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Libon Community College

AY: 2022-2023

Issues of Grammar Teaching and Assessment

Choice of Methods

I. Introduction
The endless argument on the best approach to teach grammar has significant
effects on the development of the practice of language teaching. Consequently,
various methodologies have been developed for teachers in order to align with
teaching styles and the students’ capabilities. However, due to the lack of specific
guidelines on grammar teaching has caused teachers to create their own beliefs on
how to teach grammar in the classroom. (Borg, 1998; 2003). This has resulted in
several issues.

II. Contents

a. Define what a Choice of Method is

b. Different Methods in Teaching and Assessment of Grammar
c. Choice of Methods as an Issue in Grammar Teaching and Assessment
d. Identify ways to address the issues
e. References

a. What is a Choice of Methods

 Is define as the method to achieve a desired result.

 orderly logical arrangements of steps.

b. Different Methods in Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

Diagramming Sentences
One of the older forms of teaching grammar, diagramming sentences, first
appeared in the 19th century. This method involves visually mapping the structures
and relationships between different aspects of a sentence.

Deductive Teaching
“A deductive approach (rule-driven) starts with the presentation of a rule and
is followed by examples in which the rule is applied.”– Thornbury, 1999

Inductive Teaching
“An inductive approach (rule-discovery) starts with some examples from
which a rule is inferred.”– Thornbury, 1999

Learning Through Writing

This method involves supporting students to explore language using creative
writing. The students are encouraged to write, read, and discover aspects of good
grammar as they go.

Interactive Teaching
This teaching method incorporates interactivity into grammar lessons. Using
this method to teach grammar not only engages students but also helps them to
remember what they’ve learned. This method allows teachers to tailor their lessons
to the different learning styles of students.

c. Choice of Methods as an Issue in Grammar Teaching and Assessment

 The demands and ability of students to learn grammar depend on the method of

 Because of the different aspects of the teaching process itself that the learners
are exposed to: the classroom situation, the used material, the teacher's
language use, and the teaching method.

d. Identify ways to assess the issues

 Assessing students' proficiency prior to their first lectures. It is advisable for

English lecturers to gauge students' proficiency through a placement test.

e. References

Hartwell, P. (1985). Grammar, grammars, and the teaching of grammar. College

English, 47(2), 105-127.

Mart, Ç. T. (2013). Teaching grammar in context: why and how?. Theory & Practice in
Language Studies, 3(1).

Thornbury, S. (1999). How to teach grammar (Vol. 3). Harlow: Longman.

Borg, S. (1998). Teachers’ Pedagogical Systems and Grammar Teaching: A Qualitative

Study. 30.

Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: a review of research on what

language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language Teaching, 36(2), 81–109.

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