List of High Level Programming Languages

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List of High-Level Programming


C Language
▪ Developed by Dennis Ritchie in Bell Labs.
▪ Files are saved in .c format
▪ C++ was developed from C language.
▪ C is not an Object-Oriented Language or OOP Language.
▪ It is used to code System Software, Application Software.
▪ C language was used to write UNIX.

▪ Java was founed by James Gosling at the lab of Sun Microsystems.
▪ Files are saved in .JAVA format
▪ After Sun was taken over by Oracle, it became the owner of Java (JVM and
▪ Java is used to write Android applications.
▪ It is an OOP Language.
▪ Java does not depend on platforms

▪ SQL means”Structured Query Language”.
▪ Founded by IBM.
▪ SQL was declared a standard of (ANSI) American National Standards Institute
in 1986.
▪ Used for database related work.

▪ “Hypertext Markup Language”was created by W3C and
▪ Files are stored in .htm an .html formats
▪ Websites are developed using this language.
▪ Itis a scripting language.

Visual Basic
▪ Designed and developed by Microsoft.
▪ It is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language.
▪ File extension is .vb Example (hello.vb).
▪ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is Visual Studio.

▪ Stands for “Formula Translation”.
▪ Designed by John Backus.
▪ Developed by John Backus and IBM.
▪ File are stored in , .f08, .f15, .f, .fo, .f90, .f95, .f03 formats.
▪ Used for engineering calculation, mathematical operations.
▪ FORTRAN is a general-purpose imperative programming language.

▪ It stands for Algorithm Languages.
▪ Developed in 1958.
▪ There were three major specialisations of ALGOL: ALGOL58, 60 and 68.
▪ It was designed especially for Scientific implementations.
▪ Various other High-Level Computer Languages were inspired from ALGOL.

▪ It is an interpreted, high-level programming language.
▪ Released in 1991.
▪ It supports structured, object-oriented and functional programming.
▪ It used block coding.

▪ Stands for “Common Business Oriented Language”
▪ Designed by Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves,Howard Bromberg, Jean E.
Sammet, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney.
▪ Developed by CODASYL, ANSI, ISO.
▪ File extensions are .cbl, .cob, .cpy.
▪ Even to these days it is used in legacy applications deployed on mainframe

▪ Pronounced as See sharp.
▪ Designed and developed by Microsoft.
▪ File extension .cs.
▪ Windows mobile application is developed using C#.
▪ Stands for “List Processing”.
▪ Designed by McCarthy.
▪ Developed by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin.
▪ Used in AI (Artificial Intelligence).
▪ It is also suitable for input output handling and graphics.

▪ Stands for “String Oriented Symbolic Language”.
▪ Developed by David J. Farber, Ralph E. Griswold, Ivan P. Polonsky and Bell
▪ Designed by David J. Farber, Ralph E. Griswold, and Ivan P.Polonsky.
▪ It is a text-oriented language.

▪ Stands for “Programming Logic”.
▪ Designed by Alain Colmerauer.
▪ File extension .pl, .pro, .P.
▪ This language is used for “Artificial Language”.
▪ Can manage to handle large number of databases.

▪ Stands for “Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”.
▪ Designed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz.
▪ Used for scientific and engineering operations.

▪ Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup.
▪ Files are stored, .cpp, .cxx, .C, .c++, .h, .hh, .hpp, .hxx, .h++
▪ C++ is an Object-Oriented Programming Language.
▪ C# and Java were influenced by C++.

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