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📝Sunday Sermon Reflection 📖 (1-30-2022)

Title: When God Speaks

Speaker: Ptr. Jeric Sales


Blessings upon blessing be upon you, Brethren in Christ!

Has your week been one of those where your heart felt so heavy? Or has God already lifted those
burdens since you left them all unto His hands? Either way, we have all the reason to thank God for
sustaining and never failing us daily. In today’s sermon, we are reminded that God is our penpal, our
friend that is always willing to listen to our problems, and we should always listen to what He has to say
back to us as well. God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. There are 3 things that we must do
when God speak through His Words:

1. We must listen heartily (1 Samuel 3:10)

One of the ways we may be able to listen to God’s word is to listen to it heartily. In the passage,
Samuel has responded to God when He called his name by saying “Speak Lord, for Your servant is
listening.” Let us be like Samuel, hearing out God’s words whenever He calls us to Him. Let us ask
ourselves, brethren, are we heartily listening to God’s Word? And how intentional are we in studying
and meditating His word? That’s the problem with us sometimes, we cannot understand God’s
intentions towards us because we are not taking the time to read His word. The more we listen heartily
to God through His words, the more we understand Him. Our proper understanding of who God is in His
kingship, majesty. Holiness, excellence, and glory moves us to respond rightly.

2. We must willingly obey. (Luke 5:5)

Another way in which we may be able to listen to God’s word is to willingly obey and submit to His
commands. There may be times when a tiny voice in our head may tell us to hesitate in obeying God’s
commands, but brethren, let us remember that God’s wants nothing but the best for us, and through
obeying Him may be able to have all that we could ever need. You will go wrong obeying God. When we
obey God, we are taking the path of success and blessings.

3. We must faithfully walk (Matthew 23:1-4; James 1:22)

In the passage, there was a higher expectation from the Scribes and the Pharisees to make the Law real
in their lives. But they have not been able to practice what they preach and continued to be a bad
example towards their community. Being God’s follower is not just in the mind, but should be in the
heart and life. God wants us not only to be hearers of His Word but doers of His word as well. Therefore
brethren, let us walk our talk and be light that God wants us to be in the lives of others.

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