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Assessment in Learning 2

Directions: Using the H-chart, compare and contrast the following concepts:
Assessment in Learning 2

Modified True or False. Leave the space blank if the statement is
TRUE while rewrite the ENTIRE sentence with the necessary
correction/s if the statement is FALSE. (2 points each)

1. Traditional assessment is an alternative form of assessment that

provides tasks that are relevant to the real word.

2. Performance-based assessment gives emphasis on higher order thinking skills.

3. In performance-based assessment, the students are asked to apply

the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

4.The application of the skills of the students can be measured

through paper-pencil tests.

5. The teacher can evaluate the extent of achievement of the

competencies of the students through objective types of tests.

6. In process-oriented performance-based assessment, the teacher can just interrupt

7. Extemporaneous speaking, art painting, playing basketball, role

playing are examples of performance-based assessment.

8. Process-oriented performance-based assessment is critical

because results of this assessment will help the students achieve
the desired learning outcomes intended for a particular subject.

9. In performance-based assessment, students can either accomplish

a process or a product.

10. Authentic assessments provide an avenue for the teachers to

diversify their assessment methods.

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