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Institute of Graduate Studies

Arellano St., Dagupan City


Major in Educational Leadership

and Management

(SUMMER 2020-2021)

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Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City

Major in Educational Leadership and Management




Curriculum: Concepts, Nature and Purposes


 What is curriculum?
 What is its purpose?
 What is its nature?
Curriculum from Different Points of View
1. Traditional Points of View of Curriculum
 “Curriculum is that is a body of subjects or subject matter prepared by the teachers
for the students to learn.”
 It was synonymous to the “course of study” and “syllabus”.
 “Basic education should emphasize the 3Rs and college education should be
grounded on liberal arts.” – Robert M. Hutchins
 Arthur Bestor believes that curriculum should focus on the fundamental intellectual
disciplines of grammar, literature and writing.
 Joseph Schwab viewed that discipline is the source of curriculum. And to Phenix,
curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which comes from various
 Curriculum can be viewed as a field of study.
 It is made up of its foundation, domains of knowledge as well as its research theories
and principles.
 It is concerned with broad historical, philosophical, and social issues and academics.
 Most of the traditional ideas view curriculum as written document or a plan of action
in accomplishing goals.

2. Progressive Points of View of Curriculum

 “Curriculum is defined as the total learning experiences of the individual.”
 School subjects, course of study syllabi can only be called curriculum if the learners
actualize the written materials.
 This definition is anchored in John Dewey’s, which stated, “Reflective thinking is a
means that unifies curricular elements”. Thought is not derived from action but tested
by application.
 Caswell and Campbell viewed curriculum as “all experiences children have under
the guidance of teachers”.
 Smith, Stanley and Shores also define curriculum as “a sequence of potential
experiences set up in the schools for the purpose of disciplining children and youth
=in group ways of thinking and acting”.
 Marsh and Wills define it as “the experiences in the classroom which are planned
and enacted by the teachers and also learned by the students”.

Points of View on Curriculum Development

Two Models of Curriculum Development
1. Ralph Tyler Model: Four Basic Principles
 A. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? (purposes of the
 B. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain the
purposes? (educational experiences related to the purposes)
 C. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
(organization of the experiences)
 D. How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained or not?
(evaluation of the experiences)

2. Hilda Taba’s Model- the grassroots approach

*Seven Major Steps*
1. Diagnosis of learners’ needs and expectations of the larger society.
2. Formulation of learning objectives.
3. Selection of learning content.
4. Organization of learning content.
5. Selection of learning experiences.
6. Organization of learning activities.
7. Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it.

Types of Curriculum Operating in Schools

1. Recommended Curriculum- proposed by scholars and professional organization.
2. Written Curriculum- documents, course study or syllabi.
3. Taught Curriculum- what teachers implement or deliver in the classrooms and schools.
4. Supported Curriculum- resources-textbooks, computes, audio-visual materials which
support and help in the implementation of the curriculum.
5. Assessed Curriculum- that which is tested and evaluated.
6. Learned Curriculum- what the students actually learned and what is measured
7. Hidden Curriculum- the unintended curriculum.

Major Foundations of Curriculum

1. Philosophical Foundation of Curriculum
A. Perennialism
 Aim of Education: To educate the rational person; to cultivate the intellect
 Role of Education: Teachers help students think with reason. Based on the
Socratic Methods of oral exposition or recitation.
 Focus in the Curriculum: Classical subjects, literary analysis and curriculum
is constant.
 Curriculum Trends: Use of great books and return to liberal arts.

B. Essentialism
 Aim of Education: To promote the intellectual growth of the individual and
educate a competent person.
 Role of Education: The teacher is the sole authority in his or her subject area
or field of specialization.
 Focus in the Curriculum: Essential skills of the 3Rs and essential subjects of
English, Science, History, Math and Foreign Language.
 Curriculum Trends: Excellent in education, back to basics and cultural

C. Progressivism
 Aim of Education: To promote democratic and social living.
 Role of Education: Knowledge leads to growth and development of lifelong
learners who actively learn by doing.
 Focus in the Curriculum: Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative and
 Curriculum Trends: School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum,
humanistic education.

D. Reconstructionism
 Aim of Education: To improve and reconstruct society education for a change.
 Role of Education: Teachers act as agents of change and reforms in various
educational projects including research.
 Focus in the Curriculum: Focus on present and future trends and issues of
national and international interests.
 Curriculum Trends: Equality of educational opportunities in education, access
to global education.

2. Historical Foundations of Curriculum

Some of the curriculum theorists and how they view curriculum from a historical
1. Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956) - presented curriculum as a science that emphasizes on
students’ needs and prepares students for adult life.
2. Werret Charters (1875- 1952) - Like Bobbit, to Charters, curriculum is a science.
3. William Kilpatrick (1871- 1965) – Curricula are purposeful activities which are child-
centered. The purpose is child development and growth.
4. Harol Rugg (1886- 1960) – to Rugg, curriculum should develop the whole child. It is
5. Hollis Caswell (1901- 1989) – sees curriculum as organized around social functions of
themes, organized knowledge and learners’ interests.
6. Ralph Tyler (1902-1994) – believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of
school’s philosophy. It is based on students’ needs and interests.
Psychological Foundation of Education
1. Behaviorist Psychology
To the behaviorist, learning should be organized in order that students can
experience success in the process of mastering the subject matter.

2. Cognitive Psychology
These psychologists focus their attention on how individuals process information
and how they monitor and manage thinking.
To the cognitive theorists, learning constitutes a logical method for organizing
and interpreting learning.

3. Humanistic Psychology
Humanistic psychologists are concerned with how learners can develop their
human potential. Curriculum is concerned with the process not the product;
personal needs not subject matter; psychological meaning and environmental

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