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DATE: April 10, 2020

TO: Dr. Hernandez

FROM: Gabriel Gaw

SUBJECT: Artificial Intelligence

With technology quickly growing, artificial intelligence has been developing and becoming more
prominent nowadays. Artificial intelligence (AI) is where a computer or computer program can learn and
think, almost like a human. Because AI’s useful in peoples’ everyday lives, it has been incorporated into
many places, including workplaces, homes, activitiy places, etc. It is also very accurate and quick.
Although AI may seem like a very viable thing to have, it also has some disadvantages.  



 Reduces Human Error: With IA, the chances of errors occurring is reduced by a lot. IA uses
previously gathered information and algorithms, which makes the chances of errors significantly
less than from a human.
 Available 24/7: Unlike humans, computers do not need breaks. Computers do not get tired or
bored, which allows them to work continuously.
 No wearing out: Because computers do not get tired, their productivity does not decrease as
time goes on. After a while, humans can get tired and sleepy, which causes their productivity to
drop. Computers do not have this issue.
 Making Right Decisions Faster: Because computers do not have emotions, they do not get
distracted when making decisions. AI uses the information it knows and how it is programed to
make decisions. This makes it a lot faster than humans.
 Repetitive Jobs: When doing long and tedious jobs, humans can tend to take a long time and
possibly make mistakes. AI can quickly and accurately do these jobs because of its ability to
calculate and use parameters quickly.


 High Cost: AI can be very costly. To run very complicated and complex AIs, there must be a very
heavy-duty computer used and it also must be maintenance frequently.
 Creates Unemployment: Because AI is able to quickly and more efficiently do a majority of
these low skilled jobs, those jobs do not required humans to be hired to be done. This creates a
lot more unemployment.
 Lacks “Thinking Outside the Box”: AI is only able to use information it knows and do what it is
programed to do. This prevents it from doing more than it is programed to do.
 No Experience Improvement: Because AI is only programs, it is unable to get better the more
things it does things. It is only able to do what it was programed to do and not get better
through repetition.
 Increases Human Laziness: Because AI is able to do so much when programed, this will make
humans have to do a lot less. This will make humans to become very lazy.

Work Cited

Lath, A. (2018, September 18). Pros and cons of artificial intelligence. BBN Times. Retrieved April 10,
2020, from https://www.bbntimes.com/companies/pros-and-cons-of-artificial-intelligence

Kumar, S. (2019, December 12). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved April
10, 2020, from https://towardsdatascience.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-artificial-intelligence-

Team, D. F. (2019, September 25). Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence - A Threat or a Blessing?
Retrieved April 10, 2020, from https://data-flair.training/blogs/artificial-intelligence-advantages-

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