Template - PHY03 QUIZ#1

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Southern Luzon State University

PHY03-Physics for Engineers

Name:______________________________ Date:___________________
Course/Year:________________________ Score:__________________

I- Multiple Choice. Write only the letter that best fit on the questions asked. If calculations
is necessary, show your solutions.

1. Which of the following units could be associated with a vector quantity?

a) hours b) km/s2
c) m3 d) kg/s
2. How long does a car with an acceleration of 2 m/s2 take to go from 10 m/s to 30 m/s?
a) 10 s b) 20 s
c) 40 s d) 400 s
3. A car has an initial velocity of 15 m/s and a deceleration of 1 m/s2. How far does it travel in
the first 10 seconds with this deceleration?
a) 25 m b) 50 m
c) 100 m d) 145 m
4. An airplane requires 20 s and 400 m of runway to become airborne, starting from rest. What
is its velocity when it leaves the ground?
a) 20 m/s b) 32 m/s
c) 40 m/s d) 80 m/s
5. A stone is dropped from a cliff. What is its velocity after it has fallen 30 m?
a) 17 m/s b) 24 m/s
c) 44 m/s d) 588 m/s
6. A ball is thrown downward at 5 m/s from a roof 10 m high, what is its velocity when it reaches the
a) 13 m/s b) 14 m/s
c) 15 m/s d) 20 m/s
7. The acceleration of a stone thrown upward is
a) greater than that of a stone thrown downward
b) the same as that of a stone thrown downward
c) smaller than that of a stone thrown downward
d) zero until it reaches the highest point in its motion
8. A stone is thrown upward from a roof at the same time an identical stone is dropped from there. The
two stones
a) reach the ground at the same time
b) have the same velocity when they reach the ground
c) have the same acceleration when they reach the ground
d) none of the above
9. Two balls are thrown vertically upward, one with an initial velocity twice that of the other. The ball
with the greater initial velocity will reach a height
a) √2 that of the other b) twice that of the other
c) 4 times that of the other d) 8 times that of the other
10. A car that travels at 40 km/h for 2 h, at 50 km/h for 1 h, and at 20 km/h for 0.5 h, has an average
speed of
a) 31 km/h b) 40 km/h
c) 45 km/h d) 55 km/h

II- Problem Solving. Show your solutions. Box your final answer.

1. The acceleration of gravity at the surface of Mars is 3.7 m/s2. A stone is thrown upward on Mars
reaches a height of 15 m. (a) Find its initial velocity. (b) What is the total time of flight?

2. An express train passes a certain station at 20 m/s. The next station is 2 km away and the train
reaches it 1.0 minute later. (a) Did the train’s velocity changes? Prove your answer. (b) If it did, what
was its velocity at the second station? ( Assume a constant acceleration.)

3. A snake is slithering toward you at 1.5 m/s. If you start walking when it is 5.0 m away, how fast must
you go in order that the snake not overtake you when you have gone 40.0 m?

4. A bus travels 400 m between two stops. It starts from rest and accelerates at 1.5 m/s2 until it reaches a
velocity of 9.0 m/s. The bus continues at this velocity and then decelerates at 2.0 m/s2 until it comes to a
halt. Find the total time required for the journey.

5. A girl throws a ball vertically upward at 10 m/s from the roof of a building 20 m high. (a) How long
will it take the ball to reach the ground? (b) What will its velocity when it strikes the ground?

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