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Lizzie Doyle

Currently studying Environmental Science at Plymouth University which is a passion of mine

and given me attributes and skills such as team working, organisation and leadership. I am
keen to learn more skills such as currently partaking in various diving courses to become a
fully qualified diver which has been difficult but a very rewarding experience.
I have a strong love for the environmental which has become stronger since starting my

University of Plymouth (2019-)
BA Environmental Science

Bishop Luffa CofE Secondary School – Chichester

10 GCSE including maths and double science

Portsmouth Grammar School

International Baccalaureate
Highers – English, Biology, History
Lowers – Chemistry, Spanish, Maths

Working in a Team
 Staff member at Fox and Hounds where I was part of Bar staff and a waitress where I
also helped train new applicants and provide excellent customer service
 Group Dives with Aquanauts dive centre where I worked with a ‘buddy’ to keep each
other safe
 Group presentations for Environmental Science modules

 Successfully balancing part-time work and studies
 Getting kit together before a dive and running through safety checks as well as kit

Written Communication
 For Environmental science degree, writing scientific reports and essays with strict

Verbal Communication
 Dealing with customers at the Fox and Hounds though waitressing, training new
staff, dealing with complaints, and communicating with managers and other
 In my Environmental Science course, I carry out various presentations where
communication is key as well as working in groups for these and so collaborating
with others

 In the Fox and Hounds pub I trained new waitresses and bar staff as well as
completed stock taking

Analytical Thinking
 Scientific analysis of data collected at sites for field work and then interpreted into
graphs using excel or minitab
 Interpretation of data
 Supporting conclusions with data and research I have gathered

Waitress and Bar tender, Fox and Hounds – Chichester (2019-2021)
 I worked at a pub as a waitress and part of the bar staff
 Worked under pressure through busy seasons, events and worked during covid

PADI Open Water Diver (Feb 2022-)
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (March 2022-)

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