the homogenized food sample is weighed accurately into a porcelain dish. The
sample is dried in an oven for 130 °C for one day if the samples contain high moisture.
3. The sample is charred gently over a Bunsen burner until it has ceased smoking.
4. The dish is heated at 550 °C for 3 hours in the muffle furnace.
5. The sample is ash until a whitish or greyish ash is obtained.
6. The dish is cooled in a dessicator and weighed after room temperature reached.
7. Replace and continue the dish in muffle furnace until a constant weight is obtained.
8. The total ash content of the food sample is calculated.

Acid-Insoluble Ash Method

1. The ash is boiled with 25ml of dilute HCl for 5 minutes.
2. The dish is covered with watch glass to prevent spattering.
3. Filter and collect the insoluble matter through an ashless filter paper. The insoluble matter
is washed thoroughly with hot water until acid-free.
4. The filter paper is ignited in the original dish.
5. The dish is cooled and weighed.
6. The acid-insoluble ash content obtained is calculated.

Table 6.2: Determination of Acid-Insoluble Data

Sample Trial Weight of sample Weight of Weight of Acid-
(g) crucible (g) crucible + insoluble Ash
acid-insoluble (%)

Tiger Biscuit 1 5.0082 67.9330 78.0610 202.23

2 5.0412 68.8320 70.6086 35.24
3 5.0033 68.5671 74.6404 121.39
Mean ± Standard Deviation 119.62±83.51
Oats 1 5.0077 72.3140 74.2530 38.72
2 5.0325 71.3838 72.6904 25.96
3 5.0033 75.1490 80.0018 96.99
Mean ± Standard Deviation 53.89±37.87

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