Gurugram 2022-23

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Name: __________________ Grade: 5 _____ Sub: English Date: _______________

Sentence Stalking - December Week 3
Commonly misused words: Choose the correct word from the parenthesis to make
the sentence correct.

Q1. The waiter left a box of ____________ in their luxury ____________ (suite, sweet).

Q2. I would like to open the Christmas __________ in my parents’ __________ (presents,

Q3. The kingfisher flaps ________ wings as soon as _________ ready to fly (it’s, its).

Q4. Victor had to come ______ to ________ about what happened in the neighbourhood.(here,

Q5. He could not __________ his products as he was captured for cheating and put in a
________ (cell, sell).

Q6. How could they _________ the team to win when it did not practice enough. (expect/except)

Q7. Her __________ felt warm against my skin.(breath/ breathe)

Commonly misspelled words: Choose the correct word spellings from the

Q1. Shikha was _________about her behaviour in the class. (embarrassed/ embarrased)

Q2. You should listen to your parents’ ____________ . (advise/ advice)

Q3. The soldier took a difficult_________ to kill the enemy .(decision/ desition)

Q4.The teacher____________some books for Kim to read. (recomended / recommended)

Q5. Marge __________ spilled water on her dress. (accidentaly/ accidentally)

Q6. Vishal is going to Australia on a ____________trip. (business/ business)

Q7. We will be dining at our favourite __________ this evening.(restaurant/ restarunt)

Mentor Text and Author: Flyte (Septimus Heap Book 2)by Angie Sage - Chapter: The House of
The Port Witch Coven
They stood uncertainly outside the annex door, wondering which way to go. The Port Witches were
great home improvement enthusiasts – although improvement was not the word most people
would have used to describe the results of their efforts. Over the years the Coven had turned the
house into a warren of dead end corridors and twisted staircases that ended in mid-air or dropped
you out of the window. There were doors that open into the rooms where the witches had taken the
floors out and not got around to putting them back; there were dripping pipes sticking out of the
walls and at every step a rotten floorboard threatened to snap and send you plunging to the floor
below. Added to the home improvements were the Blights, Banes and Bothers that infested the
house and were designed to trip up any unwary intruder.
A small blue Bother was hanging from the ceiling just outside their door. The Bother was an
unpleasant, one-eyed, spiky creature covered in fish scales whose sole purpose in life was to stop
anyone from doing what he or she wanted to do- but first, before it could do anything it had to
catch the person’s eye.

Q1. Notice the following lines: The Port Witches were great home improvement enthusiasts – although
Name the punctuation mark present between the words ‘enthusiasts’ and ‘although’ . Why has the
author, Angie Sage used it here?

Q2. Notice the following lines: The Bother was an unpleasant, one-eyed, spiky creature covered
in fish scales. Which form of writer’s craft has been used by Angie Sage in these lines. Give reason for your

Q3. Notice the phrase: “.... Blights, Banes and Bothers”

Which form of figurative language has been used by Angie Sage in this phrase from the passage ?

Q4. How would you describe the overall mood that Angie Sage is trying to create in the passage? Note down
any five descriptive words that she has used to create that mood.

Q5. How has Angie Sage shown (and not told) that it is a scary setting? Share some examples.

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