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Yayasan Islamic Center Badan Pendidikan Islam (BPI)
Al Markaz Al Islami
Sekretariat : Jl. Masjid Raya No. 57 Telp/Fax (0411) 451825 Makassar 90153
Published on Saturday, 10 December 2022

(Merendah untuk Meroket)
By: Mailf
We have all heard of someone using humblebrag at least once in our life. An acquaintance may say
that they are stressed because they have too many business offers. Or, maybe a friend says it is annoying
how many people ask her to go out. In both cases, eye rolls may be required. We often encounter this
Humblebrag thing around us in various forms that our friends, teachers, and us do.
Humblebrag is a presentation tactic that many people use. Its use is characterized by "simple or self-
deprecating statements" with the intention of drawing attention to something the speaker is proud of.
However, it's also a statement that many find annoying because it is impure what they say. Research from
Harvard Business School shows that people humble themselves because they see it as a useful self-
presentation strategy. It helps them subtly promote any kind of superlative they might have—intelligence,
beauty, humor, wealth—while appearing simple. In many cases, people use these tactics to appear
approachable and/or desirable.
However, psychologists believe that one of the reasons we are not impressed by humble braggers
may be down to evolution. They argue that our ancestors must determine who will help their survival through
cooperation. If one cannot be trusted to hoard food or cheat, then it will weaken the group's chances of
survival. The theory states that our brains are wired to pick up on traits that signal a lack of honesty or
Today, these motives help us understand why we hate behavior that ultimately seems so indirect and
dishonest, that condescending people want you to think they are important in some way. They may manage
to make you believe they are competent or successful and you may find that they are just trying to promote
themselves in a fun way. How then do you respond to a humble braggers?

No Words Type Meanings
1 Acquaintance Noun : Kenalan
2 Offers Noun : Tawaran
3 Encounter Verb : Menjumpai
4 Subtly Adverb : Secara halus
5 Appear Verb : Tampak

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